r-starrr · 11 months
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Lessons learned.
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r-starrr · 11 months
10 Practices for Low-Energy Witches
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Daily affirmations: Start your day by setting an intention or saying a positive affirmation that aligns with your goals and values. This can help you stay focused and grounded throughout the day.
Gratitude journaling: Take a few minutes each day to write down three things you're grateful for. This can help cultivate a sense of appreciation and abundance in your life.
Mindful breathing: Take a few deep, mindful breaths throughout the day to center yourself and release any tension or stress.
Moon-watching: Take a few moments to observe the moon each night, noting its phase and any changes in its appearance. You can also keep a moon journal to track your observations and feelings.
Elemental meditation: Spend a few minutes each day meditating on the elements (earth, air, fire, water) and their associated qualities. You can visualize yourself surrounded by each element and focus on how they make you feel.
Herbal tea rituals: Incorporate herbal teas into your daily routine and take a few moments to mindfully prepare and enjoy them. You can also research the magical properties of different herbs and choose teas based on their correspondences.
Candle magic: Light a candle and set an intention for the day or visualize your goals and desires coming to fruition. You can also choose candles based on their color correspondences for added potency.
Sigil drawing: Create a simple sigil to represent your intention or desire, and draw it on your skin, clothing, or a piece of paper. You can also charge your sigil with energy by visualizing it glowing with light or energy.
Crystal charging: Choose a crystal that aligns with your intention or desired outcome and hold it in your hand or place it on your body. Visualize the crystal absorbing your energy and amplifying your intentions.
Nature appreciation: Take a few moments each day to appreciate the natural world around you, whether it's the beauty of a flower or the majesty of a tree. You can also connect with nature by taking a walk, gardening, or spending time in a park or forest.
Remember, these are just a few examples of simple, low-energy witchcraft practices you can incorporate into your daily routine. The most important thing is to find practices that resonate with you and align with your personal values and beliefs.
It's important to remember that everyone's energy levels and circumstances are different, and there may be times when you simply don't have the energy or motivation to practice witchcraft. This doesn't make you any less of a witch, or any less magickal. It's okay to take a break and focus on self-care and nurturing yourself. Remember, your magick is always within you, and you can connect with it in your own way, on your own time. Be kind and gentle with yourself, and trust that the universe will support you wherever you are on your journey.
My Ko-Fi
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r-starrr · 11 months
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Credit: Beep Boop Art on FB
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r-starrr · 11 months
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Hello witches!
I bring you the 2023 calendar for the remaining months  ☆゚. * ・ 。゚
How are you holding up mid-mercury retrograde?
This year I just added the Planet Oppositions because there are a few of them in the later months of the year and I wanted to research them.
This is a Northern Hemisphere calendar and specific dates may vary due to different time zones, so always do your research for your specific region.
And if you find any mistakes or anything do add it if you reblog, so I can keep it in mind for future calendars!
See you in the full moon!!
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r-starrr · 2 years
Witchcraft: Cleansing
Cleansing is one of those aspects of magic that is used frequently, but can be somewhat confusing for new practitioners to find resources on. Cleansing is like a form of spiritual hygiene for you, another, an item, or area.
After long periods of time, overcoming challenges, or the contact of many different energies, our own energies can become polluted with magical residue, and that is when one would cleanse themselves. The same concept stand the same for items such as Crystals.
Many cultures believe and act accordingly to the fact that when cleansing, leaving windows and doors open is providing the energy a place to escape to, rather than allowing it to rekindle.
Some practitioners believe Banishment is an extreme form of Cleansing, such purifying something rather than merely sanitizing it. Although Banishment is usually used in terms of expelling entities, the same does also apply for energy.
I highly recommend Cleansing the tools you use to Cleanse often. Some witches do not Cleanse things because they believe it can remove all of the energy from a person, place, or object.
Cleansing Methods:
Candlelight, sunlight, bonfires, warm baths and showers, simmer pots, candle flames, and loose incense can all be used for cleansing yourself, an object, or space.
Your hands, fingers, mind, and spirit are powerful tools if you only harness and wield the with an educated mind. With the right intention, you can yourself Cleanse beings, objects and space with visualization.
Decluttering, organization, rinsing, dusting, purging, sweeping, moping, wiping down surfaces, and general hygienic care can be used for cleansing spaces and objects when done with intention.
Using sound is incredibly powerful for cleansing, ranging from vocal statements, Hertz Frequencies, Ringing Bells, Sound Bowls, Banging Pots, Wind Chimes, Songs, to chants and incantations. Sound can cleanse entities, items, or areas.
Water can be used to cleanse, weather it from a faucet or creeks, oceans, storms, or rivers, it has potential. Running water or water in general not only washes us, but our energies too. Bathing, rinsing, showers, and scrubbing can all be applied here.
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r-starrr · 3 years
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Artist Alice X. Zhang
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r-starrr · 4 years
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By: Sophie
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r-starrr · 4 years
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Artist Tony Harris
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r-starrr · 4 years
If you think someone’s shirt is cool, tell them! If you think your friend is beautiful, tell them! If you love someone’s art, tell them! Speak goodness into the world, it is time to stop suppressing kind thoughts.
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r-starrr · 4 years
☀️Sun water☀️
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🌞Used for:
Protection, healing (especially physical), happiness, truth, clairvoyance, courage, strength, prosperity, luck, self-love, cleansing, confidence, leadership, justice, gardening, growth, warmth, comfort, fertility, and creativity
🌞How to make it:
Leave the water on a sunny windowsill or outside, preferably in direct sunlight. Sunrise, 9 am, 12 pm, and 3 pm are perfect times for this, or you can leave it from sunrise to sunset. You can also add herbs and flowers to it as well (lemon peels, orange peels, marigolds, chamomile, cinnamon, sunflower, etc.) Or charge it with some stones (like sunstone, orange calcite, citrine, tigers eye, goldstone or carnelian), but please don’t put these stones in the water. You can also make a sun tea with sun water for a very potent solar spell.
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r-starrr · 5 years
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Travel Coffee Mugv // RogueAndWolf 
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r-starrr · 5 years
Congratulations! As of today, you have survived 100% of your worst days.
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r-starrr · 5 years
Tips for Witches with Depression, E.D’s, or anxiety
I personally struggle with all of these and life does not live up to the pretty floral bath aesthetic we all wish it could be the majority of the time.
• If you take medications, enchant your pill bottles as a sense of protection. It’s totally okay to incorporate them into your daily routine spiritually and just regularly. This can help you remember them.
• Cast Glamour spells on your food to make them feel like your comforting safe foods if you are in a setting that involves a lot of eating so it does not overwhelm you as much(ex: holidays, celebratory dinner)
• Carry worry stones or lucky rocks/special tailsmans to ease yourself in anxiety inducing situations. Focus on the object rather than what’s going on around you and feel its energy comfort you.
• If you feel too unmotivated to do any spellwork, try a simple meditation. This can literally be done as you stare at the wall. Rather than wallow, encourage yourself to imagine the light flowing within you and all of the bad thoughts out with every exhale.
• If you celebrate pagan holidays you probably know that witches love bread. Some of us struggle to survive so how are we supposed to bake? Just pop a bagel in the toaster. A celebratory bread in seconds!
• Using herbs and incorporating simple kitchen witchcraft into your day can sometimes make you feel more motivated to cook. Rather than viewing it as cooking, its magic. Mindset is everything.
• When overwhelmed, sip on a cup of your favorite soothing herbal tea
• If you feel too sad to even get out of bed, try simply lighting a lavender incense
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r-starrr · 5 years
Magics for Animals, Pets, and Familiars
Updated: July 22, 2017
Attracting Animals
[Feed the Birds Spell]
[Here, Kitty Kitty: A Few of Your Favorite Things Charm Bag] (cw: sigil)
[To Make Animals Less Afraid of Your Presence]
[A Spell to Find a Furry (or Finned or Feathered or Scaled) Friend]
[Bless a Pet]
[Cat Blessing]
[Cat Blessing]
[Pet Blessing]
[Spell to Welcome New Furry Friend to Your Home]
[Animal Communication Spell: Eve Oil]
[Communicate With Your Pet Spell]
Death / Remembrance
[Animal Release Spell]
[Pet Farewell Ritual]
[Pet Loss Ritual]
[Pet Release Ritual & Jar Spell]
[Prayers for a Deceased Pet Cat]
[Prayers for a Deceased Pet Dog]
[Prayers to Help a Familiar Cross Over / Ease Their Pain]
Finding / Calling a Familiar
[Animal Ally Invitation Spell]
[Another Way of Gaining a Familiar Spirit]
[To Call a Familiar]
[Finding a Familiar]
[One Method of Contacting Familiar Spirits]
[Simple Ritual of Familiar]
[Spell to Ask for a Familiar]
Healing and Health
*Reminder: Do not neglect taking your pet to the vet for a cheaper, magical solution; spells should be used as a boost, not as a replacement, to proper medical treatment for any animal. Be very careful with any flames or small objects around animals. Ensure that you are researching any herbs you will be using to guarantee they will not poison or harm your pet.*
[Emoji Spell to Recover from Illness]
[To Heal a Pet]
[Healing Crystals and Stones for Pets]
[Healthy Pet Spell]
[Pet Healing and Wellness Spell]
Locating Lost Animals
[To Call a Lost Pet]
[Crossroads Lost Animal Spell]
[Lost Pet Spell]
[Spell to Find a Lost Pet]
[Spell to Find a Lost Pet]
[Animal Candle Protection Spell]
[Animal Candle Protection Spell]
[Animal Protection Spell]
[Cat Protection Bag]
[Cat Protection Spell] (cw: gif)
[Pet Protection and Blessing]
[Pet Protection Powder]
[Pet Protection Spell]
[Pet Protection Spell]
[Pet Protection Spell]
[Pet Protection Spell Bottle]
[Pet Protection Spell Jar]
[Protection Chant for Cats]
[Protection Spells for Animals]
[Protection Spells for Pets]
[Protective Chant for Dogs]
[“Watch Over Me” Pet Protection Guardian]
[Familiar Binding Spell] (to strengthen the bond between a person and their familiar)
[Spell for Peace and Harmony] (for cats that need a little help getting along better)
[Spells Involving Cats]
[“Animals are drawn to me”]
[“I get a pet soon”]
[“I get a service animal”]
[“I get along well with dogs”]
[“It is my will that my pets will be safe, healthy, and happy”]
[“My cat and I are bonded”]
[“My cat is protected”]
[“My dog is at peace and free of pain”]
[“My lost pet has been found safe”]
[“My lost pet will return to me”]
[“My pet goes to the bathroom only where it’s supposed to”]
[“My pet is safe”]
[“My pet is safe”]
[“My pets are happy and healthy”]
[“My pets remain in good health”]
[“My pet returns home safely”]
[“My therapy pet adapts quickly to my home”]
[“The outdoor cats are safe from harm”]
[“This animal is healed”]
[“This animal is healthy”]
[“This animal is protected”]
[“This pet does not eat my offerings or interfere with my rituals”]
[“This pet is safe and protected in their time of healing”]
[Recommended Reading: Animal Communication, Healing & Guidance]
[Tarot Readings for Pets and Familiars]
[Witchy Things to Do for Your Pet]
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r-starrr · 5 years
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r-starrr · 5 years
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r-starrr · 5 years
Breaking Astrology Down
Your Sun is about yourself. Your Moon is your heart. Your Rising is how you look. Your Mercury is the way you think. Your Venus is how you love. Your Mars is how you deal with life. Your Jupiter is your luck. Your Saturn is how you discipline yourself and your responsibilities. Your Uranus is how unique you are. Your Neptune is your imagination. Your Pluto is your transformation. Your Chiron is how you heal. Your Ceres is how you take care of yourself. Your Pallas is your relationships. Your Juno is beauty and Influences. Your Vesta is your potential and your organization. Your North Node is how you develop in your current life. Your South Node is how you developed in your past life. Your Midheaven is your career, how others view you. Your Lilith is your hidden emotions.
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