protectoroffaeries 20 hours
OMG the Department of Labor just this morning issued a new rule about how to classify contractors vs employees... uber and lyft are gonna get WRECKED
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protectoroffaeries 24 hours
OMG the Department of Labor just this morning issued a new rule about how to classify contractors vs employees... uber and lyft are gonna get WRECKED
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protectoroffaeries 24 hours
I hope you're goal gets double your goal cause all your books are on hold and my library won't stock them
hard same. couldn鈥檛 agree more. would absolutely love to smash that goal and then obliterate a stretch goal
馃捀donate here for more GAY BOOKS馃捀
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protectoroffaeries 24 hours
Robot girl who was built out of gaming laptop parts so every time she tries to do anything that requires effort she overheats and passes out within minutes
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protectoroffaeries 1 day
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1980 - During a break-in in the Dublin wax museum Margaret Thatcher鈥檚 wax figure was defaced using Wolfe Tone鈥檚 sword. [video]
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protectoroffaeries 1 day
once when I was at old retail job this woman came up to the counter very obviously on her phone with earbuds in which I consider extremely disrespectful so whenever someone did that I would like. wait for 20-30 whole ass long seconds to see if they even noticed I was alive and if they insisted on being an asshole i would ring them up because I had to but they would NOT get their rewards points or any sales unless they spoke to me and apologized ANYWAY the woman moseyed up full ass on the phone placing her Products to Purchase on the counter alongside her iPhone 97 or whatever but not speaking (???) which was kind of weird usually the Disrespectful ones would be in the middle of some Facetime conversation with half their family or something so I glanced down at the phone to see WTF was going on and if she was one of these people who skipped out on their work from home job to do errands and say "uh huh" every 2.5 minutes on the Office Zoom Call ANYWAY i took a gander to see what kind of corpo Inc. idiots were in the corner of the phone screen and it said...... "BetterHelp" And before the "ummmmmm" hit my body and as soon as I got my eyes back up in position the woman finally speaks she puts one finger up and says "Excuse me" taps to unmute and speaks into the phone and says for real "and how does that make you feel?"
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protectoroffaeries 1 day
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protectoroffaeries 1 day
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protectoroffaeries 1 day
We ask your questions so you don鈥檛 have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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protectoroffaeries 1 day
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protectoroffaeries 1 day
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protectoroffaeries 2 days
i wont lie i miss cock and pussy on dash unprompted. you used to be able to follow someone and theyd just put cock and pussy on the dash sometimes. nothing to do with their blog they were just having a moment. because of Horny. what do you get nowadays. a measly nipple? an Adults content warning ? all because of Woke. sick and twisted.
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protectoroffaeries 2 days
Oh you're a radical feminist who hate all men, you say?
Are you a "trans men are lost women we need to correctively rape back into lesbianism" type of terf radfem or a "trans men are men and therefore inherently dangerous rapist and must be killed along with cis men" type of tirf radfem?
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protectoroffaeries 2 days
there is nothing wrong with being a man or wanting to be a man. it's not a betrayal of women to want to be a man and it's not a danger to women to enjoy being a man
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protectoroffaeries 2 days
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protectoroffaeries 2 days
i think that all the people who argue about gender by saying "the woke left cant even define a woman" need to get hit with the "who are you" question by a buddhist monk. no, thats your name, who are you. no thats your profession, who are YOU. no you fucking idiot thats your species, who are YOUU. dumb bitch u cant even define yourself
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protectoroffaeries 2 days
men can't get other men pregnant lol
Skill issue
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