pumkinspice960 · 4 years
List of Books to Read Before You Die
1. Any book you want
2. Don’t read books you don’t want to read
3. That’s it
4. Congratulations you did it
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pumkinspice960 · 4 years
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This quotes been very important to me understanding that alienation is traumatic, that there is a specific word you can put on that feeling you get when you're overwhelmed with all the money problems in your life, for the feeling you get when you really ponder the amount of life you give to your boss but still live paycheck to paycheck. Social isolation really draws out for many a first look at the daily trauma of the poorest people who cant access these luxuries. The mental anguish of separating yourself from your loved ones, both because of economic reasons and health reasons, are equally traumatic. Capitalism enacts trauma on a mass scale, understanding poverty as an act of violence just as you would someone mugging you, it steals your life and joy away so that others can become rich.
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pumkinspice960 · 4 years
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This pandemic is really proving that government has the means to solve all problems they just choose not to
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pumkinspice960 · 4 years
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to when libraries were still open
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pumkinspice960 · 5 years
gen z culture is turning to the internet more often than people you know because it just feels. different? the people you know irl hold some amount of power over you, bc they are in your physical reality and if you would trust them enough to tell them about your struggles, then they likely know enough about you to judge you. but people online, we’re all some manner of messed up and we’ve all got issues going on, so you’re more likely to find someone (maybe even a total stranger) that says “same” and offers to help you talk it out, whatever “it” may end up being. people online are willing to do that, to help and not judge, because they don’t know all about you. and that’s pretty comforting, for me anyway.
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pumkinspice960 · 5 years
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My boyfriend got me some salted caramel hot chocolate from Whittard and I’ve been trying to resist drinking it all, but like, it’s so damn good!! Hot chocolate really is my guilty pleasure drink. My boyfriend knows me so well <3 
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pumkinspice960 · 5 years
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Marcus Aurelius Please Stop Owning Me From The Year Of Our Lord 170 CE challenge
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pumkinspice960 · 6 years
Iiving our best lives should be our main mission. Instead we’re out here trying to please people
I want more. I want to be surrounded by those who are positive and invested in me; I want to be positive and invested in others. I want to laugh really, really hard, a lot. I want to let go of the things not meant for me – friendships that are not fulfilling, relationships that are painful, memories that haunt. I’m ready to write more, create more, read more, adventure more. I’m ready to embrace and enjoy life for what it is and push to have positive experiences.
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pumkinspice960 · 6 years
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pumkinspice960 · 6 years
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pumkinspice960 · 6 years
What are your top tips for dealing with a bad grade or failing a class? :-)
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pumkinspice960 · 6 years
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“Listen for the “cry for help.” You might be the only one that hears it.”
Kirsti A. Dyer, MD, MS
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pumkinspice960 · 6 years
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pumkinspice960 · 6 years
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pumkinspice960 · 6 years
Don’t forget that you deserve as much as everyone else to be successful and that you are awesome the way you are
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I’ve always been kind of clumsy. I was that little girl who always ended up being super awkward and thus ashamed of it.
I’ve been called stupid for laughing at pointless things during class. I’ve had professors who told me that I « wore too much mascara and that it was ugly » in front of the whole class.
I had friends that stopped talking to me because I wasn’t as fancy as the other people in my school, and because I wasn’t wearing those « super trendy » Juicy Couture velour joggings during sports class. I was only 14 at the time.
When I started my first year of med school - which is the selective year here in Switzerland- I had people telling me that I was showing-off too much and therefore I would never become a Doctor just because I had my hair and make-up done every morning when I showed up to uni at 6:30 am in order to get the first row seats for the morning courses.
I had people telling me that I was « too pretty » to become a Doctor. I had people telling me that if I was too feminine, the patients would think I’m a Nurse instead of a Doctor (with all my respect for Nurses, who do an AWESOME job!).
Even if I didn’t show it, all those remarks really broke my heart. I spent so many nights crying and asking myself if I was good enough, smart enough or even if I just deserved to be where I wanted to be. Every night I was sweating to the point I had to change my sheets, I lost 6 kgs despite it wasn’t my wish, I barely talked to people other than my family or boyfriend.
But I kept going. Despite all the insults, all the implicit remarks, and how ashamed I used to feel.
Deep down I knew that passing that year was my goal. That being the best doctor I could ever be was my dream job. Every time I had someone telling me something about the way I looked or the way I behaved, I would show-up the next day, with my hair and makeup done, wearing my boots whose heels made that « clic-clac » sound every time I stepped a feet on the floor. 
And of course it didn’t really stopped people from saying things behind my back.
I studied twice more than I used to, I knew all my notes by heart, I passed from the one whom never understood anything about physics to the one who could explain easily magnetism laws and principes to the few colleagues I had.
I passed that first year, passed that exam where 80% of the others -people who were talking behind my back included- failed. I was so proud of myself.
What I learnt during all these years and especially during this first med school year, was to believe in my self - in my capacities, in my knowledge and my willpower- despite all the negative crap I kept hearing.
I learnt that if people were rude to me it was because of how they felt about themselves.
I learnt that, if you really want something, you’ll manage to get it, no matter what. Because I am awesome the way I am.
Side note : I’m victimizing myself AT ALL, I always felt like this experience helped me grow as a person and is part of who I am now  :)
blog : https://anatomyandcappuccini.tumblr.com
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pumkinspice960 · 6 years
In case anyone is interested.
Hey guys, it’s been a while. I’m in my second semester of college now, realizing that my school stationery days are coming closer and closer to the end.
Everyone has their different tactics for notetaking, and although I have been an absolute stationery fiend since I was a kid, I noticed I prefer taking notes in class with just pen and paper, no real fancy sticky notes, index cards, tabs, or washi tape. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When I was a sophomore in High School, a friend and I would go into NYC often during the summer (we live 15 miles outside the city) and literally RAID the muji stores STUFFING OUR SHOPPING BAGS WITH STATIONERY AND OTHER SUPPLIES. We would walk all the way from the financial district and hit up EVERY muji store until 42nd street. (That’s over 50 New York blocks WALKING because him and I were too shy to flag down a taxi—- and at this time there were only 4 mujis in our area, now there are 6.)
So I have, like, 30 muji pens, 15 notebooks, maybe 30 altogether if you count the various sizes, TONS of little sticky notes (like the infamous cat sticky notes that muji carries) sticky tabs, special letter writing stationery, all sorts of stuff!!
And over the years I’ve also had the opportunity to shop at various Japanese and Korean markets and stores that carry ENDLESS supplies of kawaii themed stationery.
I don’t need this stuff in my life anymore and for the past 3 years it’s all been stowed away nicely and untouched as desk accessories.
I would like to hand down these items to MULTIPLE lucky winners of a giveaway I had in mind.
Because I have SO MUCH muji stationery and other kawaii stationery, the giveaway prizes would be randomized but equally divided as much as possible. And based on the popularity of products (like the popular pens and notebooks) I would make sure each winner gets at least one or two of those “special items”.
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^^^ I know that this is a really ugly pic but I just spent some time hauling out the HUGE load of unused (or very lightly used) stationery that is just laying around my house. Everything is in super good if not perfect condition, and anything that has writing in it will NOT be included in the giveaway. (Obviously)
What prizes are included?
Muji pens
Muji notebooks (in various sizes)
Muji sticky notes
Muji notepads
Muji highlighters
Muji lettersets (mini and standard size)
Muji erasers
Kawaii themed stationery:
Pom Pom purin
Sumikko gurashi
Kakao Friends (possibly, not sure if I’ll give it up hah)
EXCLUSIVE Studio Ghibli stationery found in the Japan store in Epcot, Disney World
Kiki’s Delivery Service and Totoro
Moleskine notebooks!
Special art markers (similar to mildliners)
And I’m still going through A LOT of my stuff so there will be more, I may have some pencil cases to give away!!!!
How do I enter???
All you have to do is reblog this post!! I want it to get lots of exposure so I can get rid of this stuff!
You don’t even have to follow me if you don’t want to. But I will say that in the future I will be doing a special Pusheen Box giveaway as well! (Probably in May!)
I will announce SIX (6) winners on March 15th AT RANDOM from the list of reblog s this post gets.
I will message each of the six winners for their mailing addresses, if a winner doesn’t respond by March 17th, then I will go on to a different random entry.
Please get this around the studyblr community, I hate seeing my lovely stationery untouched and unused, it breaks my heart. :”( It would mean a lot if you could reblog this for entry!!
Everyone have a lovely day and also, it won’t count as an additional entry, but if you follow my Instagram @jesspurr I will be posting my own hand drawn stationery and probably more pics of the giveaway prizes from there! (As well as on this tumblr account).
Keep studying friends, and good luck! ♪( ´▽`)
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pumkinspice960 · 6 years
These are words i think jonghyun would say
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I think you need a break
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