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Hello Everyone, hope your day / night is going great. I’ve decided to pre-emptively switch to a new blog as I’m not sure when / if Tumblr Support will get back to me and I didn’t want to prevent new followers from being able to easily view the pages. The MASTERLIST will also be released in the next 24 hours so I wanted the theme to be fully functional for the reveal. Please unfollow this blog and click the link below to follow the new blog:
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Hello Everyone, hope your day / night is going great. I’ve decided to pre-emptively switch to a new blog as I’m not sure when / if Tumblr Support will get back to me and I didn’t want to prevent new followers from being able to easily view the pages. The MASTERLIST will also be released in the next 24 hours so I wanted the theme to be fully functional for the reveal. Please unfollow this blog and click the link below to follow the new blog:
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Hello Everyone, hope your day / night is going great. I’ve decided to pre-emptively switch to a new blog as I’m not sure when / if Tumblr Support will get back to me and I didn’t want to prevent new followers from being able to easily view the pages. The MASTERLIST will also be released in the next 24 hours so I wanted the theme to be fully functional for the reveal. Please unfollow this blog and click the link below to follow the new blog:
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are there any set sexualities re: connections or are they up to players?
All sexualities will be up to the players but I will say most characters are written to be fluid and somewhere on the LGBT spectrum. 
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Would adore to see Ira!!! Aaaaa!
She’s coming on Thursday! I adore her so I’m glad you like her too.
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hi! i just noticed the rp is 21+ which is fine of course but any chance you could add that to the rules instead of just the sidebar? bc i read the rules & plot on mobile and just saw the sidebar on desktop i'm 21 in november so by the time i could even apply the rp will be through abt half of its run and it's made me a bit bummed out now and wouldn't want anyone else to do that same lol
Hi there! The pages are currently all down due to a glitch but I’ll be sure to do that once they’re back up again. Also, thank you for being so respectful of the rules I put in place. I’m willing to be a little more lenient on this as the rule is there to protect players under 21 more than anything. If you make a note of this in your app, I don’t have any problems accepting someone turning 21 just two months shy of the planned opening date.
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leyna bloom for avaritia?
Leyna is gorgeous but doesn’t quite fit the vibe I had in mind for AVARITIA. She would, however, work wonderfully for an upcoming character. I won’t say who as I’d prefer people to click with a character based on the skeleton rather than the fc but it should be quite apparent. And if not, feel free to ask who it is once all the skeletons are released.
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INFAMIA.   ⟡   NAME.   ⟡   27,  M.
OF ALL THE HOUSES AND FAMILIES THAT PULL THE STRINGS OF THIS WORLD, YOURS IS THE ONE THAT KNOWS POWER BEST. Power, true power, sempiternal and enduring, lies in empire-building, governance. A modern political dynasty that rivals the legend of the Kennedys and Nehru-Ghandis, you were born, bred and destined for greatness. The first son of a family that has shaped the political present and future millions, the weight upon your shoulders is one that even Atlas would struggle to bear. You have borne it all with dignity and gravitas, the prestige synonymous with your name overshadowed only by your innate magnetism. There is no argument or problem you could not conquer with the sheer force of your rhetoric and rationality. Student president, debate club champion, Olympic-qualifying athlete, you were the ultimate golden boy your parents had always dreamed of. Until the whole house of cards came crumbling down upon you. The accident changed you, unleashed something inside of you wild and seething. Now, you would sooner burn an empire to the ground than ever dream again of building one.
Before you met him, you had never known what it was to have a true, indisputable equal. All your life you had been surrounded by admirers and sycophants, those who bowed and scraped and bent the knee for a scrap of your largesse. He was unlike anyone you had ever encountered, his mind a vast and infinite mirror of your own. If it was rare for you to find true friends, it was even rarer you to find genuine contenders. His brilliance and mastery of any subject he approached earned him your immediate respect, and his wit and sharpness of humour won you swiftly after. You compete like its bloodsport, a battle to the death, forever neck and neck to the finish line. You admire his ambition, his zealousness, the hunger that drives him to push harder, farther, faster. It shouldn’t have surprised you, how thoroughly he had orchestrated everything for GULA’S downfall. He was Verdamme’s reigning chess master after all, always thinking ten, twenty steps ahead of his opponents. Ahead of you.
How could you have known what he would come to mean to you? You dismissed him from first impression, unimpressed by his insouciance and frivolous devotion to art for art’s sake. Despite your tactical nature, your blatant antipathy darkened the room every time you were forced to share your circle of friends. It was a sort of affliction, a malaise, feverishness setting into your veins that consumed your waking thoughts with how much you wanted to loathe him. Somehow, against your better judgement, he broke you. A lifetime of compartmentalisation abandoned in a lapse of reason. You loved him in between stolen fragments of time and space, amidst all the words that flowed from his mouth in a language you had never heard but wanted to dream in. The unspeakable, abominable truth is, he reminds you of the boy you killed that night of the accident. The lie is that you never told him. For all your rhetorical prowess, you never had his gift for speaking honesty. You should have never told you loved him. You should have lied.
The Fourth Estate has always played a crucial role in defining history, society, and reality as we know it. Your families were close—which is a polite and diplomatic way of saying they were entwined in a mutually parasitic relationship. Her father’s media outlets fed the myth and aggrandisement of your family’s legacy, and in turn your family paved the way for deregulation, tax cuts for billionaires and legislated approval for their casinos and theme parks. In the midst of all this scheming and politicking, you found common ground. A bitter cynicism at the part you would eventually play with your respective inheritances. Together, you watched the world go to ruin, smoking stolen Arturo Fuente cigars and toasting to the wreckage with your pilfered Macallan 25. You entertained yourselves with fantasies about it letting it all fall to decay—striking a match against everything you’ve ever swallowed in the name of family legacy.
ALT. FCS: Broderick Hunter, Mekhi Alante Lucky, Kofi Siriboe.
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Hello, this is just a quick note to say that all of the pages on the blog seem to be down right now. I’ve tested the codes on other blogs and they appear to be fine and no codes from other theme makers appear to be working either. Hopefully it’s just a momentary glitch and they’re back up in a few hours. Sorry about the inconvenience caused! I’ve messaged Tumblr Support for assistance in the meantime so please bear with me.
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this is such a dumb question, but are actor FCs ok choices here? i really like the look of this but I'm usually happiest playing actor fcs and i know different admins have different aesthetic preferences. So, I wanted to make sure that'd be okay. would it?
Not a dumb question at all. Yes, you can use actor faceclaims. I’d say it’s probably a 60 / 40 split currently between models and actors for the full cast, with both my selected fcs and alt. fc suggestions. The game itself will not be reliant on gifs regardless of your fc and you can choose to use or not use them in your threads.
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Hey admin Claudia! Thanks so much for posting the inspo blog! If it's not too much trouble, I'd love the chance to see violentia, acedia or maybe even Ira soon! This looks amazing and I cannot wait to see more!
You’re welcome! I’m glad I could share my aesthetic brain rot with everyone. ACEDIA and IRA are already in the schedule for the next few days! Thank you and I hope you enjoy everything that’s still to come.
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AVARITIA.   ⟡   NAME.   ⟡   27,  F.
IT’S ALMOST FAIRYTALE–YOUR EXQUISITE BEAUTY BEING BOTH A BLESSING AND A CURSE. You were beloved from the first moment you drew breath, and in the next, reviled. They say you took your mother’s beauty along with her life, and with it, all things soft and beautiful and bright. Your brothers and sisters never forgave you for it and they channelled their aimless grief into your daily misery. Exile to boarding school was your only safe haven—a place where girls and teachers alike orbited you like a solar system, enraptured by your delicate grace and charm. Being adored was so close to being wanted, being needed, and as you grew older, adoration billowed into love and worship. People would go to their knees for a scrap of attention from you; a flicker of flirtation would nearly stop their heart. In you, the world projected all their wildest fantasies and imagination. You were the it girl, the ingenue, the girl everyone wants to be or have or taste. It made you untouchable and it made you monstrous. For what else could you call a creature who eats constantly but is never full? A girl who is beloved by everyone but always starving for more, ravenous for every last sliver of affection and devotion?
From the moment you saw her, you knew there would only ever be her. The only one you hadn’t beguiled into loving you. She is singular and wholly exceptional because of it. Love is hunger, a never-ending devouring. You learned that best from her. Raised on pedestals by society, reaching from the peak of Olympus to grace the mortal world with your shared elegance and je ne sais quois. Sometimes you don’t know if she loves you as much as she hates that she loves you, because it means she can never destroy you. When you fight, it’s viciousness and animal savagery—mutually assured destruction. You love the same way, after all, with teeth and claws, armed with each other’s deepest, darkest secrets and confessions. The things you speak in the dark to each other that no one else knows.
What began as meaningless flirtation and cavalier provocation sauntered easily into sincere friendship. You were so alike in your unabated wanting, the bottomless hunger that feasted upon you and still left you starving. Where you sated yourself on devotion and adoration, they turned to intimacy and carnality. In your youth, you competed with conquests and bedpost notches, entangling yourselves in trivial gambles and wagers. Many an Adonis and Pandora have fallen prey to your games, discarded like flotsam and collateral damage. They have been many things to you: challenger, enabler, confidante. With them, you feel less hollow, less a thing made out of inexorable longing. He sees the unloved thing curled inside your bones and kisses her cheek, her temple, the crown of her soul.
The first time was a mistake. The second was a seduction—a pas de deux of danger and exhilaration. He was always hers. SUPERBIA & GULA, the gilded power couple destined for the throne, entwined by birthright and supremacy. But there he was, a velvet smile curving serpentine on his lips, handsome as sin. Not even the garden of Eden could have been worth risking everything, but you chose it anyway. You clashed in searing rage and volatile loathing at first—how dare he believe himself worthy? How could he betray her?–but fury swiftly descended into ravenous desire, a passion that could only be borne from blasphemy. Forbidden fruit. Unlike the rest, you had more than one reason to want him dead. When it came down to it, you loved your freedom more than you could ever love him. Ask any woman and she’ll tell you why Eve chose the world instead of you.
ALT. FCS: Stav Strahsko, Zión Moreno.
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Hello everyone and thank you for all your curiosity and interest so far! To provide a sneak peak into the skeletons before the full MASTERLIST is revealed on August 24th, please check out our inspo blog, ANTEPURGATORIO. Hopefully the glimpse into each character’s aesthetic will tide you over until all of them are released. As mentioned, feel free to request a character be moved up if you see any that spark your interest and I’ll do my best to accomodate.
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Would there potentially be room to shift the genders of any skeletons? (i.e. shift a male skeleton to female, that kind of thing?) If not, no worries! Just wondering!
There will be a few skeletons that are specifically listed as non-binary with they / them pronouns. For all skeletons, characters may also use flexible pronouns. It’s important, however, that specific mlm and wlw dynamics are preserved, so switching from a male skeleton to a female skeleton will not be allowed.
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If it's not too early to ask, would you be open to posting avaricia relatively soon? Thanks so much!
AVARITIA will actually be posted next within the hour or so.
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How many skeletons will be posted a day?
I was originally planning on posting one skeleton a day but might be bumping it up to two a day so stay tuned.
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I apologize if this is at all annoying, but I was having a look at superbia's FCs, and noticed that both Adut Akech and Anok Yai are under 24. Your rules state that all FCs must be between 24 and 32, so I wondered – is that rule still right/what you want? Just curious since I'd love to know what age range is right, as I daydream about potential FCs with each new skeleton posted! Also: Do you have a banned FC list at all?
You’re right, my apologies for that! I’ve adjusted the age scale to 23-32 years old for faceclaims. I’m conscious of ensuring the cast appears roughly the same age and this is the age demographic where people can vary wildly older or younger than they really are. So if you have any faceclaim ideas for the skeletons you’d like please hesitate the main first to check if they’re approved.
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