ramencube · 5 years
gh old art  but old AU I wrote  basically villain!raymond ?? all the boxkids are villains bassically  but more of a serious villain 
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ramencube · 5 years
chicken raymond,, c at raymond,, all is valid
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ramencube · 5 years
I’m still struggling. I’ll try to make this brief, please read and share. Thank you.
As some of you know, a couple months ago my boyfriend of seven years passed away suddenly. I watched him get carried away by an ambulance one night and be told he wouldn’t make it the very same night. It completely destroyed my life to lose him, to watch him laying lifeless in a hospital bed when one day before I was seeing his beautiful smile full of life. Immediately after, I had to move in with my parents to a different state, leaving behind my home, job, and life with him. I lost everything. I was put under great debt from funeral and travel costs, bills, and starting a new life. We were not married, so the law decided all of his possessions would go to his parents, leaving me with nothing. They took our car, our belongings, and our life savings which we put together into his bank account. His homophobic parents were never there for him, they never loved their gay son, so for them to get what we worked hard for crushed me, leaving me into a worse state of depression than I was.
My depression has gotten so bad, even after months of losing him, it still hurts to breathe everyday. I can’t admit this to my family, but I’ve been struggling with suicidal thoughts to this day. I know it hurts them to see me this way, always tired, sad, and hopeless. It hurts me to know they have to see it too. So here I am again, asking for help. If anybody out there can spare even $5 that would mean so much to me. Please, I know it’s been a month since I last asked for help, and I hate asking again, but I’m still struggling so badly. I can’t keep living like this, under this debt, these bills, and I’m working on it myself too, but life is so hard right now. I could use any help out there.
If anything, please reblog. Thank you so much. 
PayPal: Cobaltdays
Venmo: Cobaltdays
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ramencube · 5 years
“Those poor boys”
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“She deserves to be punished too.”
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“I’m not saying I support rape, but-”
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“Sorry to say - she deserved it.”
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“She put herself in harm’s way”
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“But if she was fingered, then that’s not rape.”
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“She ruined their lives.”
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ramencube · 5 years
some more daily sketches of the boys! in a few I might do a fully colored piece 
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220 notes · View notes
ramencube · 5 years
been stalking this fandom not too recently and decided to post something !  conductor n grooves ! some of my favs ! also me realizing how different I draw them sdernjgnreng
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