qodeify · 2 years
4 Key Web Design Recommendations
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It’s not hard to think of a concept for the design of your website, but are you confident in your ability to put everything together in such a way that it results in the best possible design? This post from Qodeify will walk you through 4 web design recommendations/tips and best practices you should follow while developing your dream website.
Read More: 4 Key Web Design Recommendations
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qodeify · 2 years
Top 5 Important Characteristics of B2B eCommerce Platforms
What is a B2B eCommerce Platform?
Simply put, a B2B eCommerce platform is just an online shopping cart that other businesses, like wholesalers or distributors, may use to move their products through the ordering process.
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B2B eCommerce platforms are utilized by many e-commerce giants, including eBay and Amazon. But B2B platforms can also be helpful for smaller businesses or startups who are just getting started and require assistance with their operations. B2B systems give everything a firm needs to carry out online sales.
Characteristics of B2B eCommerce
When looking for a B2B eCommerce platform, there are many different things to think about, but the following are some significant aspects you should consider.
Source: Top 5 Important Characteristics of B2B eCommerce Platforms
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qodeify · 2 years
The 6 Most Effective Ways to Test the Usability of Mobile Applications
It’s estimated that almost 22% of mobile phone users aged 25 to 40 spend three to four hours on their devices daily. The period mentioned above doesn’t even include time spent reading their emails.
People typically spend a significant amount of time using mobile apps such as chatting apps, dating apps, social media apps, etc. The truth is that if the user interface of a mobile app is difficult to understand, the app will not attract new users.
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Therefore, user testing for mobile apps is vital for optimizing the application. It will assist in resolving both large-scale and tiny problems, ensuring a smooth experience for the end user.
In this article, we will discuss the various approaches to testing the usability of mobile applications.
Read more:  The 6 Most Effective Ways to Test the Usability of Mobile Applications
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qodeify · 2 years
Top 5 eCommerce Website Builders That You Can Use in 2023
With so many eCommerce website builders coming to the market, selecting the right one can be a little challenging task for you. In this article, we have listed some of the best eCommerce Website Builders out there in the market. Let’s discuss them one by one!
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Read more: Top 5 eCommerce Website Builders That You Can Use in 2023
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qodeify · 2 years
Top 5 Usages of C# Programming Language
Microsoft developed C# in the year 2000 to take the vital aspects of Java and C++ and combine them. It is considered to be an object-oriented programming language. It has various applications, and the exercises included below will demonstrate how beneficial it is in various contexts.
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Read More: Top 5 Usages of C# Programming Language
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qodeify · 2 years
C# and its Advantages - Qodeify
C# or C-Sharp is a programming language that was developed with great care and is currently in high demand. In this post, learn what is C# and what are its major benefits.
Read More: What is C# and What are its Major Benefits?
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qodeify · 2 years
Top 5 Programming Languages for Kids in 2022
Starting early with programming has many advantages for kids. Explore these top 5 programming languages for kids to learn for every skill and experience level.
Read More: Top 5 Programming Languages for Kids to Learn
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qodeify · 2 years
Everything You Need to Know Before Starting to Code on Mac
A reasonable assumption to make is that most programmers out there would love to work with a computer that can handle applications successfully. At the same time, they value a high rate of speed when working with programs.
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The vast majority of computer users who are passionate about programming and have experience developing software for multiple platforms will likely agree that Mac’s environment is superior when considered with other platforms. Mac’s effective cross-platform interoperability is one of the primary reasons why it is so widely used and why you should consider using it for your development endeavors.
In this article, let us explain the topics you should know before starting to code on a Mac.
Read more: Everything You Need to Know Before Starting to Code on Mac
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qodeify · 2 years
5 Differences Between iOS and Android App Development
Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android are currently the two most widely used operating systems for mobile devices worldwide. Therefore, if you are going to develop mobile applications, you will need to choose whether you will do so for iOS, Android, or both platforms.
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The vast majority of people are aware that iOS and Android are two separate operating systems. But in what specific ways are they different from each other? Let us explain!
Read more: 5 Differences Between iOS and Android App Development
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qodeify · 2 years
5 Awesome WordPress Plugins That You Can Use in 2023
WordPress is, by a wide margin, the most popular website platform used worldwide. Developing a website can be sped up and made simpler by using a high-quality theme, and using one or more plugins can frequently make the process of building the website much less difficult. Finding the proper plugin might also add a feature that a website needs to be considered complete.
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More than 42,000 useful WordPress plugins are available for users, giving them a wide variety of options from which to select the plugins that best meet their needs. So, in this article, we will discuss five of those.
Read more: 5 Awesome WordPress Plugins That You Can Use in 2023
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qodeify · 2 years
5 Ways the Design Systems Can Benefit Developers
Development and design are vital in creating a digital platform. Providing the best user experience is a common objective shared by both design and development teams. As a result, ideas that facilitate better cooperation between designers and developers by giving them the tools they need to work together effectively offer several advantages. One such idea is the “design systems.”
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These are collections of design elements that are grouped on a single platform to support a consistent and scalable design process. A design system can also be referred to as a design language. We can think of it as a structured and documented library tailored to a product team’s needs and containing all of the resources team members will require to construct the product.
Design systems are similar to component libraries from the developers’ perspective, but they are much more than that. A design system collects tangible and intangible items, including documentation, style guides, patterns, etc. These are all examples of the types of things included in a design system.
Read More: 5 Ways the Design Systems Can Benefit Developers
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qodeify · 2 years
4 Reasons Why You Should Use Flutter For Your Next Project
Flutter solves a long-standing developer problem. In the past, someone who produced an app for both the App Store and Google Store had to create two versions. At the same time, the developer had to maintain two codebases. If the app looks not so nice, it may be because developers didn’t fit the UI to all screen sizes, including the latest devices. Consider that different-sized gadgets run on different platforms.
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Flutter solves these issues. It’s a development tool that makes cross-platform apps easy. This is the main benefit of Flutter app development, which has many more. Now, let’s dive into the other benefits.
Read more: 4 Reasons Why You Should Use Flutter For Your Next Project
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qodeify · 2 years
Top 5 Front-End Technologies to Look Forward To in 2023
The quality of the user experience is a top priority for anyone that intends to develop a website for their business. Irrespective of the complicated processes and responsibilities, the user’s perceptions and experiences must be perfect at all times. If your front end is not up to the mark, the users will be reluctant to stay on your page for at least a minute.
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This article will discuss the most effective front-end frameworks for web development. Using these points we provide, you can rapidly assess their benefits and drawbacks, identify how each framework defines itself in its current condition, and determine how you may select one for your organization’s software development requirements.
Read more: Top 5 Front-End Technologies to Look Forward To in 2023
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qodeify · 2 years
What is ASP.NET and what are its features?
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What is ASP.NET?
Active Server Pages Network Enabled Technologies is more commonly known as ASP.NET. It is a platform for developing server-side, open-source web applications that assist developers in creating data-driven and interactive applications and websites. It is a peculiar combination of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, all mashed together.
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qodeify · 2 years
What is Node.js and what are its key features?
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Every year brings new challenges for those working in the software and web development industries as new languages and frameworks are introduced, among other innovations. With technological advancement, developers have an ample range of versatile languages for developing platforms with advanced functionality.
When it comes to developing applications, Node.js is an exceptional server-side programming language.
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qodeify · 2 years
Top 5 Must-Have Skills of A Chatbot Developer
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The function of a chatbot has expanded far beyond that of a simple tool that promotes communication between a company and its customers. If you are a chatbot developer, the need for chatbots is only going to continue to grow, and this is good news for you. As a consequence of this, you do not stand to lose much and stand to gain a great deal by incorporating chatbots into your skill set.
Even the most basic chatbot can’t be made without in-depth knowledge of human interactions. It requires some rather advanced programming skills as well. We will go even deeper into the skills necessary to become a chatbot developer in just a moment.
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qodeify · 2 years
5 Key Metrics to Measure User Engagement in Mobile Apps
Metrics that measure the performance of mobile apps are one of the most effective approaches to evaluating an app's capabilities. We have listed the top 5 metrics that can assist you in tracking the success and engagement of your mobile app.
Read More: 5 Key Metrics to Measure User Engagement in Mobile Applications
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