ranarants · 5 years
Just incited a grudge from one of the most spiteful, unforgiving, victim-card-playing people i know, possibly lost a friend with her, and to top it all off i saw a dead toad in the driveway
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ranarants · 5 years
Honestly if youre gonna be a bitch then imho its way better to just admit it than to pretend you're not. Cause if i meet someone and i know theyre kind of a bitch and then later they say to me "yeah im kind of a bitch" then i know that theyre at least self aware. They know whats going on, they know how their actions affect people, and they at least have the capacity to change for the better. But if I meet someone whos kind of a bitch and then later they say something like "no im an uwu soft bean plx be nice to me uwa~" THEN I'm gonna be pissed the fuck off. No, you're not. You're a bitch. I know too many people who've been hurt by you for this not to be true. You mean to say that for all that shit you pulled, you never once stopped to think, "huh, maybe this is kind of terrible? Maybe i should somewhat improve how i conduct myself around other people who also have thoughts and feelings?" Wow. Fuck off.
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ranarants · 5 years
I love it when i ask someone to stop guilt tripping me about things i cant control and then they guilt trip me about the fact that they're not supposed to guilt trip me anymore
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ranarants · 6 years
Me: Jeez, why have I been so stressed out lately?
The rational introspective part of my brain: *pulls its head out of the sink, gasping for air* maybe its because- *cough* because of this complicated multifaceted issue youve been dealing with for a- *cough cough* while now that been bothering you for months but you think it would be selfish to speak up about it and also youre *gasp* feeling guilty about feeling this way in the first place due to the sensitive circumstances surrounding it and fear of how the people involved will react
Me: *shoves its head back underwater* maybe it's because of school
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