racheld33 · 6 hours
shirt says it all 😈🥵♠️
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racheld33 · 6 hours
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Fertility, Pregnancy and the Future
While this blog is in some ways no different than other pregnancy kink blogs, there is one key difference. That is, the future envisioned on this blog is not just a mere fantasy, it is a prediction for what is really going to happen to the world. How do I know this? Well, it's quite simple really.
If you're at all familiar with human demographic history, you'll know that the global population was relatively slow growing for many thousands of years before growth accelerated rapidly in the 19th and 20th centuries. Before this rapid growth, population growth was kept in check by both high birth and death rates, just as it is in nature. Then, in the 19th century, the advent of modern medicine and other forms of technology drastically increased rates of survival to adulthood. With more and more people now reaching adulthood, the population exploded.
By the middle of the 1900s, cultural attitudes had started to change significantly with regard to procreation. The world population, reaching three billion by 1960, became the source of increased anxiety in the press and in academic circles. Various methods of birth control became more common and more accessible around the world in the following decades. Birthrates subsequently dropped all around the world.
Today, birthrates have already dropped below replacement rates in moat developed countries, and continue to drop worldwide. Many of the world's nations now have fertility rates well below the replacement rate. Even in countries where high fertility remains, births are in quick decline.
For most people, this is where the story ends. If you learned about this demographic transition the same way I did, the conventional wisdom goes that fertility will ebb and flow and the population will maintain itself at current levels.
Yet, this is not what has happened. Birthrates have continued to decline long past the point at which they were predicted to rise again. Some have argued this means that humanity is set to see massive population decline over the coming centuries. I am certain this is not the case
Throughout history, there have largely been two "fertility states" that humanity has occupied. These include an extremely high and extremely low fertility state. The extremely high state was the norm, with the extremely low state occurring usually due to events like famine and war. As previously mentioned, we have recently entered a low state from a high state. However, this low state is caused not by disaster, but by technology, which has given people the choice of whether or not to procreate. Clearly, most women, when given the choice, choose not to breed.
However, not all do. Even as birthrates plummet, babies are still being born. Who are these women? In short, they're breeders. They're conservative. They're misogynistic. They have lower IQs than average. And they're passing on all of those values to their many offspring. Two decades ago, these women accounted for maybe 5% of all births. Today, it's close to 20%. By 2060, it will be almost all.
By 2120, the last vestiges of the old world have disappeared. Cities have rapidly expanded. As breeders began to take over, old values around the environment disappeared. Most of the world's land surface, and a significant portion of the sea, have been converted for agriculture and housing. Rapid global warming means that most women wear little clothing and show off their constantly bred bellies with pride. Most of the world's population of 50 billion and growing lead hedonistic lifestyles of constant partying and breeding. The future is bright.
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racheld33 · 6 hours
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The breeding boom will start slowly at first. You'll notice a few more pregnant women here and there out in public, but not think much of it. Your eyes might glance at a headline you see on your lunch break about birth rates being on the rise. Never one for politics, the slide towards more restrictions on birth control and abortion doesn't concern you too much. Before you know it, all your friends are getting pregnant with their 2nd or 3rd babies and are rapidly growing into dumb giggly bimbos. Then, one day you wake up. Looking down at your massive, veiny pregnant belly you absentmindedly poke at your popped belly button and wonder when the last time you saw your feet was. Ten, maybe twelve years ago? Not like it mattered now, you were nothing more than a breeder. In the background, a news announcement plays. Fertility rates have risen for the 25th straight year, and show no signs of stopping. You give your massive gut a hearty pat. The future is very fertile indeed.
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racheld33 · 6 hours
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racheld33 · 6 hours
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racheld33 · 6 hours
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She found true happiness in ending her bloodline to create a more diverse future ✊🏿✊🏽✊🏻
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racheld33 · 1 day
I would love to trade place with her as well
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racheld33 · 1 day
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racheld33 · 1 day
make me submit
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racheld33 · 2 days
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racheld33 · 2 days
wow she must be in heave
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racheld33 · 2 days
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racheld33 · 2 days
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racheld33 · 2 days
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racheld33 · 5 days
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racheld33 · 5 days
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racheld33 · 5 days
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