rafesbunny · 41 minutes
name: just a friend
chicks i had the BEST DREAM EVER last night, slept like a baby, it was about bestfriendbrother!rafe and you best believe i’m going to write about it tonight 🤞🤞🤞🤞 might turn it into an series 🤨🤨 let me know your opinions when it comes out!!!
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rafesbunny · 41 minutes
i lied first part is out now 🙂🙂🙂
yeah imma about to lose my mind, was about to publish first part of the series and i accidentally deleted loads of it 😣😣😣😣 i’ve started to rewrite but it will now have to be out in a few days
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rafesbunny · 1 hour
just a friend- rc 🎀
where r and rafe are childhood friends, but will that all change?
it was finally friday, and you could relax and forget about the the tiresome week you just had. sarah, your best friend, said that after school you could go hang out round her pool with your mom before you two had to go out. you and your mom didn’t have the best relationship, everything she said seemed to have some snarky attitude to it and her compliments were always backhanded, but either way ever since you were little you two would go to the theatre every week to watch whatever was on. you loved the theatre it was a place to escape from your life and the opportunity to get sucked into someone’s else’s reality. it was a bit ironic that you would go to your place to escape from your mom with your mom, but it didn’t matter who you were with, as long as you were at the theatre. not too long after you had arrived your sister, scarlett and her friend , the older cameron daughter, sophie, arrived, and you took off your clothes, revealing your sweet little red bikini. you always have cherished your relationship with your sister, despite the five year age gap she was your best friend. you felt like a child again, playing mermaids, splashing each other and gossiping with a drink in your hand around the pool.
as you got out and dried yourself off, slipping back into your shorts and oversized tee, a giggly wheezie came out attacking you, scarlett and sophie with a water gun, getting you drenched again. and trailing behind her and scolding her was rose who was also bringing over a plate of juicy, colourful fruit over, “i’m so sorry girls” she apologised, but you just laughed and dismissed her with a shake of your head, how could you ever stay mad at wheez? as you continued talking to your sister and her friend, and rose caught up with your mom, she exclaimed to everyone, “you guys come for the annual celebration tonight! it will be lots of fun, plus it’s not too dressy so you could borrow something from the girls,” she said to you and scarlett, and to your mom, “and i can give you something of mine” your eyes lit up, you’ve always wanted to go to the cameron’s annual party but your mom never allowed you to go. you’ve heard about how amazing it was from whispers in the hall way and from peoples stories on snapchat and instagram: they would have heaps of food, from every cuisine you could think of; games and competitions, that were silly but everyone wanted to win; music blasting through the speaker, whether that be from a delicately made playlist throughout the years or from a live band; and an open bar that would serve everyone. “maybe, we’ve got plans” your mom said coldly, you looked at her pleadingly but she just ignored your attempts to get her to change her mind.
finally sarah, had arrived home and came into the garden. you two have always been friends ever since you were little girls learning their abc’s, even when you two grew up, you had stayed in the same friendship group. your other friends were a lot more like sarah, they were bubbly and outgoing and adventurous, and you were still bubbly but in bigger groups you were more reserved and kept to yourself, this meant that you never really went out with them outside of school, much preferring the solidarity of your room. as she got down to the pool she stripped off her clothes revealing her bathing suit, she also brought up the grand event happening later, “you guys should totally stay, it will be the best time. you’ve never come before so it will be even better as it’s your first time”. you girls slipped back into the pool and as you swam to the middle of it you whispered, “yeah just gotta convince my mom, y’know how she is” sarah understood, she’d known how yours and your moms relationship has been for years now so she gave you a sympathetic smile. you’d been doing gentle, slow laps of the pool for nearly an hour now when you decided to get out and dry off, the stage for later was being set up and caterers were making their way in and out of garden. even though you probably wouldn’t be staying, you and your sister decided to help set up. as you and sarah were doing some finishing touches, rafe walked out in those beige kook shorts he always sported and a lose white linen button up, he gave you a nod of acknowledgment and made his way over to rose to see what he needed to do before guests started to arrive. you, sarah and rafe used to be a little trio when you were younger, always going out together, if it was to the beach, the zoo or just to the park, you were always together. every weekend you would all have a sleepover and during the summer it was practically nearly everyday, and during the day, if you were busy at a family event, they would also be invited and vise vera. you were inseparable. but as you grew older you drifted away from rafe, he started to hang out with his own friends more, he wouldn’t hang out with you and sarah as much, he only would if you were at Tannyhill and he wasn’t busy. there was no bad blood or any argument that happened, you guys just simply grew up. but even with that the whole of the island knew not to mess with rafes girls- his sisters, and you.
slowly guests start arriving, it was mainly younger couples with children, as they couldn’t stay until too late they just showed up early to make the most of it. Sarah grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the stage which had five chairs with a deflated balloon on each, sarah was too your left and rafe was to your right. you looked rafe and then went to look back at Sarah but she was gone, rafe saw your puzzled expression and pointed at the stage and there sarah was with a mic in her hand. “what is going on?” you asked rafe in bewilderment. “basically every year we host the same competion. it’s only silly but everyone loves it. five people from an age range- so these ones coming on will be like ten years old, and the next will be like teenagers and so on- and out of these age groups they have to blow up a balloon and whoever pops it first wins out of that age group. then out of the end of the night all the winners from different age ranges compete against each other for the ultimate winner. it’s stupid but everyone has fun” you laughed softy at the stupidity of it all but you loved it, you wished you could stay longer, “you think i could win?” “doubt you would win against me” “is that a challenge mr cameron?” “maybe it is” you two bantered back and forth. as sarah was explaining the rules to the children, through the mic, your mom was talking obnoxiously loud from where she lounged on the sun bed next to rose. out of the corner of your eye you could see rafe turning his head quickly to look at her, clearly getting agitated. you knew he was stressed because no matter how silly this was all, he hated seeing people disrespect the effort his family had gone through to set this up, he also knew how mad ward could get at this too and didn’t want to deal with that later. you just about heard him murmur , “oh my god just shut up” as he ran his hand down his face and turned the top half of his body to glare down at your mom. with your best efforts, you pushed rafes shoulder so he was back to looking at the stage and said to him, “just tune her out and ignore her, y’know that’s what i do” with a playful smile on your face. chuckling at your lighthearted joke, he put his arm around your shoulders bringing you into the side of his chest as you watched the group of tots try to blow up a balloon. after it was done, sarah got off the stage and made her way back over to everyone else gleaming, she always managed to bring the light into any room. as you stood around talking another one of your friends showed up, grace, she embraced you in a big hug causing you to detach from rafes hold. your conversation got onto the topic of an upcoming party, it was this girl in your english class birthday soon and she was hosting a house party with nearly everyone from your year and other people from outside the island, and afterwards instead of everyone going home you’d camp on her fields she had attached to her house. you weren’t really that close with her, the only conversations you had was when you sat next to her in english, but she was a sweet girl so you were you to go and celebrate her big day with her. plus who were you to say no to a party! this obviously sparked something in sarah as she once again grabbed your hand and dragged you over to where rose was sun bathing, “rose y/n is going to that party in a few weeks!” this was her way of subtly asking rose again if she could go, you have always been the person who your friends parents trusted the most so you were used to people telling their parents you were going to something so that they could go. “well then i guess you two could go together” sarah squeezed your hand out of excitement she could now go and she carried on rambling about the event. this physical touch made you realise rafe wasn’t here now with you guys, the thought of that made your heart ache. why though? he was just a friend.
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rafesbunny · 17 hours
yeah imma about to lose my mind, was about to publish first part of the series and i accidentally deleted loads of it 😣😣😣😣 i’ve started to rewrite but it will now have to be out in a few days
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rafesbunny · 18 hours
yeah it’s gonna have to be multiple parts i’ve hit the word limit already!!! so part 1 will now be in 2 parts!!!
chicks i had the BEST DREAM EVER last night, slept like a baby, it was about bestfriendbrother!rafe and you best believe i’m going to write about it tonight 🤞🤞🤞🤞 might turn it into an series 🤨🤨 let me know your opinions when it comes out!!!
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rafesbunny · 21 hours
in the fic im currently writing (the one about the dream) it’s not really that canon, like rafe and sarah get along 😱😱😱 they have a good relationship with rose 😱😱😱 i also gave them an extra sister 😱😱😱 just want it to be as close to my dream as possible 😭😭😭
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rafesbunny · 22 hours
chicks i NEED your help!!!! i’ve got a few parties coming up, what do we think of these dresses?? also i never ever shop off shein but i’m struggling financially currently and i don’t have a lot of time
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rafesbunny · 22 hours
she’s a ten but… - obx boys 🎀
how i think the boys would react to the “she’s a ten but” trend when reader just describes themself to see what the boys will say
it 100% would take soooo much convincing for him to let you do this with him even on a good day, but he finally caved. and you’d start off with little things like, “she’s a ten but she takes ages to get ready” and he’s say something like “8/10” which is still good and as it progresses youd say more obvious things like “she’s a ten but she has an obsessive shoe collection” with a “as some might say” mumbled on the end, which is what rafe thinks. and he kind of had a feeling all along that he knew what you were doing but this just confirmed it and he’d say something like “hmmmm… i don’t know, sounds like some princess i’ve had to deal with recently… 10/10”
jj would not have a clue what’s going on, let’s be honest. you’d be like “she’s a ten but she’s kinda clingy” and he would say, “ughhh 5” and you’d just ignore not him at first thinking he was joking and that he knew what was happening but he kept on saying low scores and it didn’t seem like he was messing around anymore. especially when you’d say, “she’s a ten but she makes you take her wherever you go even if it’s with your friends” and he’d be so adamant saying, “nahh like a 2” and you’d just get up and walk away whispering, “i don’t like this game anymore” he’d realise after that and follow you immediately to make up for what he said.
john b:
john b secretly loves to do your little tiktoks with you, he would even start sending you ones you two could do together. he had already seen someone do this trend but he didn’t mention it cause he wanted to see if you’d do it with him. so throughout the whole thing he’d be smirking to himself, and giving nines and tens for all the answers. you’d even ask half way through off camera “have you seen this trend before” because you’re suspicious that he’s saying a girl would still be a 10/10 if they have to be constantly with you and relied solely on you, and he still wouldn’t let up saying “no baby, jus’ answering honestly” but that night while you two were cuddling in bed he’s finally confess, and you’d half heartedly slapped him on the chest.
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rafesbunny · 1 day
how do we feel about campcounselor!jj think this would be fun to write about 🎀
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rafesbunny · 1 day
chicks i had the BEST DREAM EVER last night, slept like a baby, it was about bestfriendbrother!rafe and you best believe i’m going to write about it tonight 🤞🤞🤞🤞 might turn it into an series 🤨🤨 let me know your opinions when it comes out!!!
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rafesbunny · 2 days
i am a SLUT for:
• toppersgf!reader x rafe
• john b x reader x jj
• bsf!rafe x reader
•bsf!jj x reader
•bfb!rafe x reader
•rafe x reader x barry
•barrysister!reader x rafe
• dealer!jj x reader
and i will write for all of them eventually!! 🎀
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rafesbunny · 4 days
Request for John b: John b punishes puppy reader
bad mood- john b 🎀
when r has been a brat all day and john b has finally had enough of her behaviour
cw: hints of sex at the end cause i’m not fully comfortable writing smut just yet! #notskilledenough😔
john b had a lot of patience especially when it came to you. you could push every single one of his buttons throughout the day but he wouldn’t ever tell you off. but on this day it was hot, the heat seemed suffocating and all you wanted to do was lounge around the chateau all day in just one of john bs top that was ridiculously oversized on you and binge watch your favourite show while sipping through cans of your favourite cocktails. however your boyfriend had other plans, he insisted you have a day out on the river with the other pogues and that some sunshine will do you good, although you insisted on staying home all day. john b knew you would be in a better mood once you’re lounging in the sun with a bottle of beer in your hands so he manhandled you out of the bed and gave your ass a little tap to motivate you to get ready. dragging your feet out the door, the brunette stood there, hands in his hip and with a cheesy grin on his face which juxtaposed your frown, “there’s my girl! come on pup cheer up” he widened his arms inviting you for a hug but you just huffed and brushed past him and made your way towards the twinkie, and him being the considerate boyfriend he is, he didn’t shout at you but just found amusement in your attitude.
throughout the day you kept making snide little comments to john b and instead of snapping at you he would retort back with his own little comments that he thought was hilarious but kept winding you up even more. now everyone was starting to be aware of your mood, jj even asked john b with a smirk, “yo dude, your girl seems a little pissy today, trouble in paradise?” john just playfully hit his arm, “nah man, never a problem for me,” he winked, “she’s been like this all day though, i’ll deal with her later” truth be told, your mood was starting to get on his nerves and after everyone had gone back to their own homes (which was a rare occurrence seen as the chateau seemed to be the primary hangout space) and it was now just you and john in the twinkie he finally snapped, “alright talk to me” but you just let out a little “hmph” and kept looking straight ahead. you had pulled up the the chateau now but john b was showing no signs of getting out, “no. had enough of you just huffing and puffing all day. talk to me” you were quickly unclipping your seatbelt and slamming the passenger door, storming across the lawn, “i’ve had enough of always having to do what you want! it’s not fair” you screamed and stomped into the chateau, though john b didn’t move he sat still and let out a grumble before following in after you, and he grabbed your wrist before you could hide in the bedroom. he effortlessly spun you around to face him and trapped you by putting his heavy hands on your shoulders, “i’m fed up of your bratty behaviour that’s you’ve had all day, everybody noticed it too. need to grow up and realise you can’t always have your way.” the way his eyes burned into your own made yours fill up with tears and a heavy lump form in your throat, “i’m sorry” you whispered. your boyfriend didn’t let up though, “not good enough pup, how about you make it up to me, yeah?” he furrowed his eyebrows and leaned to be the same height as you, and not wanting to upset him anymore you quickly nodded your head and made your way into the bedroom.
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rafesbunny · 4 days
ask me questions!!! i would love for you guys to get to know me better 💓💓💓
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rafesbunny · 4 days
My brain:
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rafesbunny · 8 days
restless - jj 🎀
jjs girl would love to play roblox and watch silly cartoons instead of sleeping
it would be 2am and he would see the glare of your ipad from the other side of the bed and could hear some music coming out of it. he would sleepily rub his eyes and stretch out quickly before grabbing the screen out of your hands mumbling, “come on baby, let’s sleep now” but you were wide awake, high on the thrill of winning three rounds of dress to impress in a row, and let out an aggravated moan, “no no none of that cupcake” he’d reassure as he wrapped his arms around your waist. jj fell back asleep pretty quickly and his tight muscular grip loosened up a bit and you managed to wrangle out of his hold, and as gentle as possible you reached over to where he put your beloved ipad. putting the volume on low and sitting up against the headboard watching your favourite cartoon. bobs burgers. you sat there, light smile on your face from all the silly jokes being illuminated by the screens brightness , occasionally letting out a giggle. you managed to get through a few episodes of that before once again jj woke up. he let out a sigh before sitting up next to you, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, petting the ends of your hair asking you, “come on sweets, why can’t ya sleep?” “i don’t know, brain just won’t shut off” he pouted his lips in sympathy for you, he again took the ipad from you and dragged you into his lap, “that’s okay baby, shouldve just told me and i would’ve helped you” you felt almost embarrassed for not going to jj, especially since you knew he would’ve helped you, “ ‘m sorry jayj” he began to gently rock you in his lap and your eyes finally started to droop, “that’s okay babe, you feelin sleepy now?” and you slightly nodded your head before falling into a deep sleep.
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rafesbunny · 9 days
out now!!!
no big deal,right?…right?- r.c and jj 🎀
sneak peak of a piece i’m currently working on
what could go wrong having ex friends with benefits in a close, remote place? it’s no big deal,right?…right? taking the last drag of the blunt, you asked with heavy eyes, “so what happened to the lucky lady you were with earlier?” he just dismissed it by shrugging his shoulders. but you persisted, “no seriously, what happened jj? are girls finally seeing you for the playboy you are? not falling for your tricks anymore?” you teased letting out a little giggle. “acting as if you didn’t fall for them” he attempted to joke but it came out more serious and spiteful. you stopped laughing and looked to the floor of the van, “come on jj, that was a long time ago, i’m with rafe now.” sensing the tense atmosphere you tried to change the conversation but jj interrupted you. he leaned closer to you, foreheads nearly touching, exchanging oxygen, “don’t you miss this pooch, me and you? the fun we had?” you looked away from him but he grabbed your jaw and forced you back into the original position you were in, face to face, “answer me.” as quiet as a mouse you repeated, “i’m with rafe now” you didn’t want to admit you missed the little rendezvous you had with jj, you know it’s different the situation with jj and your relationship with rafe. but during the middle of the night, you couldn’t help but miss how well jj knew your body and afterwards could go back to being best friends. with rafe you couldn’t even crack a joke without it turning into an argument nine out of ten times. jj just rolled his eyes at your response, “ fuck rafe. come on baby, you and me one more night” and before you knew it, you craved.
hope you enjoyed!!! full version coming out by friday!! 🎀
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rafesbunny · 9 days
Give us some drama baby cakes. Reader cheats on Rafe w JJ and Rafe finding out would be the shit sis🤞🤞
no big deal,right?…right?- r.c and jj 🎀
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where r has a drunken mistake with an old friend and rafe finds out
cw: drinking, swearing, drugs, cheating, allusions to sex
rafe was away for business again and instead of moping around you decided to have a little fun. it had been while since you had gone out without rafe constantly looming over you shoulder and scaring off any guy who would even look in the general direction of you. don’t get me wrong you loved rafe, how couldnt you? he provided for you, financially but also emotionally. rafe wasn’t the big bad guy everyone saw him as, at home when it was just the two of you, he was sweet, doting and constantly reassuring you that you were the only one for him. some saw his protectiveness over you as suffocating but you knew what it was. true love. still that doesn’t mean you don’t want to go out without your boyfriend having a dominating arm around your shoulders the whole night. now he was away, you saw this as the perfect opportunity to do just that. you was wearing a short, white, ruffled mini skirt with a gorgeous baby pink halter neck that showed off your boobs perfectly, finished off with some white sandals and some of the finest jewellery you owned. you heard through the grapevine that there was going to be a party down at the boneyard. and where there were free drinks, there you would be.
you stood around awkward with a plastic cup full of beer in your hands, normally rafe would parade you around showing you off to all his friends and you would be able to make small talk easily with them. but with no rafe to introduce you to people, you were starting to feel kind of lonely. you made your way over to sit on a log near the fire, hoping that people would see you were alone and make conversation with you. as you circled the rim of your cup with your freshly done nails, someone sat next to and said, “what’s a pretty girl like you doing alone?” usually you would be disgusted with some boy saying something like this to you but as you turn to say some remark back, you’re face to face with a familiar blonde. “jj!” you exclaimed, bringing him into a hug, happy to have found a friend. well not really a friend anymore.
you used to be a pogue before your dads business finally took off and the kook prince claimed you as his. you used to get up to mischief with jj, pope, john b and kie. but especially with jj. you hadn’t put labels on anything and the others didn’t know but whenever either of you got needy or had a dry spell, you and jj would hook up. it was purely, no strings attached and it worked for the both of you until rafe made you promise to stay away from, in his words, “those dirty pogues” and being the good dutiful girlfriend you are, you obeyed. you cut off all contact with your friends, not messaging them, well occasionally messaging kie when she dm’ed you every now and then to ask how you’re doing. they didn’t resent you for it, but it made their hatred for rafe only increase. but you knew they always had open arms for whenever you wanted to come back.
“how have you been?” you asked, desperate to catch up with your best friend. throughout the night, you and jj caught up and he brought you over to the others, them all bringing you into a massive bear hug and making you tell them all you have been up to recently. as the night progressed and you got even more drunk, pope and kie had gone off in their own conversation and jj had gone off to talk to some girl from the island, proper jj style. you felt so happy to finally be back with your friends, the people you truly felt comfortable around. rafe made you hang out with topper and kelce, you thought they were nice and they welcomed you into their friend group quickly but it was never the same as hanging out with pogues. your found family. feeling reminiscent, you stared off into distance watching waves lap onto the shore gently. john b being the caring person he is noticed and wrapped his arm around your shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze, “what’s on your mind pup?” he asked. you didn’t want to tell him about how you feel with rafe and his friends and that you don’t feel yourself around them because you knew how the pogues felt about the kooks, and if you told john b now you would never hear the end of it. how rafe is too controlling. how you shouldn’t have to cut off all your friends just because some stupid boy told you. how rafe made your life a living hell for the majority of it and now he’s suddenly in love with you. so instead you decided to say, “yeah could really do with a joint right now” which wasn’t the biggest lie ever, rafe had made you quit all that saying it would fuck up your body, yet every night he would get through a little white baggy. john b reminded you that you knew where they kept a stash in the twinkie and that you’re always welcome to help yourself to some.
making your way to the twinkie, you couldn’t tell if it was the seventh vodka cranberry you had or just from trying to walk on the uneven sand in your sandals but you were stumbling over your own feet and your head was spinning. you were sitting in the twinkie rolling a joint when the door slid open and the blonde from earlier slipped into the free space next to you, “care to share, m’ lady?” he asked as you lit it up taking the first drag passing it to him as you exhaled, “of corse, fine sir” god had you missed the way the banter would flow so easily between you and jj and your friends, it seemed that around rafes friends you were always carefully deciding what to say not wanting to offend any of them or create a scene or embarrass rafe. however you couldn’t deny how tense the atmosphere got as he sat closer to you. what could go wrong having ex friends with benefits in a close, remote space? its no big deal, right?… right?taking the last drag of the blunt, you asked with heavy eyes, “so what happened to the lucky lady you were with earlier?he just dismissed it by shrugging his shoulders. but you persisted, “no seriously, what happened jj? are girls finally seeing you for the playboy you are? not falling for your tricks anymore” you teased letting out a little giggle. “acting as if you didn’t fall for them” he attempted to joke but it came out more serious and spiteful. you stopped laughing and looked to the floor of the van, “come on jj, that was a long time ago, i’m with rafe now.” sensing the tense atmosphere you tried to change the conversation but jj interrupted you. he leaned closer to you, foreheads nearly touching, exchanging oxygen, “don’t you miss this pooch, me and you? the fun we had?” you looked away from him but he grabbed your jaw and forced you back into the original position you were in, face to face, “answer me.” as quite as a mouse you repeated, “i’m with rafe now” you didn’t want to admit you had miss the little rendezvous you had with jj, you know it’s different the situationship with jj and the relationship with rafe. but during the middle of the night, you couldn’t help but miss how well jj knew your body and afterwards could go back to being best friends. with rafe you couldn’t even crack a joke without it turning into a full blown argument nine out of ten times. jj just rolled his eyes at your response, pushing away from you, “fuck rafe. come on baby, you and me one more night” and before you knew it, you craved, you like to think it was the alcohol or weed in your system, or maybe you really did just miss jjs touch, but you lunged forward locking your lips with jjs plush pink ones. you straddled his lap as you groaned at the euphoric feeling of him kissing down your neck. “take these off for me baby girl” he plucked at the straps of your top and you seductively dropped it to the floor. jj groaned “fuck, you don’t know what you to do me cupcake” and went back to his assault on your neck moving down to your boobs. the windows of the twinkie started to steam up as you and jj went further with you little adventure.
coming down down from your high, jj never failed to get you to, you got hit with regret. you shot up and started chucking your clothes back on and running your hairs through your hair trying to get rid of any indication of what just happened. “jj this was a bad bad idea. promise me you will never speak to anyone about this, please? this should’ve never happened, i love rafe” but jj just scoffed “sure, you ‘love’ him” you didn’t find jj funny and you snapped back “jj please! you don’t know shit. just promise me you won’t tell anyone about this” “okay, yeah, sure whatever. i promise” he held out his pinky finger mockingly but you didn’t accept and you just rushed out of the twinkie.
youd probably only been walking for a total of ten seconds when topper approached you, “yo girl, surprised to see you here!” he exclaimed clearly drunk, “thought rafe was away?” he asked slightly glancing back to the twinkie with windows still fogged up. fuck. your head ran with a million thoughts. does he know what just happened? did he see you go in with jj? who else saw? will he tell rafe? has he already told rafe? not wanting to raise further suspicion you tried your best to keep it cool, “yeah he is, thought i’d still go out have some fun though, it’s a bit boring here. i don’t know anyone” hopefully he would be convinced and forget about what he saw. “well you have me now, know rafe would kill me if he knew i let his girl be alone while drunk” for the rest of the night you spent it with topper and his other mates, feeling a lot better because you were now sure topper doesn’t know what went down and maybe the two other drinks helped as well. top called you two an uber and let you sleep at his while he slept on the couch, having piece of mind you were safe and knowing how your parents could be when you get too drunk. the next morning you made you and him breakfast but classic topper he was still sound asleep, so you wrote out a little note “thank you top, see you at the country club with rafe today” you ate your meal and made your way back to tannyhill, it was only a ten minute walk so it didn’t take long at all.
when you got back home you showered off your hangover and started to doll yourself up. rafe would be home in a few hours and you wanted to be the perfect girlfriend for when he arrived. in your mind, what happened with jj was still replaying and you felt heavy with guilt. but rafe would never have to know and it would all be fine. while telling yourself this over and over again, you blow dried and curled your hair, lotioned your whole body, applied the perfect amount of makeup and put back on the necklace with the ‘r’ pendent on. you knew rafe wouldn’t be able to resist you when he got back in.
as he stepped through the door and dropped his bags, you leapt into his arms squealing, “rafey!” you expected him to litter kisses all over your face and tell you how you’re looking like an angel, but all he done was place a half-hearted kiss on the side of your head, placed you to the side and muttered, “ ‘m tired, gotta do more work” and made his way to his office. you followed him while whining, “but you’ve been away for so long” dragging out the “so”. usually rafe would fall into your siren trap but today he snapped, he turned around, towering over you, “stop bein’ a fucking brat. told you i’ve got work to do” you froze. why was he acting like this? tears threatened to spill from your eyes, your lip quivered and you slipped into your bedroom. rafe had never not payed you attention like he’s doing right now, what’s got into him? you passed it off as him just being stressed out from work and the long flight, but he didn’t even end up inviting you to the country club with him. you felt left out and neglected that he didn’t bring you with him, even if you did complain the whole time about being bored. you felt as if he didn’t want you around at all. that night, you two laid in bed and he let you cling to his arm as you watched a tv show, but before even warning you he abruptly turned onto his side and turned off the light, you were left there speechless, you couldn’t believe his behaviour today.
what really pushed you over the edge was when you went downstairs about to head out for lunch with your girls and rafes deep voice muttered, “who you dressing up like a slut for now?” before turning around you rolled your eyes knowing that if rafe saw that he would lose his shit. you thought you were lost for words before you turned around but as you spun on your heel, you were met with buzz cut rafe. “what?” you were in disbelief from his comment and his new hair, “rafe your hair?” he just scoffed, as if you were the one in the wrong here! “don’t act stupid now princess? who are you meeting?” your eyes were wide with shock, you couldn’t focus on his questions with this new look on him, “rafe why didn’t you tell me you were gonna cut your hair?” he menacingly stepped closer to you until your back was pressed against the kitchen island, “i’m not gonna ask again, where are you going?” your heart dropped with realisation. oh. my. god. did he know about jj? is this what this is about. is this why he’s been acting off with you since he got home? but perhaps he didn’t know. maybe he just has a bad deal at work when he was away and he’s still tense. so you acted innocent, “baby i don’t know what you’re on about, jus’ wanna know why you cut your hair?” your feigned innocent weeped out of you, giving him those deer eyes he couldn’t resist. but just like you he didn’t back down either, “you know exactly what i’m on about” he leaned into you. “baby i really do-” you tried to get another word in but he took a step back and roared, “you know exactly what i’m talking about!” you were scared and tears rolled down your blushed cheeks, you were scared of rafes behaviour and the fear of him catching you out on your little secret. “topper told me everything. how he saw you and your little pogue boyfriend sneak into a dirty van and how you came out later all flushed” you wanted to be sick, rafe was never meant to find out, you were sure topper didn’t see. how could you be so careless. much calmer now after seeing your glossy eyes rafe asked, “i thought i told you to stay away from them?” you let out a heavy sob and clung yourself to him, wrapping your arms around his waist, “i’m so sorry rafey… i was bored without you and i wanted to- to go out and i went to a party… and i had too many drinks and - and jj found me and were started talking and he convinced me it was a good idea- i saw topper after and i didn’t think he saw anything… i swear, swear i was gonna tell you- i’m so sorry” you let it all out. rafe wrapped his arms around you embracing you in a hug. he lightly smirked knowing those pogues haven’t got anything on him and knowing you’ll never leave him and find anyone better than him. he whispered into your hair, while devising a plan on how to get back on jj, “it’s okay baby, gonna make it up to me yeah?” you gently nodded your head against his chest letting out a final sniffle.
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