quantifierrasing · 3 hours
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I'm amazed he didn't ask her to get him a coffee.
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quantifierrasing · 6 hours
I made a couple of flow charts for the ace and aro spectrums! Not meant to be taken 100% factual- you know yourself better than a basic flowchart. They’re mainly just for fun, though they can also be a good start for anyone questioning!
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(Free to use as long as you keep my url on them and aren’t making money off it!)
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quantifierrasing · 14 hours
Wait a minute if elves take a hundred years to grow up that has some weird implications.
So… if we say a human comes of age in fantasy worlds at 16, that means it takes an elf 6.25 years to age one human year. If we say the age of maturity is 18 that’s 5.55 years.
So then… okay with people that live a long time have to see their human friends die and probably see them like pets yeah that’s been explored to death. But what about a human just seeing their friend not grow up?
An elf toddler and a human toddler become friends at a playdate. At the time the human is two and the elf is 13. Emotionally the elf is just a little older than the human. But then the human grows up. He grows up and as he grows up his friend doesn’t. Not much, anyways.
She’s still sucking her thumb and throwing tantrums the entire time that he grows up. When he reaches the age where he’d choose a trade or go to an academy he’s earning extra money by babysitting her. During his initiation into adulthood on his 18th birthday she’s there with her parents holding a stuffed animal. Later that afternoon he sees her being shown some colorful flashcards with letters of the elvish alphabet on it by her father.
The human gets older. He learns how to fight, he goes from town to town getting work. At some point he joins the army. Every time he visits his hometown he has at least one more scar and by the time he’s 30 and the elf girl is mentally seven by human standards she starts to understand that something is wrong. Even after he settles down to be a home maker for the local blacksmith something feels wrong.
And she watches him grow old. When she’s in her 80s she babysits his grandchildren for extra cash after school, coming over in her school robes and ruffling his hair. She doesn’t remember why she became friends with this human or when but a strange sense of jealousy fills her heart.
Now she realizes it. She realizes it too late, on the day her friend learns that he is dying. The first day of her 100th year and the start of his last. Humans’ lifetimes may only last for the childhood of an elf if they’re lucky, but they learn so fast. They do so much. They cram their days full of love and hate and learning and wonder.
He knew this was coming. He knew all of this decades before she did, because elves are slow. Not stupid, certainly not stupid, but very very slow. She holds her old friend’s hand as he lays down on his bed. A man that has led such an ordinary life but feels so extraordinary to her. Because he has always, always been there and now he just won’t. Because in her eyes he became so wise so fast and now he’s just gonna be gone.
On an elf’s 100th birthday they are allowed to choose a new name for themselves. It can be important, or not. Usually it will follow them until the end of time. She stands in front of her family’s elders and is asked what name she will be called from now on.
She names herself after him.
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quantifierrasing · 1 day
one thing i hate about english is your open compound words. what do you mean it's a light switch and not a lightswitch or a water bottle instead of a waterbottle. get real
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quantifierrasing · 1 day
Race for a tasty prize
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quantifierrasing · 1 day
Hows the GM fatigue? Have you wanted to do it again, real life or online? If not, do you think you will ever again?
I actually started my first attempt at GMing again last month. I am starting v. small and mostly as a bargaining chip to get a new gaming group together. It certainly won't be an epic campaign or anything.
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quantifierrasing · 2 days
Filmmaking advice from John Waters
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quantifierrasing · 2 days
thinking about doctor who from river song's perspective always fucks me up like imagine spending 24 years in sexy wedded bliss with peter capaldi at his hottest then the next time you see him he's an uncooked pre-dilf david tennant who talks to you like That.. I too would lose the will to live
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quantifierrasing · 2 days
I'm about to wii sports resort to violence
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quantifierrasing · 2 days
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jonah finding out that trans people exist in the year of our lord 1996 by complete accident
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quantifierrasing · 2 days
largely culturally christian question sorry but i was talking about this with my mum and i'm curious....
rb and add where you're from if you want!
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quantifierrasing · 2 days
an ex-zionist jewish man recently went a bit viral on tiktok for sharing exactly how he sees zionism tie israel to the jewish identity and his personal experience with breaking away from it - I think it’s a really great watch.
He also made a follow up talking specifically about how he learned to humanise Palestinians, and a really integral part of it was his school, which would often bring in Palestinian speakers who’d share their perspective (here’s a link to it).
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quantifierrasing · 2 days
An dieser Stelle möchte ich einmal allen Studis nahelegen, dass Dozent*innen meistens kein Problem damit haben, euch im Rahmen ihrer Möglichkeiten engegenzukommen und zB Hausarbeiten auch ein Semester später noch anzunehmen, aber das funktioniert auch nur, wenn ihr uns zeitnah Bescheid sagt. Von allem anderen mal abgesehen haben die meisten halt auch nur befristete Verträge und wenn ihr Pech habt, sind wir einfach nicht mehr an der Uni, wenn ihr ein Jahr später merkt, dass ihr eine Leistung braucht!
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quantifierrasing · 2 days
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quantifierrasing · 3 days
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quantifierrasing · 3 days
You suddenly switch bodies with your icon. On a scale of 1 to 10, (10 being the highest value) how well are you coping with that change?
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quantifierrasing · 3 days
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