quoteyouquoteme · 6 years
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Javon Johnson, “Baby Brother”. Watch Javon’s FULL POEM.
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quoteyouquoteme · 6 years
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people are implying taylor swift’s new video is a boot-legged formation i’m gonna scream sjsdhksafjhsdkjfhajksd
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quoteyouquoteme · 6 years
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Reblog to have Carrie Fisher blow you a kiss
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quoteyouquoteme · 6 years
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ow ouch owie my brain
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quoteyouquoteme · 6 years
Ovelha negra da família <3
Reblog if you’re the gay cousin
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quoteyouquoteme · 6 years
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The Ten Commandments of being a Bulbasaur fan
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quoteyouquoteme · 6 years
scarlett johansson is shaving her head to play aang as we speak
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quoteyouquoteme · 6 years
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Pokemon regions + their real world counterparts
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quoteyouquoteme · 6 years
This is lgbtq+ culture.
gays, lend me your strength
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quoteyouquoteme · 6 years
petition for Tom Holland to recreate this gif
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quoteyouquoteme · 6 years
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quoteyouquoteme · 6 years
10 across the board
3 Stages of Love - Libra  ♡
In the 1st stage of love Libra is intoxicated with their own imagination. There is absolutely no distance, difference, or law that could ever keep the two of you apart, and the future has already been re-written to include you into it. Libras are very idealistic at this stage and the partner is glossed in the perfect polish of everything they have ever dreamed of. But Libras are also very socially aware, and they are conscious of coming on too strong and appearing overbearing. So they seem very interested, but also refined and respectful. They may even tell you that they need everything to ‘slow down’, but it has nothing to do with your advances - it’s rather that their heart has already broken free and they are traveling deliriously at the speed of sound 
In the 2nd stage of love the intellect re-activates for Libra, and the cold hard reality of the relationship can cause unrepairable cracks. They may even realise that they have been in love with an imposter or something unreal, and the pain of previous heartbreak also re-emerges to strangle the fairy tale. At this stage, Libra is really focused on learning who you are deep inside, what have you done..wrong and right? what are your morals? what is it that you love about me? are you a good person or will you compromise my values and dignity? They will also deeply scrutinise how well you mix with their friends and family. This can be the most challenging stage for Libra, because they often find it harder to leave than be left 
In the 3rd stage of love Libra exists in a state of bliss, and they bring you along with bubbly champagne for the ride. They are highly responsive to your emotional, physical, and intimate needs, strenuously defensive and offended at injustices caused to you, and naturally integrate you into their language, such as commenting to her friends that ‘we love this song’. They remember every tiny detail that makes you unique and special, celebrate these differences, and make every birthday and anniversary a grand affair. Libras will also make it a point to get to engage in your interests and the things that you love, such as joining you to see your favourite band 
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quoteyouquoteme · 6 years
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quoteyouquoteme · 6 years
“I am not saying you will find the meaning of life in other people. I am saying that other people are the life to which you provide the meaning.”
FROM THE VAULT! Neil Hilborn - “This Is Not the End of the World”
Check out Neil’s book! Performing at Aaron Coleman’s book release party in Minneapolis. Become a member! Support Button Poetry.
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quoteyouquoteme · 6 years
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Aphrodite -The archetype of Taurus and Libra  Venus in the birth chart 
“Why do we think love is a magician? Because the whole power of magic consists in love. The work of magic is the attraction of one thing by another because of a certain affinity of nature.” -Marsilio Ficino
The Aphrodite archetype always stands out. There is always the unmistakable spark that is the touch of Aphrodite. In these times, when the idolization of Aphrodite—and the tragedy that ensues—are perhaps more widespread than ever, the crucial key  is consciousness.”
-Arlene Diane Landau. The subjective or inner component of Aphrodite can be seen in an introverted or an extraverted way: Internally, it could mean the ability to relate to beauty.  Externally, it would encompass the whole principle of Eros, the willingness to connect with and to be considerate of the other.
The Aphrodite principle provides us with the ability to make life-enhancing connections with others. The 3 Graces associated with Aphrodite include 
Grace Seductive desire Charm The power of the pleasure principle
There are many hazards in her realm.One should be in good relation with the Ares principle of aggression when encountering Aphrodite.
Aphrodite reveals what can happen to the imagery of the inner world if one pours enough energy into it and bathes it in Love’s light. Love as the ultimate life engendering/affirming principle. She is sometimes hailed as the basic cosmogonic principle, the very source of life itself. In Greek “cosmos” means “order”. 
The symbolism of Aphrodite overlaps with that of the Holy Ghost.  They share the symbol of the dove” -Edward. R. Edinger
Jung adds further on the Aphrodite archetype in his book Liber Novus Aphrodite is essentially psyche, or soul, expressed personally as anima and collectively as Anima Mundi, the Soul of the World.
With the archetype of the anima, we enter the realm of the gods, or rather, the realm that metaphysics has reserved for itself. The world of the Gods is made manifest in spirituality and in sexuality. The celestial ones appear in spirituality, the earthly in sexuality. Spirituality and sexuality are not your qualities, not things you possess and encompass. Rather, they possess and encompass you, since they are powerful daimons, Manifestations of the Gods, and hence reach beyond you, existing in themselves.” Jung wrote that The anima develops in 3 stages:
The primitive anima - Chawwa, the earth. She is Eve, who represents the all-motherly and the receiving. The anima is still a purely sexual being, a kind of earth goddess in a nearly prehuman developmental form.
The next stage of the anima is Mary, who was also an extraordinary person. She was the lover of the Holy Spirit and so become the mother of God.
The highest developmental stage of the anima is Sophia. She is one-half of the divine syzygy; conjunction and opposition of sun and moon. She is the most spiritual form of the universal mother.
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quoteyouquoteme · 6 years
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the father, the son, and the holy spirit
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quoteyouquoteme · 6 years
And why I never actually forgot how to.
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Rudy Francisco, “If I Was a Love Poet”. Check out Rudy’s debut book, HELIUM. 
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