pwincessdummy · 13 days
If you can choose one baby diaper company to make adult diaper versions of their diaper which would it be?
Ooo... probably Pampers, I'm basic (and I love Sesame Street). I'm actually experimenting with modding my usual plain white day diapers with baby diaper shells recently, so expect some posts with those soon!
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pwincessdummy · 15 days
Today was the first time I wore swim diapers, I'm usually naughty and just peepee in the pool because I thought that swim diaps didnt absorb pee? But my tummy felt a little weird and lately I've been getting not a lot of warning before I go poopies and I really didn't want to make it so the pool would need to be cleaned... didn't end up needing them for that but it turns out they actually do hold in the peepee!
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pwincessdummy · 15 days
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Help me get my back?
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pwincessdummy · 19 days
I had family visiting the past week so I've been quite busy but I'll be back on here soon promise!
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pwincessdummy · 25 days
*Hook and loop tape pamps only... unless you also wanna come change me?
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pwincessdummy · 27 days
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pwincessdummy · 27 days
Bed wetters/messers are so hot in a cute, pathetic way. You'll just be laid there cuddling them, petting and babying them as you do whilst they're going night night, then you suddenly hear this hissing noise as they start to fill their nappy without the ability to stop it even if they wanted to.
And then with messing, just the adorable little grunts, the absolute cutest thing. My current little used to wake up a couple minutes later without fail, I'd tell her to give it a big squish for me then go back to sleepies.
I honestly just think littles are the best.
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pwincessdummy · 28 days
LfB makes cloth backed diapers now? owo I've always thought their designs are adorable but I can't do sticky tapes cause poor fine motor skills and no grip strength and I prefer cloth to plastic backed cause I have very sensitive skin and a lot of the plastics irritate it.. maybe that'll be my next nini diap buy
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pwincessdummy · 28 days
a new fantasy of mine is doing a long like multi-day road trip completely diapered and strapped into a carseat (´♡‿♡`)
driving is just so hard and scary! i want to be buckled in the backseat in a pretty pink carseat with my princess diapey completely uncovered so my caretaker can check how soaked i am from the drivers seat!
maybe my caretaker will try and entertain me with dolls, snacks, nursery rhymes, or ispy!
or maybe they’ll just stick me with an ipad and headphones and make my listen to my hypnosis tracks and watch my spiral the entire ride (/ε\*)
maybe they’ll even make me dress like a baby the entire trip! noting but silly little tutus that don’t even hide my soaked girly diapers and babyish onesies with mermaids and unicorns on it. maybe i’ll soak through my overalls and my caregiver will just give up and leave me in nothing but a ruffled little bib and a double diaper strapped into my baby seat, giggling as they see my little boobies bounce when we go over potholes (*ノωノ)
just spending the entire trip making sure i know that i’m just a dumb drooling baby who’s still far to little to be allowed to drive or even sit shotgun!
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pwincessdummy · 28 days
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you can always tell from my diaper if I slept on my tummy or on my back
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pwincessdummy · 30 days
bratty baby vibes ✨️
- begging to be in big girl undies then having an accident anyways
- hiding when it's time for a diaper change
- throwing stuffies when you want attention
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pwincessdummy · 1 month
*Puts star sticker on the potty training chart*
“I know you still peed all down your legs today like a little baby, but you were a good girl who I can tell was trying really hard. That’s all Daddy wants to see, Princess. Let’s try just as hard tomorrow, okay?”
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pwincessdummy · 1 month
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pwincessdummy · 1 month
i love sweet nonsexual submission.
sitting and coloring while daddy washes my pacifiers, head pats and picking out my clothes. watching cartoons and cuddling. just getting to be my papa’s baby.
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pwincessdummy · 1 month
when he calls me kiddo i lose all my dignity
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pwincessdummy · 1 month
I really love age gaps.
I love being younger and smaller and dumber.
I love having my age mentioned because I'm just soooo young for you. I love that you make me believe you're just so much wiser than me. You know everything, I don't. You've been through so much in your lifetime, I haven't. You have so much experience, while I have none.
And I love dressing up in school-girl skirts and pigtails with bows. I love struggling with schoolwork and daily, trivial activities. I just need help with everything. I need assistance because I'm just so dependent and young.
We'd walk around and people would think you're my dad. And so I'd call you as such because it makes sense, doesn't it?
I love holding your fingers instead of your hand, because mine are just so tiny. I love being so much shorter. I love being so small that you can just guide me and move me.
I'm so mailable and impressionable and naive. God, do I love it.
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pwincessdummy · 1 month
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A lil animation Ive been working on! I wanna add sound but I cant quite find the right sound effects -A- 
(all characters shown are 18+) 
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