princesspoop · 5 years
I use to have this bad explosive anger. I would hold everything in and one day I just explode with anger toward everyone!! Wasn’t a happy person. I started to get better. Less anger. I was more happy and held in my anger for a long time! Now the anger is back. And it’s bad. I don’t want to be around people. I can’t stand people. I’m always rude to people no matter what. I hardly smile. I can’t stand my family right now. The anger is eating me alive and I can’t take it. I’m super negative and always putting people down. I don’t want to be like this but people make me like this. I’ve tried so hard to be a nice good person but people take advantage of it. So I’m done. I’m done being nice, I’m done letting people walk over me. I really don’t care if I’m a bitch. To be honest, I like it. Be scared of me. I’m done with everyone’s bullshit. The anger will stay and it will get worse and I really don’t care. Lol
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princesspoop · 6 years
Why am I like this? I thought I could be happy. But I’m not. No matter what I do, depression is there. It follows me everyday. It haunts me and make fun of me. Why? I just want it to go away. I want to be happy. I want to be free. The only way I will ever be free is if I die. I will finally have freedom. I will finally be saved from depression. Every breath I take, every step I walk, every time I close my eyes, every time I think, depression is there. Why can’t you let me be happy and live? Why do you have to trap me into this dark dark evil world? Let me go! Just let me have my freedom!
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princesspoop · 6 years
Hello, anybody there?
Hello? Is anyone there? Please help me. I’m stuck and I can’t get out. I’ve been trapped for almost 8 years now. The devil said I can’t leave cause I sold my soul to him. I don’t want to be here anymore. I want to be with my angel again. Please help me. Devil promised me to give back my soul if I helped him get another soul. But I can’t do that to anyone. My soul was once so beautiful! Now the devil owns it and it’s broken. Part of my soul disappeared and now it’s black, broken, beaten, and tired. Never sell your soul to depression. Depression is the devil and he will kill you slowly and painfully. Promise me, you’ll run away and be happy!
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princesspoop · 7 years
I'm so fucking sorry
Dear family,
I am so sorry for everything. Please don't cry for me. Please live your life, move on. I'm sorry mom and dad that I couldn't be a good daughter. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry sisters that I broke your hearts. I'm sorry grandma I really am. I'm sorry my wonderful beautiful nephews. Aunty loves you so much. You have no idea. You guys made me happy for awhile. I'm so sorry that I won't be able to see you grow up. I'm sorry to my husband. I love you so much but I couldn't take it anymore. I'm sorry to everyone else. I love you guys so much. I did what I had to do. Please forgive me and please don't cry. I will always be here watching over you guys. Don't be sad. There's no reason to. I'm so fucking sorry! Please please don't cry! Live your life! Move on! Always smile. I love you guys with all my heart
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princesspoop · 7 years
When I'm gone
One day you wake up and I'm gone please don't sit there and cry for me. Smile and know that I'm finally free and no longer in pain. Live your life. Love everything and everyone. Show the world that nothing can kill you like it did to me. I was slowly killed but I made the process go faster by doing it myself. I am finally free at last. I am finally happy
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princesspoop · 7 years
I'm sorry
I'm sorry mom and dad that I failed you so many times.
I'm sorry sisters that I wasn't perfect like you guys.
I'm sorry grandma that I couldn't take care of you like you took care of me.
I'm sorry my nephews that I'm not the best aunt.
I'm sorry to my husband for not being happy and making your life miserable.
I'm sorry that I couldn't be this happy, loving girl everyone wanted me to be. I'm so sorry that I was a born.
I'm sorry that I caused everyone pain. I'm sorry I'm selfish but I have to do what makes me happy
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princesspoop · 7 years
I've been depressed since age 7. I am now 22 years old. It does not get easier or better. It gets harder and worse. I've been battling with my own demons for so long that I've became my demon. I'm dead on the inside. I pretend to be happy. Always laughing and smiling. But really all I want to do is die and get rid of this dark horrible pain I've been carrying around. Past year I've started to cut myself. I stopped and was clean for six months. But started again. I am now covered in cuts and scars. I'm not proud of them but that's the only way I can cope with this. I want to get better. I want to be happy again. I want to stop cutting. I want to be me again.
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