psiamie · 15 days
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"Nooo... It's because you like me slightly more than Jack does, and me telling her to literally go fuck herself might not go over so well."
Okay, now, that's rude. Kelly is perfectly capable of fighting her battles against biotic powerhouses. "Mebbe?" She just prefers to fight them from behind other biotic powerhouses. "But not exactly. Call it preemptive action."
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"Because the mental wellbeing of everyone on this vessel is my responsibility, which means that Jack's mental well-being is my responsibility and her well-being is currently jeopardized? Keep up, Shepard--physical therapy."
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psiamie · 16 days
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"Because the mental wellbeing of everyone on this vessel is my responsibility, which means that Jack's mental well-being is my responsibility and her well-being is currently jeopardized? Keep up, Shepard--physical therapy."
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"Why are you here and not in some part of Jack?"
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psiamie · 16 days
Song of the day
Substitution - Purple Disco Machine ft. Kungs (2023)
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psiamie · 22 days
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psiamie · 1 month
Her so-called theory, unprompted as it was, had initially come up due to some of the research Kelly had been conducting; it was tacked on to her list of 'things for further researching', and then promptly forgotten and left for her future self to deal with.
It was quite amusing, however, that staring into the eyes of the four-legged cutie-patootie curled up on her keyboard with no plan of lettingKelly return to her work is what triggered her memory.
"Everyone, anyone, even this gorgeous lady over here," she trailed into baby talk, lowering her head closer to the kitten and pressing her nose against its furry head.
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"But think about it! With the number of people who die everyday, a life-long project doesn't sound like too bad of an idea. The problem might be getting the grant for it."
“my theory is that is that everybody is a potential murderer.” @psiamie
‘Well.’ Helena’s expression was difficult to pinpoint. A slight elevation of her brows and alertness in the eyes could have indicated mild surprise towards anything and nothing in particular. Otherwise, her face seemed to have fallen into a tranquil state of a deadpan. And only a careful, teasing melody to her voice has given away a particularly impish inclination.
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'If you mean that anyone is capable of murder, I shall agree with you on that.’ She tilted her head to the side, almost hiding a ghost of a smile with the help of gravity.
'However, if you’re implying that everyone you’ve come across today is a suspect—’ Her eyes lit up in an unmistakable mischievous manner. The last traces of seriousness dissipated altogether. 'You’ve got your work cut out for you. Damn it, you’ll go grey before you finish questioning people.’ A shameless laugh followed.
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psiamie · 1 month
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"Why are you here and not in some part of Jack?"
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psiamie · 2 months
“That’s fair,” Kelly acquiesces with a small shrug—as if she had some inkling of the precise sort and caliber of chaos Jessie dealt with on a daily basis.
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Emboldened by Jessie’s acceptance of the physical contact, Kelly presses closer just the tiniest bit, letting herself rest fully into the touch. “Gotcha.” She mimes zipping her lips with her free hand. “On one hand, that's fair, considering how many of us flock in day by day. On the other hand--doesn't it seem unfair to impose it on tasty treats though?"
"Yeah, see I get enough chaos in the rest of my life, thanks. I'll be secure in knowing exactly what I want out of those cute little digital boxes and paying direct for it."
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There's a shrug after a few moments of consideration of the bodily contact. Normally Jessie finds herself relatively hands off save for of course a hand up or the occasional high five. But for the moment she finds herself in good enough spirits to allow what she would call girly-girly contact as she leads the way off to find the mythical shave ice.
"Only so long as you don't actually say either of those words out loud anywhere near an establishment you intend to buy things at," she advised, chuckling softly. "We, ah, how do you say, know our own. May not seem all that fair, but hey. it's just a small discount y'know?"
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psiamie · 2 months
It’s probably for the best, and in the Commander’s best interest, that those concerns weren’t voiced out loud. Kelly would have no qualms in pretending she had suddenly gone deaf regarding her overzealous addition to the bowl. Besides, for all the brands of chaos she faced aboard the Normandy, going rogue was a good thing to indulge in every once in a while. One could argue it kept her…sane.
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“I know,” Kelly answers, gathering up the mess that cluttered up the island and depositing them in the sink one at a time. “If you want, I could get you a straw for your drink. Or feed you."
Unfortunately for everyone, and perhaps the galaxy at large, the extent of the Commander's biotics is of course her trick with the floating bottle of vanilla. And Kelly grabbing it is just in time as the biotic field fails just around that time. Which saves Shane from feeling any real embarrassment from the field faltering. So long as she doesn't dwell too much on it right this second, she won't get too angsty about it.
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An eyebrow raises, and the Commander almost physically has to bite her tongue not to say anything about Kelly deciding to forgo actually doing any kind of measuring of the ingredients. Everything in Shane, a woman who normally does things by the seat of her pants, is screaming to go by the book-- or in this case the recipe. But this was Kelly's project.
Instead she takes a large swig of her drink then clunks the bottle down. "You know I only have two hands, right?" she asks, taking up the one bowl of wet first and giving sweeping strokes to it.
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psiamie · 2 months
In the time that had passed since Shepard had managed to actually successfully blow up the Collector base and send the creepy bastards to hell, Kelly felt like she hadn't had her head on straight for more than a very brief moment. The memories were a permanent fixture in the back of her mind, frequently triggered by the smallest of things, but she was nothing if stubborn. Terrifying images were pushed and trampled upon for the sake of supporting efforts at keeping the crew--both old and new--straight.
Which... Well, it was definitely something to hear that the Commander was cutting ties with Cerberus; it was relieving, actually. Just until the thought of what will we do? settled in and suddenly, the Normandy was a free-roaming bird with enemies. It wasn't close to piracy Jack mentioned once upon a time, but it was close enough.
"Gillian, right?" She knew next to nothing about the girl, but it was good to put a face to the name of their newest crew member. "Please, come in, have a seat." With a wide smile, she beckoned the girl in. "And welcome aboard the Normandy. Finding everything okay so far?"
Starter for @psiamie !
Travelling on a pirated vessel among fugitives from both Cerberus and the Alliance whilst a war against ancient machines was rising. When the day would come that the Reapers would attack, no one could tell, but it was inevitable. Gillian couldn't think of anything more absurdly risky than accepting this mission. Regardless, she had been certain in her decision of joining the Normandy. She had been a target of Cerberus already for a while, nonetheless.  Having the Alliance as an additional enemy seemed rather excessive, but it is not that she ever trusted them in the first place. Aware that they had agents of Cerberus within their ranks, she would have avoided them where she could.
Once, Gillian may have been more deeply fazed than she was by the news of an upcoming war against machines seeking to eradicate all organic life in the galaxy. Nowadays, though, such news were not quite as overbearing anymore as they’d normally be. The unexpected revelations she’d faced years ago had somewhat hardened her against the effects of finding out such truths. Such as her father having worked for Cerberus, or the existence of the Collectors.
Nevertheless, the Reaper threat was still undeniably worth the risk of making herself an enemy to the Alliance, and an even higher priority target to Cerberus. If the Council wouldn’t listen, what other options were left than such a reckless path? Shepard couldn’t be imprisoned, not in times such as this. As such, Shepard and their team had her full support.
After getting settled in onto the Normandy, Gillian came by Kelly Chamber’s makeshift office. Shepard had wanted her to talk to the psychologist. According to the Commander, it was a standard procedure. Gillian wasn’t looking forward to it ‒ she still needed time to adjust to the new environment. Talking to someone wasn’t what she needed, but she would oblige with the Commander’s wish. Better to get this appointment behind her.
„You are Ms. Chambers, are you not? My name is Gillian Grayson. The Commander wanted me to introduce myself and to speak to you.“ She spoke, her low voice for once not as difficult to discern as usually; not when this vessel’s engine had the quiet hum of a stealth ship. Gillian stood in the doorway of the woman’s office, awaiting invitation. At least she was somewhat familiar talking to psychologists; she didn't like entering social interactions without an idea of it. After everything she'd been through all those years ago, she's talked to a counsellor on the Idenna a few occasions.
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psiamie · 2 months
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The Librarians S02E07 And the Image of Image.
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psiamie · 5 months
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Sue.
OOC Contact: Best place to reach me is Discord. Feel free to hit me up for it.
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
Kelly Chambers is a (or rather the) yeoman serving on the Normandy SR-2 during the events of Mass Effect 2. Yes, her role is better suited for a VI considering that it is the 22nd century, but Kelly takes her "unofficially" appointed role as the on-board psychologist seriously. She's usually found at the Galaxy Map, but sometimes seeks refuge in the medbay when handling more sensitive work.
Points of interest:
Uh, if your character hung around the Citadel clubs in the pre-ME1 or so timeline, they might remember Kelly from her shifts at Chora's Den. In ME2, she's typically found on the Normandy or out and about of shore leave. In ME3, she's on the Citadel. Outside of the ME universe...literally anywhere, I'm sure. She'll be your regular-degular civilian in most cases.
What they’ve been up to recently:
That depends on the timeline. By default, trying to survive the chaos that comes along with a motley crew of both humans and aliens. And trying to ensure their sanity remains in check. ...While also keeping hers in check. In ME3, it's...pretty much the same thing, except it's on the Citadel and she's trying to avoid getting assassinated. In alternate universes, I don't really have much fleshed out yet.
Where to find them:
The Normandy, usually. In other cases, the Citadel or Omega.
Current plans:
Aside from the normal default interactions, nothing that have been properly hashed out. But it mostly surrounds Kelly's involvement with Cerberus during the events of ME3.
Desired interactions:
Oh, I have many. And I still haven't gotten the courage to share many of them publicly. Some are in my wishlist tag though.
Offered interactions:
Uh...massages (on the rare occasion). Baked goods. A listening ear. Plausible deniability. ...psychoanalyses.
Current open post/s:
Right here.
Anything else?:
I'm slow af with replying because I'm/I've been going through a phrase of hating my writing, but, by God, I can discuss plots from morning till night.
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psiamie · 5 months
re: Kelly ending up in Cerberus during the events of ME3 (through one of many scenarios...
Nemesis!Kelly and Clone Shepard fucking shit up.
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psiamie · 5 months
[Kelly’s irregular smoking habit isn’t something that I’ve mentioned more than once on this blog, but
imagine Kelly trying to smoke and someone yanks the cigarette out of her hand and shoves a lollipop into her mouth instead.]
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psiamie · 5 months
i have so many kasumi-kelly adventure ideas in various notes that it's not even funny.
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psiamie · 5 months
Kelly ends up going with Shep to an event or something of the sort and there's a kidnapping/hostage/thieving situation that happens and Kelly's not impressed because "it'd be nice to do one normal thing just once" and Shep is unimpressed by Kelly being unimpressed
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psiamie · 5 months
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"You don't need to pretend you care. I know you hate me right now."
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psiamie · 5 months
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oh no
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