rabvstans · 6 years
﹙  *☆ ┆ vance,  emmeline.
safe – that was all she could hear in her pathetic attempt to EAVESDROP. she snuck a glance over her shoulder, just to see him walk out just like he had walked out on HER. she expected to feel SATISFACTION for chasing him off, SHE was the reason why he left – she hadn’t given him that win and yet all she felt was DISAPPOINTMENT. what was the point? she was done. pulling out her pouch she called anthony over, “you’re good –” her brows shooting UP in confusion, “anthony, i might be your pretty face to look at during these hectic hours –” she teased, “but not even my face is worth brushing off eight drinks –” she mused. 
what he said next was what made her see RED. she was covered. she was fucking covered and she knew who her culprit was, “don’t you dare –” she ordered, tugging on her coat, point her finger at him, “i don’t want his money, put it toward something else – i don’t fucking care, you don’t put that under my tab anthony, so help me merlin –” she managed, leaving her share on the counter before she bolted out the door.  
she didn’t flinch when the cold air struck her, she didn’t know what to expect, for all she knew he could have apparated his arse to whatever dark hell he resided these days and yet in her gut, she could FEEL him. her gaze glancing through the partially empty street as she did a three sixty, her eyes becoming saucers as she noticed a retreating figure, taking his sweet time walking down the path, she didn’t bother walking, running – she didn’t want to leave it to chance as she appeared before him – apparating under a raging state? probably not a good idea. 
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“how fucking DARE you –” she shoved him, taking a step toward him to cover the distance she created, “where do you get off with covering my tab? i don’t want your PITY party or whatever the hell that was – whatever you do to make yourself feel better is on you, but so help me, don’t you dare turn me enjoying a drink into about you –” she was nearly in hysterics. the way her face distorted into that painful rage, she knew she was a walking CONTRADICTION and she knew that he could probably see that. he saw through her better than anyone. 
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          he  should’ve  expected  this,  honestly.  emmeline  vance  was,  and  had  never  been  anything  less  than,  a  force  of  nature.  but  she  still  startled  him  enough  that  he  stumbled  a  couple  steps  back,  starting  to  feel  the  effects  of  the  third  of  a  firewhiskey  bottle  he’d  managed  to  down  in  just  the  few  minutes  since  he’d  left.  bizarrely,  he  felt  the  urge  to  laugh.  she  hadn’t  changed.  she  could  still  get  just  as  angry  as  she  could  at  hogwarts.  but  it  also  irritated  him  --  why  the  hell  couldn’t  he  be  rid  of  her,  no  matter  how  hard  she  tried  ?  she  was  there  at  the  bar,  she  was  there  apparating  two  feet  in  front  of  him,  she  was  there  in  his  subconscious  every  second  of  every  day,  constantly  reminding  him  how  much  he’d  fucked  up.  
          the  cocktail  of  emotions  that  surged  through  his  whiskey-soaked  veins  manifested  itself  in  something  akin  to  an  ugly,  terrible  sneer  curling  his  lips  back  thinly  from  his  teeth.  he  was  angry  now,  angry  for  real;  at  her  and  at  himself,  at  the  whole  damn  world.   ❛   ---   for  fuck’s  sake,  vance,  not  everything  is  about  you,   ❜   he  spat,  hating  every  word  that  came  out  of  his  mouth.  but  the  devil  on  his  shoulder,  emboldened  and  embittered  by  the  alcohol,  protested.  why  the  hell  should  he  feel  guilty  ?  unhappy  ?  he  was  living  the  dream  life,  free  and  alone,  and  if  she  couldn’t  appreciate  him  buying  her  a  fucking  drink,  that  was  on  her.  why  the  hell  should  he  care  ?  she’d  always  needed  to  lighten  up  a  little.  a  lot,  the  devil  modified.  it  wasn’t  like  that  was  news.   ❛   ---   merlin,  do  you  ALWAYS  hunt  down  the  men  who  buy  you  drinks  ?  maybe  you  should  accept  one  once  in  a  while.  could  do  you  good.   ❜   
          he  ran  a  restless  hand  through  his  hair  and  glanced  around,  knowing  he  was  only  digging  himself  into  a  deeper  grave.  but  he  was  the  sort  of  man  to  push  buttons  that  ought  not  to  be  pushed,  always  taking  things  one  step  beyond  okay.  usually  it  didn’t  have  consequences.  but  with  emmeline,  it  always  did.  served  him  right  for  caring.   ❛   ---  maybe  i  wanted  to  do  a  nice  thing  for  once.  is  that  not  fucking  allowed  now  ?  what  the  fuck  do  you  WANT  from  me,  emme  ?   ❜
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rabvstans · 6 years
﹙  *☆ ┆ vance,  emmeline.
her gaze shot up and she couldn’t stop herself from SNEAKING a look, her drink had become the least interesting thing at this moment. her gut wrenched at the sound of HIS voice, she’d recognize that voice anywhere and the PAIN associated with him came bubbling to the surface. everything about the man right next to her reeked of heartache. emmeline had always prided herself on how confident she was – she knew her WORTH and she knew that she deserved quite a bit and yet rabastan lestrange had robbed her of that for a bit. the end of their relationship had left an after taste of not being enough. 
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she hadn’t been enough to keep him around – she hadn’t been enough to be a CHOICE, she turned her gaze back to her whiskey, complete loss of words as she gripped the glass tightly. she didn’t know if he had noticed, but what she did know was that she wasn’t going to let this visibly phase her, she was going to sit put and do what she had intended to do – DROWN out the night. she downed the entirety, she didn’t feel comfortable in her own skin and the whiskey was definitely going to do the trick. “anthony –” she called out to the bartender on hand, “could i grab another?” sliding the empty glass forward as she took a breath. 
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         rabastan  could  feel  her  gaze  on  him,  as  subtle  though  it  may  have  been.  he  couldn’t  look,  couldn’t  make  eye  contact.  like  a  coward.  out  of  the  corner  of  her  eye,  he  saw  her  down  the  glass  in  front  of  her  and  call  for  another.  his  chest  tightened.  he’d  caused  that.  and  as  much  as  he  wished  he  didn’t  care  he’d  hurt  her,  as  much  as  he  wished  he  could  wound  as  callously  and  carelessly  as  the  company  he  kept  these  days,  he  couldn’t.  fuck.  he’d  been  looking  forward  to  relaxing,  letting  loose,  maybe  spending  the  night  in  a  stranger’s  bed,  but  any  hope  of  that  was  gone.  guilt  was  a  real  bitch  sometimes.  he  pocketed  the  bottle  of  firewhiskey  the  bartender  brought  him,  rising  from  his  seat.  looked  like  another  night  of  getting  stinking  drunk  in  his  comfortably  opulent  apartment,  alone.  he  was  a  few  steps  away  when  he  hesitated,  eyes  sliding  back  to  her,  frozen  momentarily  by  a  stupid,  impulsive  urge  to  say  something.  but  say  what  ?  what  could  he  have  to  say  that  she  would  want  to  hear  ?  so  instead  he  approached  the  bartender  once  he’d  moved  away  from  emmeline,  speaking  in  a  low  voice  so  she  couldn’t  hear.   ❛   —   put  her  drinks  on  my  tab.  whatever  she  orders,  i  don’t  care.  and,  uh  --   ❜   rabastan  hesitated,  gaze  falling  on  her  once  more,  before  clearing  his  throat  gruffly.   ❛   —   make  sure  she  gets  home  safe,  yeah  ?   ❜   he  uncapped  the  bottle  of  firewhiskey,  bringing  it  to  his  mouth  for  a  long  swig  before  he  tugged  on  his  coat  and  headed  for  the  door.  
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rabvstans · 6 years
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And you think telling him you’re a killer is going to help?
743 notes · View notes
rabvstans · 6 years
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rabvstans · 6 years
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jake gyllenhaal sadly eating alone is a mood of mine
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rabvstans · 6 years
﹙  *☆ ┆ vance,  emmeline.
“oh no – whatever it is, save it for tomorrow. i’m off duty –” barely glancing up from the whiskey that had her undivided attention, it had been one of those days  – the type that just left a sour taste in your mouth, no matter how much she had tried –she couldn’t stop the disaster that was today. what she had SEEN had left her wanting to drown in whiskey and that’s how she ended up where she was right at this very second –
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          it  had  been  a  long  day;   first  doing  his  best  to  lift  an  ancient  nordic  curse  at  work  and  then,  afterwards,  doing  his  best  to  cast  it  again  for  the  death  eaters.  rabastan  felt  trapped,  boxed  in.  irony  at  its  finest,  given  how  he  was  supposed  to  be  a  free  man,  no  wife  or  family  or  even  laws  to  tie  him  down.  just  his  unending  regrets.  he  needed  a  drink.  without  sparing  a  glance  at  anything  other  than  the  firewhiskey  behind  the  bar,  he  slid  into  a  free  seat.  he  didn’t  even  realize  who  he’d  sat  next  to  until  she  spoke,  and  his  heart  lurched.  it  was  obvious  she  hadn’t  realized  it  was  him  either.  he  hesitated,  not  wanting  to  say  anything  and  ruin  it.  half  of  him  wanted  to  just  get  up  and  leave,  rather  than  risk  a  fight.  but  that  drink.  he  settled  on  just  replying  to  her  with  a  noncommittal  grunt,  before  waving  down  the  bartender.   ❛   —  FIREWHISKEY,  please.   ❜   hopefully  she’d  notice  him  and  storm  out,  and  he’d  be  left  to  drink  in  peace,  unbothered  by  thoughts  of  her.  ha.  what  a  joke.  he  was  always  bothered  by  thoughts  of  her.
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rabvstans · 6 years
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268K notes · View notes
rabvstans · 6 years
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⟡⌜ ⇴  NICO  TORTORELLA  ⌠  30  &  he / him  ⌡ :  have  you  seen  RABASTAN   LESTRANGE  ?  HE  is  a  CURSEBREAKER  who’s  apparently  also  A  DEATH  EATER.  when  you  see  them  walking  around,  be  careful,  because  while  they  can  be  BRILLIANT  and  ZEALOUS,  i  heard  they  can  also  be  pretty  TURBULENT  and  DEFIANT.  
so  he’s  got  a  new  name  and  a  new  (  ish  )  face  but  some  of  yall  might  recognize  this  guy  for  the  soft  impulsive  dumb  runes-loving  piece  of  shit  he  is  (  that’s  right  yall  it’s  amycus  2  electric  boogaloo:  rabastan  lestrange  edition  ) 
let  me  introduce  him
soooo  rabastan  lestrange.  buckle  in  for  a  cliche  pureblood  backstory  --  his  parents  were  always  focused  on  his  older  brother  rodolphus  and  rab  basically  had  free  rein,  which  was  good  and  bad.  he  liked  being  able  to  do  whatever  he  wanted  but  he’s  also  an  attention-loving  piece  of  shit  and  would  constantly  get  into  more  &  more  trouble  to  push  the  boundaries  and  test  what  exactly  he  had  to  do  to  get  his  parents  angry,  thereby  noticing  him
he  has  that  attitude  with  a  lot  of  things  in  life,  that  how  far  can  i  go  with  this  attitude.  it’s  a  double-edged  sword,  because  on  one  hand  it  pushes  him  to  know  more,  be  more,  achieve  more,  but  on  the  other  hand  there  is  also  that  dangerous,  destructive  edge  because  this  boy  just  doesnt  know  when  to  fuckn  quit.
sorted  into  slytherin  at  hogwarts  (  almost  got  sorted  into  gryffindor  &  what  a  scandal  That  would  have  been  y i k e s  ).  got  into  a  lot  of  fights  but  he  did  pretty  well  school-wise.  his  real  passion  ?  history  of  magic  and  ancient  runes.  he's  dumb  but  he’s  also  super  super  clever.  he  could  spend  hours  talking  about  a  random  ass  goblin  battle  that  happened  hundreds  of  years  ago,  or  the  origin  of  a  specific  rune.  it  was  a  strange  interest,  this  love  of  the  past,  in  someone  so  firmly  rooted  in  the  present.  but  it  calmed  him.  whenever  he  was  feeling  particularly  emotionally  fraught,  or  particularly  likely  to  punch  someone,  he  could  go  to  the  library  instead.
but  don’t  let  that  fool  you,  this  kid  was  a  piece  of  shit  at  hogwarts.  preferred  to  use  his  fists  instead  of  his  words,  never  paid  much  attention  to  rules,  opening  doors  marked  do  not  open.  never  really  had  to  deal  with  any  consequences  cause  his  fam  would  bail  him  out  every  time  so  he  was  reckless  and  cocky  and  just  a  straight  up  Jerk  sometimes
he  was  a  lot  more  honest  in  school  than  he  is  now.  he  never  used  to  be  able  to  lie,  every  emotion  and  opinion  written  clearly  across  his  face.  and  oh  boy  did  he  have  a  lot  of  emotions  --  he  was  quick  to  anger,  quick  to  love,  quick  to  forgive.  he  was  vulnerable  and  raw  and  honest,  because  he  couldn’t  be  anything  but.  now  …  he’s  learned  to  lie,  to  conceal,  to  bluff.
in  his  last  year  at  hogwarts,  he  fell  in  love  with  emmeline  vance.  as  polar  opposite  as  their  worlds  were,  he  could  be  happy  with  her.  and  maybe  it  started  as  some  kind  of  challenge,  just  another  form  of  rebellion  against  his  parents.  she  was  everything  they  didn’t  stand  for.  but  it  became  much,  much  more.
remember  how  rabastan  had  free  reign  ?  how  he’d  test  the  limits  of  his  parents’  apathy  ?  well.  he’d  finally  found  the  limit,  finally  pushed  it  too  far.  when  they  found  out  about  him  and  emme,  they  set  an  ultimatum  --  if  he  ended  things,  they  wouldn’t  arrange  a  betrothal  for  him.  but  if  not  …
when  he  weighed  the  options  --  either  be  chained  to  a  woman  he  didn’t  love  for  life,  expected  to  raise  heirs  who  would  raise  heirs,  or  be  alone  but  free  --  the  choice  seemed  simple.
of  course,  there  was  the  other  option,  that  rabastan  didn’t  even  consider  until  it  was  too  late  --  just  leave  his  family  and  accept  the  consequences.  but  although  he  liked  to  think  of  himself  as  a  rebel,  is  it  really  rebelling  if  there  are  no  consequences  ?  no  skin  in  the  game  ?  and  rabastan  was  weak.  and  there  was  a  reason  the  sorting  hat  had  picked  slytherin  over  gryffindor.  so  he  caved.
he’s  regretted  it  ever  since,  but  convinced  himself  that  they  wouldn’t  have  worked  out  anyways,  that  this  was  better  in  the  long  run.  that  was  when  he  first  started  learning  to  lie  --  when  he  began  to  lie  to  himself.
anyway,  fast  forward  a  few  years,  and  rab  is  living  that  Bachelor  Lyfe.  all  his  loser  peers  are  getting  married  and  having  kids.  suckers.  rab  didn’t  want  any  of  that  anyway.  he’s  not  tied  down,  embarking  on  a  new  journey  in  life  with  someone  he  loves.  he’s  free.  who’s  laughing  now  ?  ha.  ha
he  had  been  working  with  a  cursebreaker  for  gringotts  for  a  while  when  the  death  eaters  approached  him.  he  was  quick  on  his  feet,  clever  and  good  with  a  wand,  and  his  vast  knowledge  of  curses  and  counter-curses  would  be  incredibly  useful  to  the  cause.  rab  didn’t  know  what  the  fuck  he  was  doing  with  his  life.  he  didn’t  have  a  purpose.  he  said  yes.
but  guess  what  ?  he  still  doesn’t  know  what  the  fuck  he’s  doing  with  his  life  !  he  still  doesn’t  have  a  purpose  !  he  doesn’t  really  do  any  strategy  or  planning  for  the  death  eaters  --  he’s  the  hired  brawn,  just  doing  what  they  tell  him,  placing  and  lifting  curses  as  they  see  fit.  deep  down,  he  knows  that  the  death  eaters’  cause  is  not   noble  or  just,  but  he  tells  himself  what  does  it  matter  what  he  does  ?  he’s  just  one  man.
anywaysss  yeah  he’s  a  Mess  but  he’s  doing  his  best.  no  i  lied  lol  he’s  not  at  all
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rabvstans · 6 years
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2K notes · View notes
rabvstans · 6 years
me after doing some impulsive shit that i know im gonna regret later: its called being spontaneous
289K notes · View notes
rabvstans · 6 years
Nothing is more creative nor destructive than a brilliant mind with a purpose.
Dan Brown, Inferno (via stimartins)
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rabvstans · 6 years
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7K notes · View notes
rabvstans · 6 years
CHORUS: And the grace of the gods (I’m pretty sure) is a grace that comes by violence.
Aeschylus, Agamemnon (tr. Anne Carson)
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rabvstans · 6 years
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3K notes · View notes
rabvstans · 6 years
me: *forgets friends birthdays*
me: *confuses memories*
me: *forgets own middle name*
me, also: hey did you know that all pennies minted prior to 1982 are pure copper pennies and not copper plated and are technically actually worth 2 cents
540K notes · View notes
rabvstans · 6 years
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rabvstans · 6 years
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I can’t control it sometimes.
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