proudontv-blog · 9 years
Your Family Isn't a Commodity
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It’s only natural to want to share special moments from your family with other relatives. Thanks to the powerful connections made possible by the Internet and smart mobile devices that let us access one another while we’re on the go, we can share videos as soon as we make them, anytime and from anywhere. However, in the rush to take advantage of “free” online video sharing services, many families are growing dismayed at their disadvantages, which were not always so immediately apparent. We are talking about the erosion of privacy in the digital age and the increasing commercialization of our private lives by corporations whose focus is to turn us into commodities like any other product to be sold to advertisers and marketing agencies. Are you upset by recent news reports about social networking services ramping up their efforts to use such information as our browsing histories to deliver targeted ads? This means, for example, that if you log in to your Google account to send email or do research and then stay signed in and start using YouTube (owned by Google), you might start seeing highly tailored ads based on websites you visit and things you search for. This is particularly troubling for mothers who are trying to keep their families safe online. Why should you have to worry about creepy businesses sending you commercial messages when you are trying to share and enjoy family videos shared on YouTube? That's why so many families are leaving public video sharing sites and going with ProudOnTV and their very own Private Family Video Diary. With ProudOnTV, you are in total control of who sees each video that you post. Because we are family-friendly solution, you won’t have to worry about search engines indexing your ProudOnTV pages and exposing your private family moments to the outside world. It’s easy to get lulled into a sense of false confidence by such giant firms as Facebook and YouTube. A social networking firm may change its default privacy options one day, then reverse course after consumer outcry. Then, a few months or a year later, that same company may try to change privacy settings once again, or to announce that it will use more data that it’s been collecting to send you and your loved ones ads when you are just trying to share a video from your child’s latest birthday party with distant relatives. If you are like countless other families who are uneasy about the prospect of advertisers knowing too much about you just because you’ve posted innocent videos on public video-sharing websites, you will want to set up your own Private Family Video Diary. For more information or to get started, visit ProudOnTV today!
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proudontv-blog · 9 years
Visit a Fire Station!
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  How often do you and your kids get to meet real-life heroes? There are plenty of heroes in every town, working as firefighters to provide emergency services for members of the community.
Many children dream of becoming a firefighter when they grow up, and some adults manage to hold onto that dream and make it a reality. For a fun and informative outing, your family can take a tour of the local fire station. You'll get a chance to meet the brave men and women who protect your city and you'll see all the firefighting equipment used to help keep everyone safe.
To commemorate your visit to the fire station, you can record videos of the tour and then share them with other relatives online to show off just how great your local firefighters are. The easiest way to share such videos is with a Private Family Video Diary through ProudOnTV.
Call Ahead
You should call ahead to make an appointment for your tour. Once you’ve scheduled a date, it’s a good idea to have a backup plan in case the tour is canceled.
Firefighters may be pressed into service at a moment’s notice, causing them to leave to battle a blaze at the beginning of your tour. Pick a nice park, zoo or other nearby point of interest to spend time with your family in case the firefighters are called during an emergency.
And, you don’t need to bring a video camera to record what you see during the tour if you have a smartphone with a built-in camera.
Learn What it’s Like to be a Firefighter
You and your family will get to see the fire trucks and the safety gear that each firefighter wears. If you’re lucky, they may invite the kids to sit inside the truck and examine various pieces of equipment up close, including axes, ladders and fire hoses. Be sure to shoot videos of your small children trying on helmets or protective jackets so you can share the footage with your relatives!
You should also expect your tour guide to show you where the firefighters prepare and eat their communal meals and the bunks where they rest in between putting out fires.
The firefighters will be happy to share safety tips with your family, including how to handle grease fires in the kitchen, the importance of doing fire drills at home, work and school and keeping fire extinguishers charged and ready for use.
Preserving and sharing videos of fun family outings is much more fun when you have a Private Family Video Diary. ProudOnTV is designed to be easy enough for anyone from kids to grandmas to upload video clips, with no experience required. Visit us online today to get started!
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proudontv-blog · 10 years
Watch this interview and find out how you and your family can benefit from ProudOnTV.
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proudontv-blog · 10 years
Stay Connected with Your Family While Helping St. Jude Children's Research Hospital!
At ProudOnTV, we are all about the family and encouraging relatives to share memories as they strengthen their bonds with one another. We developed the ProudOnTV Private Family Video Diary solution to help families stay connected with one another without putting up with advertising and the lack of privacy that comes with using public video sharing services. ProudOnTV is great for keeping in touch with family members whether they live across the country or even across the world from one another. Now we are making it even easier to help families communicate with videos and pictures, thanks to an exciting new gift card program. ProudOnTV is now proud to offer a special, limited edition gift card valued at $60 for just $20. That's enough to cover one year of our basic video-sharing storage plan, which you can use to keep in touch with distant members of your family. By purchasing this gift card you are directly benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital by $10. If you are already a ProudOnTV member, you can use the gift card to get an additional year of storage, or you can feel free to give the card to one of your relatives so they can set up their own diary. This offer is available from June 15, 2014 through December 31, 2014. What’s more, ProudOnTV is happy to support the St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend, which is scheduled for Sunday, December 6, 2014 in Memphis, Tennessee, to raise funds to benefit the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. We are hoping that some ProudOnTV members who run in the marathon will be documenting their participation, so they can share dramatic footage of themselves from the sound of the starter’s pistol to the triumphant moment when they cross the finish line. After all, many of our families currently use ProudOnTV to share videos of sporting events with one another, such as when their kids are in a playoff game and the other relatives are unable to be there in person. Because you can control exactly who can see your family footage, you don’t have to worry about strangers seeing this and invading your privacy like you might with sites such as YouTube or Facebook. Search engines don’t index the material our families share through ProudOnTV, which gives peace of mind to parents who would feel weird about letting random people see videos of their kids’ important moments online. You wouldn’t invite the whole world to your son or daughter’s birthday party, so why would you want to post a video of the family enjoying cake for anyone to see? And remember: exercising in a marathon is an excellent way to work off calories after eating cake! For details about purchasing the eGift card to support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital or to learn more about how fun it is to share videos and pictures through ProudOnTV, please visit us online today!
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proudontv-blog · 10 years
Enable Your Teenagers to Express their Warm Feelings toward the Family without Fear of Ridicule from their Peers
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Adolescence can be such a tumultuous time, and when your teenagers live out much of their lives on social networking sites, each personal bit of information they reveal about themselves can become fuel for others making fun of them. Still, many young people would rather stay connected with their friends and then just try to censor themselves. For example, teenagers sometimes become embarrassed about admitting that they love their parents, siblings and extended family because they are self-conscious and have peers that tend to ridicule any display of emotion. If your kids are reluctant to express themselves on social networking sites, why not give them a safe place online to say, "I love you" in the form of a video message that only close family members can see? This is where setting up a Private Family Video Diary through ProudOnTV can help families that want to strengthen their ties. You can control your video diary so that only your closest relatives can see each clip that you put up. Compare this scenario to one that is quite common: Teenagers go on Facebook or YouTube and innocently post something that comes straight from their heart, not realizing that some people will view the video and see it as a sign of weakness. Ugly remarks fill the comments section, and the result for your teenagers is hurt feelings or maybe even something worse: Online bullying is happening to kids at increasingly younger ages, noted a recent report from WFMY News. A young person reveals something personal, and then an angry bully tears him or her apart online through vicious comments that can spread like wildfire via Twitter, email and text messaging. Parents sometimes feel that they must pull their kids out of school when cyberbullying and real world bullying gets out of hand. Wouldn’t it be nice if you set up an oasis where your teenagers could express themselves online without fear of ridicule, harassment and bullying? No one should have to feel inhibited about communicating with his or her close relatives or sharing videos where they may look less than dignified at a party or other family gathering. Instead of worrying about looking silly, your kids can relax, secure in the knowledge that only people they care about will see their videos. The team at ProudOnTV is wholeheartedly devoted to helping families stay connected and share their feelings, emotions and favorite moments safely and securely, without fear of being publicly exposed or having to put up with intrusive advertisements. You can get started with your own Private Family Video Diary today. Simply visit ProudOnTV, and before you know it, you will be sharing new videos with cousins, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and everyone in between!
Pic. source: http://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/812003/5-steps-to-boosting-your-daughter-s-self-esteem
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proudontv-blog · 10 years
Father’s Day.
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Father's Day is Sunday. Why not plan to do something more than the usual "tie and brunch".    With ProudOnTV, you can rally the troops and include the family in creating his very own PRIVATE Video & Picture Diary.  Create an exciting video appreciation that he will treasure and when the clock strikes on his special day, he can still create and share other fun-filled events and memoirs .  Is Dad a lover of the great outdoors?  Take Dad out & enjoy an outdoor adventure.  Capture all the fun, funning and exciting moments with your smartphone's camera, upload to his Private Family Video Diary and relive the adventure!!!    Maybe Dad is a music lover, record your own family music video with Dad and share the rock out session with friends and family.    For the Dad that is a sports center fanatic, make plans to catch the NBA Finals game and record the game and the family shenanigans.    And don't forget about Granddad and your uncles.  For all the special Fathers in your life, give them the gift of precious memories that can be created, stored, shared and enjoyed for yeas to come in privacy and exclusivity.  ProudOnTV is YOUR Private Family Video and Picture Diary.  Because it is private, it is not searchable by search engines and it is 100% free of advertisements.  Because it is your own website solution, all your precious memories and moments will NEVER be used, sold or shared without your authorization.    Finally, only those that you know, love and invite have access to your Diary.  So create and share!  Like and Comment!!  Celebrate, Appreciate and Applaud Dad for creating the BEST family in the world!!!  Give ProudOnTV TODAY and celebrate your Dad and the family!!!
Picture: http://www.socialmoms.com
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proudontv-blog · 10 years
Re: Facebook Wants To Listen In On What You're Doing
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While innocent enough and a part of our ever-evolving over-sharing pop culture, this information will form more cookies that allow advertisers and sponsors of social networks to further spam you with advertisements and profile your habits for capital gain.  It can also lead to spying on friends, increases in cyber-bullying, entrapment, and stalking and potential violence. Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2014/05/22/facebook-wants-to-listen-in-on-what-youre-doing/
Picture: http://whyleadnow.com/2012/04/13/the-privacy-blur-of-personal-information/
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proudontv-blog · 10 years
Compare Garage Sales
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For many people, shopping is a competitive sport and garage sales are an opportunity to exercise their purchasing muscles. Garage sales are an excellent way to find a bargain and even learn a little bit more about your neighbors as you see the junk they are trying to get rid of! If it seems like just about everyone you know has a garage filled with unwanted items or things that you haven't used in ages, you might contemplate holding a garage sale yourself. This year, why not document the enormous array of used items that you are putting on sale and share them with family members across the country? They can have fun seeing the silly stuff you're trying to unload on unsuspecting neighbors. Who knows? They might even be inspired or reminded to hold their own garage sale as well. They can show you videos to compare who is holding the best and most successful garage sale. You could begin a tradition where you record videos each time you hold a garage sale, then post them online with a free ProudOnTV Private family video diary. Previous experience shooting, uploading and sharing videos via the Internet is not required. The ProudOnTV solution is exceptionally easy to use, even for complete novices. Selling items (or practically giving them away) is preferable to throwing them out, as they could wind up spending decades eroding in a landfill. With a garage sale, you will know that items no longer wanted by your family will find a good second home with one of your neighbors. That big stack of National Geographics may be attracting dust in your garage, but the family down the street could have kids who want to read them and will welcome the opportunity to buy the magazines from you for cents on the dollar. Clothing that you have outgrown or no longer find appealing may find a welcome closet in the home of one of your neighbors. What about that old acoustic guitar that only has four strings? A budding musical genius from down the block may pick it up and start composing some amazing songs. A garage sale definitely gives old things a second chance at improving someone’s life. As you rack up the sales and the amount of materials on your front lawn continues to recede, continue to shoot video segments showing your progress and giving other family members a chance to see how successful your garage sale is! When shooting videos of your garage sale, remember to avoid shooting videos of unwanted gifts from any of your relatives to avoid hurting their feelings when you get rid of them. ;) On the other hand, if you don’t want to delete that scene from your video, ProudOnTV lets you control exactly who can see your videos and who is denied permission. For more information on the benefits of sharing videos with your family with a free Private family video diary, visit ProudOnTV and create your own today!
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proudontv-blog · 10 years
Karaoke Night Competition Nationwide!
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Who is the best singer in your family? Now is the time to find out! They say that the family that sings together; stays together. Some families sing in choirs, some form bands and others like to sing around a karaoke machine. In fact, karaoke is so popular that many people own their own karaoke machines using it at home when they cannot make it to a public location or simply don’t want to go to a nightclub. Being able to sing karaoke at home is particularly important to families with young children, who haven't any place hanging around in bars. One way to add some extra fun to your home karaoke events is to compete with your relatives across the country. You can set up a virtual singing contest by showing off the most talented singers in your home with videos that you post online on your very own Private family video diary at ProudOnTV. Unlike video sharing websites such as YouTube and Facebook that have the option to take down videos without warning, you are in total control of the videos that you share on ProudOnTV. YouTube, for example, might delete a family video simply because a pop song from the radio is playing in the background. This is not the case at ProudOnTV as we are not in the business of censoring videos. So pick your favorite songs on the karaoke machine, set up a video camera and start recording members of your family as they sing their hearts out! For example, mother and father can sing a romantic duet, kids can belt out their favorite rock songs, and your aunt can serenade the family with a popular torch song. Perhaps relatives living in the south will regale the rest of the family with their recordings of country western songs, while other members of the family will focus on top hits from their favorite era. The older generation can sing the classics, while kids will want to entertain the crowd with the latest and most popular tunes. Artistically minded people who love singing and dancing more than they like working with computers can still enjoy sharing their videos with the rest of the family. We have designed ProudOnTV to be extremely easy to use. It has been tested by grandparents to ensure that anyone can quickly shoot and share videos with their family and friends around the world. After you post your own family’s karaoke videos, encourage the rest of your far-flung relatives to host their own singing events and share the resulting videos with everyone else. Soon you will learn who has the most beautiful and expressive voice in the family. For details on using ProudOnTV and to create your very own free Private family video diary, simply log in to the site today and start having fun!
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proudontv-blog · 10 years
Document the Construction of Your Backyard Tree House
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For kids, one of the many benefits of having a backyard is the opportunity it provides to set up a tree house. Whether a tree house is made using crude construction techniques and salvaged pieces of wood or has been painstakingly planned and built with precision and expertise, it serves as a home away from home, a clubhouse and secret lair for youngsters to enjoy. Kids like keeping comic books, toys, snacks and other items in their tree house, making it a cool place to invite their friends to hang out in after school and during the weekends. Once a kid announces that he or she wants a tree house, parents typically want to get in on the action often helping with design and construction. After all, they don't want their little darling to fall from the tree. As you make this new addition to your living space, think of how much fun it will be to document the construction of the tree house and then share it with other family members. With your free ProudOnTV Private Family Video Diary, it’s as easy as nailing two pieces of wood together to shoot videos of your backyard construction project and then post them online for the relatives to see. Distant family members will enjoy following the progress of your new project and seeing the fun your kid is having inside the tree house. Shoot a video showing the tree before you start working on the tree house so you can provide before and after images. Then begin recording video clips throughout the process, such as selecting wood, cutting it to size and having discussions with your kid about how you want the structure to look. Preserving and sharing family experiences is much more fun when you use ProudOnTV and your own Private family video diary. For example, grandparents who have retired halfway across the country in Florida will love seeing how much fun your kids are having in their tree house. You might inspire other family members to build their own tree house once they view your online videos and see just how easy it is to construct. To get started with your Private family video diary, simply go to the ProudOnTV website and create your diary today. It only takes a second, and then you can use our platform to control who has access to the videos you post. Families like that they are able protect their privacy and avoid the annoying ads that come with using tube sites. After you experience how fun it is to share videos, you’ll be inspired to shoot more footage on a regular basis. Your imagination is the only limit!
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proudontv-blog · 10 years
Show Off Your New Pet!
Many families find that they don’t consider their house to be a home until they have at least one companion animal living with them. Pet ownership is important for teaching little children responsibility and helping them understand the cycle of life. One of the children might be in charge of providing food and water for the pet while the other one cleans the cat’s litter box or takes the dog for its daily walk. Now that you have a new pet, you will want to welcome it into the family and make it feel as comfortable as possible. Whether you have acquired a baby kitten, a puppy, a new fish or bird, you will want to share the joys of pet ownership with the rest of your family. It doesn't matter if they're halfway across the country or in another part of the world, you can shoot videos of your precious pooch or kitty cat and post them online for all your distant relatives to see. At ProudOnTV, our free Private family video diary presents you with an excellent way to show off your brand new pet and to keep track of all the fun and delightful moments that you’ve captured in video clips. For example, your puppy might not be very civilized when you first get him. But after you start to train him, he’ll sit on your command, fetch your slippers or do other tasks when he or she is not protecting your home from strangers. Shoot more footage of your dog to show others how well his or her training is progressing. Has your kitten done something particularly cute, such as playing with a ball of yarn or hiding in an unusual place for a quick nap? Grab your video camera or cellphone and shoot a clip and bring smiles to other people’s faces. Shooting videos of such events is a great way to share the joys of pet ownership with your brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, parents and grandparents all over the world. Everyone loves seeing movies of animals and sharing such videos online can help to solidify family ties. Plus, if anyone in your family has an allergy to animals, they can view the videos in your Private family video diary without worrying about sneezing and wheezing. If you are becoming disgusted with all of the ads that certain online video sharing websites force people to watch or if you would rather not have strangers viewing your private family videos, you’ll want to set up your own free Private family video diary with us today. Create it using just your email address and set up your account. From there, it’s really easy to upload videos or photos and then designate who can see them. The ProudOnTV platform is ideal for controlling which family members you want to share the content with. As you share videos or photos from your family, you can expect other family members in different locations as well to jump onto the bandwagon and share their own stuff for you to see.
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proudontv-blog · 10 years
Make a Record of Your Family's April Fool's Day Pranks and Share them with Others Online
This is a public service announcement from ProudOnTV: April Fool’s Day is fast approaching. Have you come up with any practical jokes and pranks to play on people this April 1st? If not, you still have some time to get ready. Instead of telling distant family members about all the funny pranks that you played this year, why not record videos of all the shenanigans and share the footage with everyone online? After all, you don’t need to restrict yourself to sharing videos from your recent vacations, birthday parties, children’s sporting events and other activities. With ProudOnTV, it’s really easy to set up your own Private family video diary and start sharing clips with your relatives. We've made it so you can control who has access to each video that you post. Compare this with the other video sharing and social networking sites that reserve the right to take off your videos or to place advertising on them. Families love using ProudOnTV because they can be confident that total strangers aren't able to access the videos that are meant only for other members of your family. If you plan to document the pranks you pull on April Fool’s Day, it is probably a good idea to share them only with the people you are closest to to minimize any embarrassment. You might be interested in secretly recording your brother or sister as you play a prank on them, such as putting salt in the sugar container or vice versa before everyone sits down to eat breakfast on April 1st. The look on your victim’s face as he or she tastes something unexpected will be priceless. Some people enjoy drawing an ink mustache on someone who is sleeping, or setting the alarm clock to go off in the middle of the night. Other pranksters prefer to glue a coin to the floor or sidewalk and laugh as others try to pick it up but to no avail. We hope that you thoroughly enjoy yourself committing pranks this April Fool's Day. We encourage you to share as many videos of your practical jokes as possible with your relatives via ProudOnTV so they can all share in the fun. While we also enjoy having fun just as much as everyone else, we’re quite serious about making sure that the ProudOnTV experience is as simple and useful as possible for all of our users. We are devoted to helping people share both the small and big moments of their lives with other family members, even if they happen to live across the country or around the world. For more information on setting up your very own free Private family video diary, please visit the ProudOnTV site and sign in today!
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proudontv-blog · 10 years
Show Your Green Pride Online to Celebrate St. Patrick's Day!
Whether your family is Irish and you have just recently arrived from the Emerald Isle or you are just big fans of all things having to do with Irish culture, almost everyone is happy and excited to celebrate on St. Patrick’s Day. People get together to watch parades, enjoy parties and engage in some often over-enthusiastic bouts of drinking alcohol to keep them in a celebratory mood. In fact, many families have a tradition in which they pinch anyone who forgets to wear something green on St. Patrick's Day that occurs on March 17, 2014. As long as you wear something as simple as a pair of green socks or a green bow tie, you should be safe. Originally designated as a day of feasting to honor the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick’s Day has become something of a secular holiday in the United States where the habit of pinching non-green-wearing people originated. There’s no reason to confine your joy with your immediate family when you celebrate a holiday like St. Patrick’s Day. With your very own free Private family video diary from ProudOnTV, you can share all of your St. Patrick’s Day fun with your extended network of relatives from around the world. Shoot videos of your St. Patrick's Day preparation and celebratory activities. This can involve footage taken at your favorite party supply shop or perhaps a trip to the market to pick up favorite foods, such as cabbage and corned beef. Then, show your inventiveness in decorating your home, especially if you are throwing a party and are inviting a lot of guests. Are you making green frosted cookies in the kitchen? Grab your smartphone or digital video camera and record the procedure, and then share your technique with friends and family online. And, everyone can show off their favorite green clothing on camera. It doesn’t matter if you have little or no experience uploading a video onto the Internet. The ProudOnTV system is grandparent-tested and is extremely easy to start using today. Soon, you’ll find yourself enjoying videos from family members that you have been unable to visit in person. It’s likely that they will want to share videos from their own holiday celebrations as well, and these events are crucial for maintaining strong family bonds. One great thing about enjoying the holiday with your friends and family through ProudOnTV video sharing is the fact that no one can reach through the computer screen to pinch you if you forgot to wear something green! For more information about setting up your own free Private family video diary and getting started with sharing your celebratory activities with all your loved ones online, visit ProudOnTV today.
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proudontv-blog · 10 years
We've Upgraded the ProudOnTV Solution!
At ProudOnTV, we are devoted to providing you with all the tools you need to share precious moments and information with your family and friends. That’s why we have upgraded our solution and improved its navigational features making it even easier to create your own private family video diary. With your free private family video diary, you have total control over who can see the videos you post. You can designate through the invite-only function whether just your immediate family can see a particular video, for example, or let everyone view it. Families love using ProudOnTV because they have the freedom to post whatever they want, without having to worry about obnoxious advertisements playing with their videos, which is often the case with other video sharing websites. Having the ability to designate which people can view your family videos or pictures is important for people who feel uncomfortable about using public sites where any stranger could view your child’s birthday party footage, videos from a grammar school play or clips showcasing your latest family vacation. Profile Tab After creating, at the top of your ProudOnTV diary is the Profile Tab. Click on it to do tasks such as update and improve your profile or redeem a coupon code. We don’t make you jump through hoops or waste time when you want to accomplish a simple task such as changing your email address or your password. Simply click “Settings” and then type in your new email or password, and then hit “Save” to update your account settings. Action Bar The Action Bar is where you head whenever you want to work with your videos. Click the Action Bar icon’s downward-pointing arrow at the top of the page to upload videos and albums or manage your previous uploads. You don’t need to be a computer scientist or even know anything about video production to share your videos online with ProudOnTV. Simply drag a video file from its folder on your computer into the “Drag & Drop Files” area. You can also click “Browse Files From Your Computer” and then navigate to the particular folder containing videos you want to share with the world. We also enable you to quickly and easily share photo albums with your loved ones. Click the camera icon under the action bar menu. You’ll be prompted to type in a name for your album, as well as a description, such as “Summer Vacation Fun.” Adding tags to your photo albums will make it easier for people to find particular images especially when you are sharing a lot of pictures. To control access to images or videos, you can designate which groups are allowed to view them, such as a Content Creator, Diary member or using the Invitation Manager feature. Rest assured that our solution is grandparent-tested. It's easy to use and convenient as well! Diary Panel Click the three-barred Diary Panel icon at the top of the page to see your family diary or diaries. From here, simply click the name of the diary you want to access. No muss, no fuss. Our goal is to make the interface as easy to use as possible, so you can quickly post and share videos or photos with the important people in your life! For more information about how you can set up your very own free private family video diary and start sharing videos with all your distant family and relatives, check out our demo and visit us online today.
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proudontv-blog · 10 years
A Whale of a Change!
We, at ProudOnTV, have a very important announcement. We're rebranding! From now on, the ProudOnTV brand will remain as a Private family video diary solution. Additionally, we won't be offering a new sign up for the portfolio video website for a limited time. Instead, ProudOn.tv will continue be available for the creation of family diaries. Based on our strong relationship with our happy customers - the families - we have made a ton of improvements and added a few new functions at your request. In addition, we’ve made navigation even simpler to use and more engaging than before. Now more than ever, the structure and flow reflects every family’s life and fulfills its needs and expectations about togetherness, safety and preservation of those most important memories. So, without further ado, let us introduce you to the brand new, “Stories!” Have an existing Portfolio with us? Don't worry! All existing Portfolios will continue to run smoothly. And stay tuned as a brand new solution will be introduced in the coming weeks. For any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to contact support at [email protected]. See you online, The ProudOn Team
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proudontv-blog · 11 years
Ensure Success for Your Insurance Company with Online Videos
Insurance can be a very complicated subject, and with so much at stake, people often need a well qualified independent insurance agent to help them determine the type of coverage that will best meet their particular needs. As an insurance agent, you likely find new customers through word of mouth from existing, satisfied clients, as well as through print, email and website campaigns. However, people have so little time to evaluate and compare businesses, it can be a chore for them to wade through a great deal of text materials. Instead, you will want to start posting informative and useful videos online to help you reach more people and provide them with the data they need to make good decisions. Your videos will not only educate customers but also show that you are the best choice for them. To that end, a Portfolio Video Website through ProudOnTV may be just the thing that your insurance firm needs to start generating more business. ProudOnTV offers businesses free Portfolio Video Websites with 10 GB of storage. If you need more storage space, it’s easy to upgrade at any time. It’s also easy to use the site itself. You don’t need to know about video editing software or need to be an expert at posting content online. Our platform is easy to use for people at any experience level. Not only that, ProudOnTV comes with integrated tools to help you further spread the word about each uploaded video through your favorite social media networks. Once you sign up for your free site, you can start shooting and posting videos to generate more leads for your business. Use the camera built into your desktop or laptop computer, your notebook or your smartphone, or take advantage of the higher quality afforded by digital video cameras. Whatever device you choose to make your recordings, rest assured that they will look great online and will be easy for you to post. For example, have one of your independent agents speak directly to the video camera to explain the benefits of different types of insurance options for business and personal coverage. Give details on how to select the optimal automobile policy, or how to make sure that you have adequate coverage for your speedboat. Address the concerns of new local businesses about worker’s compensation premiums and other commercial insurance considerations. Another great topic for videos is to shoot a series about safety on seasonal topics, such as how to keep your backyard and swimming pool safe from neighborhood kids wandering in during school vacation periods. Show customers how clearing brush from their property can significantly help them avoid fire during hot weather seasons. To find out more about how your insurance firm can reach more clients by posting videos to your Portfolio Video Website, we invite you to visit us online today.
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proudontv-blog · 11 years
Reply: Teenagers Prove Fickle When Choosing Social Networks
We at ProudOnTV are glad to answer the question “So what’s a start-up to do?” asked in the recent New York Times article “Teenagers Prove Fickle When Choosing Social Networks”. In our experience, teenagers are extremely compartmentalized. They are happily willing to accept the invitation from their parents and like to “socialize with a bunch of stuffy old people” once they’re given a chance to do so in safety, privacy and the respect of a “familial” environment. “The young” will forever learn from the interactions with “the older” and “the older” are embracing that they can also learn from the interactions of “the young”. Despite reports, interactions between youth and adults are welcomed by youth from adults that are willing to engage in the respect of their creativity without hyper-critical, over-protective critiques of every thought and expression. Yet, teenagers still require the security of being their teenaged self in a closed and controlled environment with their friends. Using ProudOnTV’s Private Family Video Website Solution, teens have a chance to do just that without having to lose their cool and hip face before their peers. This platform works in concert with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and greatly helps them with their “the social and emotional” development. That’s exactly what we are successfully achieving and proving with our Product.
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