randomness-nwsl · 9 days
One thing I learned in my screenwriting class is that things and details put into film/TV are intentional. Leave aside misplaced coffee cups, boom mics, and sneakers, everything that ends up in the final cut is important. As we learned with 7x06, time is an incredibly limited commodity, and sometimes things get cut. That means that whatever shots/scenes/moments end up being in the final edit are there for a reason. With that being said, I think it’s incredibly interesting that Eddie is being included - narratively, blocking, and camera framing-wise - in Buck’s journey with discovering his sexuality and his relationship with Tommy.
For one, why choose Eddie to befriend Tommy? They could have easily had Chimney hang out with Tommy, seeing as they already knew each other. But they choose Eddie, and they choose to have Buck spend the entire episode talking about Eddie. Why include confusion regarding whose attention Buck was really trying to get? Why show Buck coming to this conclusion that he was trying to get Tommy’s attention, but also show Buck talking about Eddie and peacocking in front of Eddie so consistently in 7x04? Why choose Eddie to be the one to interrupt the BuckTommy date? Why have Buck spend all of 7x05 more worried about lying to Eddie than about his failed date with Tommy? Why put so much time and emphasis on Buck’s coming out to Eddie? Why insert Eddie so obviously into Buck’s sexuality storyline, when they could be giving that precious screen time to Tommy?
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In 7x06, Eddie comes in, proudly dressed up in the matching costume he suggested he and Buck wear. Right after Eddie comes in, Tommy enters wearing the most boring clothes anyone can wear to a party. Not only that, but Buck told him that there was an 80s theme, and he put in no effort to adhere to said theme. He was even dismissive about it, and Buck was clearly a little disappointed about it.
For one, why have Eddie show up first? They could have given that time to Tommy to enter first and develop that relationship if they really wanted the audience to root for them. Instead, they highlighted, once again this season, the relationship and effortless dynamic between Buck and Eddie. For another, why make such a big deal of Tommy being the odd one out, while vocally addressing the fact that Buck and Eddie are literally wearing matching costumes? They didn’t have to be matching, they could have worn any 80s costume. But they choose to dress these two in the attire of two characters in a TV show who are queer-coded partners and best friends.
Why show Eddie being arguably petty and jealous, with Tommy in that scene? Why frame him in the middle of them, why focus on Eddie’s reactions to Buck and Tommy? They could have focused and Buck and Tommy together and individually, but they chose to show Eddie right there in the middle and in the background.
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And after Tommy leaves, do you know who stays? Do you know who is the only one that stays? Oh, yeah, it’s Eddie. It’s Eddie who easily goes along with Buck’s shenanigans. It’s Eddie that Buck clings to all night at the bachelor party. It’s Eddie that Buck shares most of his screen time with. They had to cut out 30 minutes of content for 7x06, yet they purposely included Eddie’s reaction to Buck coming out, when we already had his reaction. They could have included any number of people who we hadn’t seen react, but they chose to pan from Buck to Eddie.
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They could give screen time to both Buck and Eddie’s current respective romantic partners, but they chose to give screen time to Buck and Eddie, consistently. Why keep making these choices to include Eddie in this storyline, and give precious screen time to that inclusion, if there is no intention to take it somewhere?
It’s all intentional, how they’re including Eddie. It’s all intentional how they keep showing us the relationship between Buck and Eddie. They’re subtly weaving in these moments, shots, comments, and scenes with Eddie and with Buck with the purpose of leading somewhere with Buddie as something more. It’s the same thing they did with Buck’s bisexuality. Now we look back at all the subtext and the little nods, and think “We were right” or “Oh, that makes sense”. They’re doing it with Buddie, too, and I think they have been for a while. They’re doing it so they can introduce this long-term friendship-to-romance arc in a way that is well-built and developed. They’re doing it so we could look back, and think “Oh, yeah, this has been developing this whole time”. They’re doing it so casual fans can be gradually warmed up and conditioned for Buddie, and for the more dedicated fans to notice, pick apart, and cling to. If they didn’t want us to root for Buck and Eddie they wouldn’t keep intentionally choosing to frame them as two people with an incredibly close bond that continuously overshadows their respective relationships. They’re writing and filming in this way so they can have these little, and sometimes not so little, moments to build on when they finally go somewhere romantic with Buck and Eddie.
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randomness-nwsl · 21 days
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randomness-nwsl · 21 days
This is going to be long and kind of rambly but I’m hoping if I put it out there I won’t spend so much time thinking about it.
I’ve been a casual 911 viewer since the beginning. Season 1 was about the time I started my later in life coming out journey. Hen, Karen, and Michael helped me connect initially but overall it was just a fun show to watch and that kept me tuning in. When Eddie joined the show I felt a kinship with him. I think “they aren’t my type” started it since I used that line all the time. It was a bit disappointing to see that it was a cover for him being married and not gay. If it was just that line I could have dropped it but things kept happening. I remember thinking that it couldn’t be a coincidence but nothing ever came from it so I figured I was reading too much into it. I’ve heard about Buddie and other fan theories but didn’t spend much time in the fandom.
With the move to ABC and all the interviews hinting at some sort of coming out story happening I started to actually consider what a coming out story would be like for Eddie. I think it would be messy, emotional and raw. I picture him feeling guilt for feeling the way he does, for leading the women in his life on, and for wasting time trying to fit into a box that the church, his family, and the military helped build. It wouldn’t be light hearted and free from trauma.
Season 7 Eddie is being portrayed as happy, carefree, and having fun with life. Having him go through a gay realization now doesn’t seem to fit where he is in life. I’ve thought about how a coming out arc for Eddie could be done that would honor who he is, what he’s gone through, the emotional growth he’s made, and where they are at in the story telling. For me it feels like it needs to be a “fix it” type episode told through flashbacks. Since it would have taken place in the past being bisexual feels more realistic than gay. Dating Marisol after accepting he’s gay would feel like he’s punishing himself. I wouldn’t want that for him. While the second half of season 5 feels like a natural place for Eddie to have had this realization season 6 post lightning strike would fit too. I’m leaning towards season 6B because having him hide such a big part of himself through all of season 6 seems a bit cruel to the character.
What I envision is Eddie sitting in Frank’s office talking about the lightning strike and Buck. As he’s talking he starts to make connections and says to Frank, “I’m in love with him aren’t I“? The rest of the episode is through Eddie’s POV with therapy flashbacks where he acknowledges all the not so straight interactions he’s had with Buck, while also touching on his guilt/trauma/denial. They can talk about how Buck is straight and how Eddie doesn’t want their friendship to change. A flashback where he says something like “and then he looks at me and says she sees him, seriously Frank he’s known her for a week” would be funny. He can then talk about Buck telling him he’s bisexual and into Tommy. He knows that just because Buck is bi doesn’t mean he’d be attracted to Eddie. He wants to support him without letting his feelings get in the way because it’s what Buck deserves. It would be a fun nod to the fans who felt there was something more than friendship between them the whole time. It would also be a way to show the fans who feel there has been “no sign”, “Buck’s a ladies man he can’t be into guys now”, “why are you making them gay now” that there were signs and it isn’t coming out of nowhere.
This would explain why Eddie seems more comfortable in his skin this season and still acknowledges that this process wasn’t easy for him. It would also set up a realistic will they won’t they dynamic that TV writers love to use to keep viewers invested. Shows usually struggle with storytelling after the main pairing gets together so if Buddie is in the cards I could see it taking awhile for a happily ever after.
I know it’s super unrealistic and doesn’t completely make sense with everything that has happened but where better to share my theory than Tumblr.
While I’m happy that the general public gets to see a man in his 30s realize he’s bisexual and not hate himself, it is not the coming out story I was hoping for. I can acknowledge it’s for completely selfish reasons.
I am impressed with the care that ABC, Tim, the writers, Oliver and all the other actors have given this story. If this is the only coming out storyline we get I’m happy that it’s been lighthearted and not overly emotional. Hating yourself, losing friends, dealing with homophobia while realistic is not the only option and doesn’t have to be the norm. I’m still going to hold onto some hope that Eddie will get his moment soon. Not only for the representation but also because I think Ryan’s interviews will be amazingly chaotic.
Hopefully, I can stop spending so much time thinking about this but there will probably be an interview released tomorrow that brings me right back to it.
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