quickitches · 1 month
I wanna be a flea living in a stinky girl's armpit
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quickitches · 2 months
would u sniff my musky girl cock even tho i have crabs 🥺🥺🥺
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quickitches · 2 months
You've been a bad girl. Two hours in the stocks with a spreader bar and itching powder in your thong
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quickitches · 3 months
The Arrangement
tagged: scent kink, F/F
Louisa stood outside the door. She had to work up the courage to actually knock. Her heart was pounding. She bit her lip, slowly raised her hand.
Knock knock.
A few hours earlier. "Damn it damn it damn it!" Louisa cursed to nobody in particular, alone in the locker room. She had lost, and lost badly. A shameful first for her - a set without winning a game. She couldn't turn it around after that, her motivation shattered. Kelly had been in the bleachers of course, front row.
Lou tossed her tanktop and skirt into the gym bag, then scratched her back with the racket. How long had it been, again? Lou picked up her phone, brought up the texts with Kelly. Or "Smelly", as Lou had saved her number. The girl had sent her Motivation mode: ON! last Thursday. An emoji every day after that... Nine days? Nine whole days. Last time it had been five.
She had an Arrangement with Kelly. A week or so before every match, Kelly would stop bathing. If Louisa won, she'd be rewarded - first, she would get to give Smelly Kelly a nice, long bath. Then, they'd have what Kelly disparagingly refered to as 'normie sex'. Losing meant getting a punishment instead: Lou on a leash, serving the stinking nerd's kinky whims.
Kelly opened the door. Nine days of showerless musk greeted Lou. She blinked, her nose twitched. She tried her best to keep her composure. "Shame about the match, Lou." said Smelly. She hugged Louisa. Lou hugged her back, coughing and gagging a little as her nose was forced in the crook of the tall woman's neck. With her arms raised up for the hug, the odor of Kelly's pits made it to Lou's nose. Just a taste, considering what would come after. "Can't win every time, I guess."
The apartment was a mess, as always. Several sets of Kelly's shoes were strewn about the hallway. In the living room, Louisa had to push away a stack of papers and a box of cables on the couch to make space for her gym bag. The table was covered in empty glasses, mugs and plates. Snack wrappers and fast food bags. So unhealthy! There was a single empty spot, clearly where Kelly would put her feet up while gaming.
Lou opened up her gym bag. Normally she'd cringe at the stink of her sweaty clothes. Not here, though. The sweat of a single tennis match could not elbow past the stench of Kelly. Louisa changed into the sweaty match outfit. She made a show out of undressing. It was putting on the tennis outfit that grabbed Kelly's attention. Once Lou was dressed again, Kelly put her hand under her skirt and fondled her on the butt. "Don't be sad, superstar. Next time you'll kick their ass."
Thinking was all but impossible. Louisa was on all fours with the collar around her neck, the other end of the leash around Kelly's wrist as she played her video game. Kelly had stripped down to her panties and socks. The sweatpants and tanktop she wore added to the smelly pile of clothes on the other end of the couch.
Smelly's legs were spread, and Lou's face was inches away from the bulge in those stripey black panties. Kelly's sedentiary lifestyle meant her cock and balls had been stewing in their own sweat, cultivating a thick, musky stench like nothing else in the world. Desires swirled in Lou's head. She wanted to, needed to lick Smelly Kelly's reeking balls, kiss her fat belly, suck on those disgustingly sweaty nipples.
Kelly would often talk about being 'musk-drunk'. Until now, Louisa had dismissed that as just another dumb fetish meme. But now, slack-jawed, drooling, wanting nothing more than to throw herself all over this reeking nerd, a single coherent thought managed to float to the top of Louisa's mind: Guess it was real.
Smelly paused her game for a moment and left her gamepad on Lou's upper back. She reached into her panties to scratch herself. A tug on Lulu's leash brought her face closer to the cotton panties. The fingers raking up and down inside agitated the pubes, releasing more of the caked-in grimy stink. "This... Fifth time scratch... Itchy?" Lou said. She swallowed her drool, blinked a couple of times. Focus, focus. She tried again. "Why do you keep itching it?" "It's nothing you need to worry about, tennis girl." Kelly took her hand out and brought it to Louisa's lips. Lou touched her nose to the fingertips. She drank the stench in. Her concern about Smelly's itching crotch was washed away immediately.
Kelly had given Lou a break. She went to the kitchen to grab an energy drink. Louisa sat on the couch. It was no secret Kelly was into tennis players. It bordered on a fetish, really. Above the TV there was a shelf adorned with all kinds of tennis memorabilia. Tennis balls, replica trophies, even a figure of a tennis player from some video game or anime. Kelly wasn't sure.
"One for you, one for me." Kelly returned with two cans. She handed the sugar-free one to Lou, turned off the video game. She picked up her phone and played a video on the TV. 'Melissa and Amy Shower After the Match.' The two actresses were in tennis dresses, tastefully sweaty, kissing in the locker room. The dialogue was poorly written, not that Louisa was in any mental state to notice that. She gulped her energy drink down quickly and left the empty can on the trash-covered table. "More." "Sorry, love. Those were the last drinks." "No, Smelly. More sniffing." "More?! Last time you swore you would never lose a game again, Lulu!" Kelly said. "Ask and ye shall receive."
Smelly Kelly raised her arm. She tried to pull Louisa's face in with the leash but Lou needed no encourangement. She shoved her face into the armpit hair, sniffing noisily. The smell was different here. No less intoxicating. Lou licked at the skin below the armpit but kept an eye on the soft porn playing before her. The two tennis girls had stripped down to their underwear and hopped in the shower. They made out, grinding against eachother, water soaking their sports bras and panties. Louisa reached down to Kelly's crotch. At first she just scratched her. Then she grabbed Kelly's cock through the cotton panties. They were already stained with precum, a wet spot on the black and white striped fabric. Kelly's toes curled up with the motions of Louisa's hand, up and down, up and down.
"Someone's turning into a dirty little muskslut, isn't she? When you can think again, Louisa, we will discuss the Arrangement." "No... I want--" She could not find the word. How frustrating. "--sniffs...?" "Exactly. This will be your reward from now on, dear." Lou closed her eyes and purred into Kelly's pit. "And this is yours." Lou placed her mouth above Kelly's armpit and bit her. The teeth sank in just enough to leave an impression on the supple skin. Her mouth filled with the pungent taste of stale sweat, her tongue burning. Kelly moaned. Her left hand stroked along Lou's inner thigh. Its sister gripped the empty energy drink can, quickly crushing it. She came. A weak, watery load stained her panties. She wiggled and shimmied - something Louisa always made fun of. Not today, though. Lou's mouth was too full of armpit.
The video Kelly had played was over. She laid her head back, the only sound in the room Louisa's hungry sniffing and licking at her pit. Lou was groping her boob now. Kelly sighed happily and put her hand over Louisa's. "We'll hit the shower. Then, I'm eating you out. Deal?" "No! I like you stinky." "Musk slut. Say what you are." "I'm Smelly Kelly's muskslut." "Good girl."
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quickitches · 3 months
The Other Flea Circus
tagged: M/M, fleas, itching kink
A garish banner above the entrance read "The Magical Flea Circus of Doctor Pullix". Next to the entrance a restaurant's menu board with a poster on it advertised "The Other Flea Circus - After Dark! ADULTS ONLY! 11:45 Tonight!"
Luca stood before the tent. How had he ever agreed to this? It didn't matter - what's done was done. He moved the flap aside and entered.
"Good evening, visitor, but you are early for the-- Oh, it's you! Come in, come in!" the Doctor was already in his performance outfit. A purple suit and a black cape embroidered with little golden fleas. He wore a fancy dress tophat, a pair of cheap plastic goggles painted the color of brass glued on it. Pullix embraced Luca and kissed him on each cheek. "Nice to see you too, Doctor."
Right. That was the reason he had agreed. Antonio. Or, "Doctor Ichabod Pullix, Master of the Fleas, Scratcher of the Backs." A handsome man if Luca had ever seen one. And seen him he had. Two or three times per week in his dingy trailer, the bed dangerously close to his flea-breeding laboratory.
Luca was dressed simpler than the Doctor. A bathrobe and a pair of flip flops.
"Let's not waste any time, then! The audience will be in any minute." Luca nodded to the doctor and removed the bathrobe. Underneath it, he wore a thong swimsuit. Purple, matching the Doctor's suit color. He caught the Doctor staring at his body. And why wouldn't he? Luca's job here at the carnival was dancing. And not just any dancing - aerial silk. That meant training every day to maintain a perfect swimmer's physique.
"Like what you see?" Luca said. "You know I do..." It was Luca's turn to kiss him now. On the lips - and he guided the man's hand to cup the bulge in his swimsuit. This left Doctor Pullix a sweaty, blushing mess. "Break a leg, Doctor."
Luca changed into another dressing gown. This one was silk, a lot more eyecatching with its intricate floral pattern. Doctor Pullix was at the tent entrance, greeting the gathered crowd.
"Ladies! Gentlemen! And all beyond and between! Welcome to the Other Flea Circus! Enough with the trickery of wires and rails! Tonight, we witness the fleas perform as they want to perform! The hunger for blood is the sole thing on these tiny vampires' minds! And feed them, we shall!" The Doctor ushered the guests inside. A small crowd - eight people. His daytime shows usually gathered twice that.
There was a table set up in the middle of the tent. A slightly modified medical examination table covered in a luxurious white silk bedsheet. There were a few metal loops welded to the sides of it.
"We meet our top performer tonight!" Pullix approached Luca, taking him gently by the wrist. "Some say the bravest men in the world are those who dare face the lions and tigers! But I say..." Pullix grabbed the sash of Luca's robe and pulled it loose. The robe hung open, revealing a glimpse of his chest, his toned abs, his thong and the bulge it covered. A few subdued gasps came from the audience. "...I say that those who dare face off against the smallest beasts are braver! One can battle the lion and tiger, but there is no fighting back against a swarm!"
The Doctor eased the robe off his shoulders. Luca looked over the small crowd. Each guest had an identical black collar on - as did the Doctor. Flea collars?
Luca sat on the examination table. Doctor Pullix put a blindfold on him, a length of black silk. Next, he tied his ankles and wrists to the loops welded to the edge of the table. "Good luck." He whispered into his ear.
"Now, honored guests, who will volunteer to introduce our performer to his stage partners?" A few of the audience members raised their hands. Pullix picked one at random. A middle-aged woman, wearing a domino mask - was it for privacy or was she just getting into character? "Miss! Will you please come and choose a container?" The lady came on over to Pullix' side. He had set up a small table. It was covered in drinking glasses and bottles, each covered with a layer of paper with a pull tab. The containers bore a little tag each, stating a number and a price.
The woman in the domino mask choose a small shot glass. The label read "4 - $5". "Perfect choice! As you volunteered to go first - yours is free." Doctor Pullix leaned in closer to her. "Turn the container over him and pull the tab." He turned to the audience again. "Remember, kind guests! You may not touch him unless he permits it."
The lady stood over the blindfolded, bound Luca. He could feel her presence as she watched over his body. He heard her breathing, the rustling of clothes following her movements. But he felt as if her gaze left an itching trail over him. And the show had not even started.
A subtle wave of air broke him out of it. The woman had lowered the shot glass over Luca's abs. She pulled the paper tab, and the covering ripped apart.
"And so our show begins!" Pullix said.
The guests gathered closely around Luca. Some brandished magnifying glasses. There, on his stomach, were four tiny black specs. The specs moved over his abs. Their pace was excruciating, a slow, slow crawl. A silence hung heavy in the air, until...
One of the fleas bit Luca. Just above his navel, at the apex of one of his abs. His body jerked. It had felt like a pinprick. A little moan left his lips, more of surprise than pain.
The audience clamored for Doctor Pullix. In no time at all, the table with the containers of fleas was empty. The professor stroked Luca on his foot and tucked away the profits in an inner pocket of his cloak.
"One at a time, please!"
The first wave of fleas had all taken a bite out of Luca now. A constellation of five red spots graced the pale skin of his belly. Two just over the waistband of his thong. One on the very edge of his bellybutton. One at the peak of his ab, and one off to the side, almost on his hip. The itches did not lag far behind. Luca instinctively tried to scratch himself, but the restraints of his wrists stopped it.
"You, sir!" Pullix said, waving toward a man who was leaning over Luca, inspecting the bugbite on the rim of his navel. "Would you like to release the second party of guests on our friend's body?"
The man nodded and stood. He had taken a bottle, this one with just two fleas in it. Pullix saw where the man was headed, and gently helped Luca spread his legs apart. The man placed the bottle down between Luca's thighs, opening turned toward his crotch, and pulled the tab. The two bugs left their glass prison quickly. Both crawled down underneath him. He felt an unpleasant tickle along his buttcrack, and then the sharp pinpricks of the fleas' bites.
This was a lot more startling than those bites on his stomach. Luca shook and gasped. "Oh... That was low." Luca laughed softly. "Will somebody please scratch my stomach? You can hardly imagine how it feels..." "Not yet, darling." said Pullix. "Scratching will come later in the show - and it costs extra"
The guests took their turns emptying their containers of fleas on Luca. Most aimed for his stomach and his chest. One of the women emptied her bottle of five fleas right into his hair. The bites on his scalp made him shiver with the sheer surprise of it. Worse yet, Pullix saw fit to irritate the itch by ruffling his hair. The fleas moved around on his body, too. Luca felt bites on the small of his back and between his shoulderblades, where his body arched to allow the insects invading him a gap to crawl into.
"Please, please, I am begging, Doctor Pullix... Let them scratch me." "In due time, dear." The Doctor pulled Luca's thong down, letting it hang around his knees. His bush was trimmed into a stylish triangular patch of hair. "Have you ever had crabs, darling?" "No, Doctor." "How lucky. Your future partners might find a different surprise lurking in this gorgeous patch of hair, though."
Pullix stroked over Luca's cock. Despite the itching that burned on every part of his body, Luca was able to get hard. The Doctor knew how to get an erection out of him. It had gotten to the point where itching got Luca excited. He'd always end up with fleabites after a night in Doctor Pullix' bed. Never like this, though. He bit his lower lip at a familiar sensation. Pullix had slid a warm rubber ring over his cock, pulling it behind his balls with great care. He knew exactly which ring it was, too.
Now, the Doctor rounded up a few of the fleas from Luca's belly in his palm. He released the bugs all over Luca's crotch. The bites prompted the strongest reaction yet. Luca whimpered, whole body shaking as he tried to pull away from the table and the itchy torment.
"Soon, soon, darling! Guests, some space, please! You may leave your containers on the table while we move to the second act..."
Pullix released the bindings, first from Luca's ankles, then, his wrists. "Don't. Scratch." he whispered into his ear.
It took all of Luca's focus to keep himself from digging his nails into his skin and scratching every single part of his body. He felt the fleabites throbbing, a deep pulsing itch. His most sensitive parts itched the worst. It was as if his cock, his balls, his ass crack and his neck had been set on fire. The majority of bites graced his stomach and his lower back but the itch there paled before those tender parts of his body.
Luca was shaking and sweating when Pullix tied him to two of the sturdy poles holding the tent up. He was naked save for the blindfold, skin covered in itching red bites. Fleas crawled all over the man. The audience surrounded him on every side. The fleas did not jump to the other people gathered here. The flea collars they wore acted as a powerful repellent.
"Please, everybody... I beg you. Scratch me. Scratch me everywhere." "People, attention please! If you wish to join in the scratching, that will be a $50 charge!"
Every single audience member paid the 50. They descended on Luca, a flurry of sixteen groping, scratching hands. The hands moved hungrily, wishing to cover every little bit of the dancer's skin. The relief was intense. Luca could not think anymore. The only thing in his mind was the extreme ecstasy of relief. He tried to thank the people, but all he could manage now were low moans. Was he gonna cum? The thought flashed briefly through his mind. A new wave of pleasure washed over him and swept that thought away. One of the women had spread his ass cheeks apart and went for the bites hidden along his crack.
The rubber cock ring Pullix had put on Luca did its job. He did not finish during the scratching frenzy. Even when two of the male guests focused on scratching at his pubes and his cock at once. Even when that woman dragged her manicured nails across the throbbing bites in his crack. Even when Pullix had whispered "Excellent job." in his ear.
The audience members left soon after midnight. Doctor Pullix released Luca's wrists and ankles from the bindings. Luca, of course, immediately started to itch at himself, now mainly at his stomach. He breathed heavily. "You are my best model yet, do you know that?" "If you're buttering me up for another session... Forget it." "There's a warm bath waiting for you in the back of the tent. It's gonna kill off your fleas and give some itch relief." Antonio spoke softly, out of his Doctor Pullix persona now. "I'll be along soon. I need to get some bug spray in here. And when I get back." He stood before Luca. He reached around, scratched him on the ass. "I will be taking care of this."
Antonio dragged a single finger along the length of Luca's shaft. His fingernail followed the irregular pattern of fleabites on his cock. Luca bit his lips. He shivered as he fell to his knees and came, right on the tent's floor.
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quickitches · 6 months
Ten lines of code and one pirated experimental neural net update
tagged: F/F, robot girl, itching kink
my robot gf's chassis surface contains 175,000 magnetic micro-sensors. normal function - detecting ferrous dust buildup. she is built for industrial work after all. her builders went the boring way about it. she doesn't feel the buildup. a notification just pops up in her OS urging her to go to the cleaning stations.
she loves it when i modify her code to experience what she calls 'human programming'. last week i asked her to scratch my back, under my bra strap. she didn't quite understand what itching and scratching were. it was time to change that.
a few changes to the magnetic detection subroutine and an experimental neural net plugin was all it took. i daubed a few shavings of nickel on her neck. sure enough, she reached up and rubbed it with her hand. a big ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ flashing on her visor-screen. how cute.
and now she has all the ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ in the world. we start off light. 3 grams of iron shavings taped to her belly. she squirms, scratches it. aluminium fingers on aluminium stomach. begs me for more. i place another tape, this time going all the way around her waist. she moans for me. and then she grabs the bowl of metal i was using, pours it all over her crotch and thighs.
she tosses, shouts, moans, her hands rub all over her body. i check my smartwatch. her arousal has topped out at 100%. by now i am just a passive observer witnessing the birth of my girl's new kink. the cleanup job is gonna be a bitch. but hell, it's all worth it.
i sit behind her, dig my nails into the sensitive area between her legs and scratch across her belly.
"it's all i could have asked for." the metallic voice rings out.
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quickitches · 6 months
perks of never showering
it itches. i scratch. my fingers dig into the sweaty patches of hair hidden in my armpits. i drag my nails under my tits. everything stinks. the best part - scratching my sweaty ass crack and my girlcock is almost orgasmic. and now you get to smell my reeking fingers, take in the reek of every part of my body collected under my fingernails.
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quickitches · 6 months
naughty puppygirls get punished
I have a jar of fleas and a pair of handcuffs. woof woof
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quickitches · 6 months
he is massaging my feet, trying to keep his shit together, squirming, fidgeting. doesn't even know I added a pinch of itching powder to the pouch of the thong he is wearing for me.
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quickitches · 6 months
Woman Vs. Nature
Warm light from the LED lantern bathed the interior of the tent. The rain tapped out a rhythmic tune on the tarp.
Victoria felt anything but coziness here. How had she let Nicky talk her into this? She gave an inaudible sigh watching her friend fiddle with a length of paracord.
Victoria snuck her hand around her back, lifted her shirt a tiny bit and scratched herself on the waist, just above the belt. The fingernails felt like heaven. She quickly stopped. Can't let Nicky figure it out.
Everything itched. Everything. But worst of all was her back and her butt. It felt as if the forest itself had decided to play a prank on Vicky and dumped a bucket of itching powder down her neck during today's hike. Hell, it was probably exactly that. Pollen. Too bad Victoria hadn't packed any anti-allergy meds.
"You alright?" said Nicky and looked up from the practice knot she'd just made. "…Yeah?" said Victoria. She sat on her knees, her hands gripping one another hard. "Cause you're squirmy." Nicky left the colorful cord down and crawled toward Vic on all fours.
The image of Nicky using those knot skills to immobilize her flashed through Victoria's mind. What the hell? She'd never thought of her friend like that, why now? But her subconscious was already running away with it. Victoria, itchy mess, bound in paracord, begging, BEGGING Nicky to scratch her. She closed her eyes and tried to think of something else. Anything else. It didn't work.
"Where does it itch?"
Nicky's voice snapped Victoria out of it. Her eyes opened, hands still clasped.
"Itch…? I'm not itchy?" "Oh yes you are. You've got bugbites. They're not from mosquitoes or gnats or midges so I assume they're under your clothes too. Plus you've been fidgeting all evening."
Nicky poked at Victoria's exposed skin. First her neck, then her upper arm. Nicky pulled down on Vic's neckline a little. It sent Victoria's heart racing and she bit her lip.
Nicky turned around to get her guidebook. For Victoria, the floodgates opened. She shoved each of her hands under her shirt. Left hand dug into her belly, right one up the middle of her back. She whimpered at the flurry of fingers chasing after her inflamed skin. She could barely take it anymore. Victoria pulled her shirt off and tossed it on the tent floor.
"Oh yeah, that's pretty bad." Nicky said and sat herself down beside her friend. There were tens of the bites, covering Vic from her neck to her waistline - and most likely under the pants, too.
Nicky scratched Victoria on her upper back as she thumbed through that camping manual. Next time, Nicky thought to herself, I'm giving this girl a lecture on hiking gear. Victoria hadn't gotten the right clothes - and she stank. Nicky inhaled the scent. It was strangely nice.
"Aha!" Nicky said and put the little book down in Vicky's lap. The glossy page on the left hand side had a few photos of bugbites just like the ones covering Victoria. Nicky poked at one of them, brown skin tone matching Victoria's own. "You've got fleas! Hedgehog fleas, to be precise." "Fleas?! I can't have fleas, I…" "Shhh." Nicky hugged Victoria from behind. She pressed her fingernails into the soft skin of Vic's flabby belly, slowly dragging them upwards. "If it helps, the bites only last for two days." "Two days…" "Oh don't be such a baby. Besides. I'll help with all your little itches. Even those ones." "What are you talking about, Nicolette?" "I see the way you look at me, Victoria, don't play coy. And I know an indoor girl like you would never agree to a week-long hiking trip without a good reason for it. The reason is me, isn't it?"
Nicky undid the clasp of Vic's belt. She pulled the zipper down, slowly, slowly. All the while she scratched Vic just below her bellybutton. Victoria whimpered.
"Tomorrow, we are gonna wash ourselves in the lake. God knows we'll need it after tonight." Vic's voice cracked as she pushed the words out. She moved her hand away from her flea-bitten breast. Victoria turned her head, held Nicky by her chin.
"Vic, what are you-" Nicky did not finish her question. Victoria locked lips with her. She moved to straddle Nicky, slowly pushing her down onto her back. Vic started to stroke all over Nicky's body, only interrupting to claw at her itching body.
Nicky pulled down at Vic's pants when she felt it. It was like a little pinprick. A flea had bitten her, just above the collarbone. More followed, all over her torso. Worth it. And they only lasted two days, didn't they…?
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quickitches · 1 year
A quick itch
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