pyonbinary · 4 months
whats a better way to be a hater though, cuz for monogamous couples it's very easy to personalize negative energy towards when they're being obnoxious about it but the amount of additional matrices involved in poly dynamics make being creative with negativity a lot harder so the easy way out is just "your relationship seems like a hassle"
“I could never be poly”
Then don’t
You don’t need to bring this up every time someone mentions their relationship
You’re not in it, it doesn’t have to work for you
Update your dialogue tree
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pyonbinary · 6 months
Some of you are anemic and I can tell
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pyonbinary · 10 months
Just a blanket is fine I can sleep on the floor idgaf.
*minimum level of comfort = the bare minimum you excpect to get and if they can't provide this, you'd consider not staying over or would be unhappy about it. more is always appreciated but less is a no-go for you.
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pyonbinary · 10 months
pulleys and levers!!! gears that go click clack!!!
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pyonbinary · 11 months
call me a bit of a boomer but if this is about the oshi thing, that was as perfectly handled as it could be. they literally put a note at the end of the translation explaining what the original word was so you can research into the context it has and go like “yeah I get why it would get localized to stan”. I love translator notes!!! everything always gets lost in translation and they’re the best tool we have to patch it up!!! spend more time reading illegal manga!!!
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tumblr's conception of language is very funny sometimes
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pyonbinary · 11 months
They're calling it "dark autism"
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pyonbinary · 11 months
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pyonbinary · 11 months
Jesse: "Yo, Mr. Fring, I've been thinking about this quote, man. "One must imagine Sisyphus happy." What do you make of that?"
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Gus: "Ah, Jesse, I see you've stumbled upon the existential musings of Albert Camus. It's an intriguing concept, to say the least."
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Gus: "Sisyphus, condemned to an eternity of rolling a boulder uphill only to watch it roll back down again, represents the futility and absurdity of life's struggles."
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Gus: "However, Camus suggests that by accepting and embracing this absurdity, one can find happiness."
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Jesse: "Yeah, but I mean, isn't that just some crazy philosophical bullshit? How can someone be happy in such a fucked-up situation?"
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Gus: "Happiness, Jesse, is a state of mind. It's not about the circumstances we find ourselves in, but rather how we choose to perceive and respond to them."
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Gus: "Sisyphus, despite his eternal struggle, can find meaning and purpose in his repetitive task. By embracing his fate and finding fulfillment in the act itself, he transcends the burden he carries."
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Jesse: "That's deep shit, man. So, what, you're saying we should just accept all the crap that comes our way and be happy about it?"
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Gus: "Not necessarily. Acceptance doesn't mean complacency. It means acknowledging the realities of our situation and finding a way to navigate them while maintaining our inner peace."
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Gus: "It's about finding meaning in the journey, even if the destination remains elusive."
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Jesse: "Yeah? I guess that makes sense in some messed-up, twisted way... Hey, speaking of finding happiness, have you tried Taco Bell's Nacho Fries? They're insane, man!"
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Gus: "...Nacho Fries, Mr. Pinkman?"
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Jesse: "Oh, you gotta try 'em, Mr. Fring! They're like these crispy, seasoned fries with this gooey cheese dipping sauce. It's like a flavor explosion in your mouth, man. I bet you'd love 'em."
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Gus: "If they are as remarkable as you claim, perhaps we can find a moment to indulge. After all, even in the face of existential ponderings, we mustn't forget to appreciate life's simpler pleasures."
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Jesse: "That's what I'm talkin' about, Mr. Fring! We'll have ourselves a little culinary adventure amidst all the fucking chaos. Life's all about finding those moments of joy, even if it means embracing the absurdity along the way, right?"
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Gus: "Indeed, Jesse. Life's contradictions often lead us to unexpected discoveries. Perhaps, we may find a glimpse of Sisyphus' elusive happiness in the process."
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pyonbinary · 1 year
girls fucking love to be sleepy
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pyonbinary · 1 year
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pyonbinary · 1 year
Btw, the rescue efforts by the US and Canadian govt are entirely performative. They know those men are dead. They are merely signaling to other billionaires and oligarchs that they will always put down endless taxpayer dollars to protect their safety and status, even from their own stupidity. Just because of their wealth, which is stolen from those less fortunate. While the poor will never be extended the same amount of support, especially those who are most vulnerable, such as those migrating to escape hellish living conditions.
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pyonbinary · 1 year
I think the classification is dumb & all of these are planets + the earth is a bi-planetary system and all moons large enough to be spherical are planets, the current metric is literally based on "oh we can't teach kids about tens of planets in our solar system that'd be too much", but like just do it you cowards
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pyonbinary · 1 year
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with fabric paint, a sponge, an xacto knife, and a lot of patience... you too can have an amen break shirt
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pyonbinary · 1 year
"femboy-inclusive lesbian" feels like a dragon shout phrase designed to induce frenzy in the psychically weak but honestly it's the most accurate label for my sexuality I've discovered
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pyonbinary · 1 year
girlcum this girlcum that. girl if you're on hrt you are not cumming
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pyonbinary · 1 year
best of both worlds rhetoric should be about soft tummy to punch and denser abdominal musculature to protect them from internal bleeding
we need to stop fetishizing trans women for having dicks or whatever and start fetishizing how trans women have a higher muscle density than cis women for 5 years after hrt and how that makes it safer to punch them in the stomach
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pyonbinary · 1 year
we need to stop fetishizing trans women for having dicks or whatever and start fetishizing how trans women have a higher muscle density than cis women for 5 years after hrt and how that makes it safer to punch them in the stomach
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