pyotan · 22 days
A Moment of Assurance and Respite
A long day of battle and only more to come once the sun rises, Amal is really only able to take a single huff out of his joint before he’s nodding forward and off. 
And Ijsbrand, who is ever at his side, cannot help but to give a tired giggle before reaching to take hold of that lit smoke, politely prying it from his grip to snuff out for a later date. “Oh, my poor sunshine..”
“Mmh..?” Amal just now takes notice of his taken joint and huffs in mild frustration but accepts it.. now simply slumping onto his wife who sits beside him. A deep exhale.. As if he’s still got any smoke left in him. “It’sss nice to have you here..” 
And it’s not just because he’s saved a perfectly good joint or has suddenly become the hero’s pillow.. His support both on the field and off it has been much needed, something he and the others hadn’t realized they’d lacked until this trip out into the new world. 
And Amal doesn’t have to say such.. Really, Ijsbrand can feel it in his thoughts alone. 
It has the viera positively glowing.. “Oh, you flatter me..” Words soft, a mere whisper.. Ijsbrand tilts down to kiss his bard upon the mess of curls. He smells of sweat and dust.. Blood and light, even. 
There’s just been no time for a bath, no proper source.. And while Ijsbrand certainly doesn’t mind, the scent has this moment feeling all the more surreal. This is a real time of battle, after all.. And instead of worrying away in the safety of their home, he is by his side in the middle of it. 
“It’s an honor to be at my hero’s side..”
“Mmh..” Amal hums.. His ring glowing.. Ijsbrand cannot help but to dot more kisses into his husband’s hair.. It feels as if his husband has truly fallen asleep but he soon perks back up with his words, ears literally springing up as he regains just a bit of consciousness. “Never.. Leaaave it..”
A smothered giggle.. Ijsbrand assures in turn.. “Nothing can take us apart now, Amal..”
And such words leave the seeker smiling to himself as he succumbs to much needed rest.
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pyotan · 2 months
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An urgent knock but a futile one considering Harumi has no time to waste and simply helps herself inside. 
Not that Naoh minds for he had been expecting her; he’s only startled by the way she chooses to come in. A beeline straight to him, she is all flush and no words. Though not out of choice, she is struggling to form a coherent thought, to even choose a language to tell the tale in.
The keeper has only halted in his actions, which was just him fiddling with his tied-off top.. A quirked brow, a curious twitch of the ears and just as interested of a trill to come out..
“Mmrrmmph? A-Arrrre you ready forrr our seaside date?” A forced giggle, he looks her up and down to try to get a read on her.. “.../that/ excited, mayyyybe..?”
“I..” Harumi holds her blushing face for a moment, finally taking a moment to breathe and give out a looooong exhale.. She drops her cheeks and looks away shyly to state.. “I saw G’amal and his wife having sex…!” 
“Oh girrrl, they do that allll the time–”
“Noooo but!” She huffs, a slight spike out out of how flushed and worked up she is. She reaches out to Naoh to grip tightly at his hands, switching to the comfort of Hinganshi. “It was.. H-hot..!” A large tail whip. “I saw his cock for /just/ a second and it’s so big..” she tiptoes in closer, leaning up to her friend’s space, “And he’s already big.. Imagine how tender yet.. In control he must be during..!” a sigh, she drops her stance and his hands to instead begin fiddling with her skirt.. “Oh.. to be in the strong arms of your lover..”
Naoh takes a step forward and takes hold of her chin, a gentle but forceful tilt up of it so that the pair make direct eye contact.. The keeper drops his tone as he speaks, “I can give you a taste today..” And then he drops the hold and brings his touch down to play with her skirt along with her, a teasing lift as he squints blue and whispers hotly, “I’ll have you to myself today, afterrrrall..” 
“Ohh Naoh..” Harumi giggles, nodding as she melts under the attention and sways her hips for a moment.. And then twirls, purposefully slapping her tail into her friend before thrusting her ass back to bonk him all in a swift motion. “Let’s not be late for our date, then!”
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pyotan · 3 months
“I miss home..” A quiet cry that is nothing new to come from Ijsbrand’s lips, and yet Kjat could not simply allow them to be left alone. 
She, in the midst of their drunken cuddle session, leans up and in to capture his quivering lips. Warm..just as the alcohol they’d shared earlier. Before these tears, there was laughter. And now? It is hard to say what will come once their lips part.
Terrified over such a fact, Kjat remains meshed over her friend’s mouth, a slooooow movement over them to suckle his upper lip gently.. It’s awkward for their affections are usually rough. But the booze slows Kjat as does the fear of facing reality. 
‘Keep kissing him.. Keep him silent..’ and oddly enough, he begins to mirror her.. Though clearly just as awkward as her, his hands come to press to the small of her back.. A touch to encourage her to stay. And one she wants to buck into but.. Instead she simply melts..
An exhale into each other, the two begin to push further in their kissing. There is no daring of tongue, but instead nipping with teeth and suckling claims from their lips. Smudged, pressed, grind.. They part to breathe and refuse to look at one another.. 
Their foreheads press, noses nuzzle.. But their gaze remains shut, their words silenced. 
A moment to breathe is all they need to end this, however, for their buzz of liquor and affections is all but gone with their breath. And just as she’d been the one to start things, she is the one to end them as well for with a huff does she pull herself out of the shared bedsheets.. Still refusing to look at her friend.
“Kjat..” Ijsbrand finally breaks the silence, however, as she climbs out. “Please stay.”
“Why? So we can make out just because we are lonely people? Maybe that is how /you/ handle your emotions, but that is not me.” Still the tender press of his lips lingers over her own.. She hates how she wants to touch it, to kiss her friend more so that the sensation never leaves. 
Perhaps what makes this situation so terrible for her is that she cannot tell if this pining is for Ijsbrand himself or simply to fill a lonely void. Nonetheless, their affections were only triggered by shared misery, not love.
And it’s only a matter of time until G’amal realizes what he has in front of him and takes Ijs away for himself..
“We can’t just ignore what happened.”
“Yes, yes we can.” Kjat growls, stomping her way towards the door. “It will be especially easy for you, Ijsbrand, because one look at that stupid Bard and you can forget /everything/!” 
Ijsbrand is still rather drunk so.. His attempt to get out from the bed and twisted mess of sheets is futile.. He huffs in frustration.. “That’s not fair..”
“What’s not fair is what I did. I’m sorry.” Sorry to herself as well for now she will be dwelling on his mouth for weeks.. How desperately she wants to punch in her face simply to replace that ever lingering warmth. “Just drink water, get rest. See your cat tomorrow and all will be well.”
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pyotan · 3 months
rabb it
Rabb It was found deep in the woods by a traveling group of thieves. They take them in as their own and not knowing the gender, they didn’t know how to name them. They raised them as a boy but named him Rabbit. Rabb for short. 
Rabb was very much loved by the group. They were his family and he learned a lot from them. He learned how to understand winds and smells like when rain is coming and just how bad to expect it. He was very useful to them for this for he could help predict when would be ideal for them to strike tribes and villages.
One day, when Rabb is tiny teen, someone in the group backstabs them and everyone is slaughtered. Rabb ends up living despite a slit throat and is found in time by a healer.
The healer teaches him little magic to help him center himself. The thing about Rabb is that he’s quick, he’s quick to learn and quick to heal.. 
The healer can’t take him in forever, they must return to their own travels. They offer Rabb to join but Rabb can’t bring themselves to go with another, it’d be like replacing their family to them. So they decline and eventually they go their separate ways, despite Rabb actually feeling terrified to be alone.
They feel like they could be targeted at any point. They wear a scarf given to them from the healer that always smells of mint. It’s meant to calm and hide their scar.
They find work when they can, pick pocket absolutely, but mostly live out in the woods and nature. 
Eventually! Rabb finds steady work by helping out a Moogle with delivering packages.
Rabb actually has the ability to teleport! I imagine it a lot like Ness, they have to run super fucking fast and be in a spacious area otherwise they hurt themselves……they just have to think of where they want to go (but have to of been there) and just go. 
They have and can go to the first via teleport though they don’t like to, it causes a dangerous but small rip everytime and it’s always been accidental when they end up there. 
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pyotan · 3 months
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A shattering of glass, a fiend attacking the healer.. Naoh is all scraped up from the downpour of the broken pieces and can only huddle into himself and accept as he is cut up. Slicing past the fabrics of his protective robes, usually he would have magic to protect himself but being silenced, all he can do is accept..
Not for long, however, for Shiun not only sees his support under peril but feels the neglect, a shield having gone down seconds ago and while that may not seem long, it’s dangerous to leave everyone vulnerable to the haunted fiends around them. Nothing to protect them from possession..
Shiun has no choice! He bulldozes his way towards the harmed keeper and practically throws himself on top of him.. A surprised cry as he is brought into the protective arms of his tank, the glass fall has luckily ended just as Shiun interfered. 
It will make this less of a hassle.. “I’m taking it.” Is all Shiun says as he hugs the wounded healer tightly and.. A red aura, Naoh’s wounds are all but stolen away to become Shiun’s. Cuts slicing into scales and skin and all under armor, he must accept this pain so that Naoh can focus on the group once more.
There is a moment when he holds the keeper and hears his whines that Shiun is brought back to the past, to the very second when he’d severed Naoh’s contact with the stars. Guilt comes along with the ache of cuts and somehow, the past makes this moment feel deserving..
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pyotan · 3 months
Rude Rains
A lazy evening to spend together, the keeper pair had shared kisses and giggles under moonlight. Not a cloud in sight, the night is romantic in it’s starlight but lying upon the large chest of their newfound partner has Siobhahn dozing even in the midst of their affections.. The rise and fall of his breath, the gentle rocking of the boat.. How can one not be lured into a nap?
One more suckle to Morus’ upper lip and they simply collapse above him.. Snoozing softly, a sound that instantly gives way to their slumber. Morus can only rumble in bemusement, he trying to stifle his laughter so that he does not disrupt their sleep.. 
His prosthetic hand rests to the small of their back, giving idle strokes.. Their tail twitches every once in a while but other than that, there is no reaction from them.
Their sleep contagious, Morus yawns and controls his urge to stretch out.. Blue eyes fluttering shut.. He gives a deeeep exhale before rest takes him as well.
Even as he drifts into his dreams, he can still feel a tiny tingle from their last suck…
Unfortunately, their little nap does not last for long nor dry... Clouds billow in as the pair dream, completely sneaking upon their shared starlight. A roll and clap of thunder, it’s as if it’s sound were the very trigger for rain for it downpours in that exact instant. 
“WHAT IN THE–! Awwhh hells! Menphina done left us!” Shouts from Morus as he tries to get to his feet along with Sio, the pair are dreary in their actions but try to be quick to hide under the small bit of shelter Morus’ boat offers. 
Wet shivers.. Siobhahn is soaked to the bone and with their thin selves, the cold is just outright cruel on them. They cling to themselves in an attempt to manage and keep any warmth.. But to no avail.
“Ohh Mackerel! Come’ere, I gotcha.” Though soaked himself, Morus reaches and pulls the other into a warming embrace. His hands sprawled over their back as he hugs, heat radiates from the touch as he nuzzles his nose against their forehead. Such affections are new and still foreign but.. Morus is finding himself enjoying it the more he indulges in it. “I’ll warm ye up ‘ere real quick..”
Tender grinding.. The two are soaked and still dripping but with Morus’ warm magicks, it’s feeling almost more sauna or humid rains instead of a cold winter fall. 
“Mmh.. thanksss..” A shivering hiss, they sigh and cling to Morus’ damp shirt in bliss. They can feel his heat radiate even under his wet clothes.. “‘m sorry..”
“Fer what? Mother nature blessin’ us with rain? Don’t be!” A laugh that shakes the embrace, Morus pulls back some to look to them, tilting up their chin as he smiles down.. “Ain’t yer fault, love.”
“Love..?” large ears perk to the term of endearment, one that is new from the fishmonger.. 
His own ears twitch as his hair lightens, flushing as he suddenly squeezes them in the embrace. “Ahahah well! Ya know..!” they whine from the abrupt strength and he quickly apologizes, “sorry, sorry! I just..” and loosens up, thankfully.. “Considerin’ us.. I felt it was okay but. If it ain’t, ye can tell me..?”
“...” Lilac has spread along their cheeks and it’s not because of him warming them up.. Such a term of endearment upon the twain of his voice.. And directed towards them? While they still hesitate in fear of tricking the ever gullible Morus, they cannot help but to lean up and give a small kiss.. Muttering.. “No.. I don’t mind it..” 
Petite lilac enveloped in mirrored affection.. His facial hair tickles their face and the keeper is softly giggling as the two fall into a kissing routine they’ve started since that night.. Ever sweet in the beginning, it starts with their laughs and little pecks.. But a few tiny kisses in and they end up just staying pressed and meshed.. Beginning a slow shuffle into something soon to be far more indulgent..
Morus starts the detour of their chaste kissing.. His large mouth enveloping over lilac before his tongue shyly presses and skims along their lips. 
A hot shudder.. Their throat feels tight as they allow him in, their own lips parting to welcome the hot muscle. 
Wet connection and entanglement.. Going from shy to hungry leaves Sio squeezing their thighs tightly for they think of where else he could be putting such efforts.. They love the kissing, that’s why they want to experience it across their body.. 
But they remain silent on their wants and simply continue with making out.. 
His hands still remain on their back, keeping them warm and shivers at bay.. The sound of rain pounds upon the roofing but neither mind.. It hinders their affections not..
In fact, Morus feels bold in this moment.. “Mmh..” A hum.. His heart pounds in thrills and yearning as he begins to advert his affections down to their jaw.. Scratchy kisses, the receiver begins to giggle and wiggle in Morus’ arms. 
Morus can’t help but to join in with a rumble of stifled laughter.. “‘m sorry..” he mutters over their skin, bringing forth even more giggles. 
“No, no.. heheh.. Don’t worry ‘bout it, just keep goin’..” ringed hand comes to pat the keeper on the head in a sort of encouragement.
“Hahahh.. ‘lright..” And continue on he does.. Prickly nuzzles but soft lips to press over pale silver.. Dots along their jaw and then tender presses along the choker that they bare, half kissing the metal and Sio’s skin.. Keeper fangs grazing but never threatening to sink.
He breathes them in, causing a soft gasp to leave their lips as their fingers gently twist and play with his mess of curls.. Touches and sounds that only encourage.. Morus is feeling hot and a need to please.. His hands are going hotter from the fever he feels, but it is nothing that hurts Sio and in fact, it only further melts them into him. They sigh blissfully.. Nearly going limp as they allow him to continue on..
But the storm does /not/ allow him to continue for an abrupt wave into the boat and the pair begin to stagger in their steamy stand. Hugging onto each other now, Morus manages to keep his and their balance and can only give a breathy laugh as the ship settles in it’s rocking.. Though it continues to roll along the stormy waves, it’s manageable..
“Hahahhh.. Shite, I suppose it be time for me to move ‘er to shore..” luckily, the pair never went that far out but.. It does mean they have to part. A roll of thunder is just a reminder to hurry up before it’s too late.. “Hey, though.. I got some clothes ye can wear.. They be big but dry. Get yerself comfortable as I settle us, eh?”
Siobhahn nods.. Though still cling to him, not wishing to part despite it not being helped. “Stay.. safe and all, yeah?” 
A loud clapping of thunder but it doesn’t hinder Morus, he simply laughs and nods before leaning in to softly kiss the tip of their nose. “Dont’cha worry ‘bout a thing, Love!”
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pyotan · 4 months
Norika past ramblings
So…. Umesaki is not her real name. Umesaki is the name of her voidsent Lord and everyone who comes to listen to his word are taken in as his own and thus share that last name.
Umesaki was summoned by a priest hungry for power but no surprise, something went wrong and Umesaki consumed him. But in the times he’d been with that Priest, Umesaki had found a love in the power of religion, it’s not only a fun way to spend the time but a great source of aether.. He can feast on those who abandon everything or have nothing and they’ll never be missed.
His name is the name of the island he’d been summoned on, it is a small isle full of plum trees. Such a beautiful area and so secluded, he just naturally stayed there even after he’d consumed the Priest. He’s been at this for a very long time and has a big enough following. also, he can shape shift and does into a hyur to keep up appearances but it's exhausting so he's not seen often.
So.. Norika comes into play because she came from a nomad xaela tribe. They’d encountered a believer who tried to persuade their beliefs but were rejected. The tribe had only intended on staying near that isle for a few nights before moving on.
At this time, Umeskai had other voidsent with him. He’s long since consumed them but back then he needed all the support he could get. They all felt insulted by this tribe’s rejection and intrusion and thus the next morning, consumed the tribe.
Or well, most of them. Norika, her younger brother, and a few other children had been out playing in the woods when it had happened, and thus spared. They of course heard the commotion and both approached but hid and watched from afar..
They are eventually found but the voidsent are quite full and Umesaki feels he could make use out of these children instead of using them for an afternoon snack.. He takes them in. but it’s planned out; the voidsent just leave the kids and shortly after Umesaki and his followers arrive in “shock” to the sight. They have no idea that the voidsent who ate their family is the one taking them in.
Norika was maybe like.. Five or six. Her memories of it are really foggy but even at a young age she’d always been stubborn and she doubted the temple that took them in. she hated being on the island, feeling trapped. But the only reason she didn’t just straight up run away is because of her brother.
He’s about three at this time and really terrified by everything. He only feels safe in the temple, outside too scary after the attack for at least nothing can get him within walls. Norika stays for his sake but while she doesn’t believe a word, he becomes a firm believer in everything said.
Norika nonetheless remains good.. She listens to everything that is told and expected of her. But she always dreams of leaving the island of plum, to no longer bear the burden of her cult.
Norika isn’t close to anyone outside of her brother, the others also very much follow the word of their caretaker and leader and it makes it hard for Norika to bond. She has no friends and there are times where even her brother is disconnected from her.
Foreigners aren’t common because of the area being so out there, but the cult is spread out enough that others know of it. They come mostly for the sight of plum woods and temple, but some actually end up interested in the word of Umesaki.
Nonetheless.. There is one guy who comes along and Norika stalks him for a short bit because he’s Xa ela and she hasnt seen another since her tribe. He finds it endearing and calls her out on it. The rest of the time she is the one giving the tour and all and out of thanks, he gives her a glass starfish. He bought it as a lazy souvenir for a friend..
She’s not allowed things and she tells him that but he insists that she keep it especially since she can’t stop feeling it and bringing it up to the light.. Watching the colors of it. So she does keep it and in secret.
A few years later, Umesaki decides he wants to branch out to Eorz ea. He wants to send one of the children.. And Norika is the only one not terrified of leaving and so she eagerly offers herself.
But before she’s allowed to go, she has to prove herself. She is met with Umesaki’s true form. Not allowed to see him, but he touches her and tells her that if she does anything out of line, he will consume her brother.
She does not understand that but she doesn’t ask nor would he even clarify. It’s a valid threat, she can feel that it is. So, this is why Norika is so good. This is why she’s doing everything to spread the word even if she doesn’t believe it. She’s considered to be his Maiden and she fucking hates it.
Norika comes to Eorzea and is given a lot of privacy despite having a lot of work to do for her religion. This is how she’s able to do the glass guild and on occasion come to the free company and hang out.
About that glass guild too! I think that the leader of the guild took her in but assigned a mentor to her. He fucking sucks though and really does not like Norika, he finds her particularly gross after the whole molting of her horns. Norika doesn’t like him either but! She respects him and they work hard together.
Norika has her bag, some clothing, and her starfish and that’s it. The starfish is still a secret. Norika's things are checked upon return but before coming home, she'll stuff the starfish in her bra lol it goes everywhere with her.
There are three people in the home, all trusted and very dedicated followers. They watch over Norika and would stalk her if they weren't given strict orders to let her be. Umesaki trusts her to stay dedicated and good. oops.
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pyotan · 4 months
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A rare moment of spring in winter, Amel couldn't help but to drag Gijsbert out to the nearby village.. though, his old tribe still lingers and thus a disguise is ever needed even for a simple stroll.
But Gijsbert never minds, especially if it means keeping Amel safe and just as well comfortable.. though a small issue does arise when Amel decides to make an impulsive buy..
"Hehehhh they have the besssst sherbet here." The pair sitting beside the little stand, they are close with a shared bowl of the mentioned dessert. "I like to mix as many flavors as I can in.. heh.."
"I can tell." Gijsbert mirrors the giggle, he giving a few soft strokes to Amel's hand.. affections he fears could be too much but cannot help but to act on. "Look at that.. rainbow you've got going. heheh.."
"And yooooou get the first bite of the rainbow!" Amel scoops up a generous portion and before Gijsbert can protest or even shyly accept, the keeper is spoon feeding him.
Ears perk up all the more to the abrupt cold in his mouth! But oddly, the mixed flavors really do taste good.. and so he hums in approval to the sample as he swallows it down.
"Heheh.. ssssso? how is it?"
"Mmh..! t-the best, like you said.." a wobbly grin.. he finds a sudden bout of confidence to take the spoon from Amel and return the gesture of feeding them.. scooping up a bit of a smaller portion, "S-So your turn.."
Ears flatten.. a tap to his lips that are shielded by the mask he adorns. "I.. can't take this off, you know?"
"O-Oh.. right.." neither had thought of the mask till now.. and both feel sheepish; Gijsbert for trying to flirt and Amel for having bought something that would require his exposure..
"But heyyyy, I wanted you to have a taste of the rainbow hmm~?" Wiggling in place next to the Rava, Amel is wishing to cheer him up and on in eating the rest.
"I-I-If.." Gijsbert isn't satisfied with such a thought, however.. "If you come real c-close to me.. we can l-lift it a little and I'll shield you.."
A slooooow blink for he hadn't expected such a suggestion, Amel feels hot.. a fluttering fever, one that has their core radiating and touch sweating.. Amel feels shy but he nonetheless feels safe in the offer and thus begins to scoot /much/ closer.. "Hehehh.. my shelterrr.." He purrs.. and though not seen beneath the fabric, Amel is squinting..
"We.. are always safe together.." Gijsbert assures quietly..
"Heh.." And feeling so very assured and safe, Amel begins to lift up his mask.. resting the bundled bit upon the bridge of his nose. a shy grin of fang.. "..Thanksss.."
"Always.." Gijsbert sucks back his lips, resisting the urge to kiss Amel's exposed mouth.. "S-Say ahh..!" for how awful it'd be for him to take advantage of this moment.. a moment of trust.
"Ahhh~" Fangs baring as his mouth opens, the wooden spoon is brought up and feeds the keeper their sweet treat. Lips clamping over to suck up the melting sherbet, Amel soon abandons it to instead lean up and kiss Gijsbert..
"!!!" Shocked by the sudden meeting of lips and sweet melt, Amel's tongue delves past his lush lips to share the rainbow taste. To think Gijsbert received a kiss in the end.. though his intent was to be far more chaste, he certainly can't oppose to this deep share of sherbet.
Amel's hands begin to heat.. which hastens the melting pace of their dessert. But neither pair notice nor would they care if they had, not when their tongues locked and connected. twirling together, a waltz of rainbow flavors.. berry and citrus..
It's only when the distant sound of children playing arises that the pair part. Breathless and greedy for more, but both men know better than to make out in such a public space.. Amel /is/ in hiding, after all..
he huffs before shuffling his mask down.. wishing to trap the lingering wet and tingles of Gijsbert's kiss. "Hehehehhh.." He giggles.. leaning in to bonk his nose into Gijsbert's.. "desserrrrt is alwaaaays best shared.."
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pyotan · 4 months
“Just where have you been?”
Hands on the hips, a scowl to accompany such a demanding tone, to be greeted with immediate scolding is expected. 
“I apologize for returning late–”
“I asked where you’ve been, child.”
The hyur begins to loom over her, hand out in a silent demand for her things. As much as Norika wishes to ignore such a commanding gesture, she obliges with no hesitation. To resist would just result in further punishment..  
“I was distracted in the markets.”
“A place full of sin and place a child so easily influenced, such as yourself, should never dwell in.” Her bag ripped open, the zipper nearly comes off with such a gesture. 
Norika tries to ignore her tick of anger; her bag is one of the few items she’s allowed to have so for it to be treated so poorly just feels.. Disrespectful. But then again, when had Norika ever deserved something like respect?
Her caretaker shuffles through the bag, plucking out fabrics that had been bought for Kham’s mask.. And while not allowed things, Norika prays that her excuse to come will suffice enough to allow this, at least. 
“What is this?” Her caretaker rubs the cloth between her fingers, another action to piss Norika off.
‘It’s fucking nice fabric. Get your /filthy/ fingers off it.’ Such thoughts she only wishes she could vocalize as she watches the pink be felt up.. Norika begins to pull down at the cuffs of her sweater. “Cloth. I wish to make a mask.”
“A mask?” a quirked brow..
“The air of Eorzea is so smoggy. The smell of others and their sin, it’s unbearable when going down the streets.”
“Then.. perhaps you should not be leaving your Home?”
“Our Savior had asked me to be out in the world to spread His word.” Norika tugs harder. “It cannot be helped. And I would have it no other way, I want to spread His touch to all I can.”
“Hmm..” Thinking of Norika’s words.. She says nothing more of the topic and simply drops the fabrics back in their spot.. “Well, as much as we appreciate your dedication, we still have rules. And one of them is returning on time.”
The relief in seeing her materials returned muffles out everything else; Norika is just relieved to be silently allowed her project. 
“And so, no dinner tonight for why should you be allowed a meal when you chose to instead be fed and filled on the temptations of the market?”
“Yes.. as you say..” Norika mumbles, not genuinely listening nor would she care. An expected punishment.. But luckily a light one. 
‘I believe I can make him a couple masks with this material.. Should be enough for that big head of his.. Hm.. I’ll start tonight.. Maybe I can catch him tomorrow if not soon..’
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pyotan · 4 months
“I don’t even remember her voice anymore.” Kjat mutters, poking away at the wiggle that is her flan before her. Something she and Ijs had prepared together, enough days of depression have led Kjat to come to her friend’s home for company. And while hating herself for having just shown up and hating Ijsbrand for being such a pushover, she appreciates him nonetheless for taking her in. especially since /he’s/ here..
And literally so for he is standing in the kitchen door with spoon in mouth, looking to Kjat in genuine care for her to go on. 
But her words weren’t meant for him to hear, that's why she spoke them in tongue only Ijs can understand! Or rather, /should/ be able to understand..
“I fucking hate your blessings.” Kjat growls in G’amal’s direction, he only squinting in response to her directed anger.
Ijsbrand, meanwhile, huffs and playfully jabs at her to turn back to him. “Come, now! He just cares about you like I do.” 
“Well, /I/ don’t care about him like he does.” Kjat hops herself up on the kitchen counter, still glowering at G’amal.
He hums thoughtfully before finally pulling the spoon from his mouth and speaking their First tongue. “Hmmmm welllll hate me and my blessings alllll you want, but I can use them to help.” Shrug…
Kjat scoffs..“You? Helping me? A first.” Ijsbrand looking between the pair as they interact.. “But go on.” …Trusting it to be civil, at least on Kjat’s end, he begins to eat at his own bowl of flan. A slight pout for he would rather be consuming something sweeter or of better texture.. 
‘Like meee?’ Amal’s words interrupt Ijs’ thoughts and nothing can be retorted back for the seeker just as abruptly hops into the kitchen. 
“Hehe soooo~!” and considering the small kitchen space, he’s really already very close to the bunny pair. He steps up to Kjat and just as easily does his tail begin to play with Ijs on the side as he speaks. The tickled viis cannot help but to giggle and glow softly. 
Kjat rolls her eyes. “I thought you were going to get to the point, not flirt along the way.” And a knowing gaze towards her friend for while she cannot read minds, she knows very well that the pair had a shared thought by his wiggled grin alone. 
“Kjat..” Ijsbrand tries to chide but he giggles as Amal’s tail continues to dust.
“Sorrrrry, it’s a small space! Anyway..” An attempted chut that stampers off into a purr, Amal’s squint eases as he tries to appear serious. For he /is/ but.. Kjat certainly doesn’t see that. “Long ago, I learned a spell that can bring back memories in sleep. My voice can help you remember your wife’s and more.” “I don’t want that.” Kjat wastes not a moment to think over the offer, for to her that will lead to only deeper pain.
“Can you at least think about it?” Ijsbrand pipes in quietly, softly pushing G’amal’s tail down and away so that he can instead focus on his friend. The seeker obediently obliges. 
“I’d rather not.”
“And why not?”
“Why would I want to /remember/ her? I want to be with /her/, not a memory.” Kjat begins to feel crowded and it’s understandable considering the kitchen isn’t meant for three people.. 
And having so much attention on her, Kjat just wants to shove her way out and so she essentially does.. Shoving her dessert to the seeker’s space, he luckily juggles it with his own as she practically hops off and away from the pair. “You want to be of help, G’amal? Then get me home.”
“I’m uhm.. I’m sorry–”
“Ever fucking useless, the bard in that tale and in real life.”
“Kjat!” Ijsbrand begins to follow after his friend, leaving his dessert on the counter and Amal to continue standing there in his pudding-juggling guilt. “You didn’t have to say that! Come on, please just stay.”
“You know! It is the Warrior who gets things done in the story back home.” Storming towards the front door, Kjat can feel a threat of tears. She feels shame for having lashed out on the guy, but the mere thought of it just being a dream hurt far too deep. It’s not as if she’d expected him to have anything useful to say or suggest, but nonetheless she held her breath for something better than what he’d said. 
“Kjat, he just wanted to help.”
“He just wanted to butt in! And I just wanted to talk to /you/.” A hiss to hold back those tears, Kjat struggles to get her boots on, her hands trembling as she feels herself spiral as she had earlier. 
“I don’t know why you hate him so much..”
An reverberated echo from the kitchen.. With the windows open, there is a breeze to welcome itself in.. and carry such melody, the words are unclear but they brush by and caress the ever shaking Kjat. Her anger flares but only for a second for such warmth does it’s magic and begin to calm her..
Just as well does the last bit of breeze come to caress Ijsbrand.. Settling him just as well but Ijsbrand consents to the enchantments.. 
Meanwhile, Kjat is calm but not happy.. “This.. is part of why..” 
“I’m sorryyyyy.” G’amal draws out as he finally comes out to the main space, he no longer having desserts in hand and instead has his hands up in a sort of surrender. “ I shouldn’t of used my blessings against you buuuut I can’t have you leaving when you’ll just break the second you step out!” Cautious steps forward as he awkwardly makes himself over in Kjat’s space.. “That wasn’t the song, I promise.” A reach down, he dares to put his hand over Kjat’s in hopes of having her halt in her boots. Luckily, she is far too tired to pull back. 
“Then why am I so exhausted?”
“Welllll, I don’t know, when was the last time you felt relaxed? Anywaaaays.. I’ve got to go out for a bit..”
‘What? Where?’ Ijsbrand stands more to attention instead of drooping, the news of his husband’s departure sudden.
‘Noooo..’ a pout..
“Just stay here a bit longer, okaaay?”
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pyotan · 4 months
Across the Sheets and Stars
Cushions upon cushions, there is a mountain of plush to the side along with folded blankets and comforters waiting to be unveiled and spread out among their vacant nest.. G’amal huffs as he stares at the work to come.. 
It’s a necessity to change their bed out at least once a moon but.. It’s one of the seeker’s most dreaded chores. There’s just so much to do when he could just be sleeping upon the pile of softness..
“We have to do this at some point, zonneschein.” Bemused by his lover’s disdain, he pats strongly to the mess of navy curls for he cannot help himself.. Such a gesture has the seeker groaning in complaint and yet he does not dip out from the affections. 
“Orrrr you could just do it forrrr your herrrrro..” Purrs in hopes to sell his words, but his tone drags out into mild-frustration as he knows that he just won’t get out of this.
“Come now, have you always been this childish with the bed?” A giggle, Ijs parts from his petting affections and grabs for one of their many comforters, any thick and perfect to be the base for their little love nest. “I will help as I do everytime.” 
G’amal sighs and begins to aid by taking hold of the chosen comforter’s corner, helping spread it out. “It jussssst gets me soooooooo tired..”
“Perhaps if we did not have all the plush friends–”
“No, nooo!” A shake of the head and playful yet hard yank of the comforter as Ijs measures out the spread. He looks up to his lover with a quirked brow that reads, ‘really?’. Amal merely giggles with twitching ears. “Hehe.. you’re sounding like my faaaaaather.”
“I mean, mayhaps he had a point.” Ijsbrand reworks his ruined spread.. This time Amal does not play around and just watches. “If you did not have so much, then you wouldn’t get so tired by the end of it..”
“You two would get along by scolding me.” Despite saying such with a pout and crossing of arms, Amal smiles. “I wish I could have seen you two meet when I was gone..”
‘Is it insensitive of me to say that I am glad to not see you interact with my father?’ Ijsbrand blinks as he realizes his thought, knowing very well that Amal had heard it and thus is too ashamed to look up from his efforts. Head down in guilt, he continues to make the bed, now going at a more solo-fast pace to work away the shame in his honest thought.
But instead of insulted, Amal bursts into laughter with a tail to swat in joyous accompaniment. “Noooo, not at alllll!” He hops a bit to the side as his wife works with head down. “But you might have to  one day.”
“Yes, and.. I almost dread it… /almost/.” a sigh. “Mine and G’hassan’s scoldings are all of jest and love. But my father’s scoldings would be mean.. ceaseless.. Especially after this.” a lift of the banded hand, the darkened ink ever stands out.��
“Annnd thissss.” Amal lifts his own up, hissing in delight as he sees the glow upon his ring finger. 
“Ohohoh /that/ especially!” Ijs bolts up from his busy bedmaking and many strands of hair come free from his bun. He chuts angrily as he continues in thought for a moment, out of breath.. ‘Marjolene-Ijsbrand Actias VonZwartz of the Night’s Blessed! You know better! Not even those who /can/ have relations /DARE/ to use such precious inks on others!’
The mockery in thought is almost so perfect, the voice just sounding so much like VonZwartz himself. G’amal cannot help but to shake in withheld laughter, he not wishing to interrupt his wife’s tangent with his bemusement.
“Why, yes that is the Bard of Darkness you have wed but not even someone so special deserves that ink! Is it not enough for him to have your hand in /his/ star? And literally so with that BOLD line on your finger?” Ijsbrand scoffs at his own words and turns to continue grabbing blankets and spreading and piling them across.. Such a bend has Amal’s attention~ 
“And /that/ is what would be so awful! Our love, our connection before Gods matters not in terms of the First. At least, according to the Elders! Priest of death is not allowed such relations. He’d say all that and mean it!” 
In such a rant, Ijsbrand’s hips move and buck out on occasion.. His tail flutters in frustration and being in such small shorts, Amal is able to see the outline of what he bares today /very/ well when he bends.. His purrs quietly begin up.. As if warming him up for passions to come..
So distracted both are in their own reasonings, that neither are noticing how Ijsbrand is the one doing all the bed making..
“And.. putting all that aside..” out of breath but Ijsbrand laughs as he begins to toss up the pillows to fluff them anew before placing them on the stuffed nest that is their bed. “He..” huff.. “He’d just..” swallow.. “Be so awkward with you.. About the gender and all when it comes to me. I swear, that could have /nothing/ to do with the conversation but he just somehow drops it in just to make sure I am safe with whomever.”
“Sooo parental, I am sure. I am positive G’hassan would have an awkward comment or question if it came down to it. Marriage and relationships never fail to bring up sex and such things. But.. ugh! I do not want to hear my own father trying to ask if you are fine with a pussy on the occasional Moonsday and then to be careful because we still do not fully know if I can get pregnant or not.”
A placement of a worn goobbue plush, then their precious aubergine knight and his Queen.. “Neither is any of his business! But he always gets in my business as if it were his own. 
Like, speaking of beds, Luca had spent the evening in mine..and of course, the sheets were left smelling like him. They'd just been changed the night before, no reason to change them yet! Which meant.. longer time to spend with his scent in my moments of solitude..”
there is almost a sad smile to Ijsbrand’s lips and Amal feels.. A cold twist in his chest, it is a pang that is not his own.And having so many out of body experiences, Amal is not startled. But nonetheless, he touches his heart as if the ache were his own.
“But the very moment I returned after changing into robes for duty, I found my father sniffing my sheets..! He then proceeded to ask me why they smelt of the swamps. So rude! Of course, I had to lie on the spot which resulted in them being washed buuut..” As Ijsbrand turns to reach for another stitched companion, it turns out  that there is no more. All the bedware and it’s accessories have been set and placed.. All thanks to Ijsbrand himself..
“But I.. made the bed..”
“You made the bed! Hoorrrrray!!!” Amal throws his hands up in perhaps /too much/ joy, for without even intending on it, he’d managed to get his wife to make their nest instead of him. 
“I.. hahahehh..” Ijsbrand lips wobble into a mess as goes into a deep glow of embarrassment and G’amal wastes no time in hoping over to his side to cup his hot cheeks. “I rambled for so long..!” Silver clasps over bronze, a gentle squeeze as Ijs shyly looks down to his squinting partner. “You tricked me.”
“Heyyy, I trrrried to help!” A purr, Amal tiptoes up to bonk their noses in play. “But yooooooou took over to satisfy your own guilt.” 
“Yes, but.. But..” A whine, Ijsbrand giggles before kissing his lover.. ‘Yoooooooooou let me..’ thoughtful mockery of his tone and Amal can only rumble in bemusement himself as they begin to kiss.
Gentle, chaste press that moves in ever perfect sync. Smile meshed over smile, Amal pulls back after a moment to mutter in his grin. “And I’ll let yoooooou have dibs on ruining the bed first.. Go on, get the first flop!” 
“Hmm hmm..” hands that had been sweetly locked are dropped and abandoned to instead take hold of Amal’s hips. The seeker trills from the affection, especially as he is brought in closer to Ijsbrand before being told just as quietly, “Only if you come with me.” 
And not even allowing a moment for his lover to comply, Ijsbrand dramatically falls back onto the made bed, though not without dragging G’amal along with him~
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pyotan · 5 months
Exploited "Wool"
“Ye will never, /ever/ have to use ye scales again.” A promise that came with a tender touch, at the time Menyou couldn’t help but to believe them. To trust them.. 
A swelling of tears in that moment, Menyou had basked in the warmth of his Shepherd as he stroked in sentiment.. Daring to caress over discolored patches of skin where scales had once grown, they’d been overharvested to a point of no return and yet somehow Menyou felt that his Shepherd could revive them with that touch. So healing to the soul it was, that he even uttered, “thank you..”
Menyou trusted Ramm. 
But that was before his death, before the very sight of Shiun. Vengeance has a way of breaking promises, forgoing loyalty. And somehow, Menyou can understand that.
‘Give me yer scales.’ ‘This be the one, I swear it.’ ‘Ye don’t need all those scales, don’t be selfish.’ ‘Don’t ye want me back?’
Another carve in, another scute to give away into futile magics. Menyou had never learned how others made use of his scales nor had he learned how to hone his blessings of healing and resurrection. Everything is just an experiment. A failed one, at that.
But ever a faithful sheep to his shepherd, Menyou can only continue. 
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pyotan · 5 months
Sweet Dive
“Come now.. Don’t you want to at least try it?” Nunh and Pet so very close to one another, there is a small fire before them to help add to the warmth of their huddle.. Alone in the desert beneath an endless sea of stars and moonlight.. How any of the Nunh’s cohorts would love to be in such a place, but he only wishes to share this moment with his precious rabbit..
Especially as G’amal blows out the flame upon a marshmallow, bringing the toasted confectionery close for Ijs to consume.. He still blowing upon it to help cool as it begins to goop..
“I’m.. fine..” Ijsbrand tries to lean away, very much not interested in this moment.. Or at least, not outwardly. Inside, his heart races with the thrills of romance and pining for further affections.. But he /still/ cannot admit it to himself let alone G’amal. 
Luckily, the seeker seems to know his feelings without them having to be said. And so he is insistent with the treat, his hand now underneath the dripping mess and accepting the scald that comes with such a gesture. 
“It’ssss the besssst toasted though..” An affectionate hiss, he gives it one last blow. “Therrrre~ now it ought to be cooled down enough.”
“Mmh..” Despite the uncommitted hum, Ijs begins to lean in.. he not wishing for the nunh to burn himself for his sake.. Or so he assures himself is the reason to accept this gesture.
A soft blow of his own, Ijs tucks back a loose strand of hair before finally taking a bite. It starts off small, soft.. But itjust ends up easier to slurp up the whole thing. A sticky lump of a mess in his mouth now, Ijsbrand begins to smack his mouth as he attempts to chew and swallow.. Exhaling the heat and steam that comes from being roasted over a fire.
G’amal rumbles in a fit of laughter, he pulling back from their huddle some to allow Ijsbrand a moment to eat..the moment the viis finally swallows, his lips are met with the seeker’s.. The nunh immediately beginning to nibble and lick off any sticky remains.. And after a moment of this clean up and for Ijs to catch his breath, G’amal locks off his mouth with his own and begins to deeply kiss.. Tongue diving forth to slather up the sweet flavor of charred marshmallow and Ijs’ spit.. 
And the whine that comes into the kiss just makes it all the sweeter.. And instead of shoving him away, he reaches to twist fingers into the nunh’s robes.. Such a grip, it encourages the nunh to delve further.. Nearly smothering the air out of him..
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pyotan · 5 months
Masked Touch
Twist and cling, a stench of blood and light, the later easily described as a blaring odor. Nauseating to all senses, it’s truly amazing how Ijsbrand can still feel a spark of forbidden passion. But the thrill of fear and having been saved by /his/ hero.. The Bard, the very soul he’s dreamed about since youth..
Broken sob, looming shudders as Ijsbrand collapses above G’amal.. He clutching to that mask that his lover bears in fights such as this.. Lest he fall ill from the fiends he slains, their light a trigger to his own inner monster.
“I-I..” Cracked voice, a crumbling of morals as the night sky gives a downpour of rain.. “I want to..ooo kiss you..” quiver even in voice..
“Ijsss..” And all G’amal can do is stand there as a pillar of support for his partner.. Their love might be forbidden and this may be the most they’ve ever touched, but all love needs is the connection of heart and soul.
Not flesh and heat.. Though that is nice..this is nice.. To feel the breath of his Moonlight seep past the rain-drenched mask.. To feel his lover’s words as they attempt to speak again.. “I.. I know I shouldn’t but.. T-thhis is a good shield..” a giggle as he gives a tiny smack to G’amal’s masked cheek. Being drenched in rain, the sound is wet and also has the mystel laughing softly between them..
“A.. verrry good one.. Sssso..” a purr and hiss to be felt.. It reverberates to Ijs’ very soul. “Kissss me..” gloved hands reach up to stroke the Viis’ sideburns in encouragement. “Orrr if you must.. It’s not me, it’s the masssssk.. Just kiss..” A wet grind of the nose..
“Right.. rr-right..”
And Ijsbrand is giving in to kiss over the mask, perhaps finding safety in it’s barrier between skin to skin contact.
Lush lips desperate to match the outline of G’amal’s mouth, the drenched fabric now goes hot in breath and spit. Tongue swiping forth, the two muscles grind into the slim of stretched material. They so perfectly waltz tip to tip, with a whine from Ijs to accompany such connection.. Their hands connecting, a similar situation in which the material of G’amal’s gloves prevent genuine contact of skin.. But it’s what makes it right touch like this, to lace fingers and lock them tightly.
G’amal especially is nearly suffocating from these masked affections but he refuses to back out from the kiss, from this moment; he’d so happily be smothered if it meant drowning in Ijs.
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pyotan · 5 months
Menyou and Hebhis
Menyou Kazuma (めん羊 応真) was once Hebhis. (Heb-hees)
Heb = へび his = from the word Ophis which means the serpent 
So this is really just a lot I know. But it’s weirdly become it’s own thing in my head and I hope I can word it out decent enough
So yeah, Menyou is a dead constellation. The reason he is actually so cold to touch and everything rots isn’t simply because he’s dead, it’s because dead stars are cold. And I think it’s like things can’t survive in space or being touched by a star? It’s also why he doesn’t need ot really eat (but i mean he’s raised human so he’s conditioned to it).
So what’s a dead constellation??? A cluster of dead stars that once formed a constellation. This is where it’s like AU shit, it’s literally an entirely other galaxy of life and shit. I can do that ok….
But anyways, long long long ago Menyou had been the Serpens constellation.
Literally just post the wiki paragraph this is the vibe:
In Greek mythology, Serpens represents a snake held by the healer Asclepius. Represented in the sky by the constellation Ophiuchus, Asclepius once killed a snake, but the animal was subsequently resurrected after a second snake placed a revival herb on it before its death.  As snakes shed their skin every year, they were known as the symbol of rebirth in ancient Greek society, and legend says Asclepius would revive dead humans using the same technique he witnessed. Although this is likely the logic for Serpens' presence with Ophiuchus, the true reason is still not fully known. Sometimes, Serpens was depicted as coiling around Ophiuchus, but the majority of atlases showed Serpens passing either behind Ophiuchus' body or between his legs
This is why Menyou’s scales heal oiwjf ;__; 
As a constellation, he was a healer deity that was prayed to often. In this AU, it’s constellations are deities. The sun and moon are an entirely different thing, more like GOD i guess. Lmfao and yeah you know what Ive been slowly thinking about in that regard. /vomits gijs.
Anyways. Deities are allowed interactions but only to a certain extent, it can’t go beyond offering guidance. Well, Hebhis fell in love with one of his diviners and broke that sacred vow to /not/ go beyond. 
It’s all secret at first but that certainly does not last long and as punishment, the diviner is killed. 
But Hebhis does not take this well and kills one of the Sun’s and Moon’s precious stars (LMFAO) and uses that light and his scales to bring the diviner back to life.
Furious, he is completely snuffed out by the Sun’s rage… or so he THOUGHT.  because the Sun was so angered, it was forgotten that this is a deity of reincarnation.. So with that 1% of scale and soul left, a minuscule star had been formed to protect what little is left. Over time, it grows as memories and soul reincarnate anew. 
A weird thing I guess, but I think that this process is a bit of a struggle. It just takes a really long time and a bit of soul seeps out which is how it goes wandering off.. Then it gets pulled in by a mother’s magic and prayers and thus Menyou Kazuma is born anew.
In the time span that Menyou is struggling and suffering, growing and all that, the star that is mostly him is now on the search for what little oozed out… and eventually the last piece of soul is just Menyou himself. But it’s complicated now that he has a body and emotions so the rest of Hebhis takes shape as a star-shaped minion/doll. Menyou had just woken up one day with this thing and since it hovers about, it’s not left his side.
But there is no genuine interaction with it. You can be mean to it, poke or stab it. You could speak to it, embrace it. But nothing will make it react. And it is not like it protects Menyou from anything, it literally just follows him like a shadow. Waiting. 
Menyou was taken in by Ramm at this point when the Star appeared, so it was just accepted. But if it had shown up much earlier, it would have probably gotten Menyou in a lot of trouble. Luckily, Ramm had grown calmer about ridiculous things considering his life choices so.. ‘Cool, a thing follows you whatever. I’ve had a haunted boy that i’m still in love with.. ANYWAYS.’
Uhmmm! I did consider making Naoh the diviner reincarnate but eh I think that might be a little too much?? At least for it to be naoh so i think he just has a lot of similar traits to them. Which is why Menyou is so enamored but SHRUG.
As for whatever triggers all of this to go to shit and have Menyou become Hebhis as a primal again well… I don’t quite know. I think it really really will have to do with Ramm though, I think it will be a like closing chapter on Ramm. maybe he possesses Menyou since he’s stronger, but Hebhis is finally triggered into opening himself to gather what last percent of soul there is so tht Ramm can’t take it.. And maybe that just brings forth a lot of weird shit with dead spirits and stars and like vengeance.. 
Before all that though I really want Menyou to have like memories with others. He really just needs a /strong/ will to fight Ramm at all and just that’s his character to be moments and memories. 
I really really appreciate if you read this far, I do apologize if this makes no sense LOL but I really wanted it typed out o_O
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pyotan · 5 months
A second chance in Ijsbrand’s body and G’hassan has big plans. Or rather, things that he deems to be so important. And that is to rummage through the kitchen.. Try every little thing he can for he finally can. Even in his years alive, G’hassan had always been weird about trying new foods. He’d had an image to maintain and it was drilled so incredibly hard that the risk of disrespecting foods with either disgust or indulgence was just not worth it as a nunh.
But now..
He can try anything! And a bag of white confectionery is somehow /very/ appealing.. Round and squishy, somehow one turned to five or six being stuffed in his mouth at the same time. And so very goopy after hard chews and spit, G’hassan is struggling to swallow. And yet despite his suffering, he’s enjoying the sweet taste..
Then… there’s a sudden knock to the front door and all of the borrowed Viis becomes paralyzed. Standing there with a mash of confectionery in his mouth, G’hassan is unable to do anything about the food in his mouth before simply abandoning Ijs’ body to hide for the only person who is able to enter the home aside from the engaged couple is..
Kjat. And Ghassan is not about to try to put up with her; she’s just a bit aggressive for his comfort and he’s not about to pretend to be Ijsbrand.. Who seems to be her own personal punching bag.
Unfortunately.. This means that when Ijs is forced to come to, he is left with the mess in his mouth and begins choking out of shock.
Such sounds has Kjat hasten her steps but.. Not enough to run and she especially doesn’t help him when she sees Ijs slamming a fist into his chest, trying to swallow down the forced sweets. 
All she does is cross her arms with a roll of the eyes before saying, “miss your mouth being stuffed that much you’re resulting to marshmallows now?”
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pyotan · 6 months
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G’hazi follows the shallow waters that surround the venue, he having grown bored and antsy now that it’s simply adults mingling. Luckily, his mother had gotten quite distracted with another Seeker and so the young one was able to scurry off and thus explore quietly. 
And it’s all so beautiful..the air is clean and so, so earthy.. While his home is not so strictly desert, the winds still can be harsh by carrying grains and dust.. But here.. He can breathe so freely and the refresh he feels from it all.. A deep inhale, he doesn’t realize he’s not alone until after the exhale..
A viera seemingly in a similar age just staring.. Once the two make eye contact, however, they perk up in fear and start to dash away. And while G’hazi isn’t one to chase, the whole day has had him wound up and this air makes him have both the courage and energy to just.. Go. 
He pursues the other child, his steps fast and easily catching up. “H-Hey!” he calls out in heavy accent, feeling grateful that no one else is around. It’d be embarrassing, afterall, to be caught. He’s not usually so loud.. “W-Wait! Up wait!”
That odd phrasing is what has the other halting completely, they looking to G’hazi with a heavy breath and raised brow. “Up.. w-ait?”
“Y-Yeah!” G’hazi slows down as he trusts them to ‘up wait’ for him.. And luckily, they do. “S-S-SSSSorry! It isss not my tongue.” A struggling hiss, he huffs as he finally catches up.. Tail flicking in exhaustion.
“It’s uhm.. ‘Wait up’.” 
“‘Wait up’.” They repeat, feeling rude for correcting but.. “I understand, this is not my first tongue too.” They hope that will suffice for the possible offense..
But G’hazi hadn’t felt insulted in the first place. In fact, he feels grateful for it. “‘Wait up’..” He tries.. Smiling with a small tooth up to them. “Thhhank you! ssssoo… “ G’hazi begins the gesture of jogging in place. “Whyyy that?”
“Uh-Uhm..” They flush, understanding that he is trying to ask ‘why did you run?’. “I.. I don’t know.” Because they really don’t. They, too, felt overwhelmed with the adult presence and wanted some air. To see another outside with them just left them in a thoughtful-state. It was contagious to just look as G’hazi did with the waters.
“Ohh.. well..” A hold out of the hand, one much smaller than theirs. “G’hazi. And you?”
Though so shy, the viera finds the courage to take the seeker’s hand in his own.. A soft shake. “Eren..”
Then a tight squeeze, his small claws poke into Eren’s skin with such but there is no cut. Nonetheless, it leaves an odd sensation once they drop their hands. “Errrren.. Thhhhank you forrrr waiting up on me.”
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