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This could 100% be canon, Jack is such an innocent man-child.
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found a cool store that sells woodblock prints, thought id share. they make pop culture prints that arent godzilla related but i wanted to keep to a theme
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kiss them 4 me
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this is gold
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Alright guys, Let me tell you about Cybersix.
As a kid I was super obsessed with stories featuring cross-dressing/queer ladies. My three favorite tv series were Rose of Versailles, Anime San jushi (aka story of the three Musketeers but with Aramis being a cross-dressing and amazing lady) and Cybersix.
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Cybersix is a super short series (13 episodes that you can behold on youtube) about a girl who was created in a laboratory as a super human in a series called Cybers. Judged too powerful, they are all destroyed by their creator, an evil pseudo nazi. All but two : Cybersix, who escapes and hides in a city by dressing up as a male shy literature professor and her brother Data, who’s brain is in a really awesome black panther body now. 
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The professor sends his horrible bratty son to catch her and eliminate her. She monsters of the week are sent to battle her. But every monster comes with lessons about kindness and humanity, as they, like Cybersix, question their existence, their humanity, their raison d'être. The show also has an interesting love triangle angle as Cybersix is in  a love triangle with herself. She is in love with a school colleague called Lucas, who believes that her male counterpart is also in love with her. Oh, and the show speaks also about addiction, as Cybersix needs to kill other creations like her to drink a substance that keeps her life energy up.
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The show what made to me mostly silent. A bunch of useless lines got added because they thought the kiddies would be confused, but you can almost watch it without the sound and get most of the story. 
Oddly enough, it’s a kid’s show based on a very adult Argentinian comic. As the comic was translated to French, I borrowed them from the public library around 11, not expecting porn and super adult themes (the love triangle and the addiction themes are really pushed to be mega dark). The comic is much less queer friendly then the animated series as well. So I suggest the TV series first, and the comics if you really, really need more as they tend to be fanservicy and disappointing more then anything else.
Have the TV tropes page.
Secondlina out.
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The absence of femininity in women is not masculinity
Let us be neutral. Let us be natural.
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Part of feminism is questioning why we women make the choices we do within the context of the society we live in.
It isn’t infantilizing to question our choices. It’s infantilizing to suggest we can’t handle critical thinking about our choices.
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“Rapunzel, my dad’s in danger! You’re the only one who can help! Please!”
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A few more of my favorite shots of Varian from What the Hair?!
(First post)
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♡♡ that little head tilt he does ♡♡
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So this is an “au” that takes place a month-or-so after SOTSD, in which Varian escapes from jail, flees Corona, and stumbles upon Rapunzel’s campsite. He tries to attack/kidnap her (probably to experiment with her connection to the black rocks), but during their struggle, he takes a blow to the head and wakes up unable to remember anything about her, the rocks, his dad, or even his own identity.
At first, Rapunzel thinks he’s putting on another act to get her guard down, but when that proves not to be the case, she becomes conflicted about sending him back to Corona (despite Cas and Eugene both insisting it’s the best course of action). Part of her wonders if it might be just better for him to forget all the painful stuff that happened and start over.
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To Wipe Away the Tears
Ruddiger’s just too good and pure for this world…
Inspired by this moment/gif:
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