quasar-heart · 5 years
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quasar-heart · 5 years
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Sailor Scouts
Digital Print
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quasar-heart · 5 years
Media: It’s so hot! Sweltering!! Record breaking heat unlike anything we’ve ever seen!!! Who could have possibly predicted this???
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quasar-heart · 5 years
My personal experience is the exact inverse of this. I'm more afraid in the presence of people and their gaze. Basically, I operate the same way as a Boo in Mario games.
I've been a ghost this whole time. What a twist.
why do photos of empty hospitals scare me so much……… wild
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quasar-heart · 5 years
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what’s under mista’s hat?
and what if….
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quasar-heart · 5 years
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quasar-heart · 5 years
I was surprised to learn that the director of the film, Rhys Ernst, is trans. So I read what he wrote about the book vs the screenplay.
The book is utter dogshit. That fact remains.
Do NOT Support ‘Adam’ When The Film Comes Out
I’ve talked about this before on this blog but this is the most disgustingly transphobic and lesbophobic narrative I’ve ever come across. 
CWs: transphobia, homophobia, lesbophobia, corrective rape, voyeurism
The book Adam by Ariel Schrag is being turned into a movie which has been named as one of the most exciting LGBTQ films of the year. You should know before watching that the book is about a cis boy who pretends to be a trans man in order to persuade lesbians to sleep with him.
Yeah… you read that right.
Book plot summary: 
boy spies on his lesbian sister having sex
boy decides to pretend to be a trans man (gross)
i.e. pretends to have a vagina because he thinks lesbians will want him then (he literally wants to fuck lesbians because he watched his lesbian sister have sex wtf)
he does get a lesbian to sleep with him, he straps his penis down using ace bandages and uses a strap on.
all the actual trans dudes we meet identify as lesbians this basically implies that trans men are not real men (lesbians i.e. women)  
another time they have sex again only he uses his actual penis but tells her its a strap on. that’s literally rape, she didn’t consent to an actual penis.
he confesses that he’s been lying to her this whole time but she doesn’t break up with him. she even says its okay cause she fantasised about him being “a real boy"
that’s a direct quote. massive transphobia. huge. not to mention this is now the “lesbian is cured by dick trope” which is disgusting and that trope leads to real lesbians and bi women being raped to “fix” them. 
he leaves new york, they’re long distance. they get in an argument and he calls her a slut and a whore among other things and then she dumps him
eventually they get back in touch and she has a new cis boyfriend so yep, she’s been “cured” woo she’s actually straight and he helped her realise that yay (massive sarcasm)
It is deeply deeply transphobic. To imply that our identities are just costumes for other people to put on erases who we are as people. More than that, to imply it is done to trick people into sex is a dangerous lie that literally gets us killed.
It is also deeply lesbophobic. To fuel this narrative that lesbians can be “fixed” by having sex with a man leads to real corrective rapes happening. 
Here is a review of the book by a trans man. I have yet to find one by a lesbian but will edit this if I do.
This book gives out incredibly harmful notions about trans men and lesbians that are used to hurt them in real life. It’s so entrenched in the narrative that I don’t see how the film can possibly be any better.
I do not say any of this lightly. it’s very very rare for me to call out a piece of fiction or for me to decide that a story is unfixable. But this… there’s no excuse for the bigotry in this. 
I’d like to tell people to boycott it but I can’t tell you what to do. So instead I’m going to ask that you share this because it being named as an exciting new LGBTQ film is going to make LGBTQ teens want to see it. And they should know beforehand how hurtful it could be. They should be able to arm themselves with that knowledge.
Don’t make queer kids see this film believing it will represent them only to be exposed to this hatred of their identities. 
Please reblog.
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quasar-heart · 5 years
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Sunflower day
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quasar-heart · 5 years
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quasar-heart · 5 years
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quasar-heart · 5 years
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quasar-heart · 5 years
New superhero: Crime Man.
He stops crimes exclusively by comitting crimes. He out-crimes the criminals.
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quasar-heart · 5 years
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quasar-heart · 5 years
so you’ve probably seen the post going around detailing the horrific human rights abuses in what are, undeniably, concentration camps in the US…. accompanied by the suggestion that the only thing you can do is call your senators.
it’s unfathomable to me that someone would see we have actual nazi death camps in our country, and think the solution is writing to the politicians who allowed it to happen.
i have yet to see a post on any social media that has meaningfully helpful suggestions for how to get involved, so:
this article offers a number of suggestions including getting involved with your local chapter of Sanctuary Not Deportation, which connects faith groups to offer sanctuary to immigrants fleeing ICE. it also has a comprehensive list of immigrant-lead organizations to get involved with or donate to, as well as a link to crowdfund for detainee’s phone bills, which allows them to contact their families, legal counsel, and inform the outside world of the realities they are facing in detention.
here is a link for finding detention centers near you. there are many rallies directly outside of these camps you can participate in, and physically going to them is crucial in liberation efforts.
posting bond for detained immigrants is still one of the best ways to get people out of the death camps, even though ICE is increasingly unwilling to participate. the linked article has a list of both federal and state-by-state bail funds/organizations.
host a refugee if you have the room. Room For Refugees is still trying to build a network in the US. keeping people out of ICE’s grip and preventing detention in the first place is the best thing we can do because these camps are becoming more and more impenetrable.
help the legal organizations helping immigrants near you; if you’re anywhere close to NYC the New Sanctuary Coalition needs volunteers/donations, and if you’re on the border get involved with Texas Civil Rights Project.
on top of free legal aid, the NSC specifically also organizes rapid responses to ICE raids, which is one of the most important things you can do – there are many local networks already in place, but here is how to organize a rapid response network if your city doesn’t have one.
one of the easiest things we can all do is learn the rights of immigrants in this country, and how to react to ICE raids. spread this information to everyone you know and keep the toolkit in easy access on your phone.
the only government policy that can make an immediate and tangible impact is municipal policy; push your local politicians to support or build sanctuary city initiatives – here is a toolkit for local political action.
finally, get involved with local antifa and leftist orgs! follow their social media to get updates on calls to action and protests happening near you. i cannot stress enough how important it is to be aware of efforts in your own city. antifa international’s tumblr is one page you can follow, but please research the orgs specifically in your area that are fighting the rise of fascism. the torch network has a list of chapters in several cities around the US, but again this is just a place to start.
i encourage everyone to find at least ONE thing from this list you can do, beyond donating. i know we are all stressed and have our time/energy zapped by capitalism, but if we do nothing, nothing will change. and please share these links wherever you can – copy and paste this post or at least share the first article i linked.
fascism is here, NOW, and we need to step up, because no one is going to invade us to free the camps this time.
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quasar-heart · 5 years
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quasar-heart · 5 years
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is this thirsty enough to make tumblr mad
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quasar-heart · 5 years
Yep yep yep yep yep YEP YEEEEP
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