queeniejstuff · 7 years
Teaching, Technology and the 21st Century
We are in a day and age where at the press of a button we have access to unlimited resources. Each year is seems that children that understood technology become younger more advance.
We as teachers can grab hold of all technologies available to assist us in reaching more students, giving more effective lessons and by doing so we will enrich not only our own lives, but those of each student we teach.
We have to agree that by bring technology to our classrooms we give our students the opportunity to become independent, reaching answers and solution on their own. We are opening their minds to new ways of learning and new ways of grasping and overcoming complex language barriers.
We can open new worlds with each lesson, give more perspective, clearer pictures. Lesson never have to be uninterested nor need a student ever be bored again as we have all resources at the tip of our fingers.
For the younger learners doesn’t it make sense to use what they know to teach what they don’t know? A lesson presented with interaction and participation will definitely leave the student enticed and wanting more.
From iPhones and iPod to laptops and tablets we can only evolve in our teaching methods by incorporating them in our classrooms.
Yes we do have those opposed to technology, warning of cyborg teaching and miscommunications. All they need to understand and more importantly to remember is that we all are still human and each of us needs a pat on the back and nod of pride to keep us going.
I do not think that the teacher will be replaced completely by technology but I do think that we can take teaching and learning to a whole new dimension.
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queeniejstuff · 7 years
British Counsil on Teaching kids
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queeniejstuff · 7 years
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Out of the box thinking?
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queeniejstuff · 7 years
“Teaching children is an accomplishment; getting children excited about learning is an achievement!!”
Robert John Meehan 
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queeniejstuff · 7 years
Great steps to achieve a great outcome!
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No one is instantly a perfect student. It’s well known that ‘’perfect’’ studying requires some practice. Fortunately, there is a bunch of information available on this topic on the internet. In this way everyone can become a professional student.
1. Choosing the right study spot
Create a study space
Desk organisation
Study music (x) (x) (x)
Remove distractions
Study space guide
2. Being well equipped 
Studyblr on a budget
Organizing systems
How to stationery smart
Save money on stationery
School supplies shopping
Study apps everyone needs to use
Things you need in high school
Things that are useful in college
DIY school supplies
3. Getting focused
How to concentrate
Useful apps for focus
How to focus when a thousand things happen at the same time
Tips on staying focused
Academic goals
Getting started
4. Improve your handwriting
Handwriting goals 
Improve your handwriting (1) (2) (3)
Fake calligraphy
How to calligraphy
Some banners
Some fonts to try out
5. Taking useful notes
Cornell notes
Outline notes
Alternative to flashcards
Taking notes in class
Or during a lecture
Typing your notes
Feymann’s technique
Colour coding
Sticky notes
Decorate your notes
2 notebook method
Taking notes efficiently
6. Creating an efficient study routine in your life
How to create a study habit
Public transport productivity
Prevent the curve of forgetting
Make the most of your day
Study snacks
Succeed at school
Effective studying
Improve memory
Last minute studying
10 best study habits
After school routine
7. Planning your studies
Scheduling studying masterpost
Promodoro method
Plan during your study breaks
Bullet journalling
Plan for multiple tests using a calendar
Use printables
Use your productivity wisely
Be more productive with a planner
7 ways to better organise your study time
8. Study strategies
Types of learners + strategies
Study skills for test taking 
Study strategies masterpost
SQ3R reading method
Tips for effectively studying
Finding your perfect study method
How to memorise
Studying in a group
Study from textbooks
Quizing yourself
Secrets of a straigt A - student
My other masterposts
Scheduling studying
Acing vocab lists
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