pussy300 · 4 days
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pussy300 · 11 days
stop reducing radical feminism to gender criticism
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pussy300 · 17 days
not to be That Feminist but. You cannot read your way out of talking to other women. Feminism is a very broad set of actions and beliefs, and it manifests in many ways, including ofc artistic and literary and academic creations, which are obvi v v important to the cause, but at its core feminism is a social movement and as such we can only grown within it if we acknowledge the inherent social aspects of it. You can and probably should read feminist essays and books and watch feminist seminars and movies and support feminist manifestations but you can only grow as a feminist in a healthy and productive way if you talk to other women, all kinda of women, not only other radical feminists or even other feminists at all, you gotta talk and listen to women of all kinds of lives and backgrounds and beliefs, even ones you disagree with or judge or are against. You don’t need to agree w them, or learn from them, or educate them, or even particularly like them. But you gotta respect them as /women/, as women who are in the same sexual class as you are, because when we're talking about feminism we're talking about women's lives and women's liberation we're talking about women. You can call it what you want, outreach, firstline work, base work, sorority, conscientization, whatever, but we need to understand that connection to other women is at heart of the movements and beliefs we choose to be in.
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pussy300 · 19 days
i cannot explain how the phrase "los abusadores son hijos sanos del patriarcado" (abusers/rapists are the healthy sons of the patriarchy) changed my life. when you're faced with statistics, when you realize women are at higher risk around men they know and trust, it really changes everything.
and when you realize rapists aren't just some creepy-looking guys walking at night, that phrase helps you understand a rapist can be a man close to you, a man you know, a man you trust, a man you think would never do that, any seemingly well-adjusted man.
and given how hard latinamerican feminists are fighting to bring justice for women murdered by intimate partners like boyfriends and husbands and fight for abortion rights for little girls abused by male family members, we can't dismiss rape as a crime only committed by terrible men who can't adapt to society or say "real men don't do that".
it could be any man. that's the point.
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pussy300 · 27 days
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pussy300 · 1 month
gay liberation isnt for straight people decolonization isnt for colonizers land back isnt for settlers every single movement can clearly and explicitly state that it centers a group of people and caters to them and their liberation not to others n especially not those who are on the other end of their opression but for some reason feminism cant do that women have to keep performing the emotional labor of watering down feminism so that it can extend to men. when men arent an opressed class. like the absolute worst thing the patriarchy can inflict on men is hurting their feelings but hurt feelings isnt agression or opression. whats that phrase feminism is the only movement that cant center itself. fucking hell
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pussy300 · 1 month
Favorite book to introduce radical feminism to people? These are the first five I thought of, please add any more!
-Invisible Women
-Anything by Dworkin
-The Beauty Myth
-This Bridge Called My Back
-Who Cooked The Last Supper?
Thanks for the question!
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pussy300 · 1 month
all my advice about using real athletes to learn drawing bodies beyond hard abs, and my particular pref being wrestlers, also applies to women btw. you can draw women who r strong and not an hourglass shape. fucking do it.
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kris statlander, rhea ripley (look at her SHAPE), willow nightingale, ruby soho, these r just four off the top of my head that have obvious musculature and different body types. skye blue and julia hart have more slim cheerleader style bodies as well, i REALLY wanted to put emi sakura who is fucking STOUT (adoring) in this post but i couldn't find a good demonstrative pic, the list goes on
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pussy300 · 1 month
Seeing all the people cry “this site was built on the backs of trans women, every important and funny post ever was made by them!” is so funny and just factually wrong. This site was built on the backs of 35 year old superwholock fans writing fanfiction and making black and white gifs with 12 frames where only half of it moved to get it under the file limit, first of all
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pussy300 · 1 month
Are you from the Global South?
Options: Yes, I was born, raised and live in the global south / No,i was not born raised or currently live in the global south / i was born/raised in the global south but now live in the global north / i was born/raised in global north and now live in the global south / I am from the global south but disagree with the north/south dicotomy
Please check for what countries are considered global south beyond 'southern hemisphere' + being FROM the global south means being PHYSICLALY born / raised there. Descendant/immigrant family doesnt count
Thanks for the submission Nona!
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pussy300 · 1 month
For those who weren't always radfem or rad-adjacent:
Which concept FIRST introduced you to the other political stances of radical feminism?
1) being critical of gender ideology led me to other radfem beliefs
2) being against pornography/prostitution
3) being against surrogacy
4) nothing in particular drew me in, I started questioning my current beliefs and went looking for something else
5) I got on board with a different radfem belief first (tag or comment it)
Thanks Nonnette!
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pussy300 · 1 month
Another factor that I feel is not often brought up when debunking intimate partner violence among women myths is that most of these statistics can only be countfiable through data based on victim accusation; often in order to count statistics for things like IPV you can only do it by analysing the data from places that victims reach out, either when seeking help or when looking to register complaints on their partners. Women being abused by men in intimate relationships are extremely, extremely unlikely to seek out these places, while lesbian and bisexual women communities have been making efforts for DECADES to address IPV and search for community-wide ways to help the victim and cast out the perpetrator. So even when people bring up things like high numbers of impatient calls in clinics, those numbers should be compared not only to the number of women in relationships with other women vs other men, but also take in account the cultural and individual approach women loving women have towards IPV vs hetero IPV culture
scrotes love to throw “did you know lesbians have higher rates of abuse??” into every debate, not realizing men are still the issue even in their most favorite statistic.
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pussy300 · 1 month
poll: have you seen cybergirlz by sillypoo?
it's a radfem animation
Yes and I liked it, yes and I feel neutral about it, yes and I dislike it, no
↑easy access link
Thanks for the submission!
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pussy300 · 1 month
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some of my favorite replies to this tweet. happy lesbian visibility week!
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pussy300 · 1 month
i think its funny when TRAs say a pillar of radical feminist belief is a TERF dogwhistle. We are not dogwhistling baby we are literally writing it in plain words for everyone to read.
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pussy300 · 2 months
You can say many things about how TRA/gender conformists simply do not know what radical feminism is and who radical feminists are but one thing that always makes that strikingly obvious is that radical feminism is not as much a movement as it is a set of beliefs and practices. Radical feminism is decentralised, there are very few attempts at making it an organised movement beyond a local scale (for good and for bad), and it really truly does not have the worldwide impact people think it does. Like the transphobia, in all kinds, that TRAs attribute to radical feminists are just conservative and left wing LGBT backlash very rarely targeted exclusively at trans people, but rather at LGBT (including homosexuality) at large. If radical feminism had an actual impact at large, even just on feminism, which is mostly liberal in the places it has any hold, do they really think that trans ideology would be a priority before pornography, sex industry, household labor, reproductive rights? Like we know they don't really know what radical feminism is beyond "transmisogyny" but really? You think if radical feminism could start with solving one problem it would be trans ideology, not, like, sexual trafficking or any one of the infinite others issues we're concerned with? C'mon
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pussy300 · 2 months
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Women’s Voices Now streams hundreds of films about women’s issues from women directors all over the world, for free!
You can really just click on any film and watch the entire thing online, for free! There’s documentaries and narrative films, short films and feature length! I STRONGLY encourage you to check it out.
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