pure-eleganza · 4 years
So in DUT there‘s this suit that’s a wedding dress that we got ALMOST all the pieces from as “a pre registration milestone everyone gets to share in it” kinda deal. But the bouquet of the wedding dress was only given to people who’d been inviting friends during pre registration, and the DUT devs had said there were no plans to make it available in the future, so I was like 🤷🏻‍♀️ ok fine.
Expect apparently several people were like “:( but we want it :(“, and the DUT Devs’ response was “ok you make a fair and valid point” and just. Sent the bouquet to everyone’s mail today. So we all got to complete the suit???? Because some people had said they were sad not to have it. And I’m just ?????
And anyway my view is probably tainted by years of frustration at how hard it is to get a response about problems with Love Nikki from Elex, and when we do it’s almost never substantive or long lasting, but damn. The people behind this game are extremely engaged, responsive, and generous with their players, and it’s absolutely wild.
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pure-eleganza · 4 years
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°•°♡°•° Black and white °•°♡°•°
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pure-eleganza · 4 years
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Yall this is so fuckin sad 😔 can I please get an F in the chat
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pure-eleganza · 4 years
Y’all I think the DUTP devs are actually? Listening?????? (at least somewhat) A lot of people (including me) had an issue with how they are now doing the companions feature, because now instead of coming periodically they stay all day. This I actually really like, but it severely limited your chance to gift them. But now they are doubling the chance you get to gift them (8 to 16 free, 15 to 30 paid) and this now allows you to more freely move about the game and unlock levels but???? THEY LISTENED???? THEY IMPROVED????
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pure-eleganza · 4 years
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I haven't finished the swan lake story yet but if these are our two love interests then there isn't even a competition like hands down I'm sticking with the evil looking owl dude. Like tough buddy you got turned into a swan or whatever but this dude has the fashion sense of a 16 year old goth girl's interpreration of a gay medieval poet and I fuckin love it
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pure-eleganza · 4 years
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pure-eleganza · 4 years
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@synnefa-kyria This is Gotham Memoirs, but a word of advice, if you haven’t finished Queen Marie and/or Magic Lamp I wouldn’t recommend starting it, it is easily the hardest one out of the bunch with 4 chapters and a gazillion required items lmaooo
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pure-eleganza · 4 years
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I finally got the hair yall this took so long and cost so many diamonds but it was worth it
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pure-eleganza · 4 years
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I love making outfits in this game yall-
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pure-eleganza · 4 years
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There is absolutely no heterosexual explanation for this
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pure-eleganza · 4 years
Dress Up! Time Princess First Thoughts
So I have been playing this game for about a week(ish) and I would like to share some of my first thoughts, it is kind of long as I have a lot to say about the game. Please note that I am not an expert on the game, nor am I literate in any way shape or form, so some parts may not make the most sense but stick with it lmao.
     Starting with a brief introduction to the game, dutp is a game that is loosely similar to lnduq, as at it’s core it is a dress up game that has heavy story elements. Where the two games branch off from each other is the story aspect itself, as lnduq has you following a single protagonist throughout a linear story, and in dutp you are the protagonist playing multiple different characters throughout a branching story that changes depending on your actions. Another notable difference of course is the graphics, as lnduq uses 2d graphics and dutp opts for 3d graphics.
Interesting story lines that genuinely change based on what you choose to do. Each of the main story lines have multiple different main endings, and a plethora of bad endings. Some may find that annoying, but I personally enjoy a game that lets me do the wrong thing, and it pushes me to find the right answer.
Fun little spin off stories that only serve the purpose of fleshing out the pre-existing world, or give some backstory to some of the characters. So far we only have side stories for the Marie Antoinette story, but it is entirely in the realm of possibility that we will get more down the line.
 The characters are all very enjoyable, and there wasn’t a time in the stories where I felt that a character was annoying (that wasn’t intended to be so) or taking up space, and even as the whole lesbian that I am the het ships didn’t ever seem annoying, and there are enough pretty girls to tide me over (although that is very personal)
 The graphics are very pretty, and the devs do a good job in making the clothing and hair items look pretty, even if they are simple 1-2 star items. Almost every item in the game is versatile and can be used in many different ways, and clipping is a very rare and not a prevalent issue.
You can customize the protagonist herself in many different ways, including skin color, eye color, and face shape. This allows a new space for immersion, because you can make your protagonist look more like you.
This is a point that may change over time, but the game is very generous with how it gives out it’s items. While you can buy their in game currency, it (so far) does not seem like a necessity, and you can easily get anything you need to get done by just coasting on what you earn in game.
There is a shared closet feature wherein if your friend has an item you need for a stage in their shared closet, you can temporarily buy and borrow that item for a day for a one-time use in a stage. While that seems like a bad deal, it can really be beneficial if you just need one item to complete a stage with a perfect score
Crafting items in this game is like pulling teeth, it is long, tedious, and requires a certain level of planning beforehand depending on what you want to craft. Sometimes things required for a level require a crazy amount of materials to craft, and you can only focus on one thing at a time. On that note, it does have to be mentioned that it is incredibly satisfying to complete your goal, and once you have an item you can use it forever, even if you lose the copy you have of it.
The rewards for completing most sets are laughable at best and insulting at worst, so it really isn’t worth it to try and complete a set if you are only going after it for what it will give you when you complete it.
The game can be punishing when it comes to getting a perfect score on most later stages of a story (which is necessary for obtaining patterns for other stages and story tickets for unlocking more stories) and it often takes you numerous attempts and sifting through unskippable stories to try the stage a few times, which can get irritating 
Closing this little review, I would truly recommend this game if you play Love Nikki, as it is similar at it’s core but is a different experience. The stories you read are a lot of fun, and the clothing is fun and versatile. On the flip side, if you aren’t the most patient and like moving quickly, this game may not be the best fit for you, as going through and trying to get everything you want/need is a time consuming and often tedious task.
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pure-eleganza · 4 years
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Hey 🥺 it would be pretty cool if you were to add me  🥺🥺🥺
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pure-eleganza · 4 years
Of course
Do you think Agata effectively utilized girl power when she said fuck this corrupt monarchy and battled the warlords instead of allowing them to take over Black Water City?
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pure-eleganza · 4 years
Love Nikki, Usually:
Designer's Tea Party :) Gorgeous Suits :) Lesbians :) Anime girls :) Stylists and Designers :) well-constructed characters and a light hearted narrative :)
Love Nikki in this event:
The Miraland heierarchy dictates that designers and Stylists lives take priority over civilians, prompting the debate over how we value lives :) Knights values are compromised while defending a fundamentally broken system that not even the illegitimate Prince wants to rule over, leading knights to make a decision between two sets of values; to remain blindly compliant with a system that has proven to be corrupt, or to fight for the honour and freedom that had guided you into this way of life in the first place :) 6k diamonds for one suit :))
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pure-eleganza · 4 years
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pure-eleganza · 4 years
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CocoPPA Dolls...good
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pure-eleganza · 4 years
Also the stethoscope IS a scarf and it IS sneaky as hell so watch closely because it has gotten me so. many. times.
Every time these “pick one of two” events come around there are so many new people flabbergasted, because they haven’t learned Nikki’s golden rule... the SCARF! follow the Scarf!!! It’s the one with a scarf item!
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