ratedn · 21 hours
Information is power.
how to fucking flag pedophiles
so my dudes, how to flag “maps” (minor attracted people aka pedophiles)
1. click “flag this blog”
2. click “this violates tumblr’s community guildlines”
3. click “someone is at risk of harm”
4. click “harm to minors”
5. type “pedophile” in the box
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ratedn · 21 hours
I need to rant - open at your own risk
Alright, if no one reads this, that's fine, if they do, also fine. Commentary is welcome.
Background : I've always considered myself Asexual, never questioned it. I heard about sex and said that's not for me ever since I was young. Up until recently, it's stayed that way. But now I'm dating a girl and for the first time in my life I feel sexual attraction which is absolutely wack.
So my girlfriend makes me horny, which is weird, and quite honestly makes me uncomfortable and gives me a lot of cognitive dissonance. And it's not like I don't want to have sex with her, it actually sounds like a pleasurable experience, it just seems to go against everything I've internalized since my youth. It almost feels like a betrayal to my younger self to admit that I want to have sex.
I don't really know where this rant is going, it just needed to come out.
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ratedn · 1 day
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Story of my life people. You know what’s real ? The struggle.
Happy Pride Month ♥
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ratedn · 1 day
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ratedn · 1 day
Remember, if he won't treat you as his son (that's what I think you want to be referred as? I'm not especially good at reading bios) then someone else will
currently about to cry bc my dad would never he doesn’t support me/ care that much snd i’ll always be his daughter
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ratedn · 1 day
I thought this was just some news story at first. Good job, you convinced me your creative writing was reality. Keep going!
Creative Protesting
Miss Rivers was going through the list of names to start the school day. The classroom was unusually sparse, no thanks to the new start time of 7:30. She knew it would be a disaster, and nobody listened to her.
"I knew it. I should have skipped school," Asher said, his head on the table.
"Young man!" Miss Rivers gasped. "Would you jump off a cliff if everyone else was doing it?"
"Why is anybody jumping off any cliff?" Asher griped. Miss Rivers sighed as she continued on with the register.
"Hope I'm not late, ma'am," Samson said, waltzing in at his usual pace. The weary teacher sighed; of course Samson had arrived late to class. As usual.
And then she saw what he was wearing.
"Samson, what on earth are you doing?" his teacher asked. Heads turned to look at Samson, class weirdo and general space cadet, walking into class . . . in his pyjamas. UFO pyjamas, to be precise.
Asher burst out laughing. "Dude, what are you doing?"
"Protesting," Samson explained. "The school's new start time is so early, I didn't have time to get changed."
"Samson, this is ridiculous," Miss Rivers said, as his classmates laughed. "You need to have clothes."
"These are technically clothes."
"Real clothes."
"I checked the student handbook. There is nothing that says I can't wear my pyjamas to school." Samson smiled. "The sleepwear stays. And it will stay until the 8:30 school start time is reinstated."
"Of course it will," Miss Rivers muttered.
Surprisingly enough, Samson kept his word. He showed up to school every day in his pyjamas. He had multiple different ones, too, much to everyone's amusement. Classic blue striped ones, candy cane pyjamas, tartan pyjamas, and Harry Potter pyjamas.
It didn't help that people had begun to mimic him. His own class filled up with pyjama-wearing students fairly quickly. Some kids decided to be elaborate about it, accessorising with dressing gowns and slippers. It got to the point where Principal Winters called an assembly about it.
"It seems to me," he began, looking at the crowd of students gathered before him, "that you view this school as being a bit of a joke." Some students sniggered. "Well, it's not. Truancy, backtalk, the rising pyjama trend - it all has to stop right this minute! As a place of education, this school demands a certain level of respect from the students!"
"Really?" Samson asked. Heads turned to look at the young man wearing Smurfs pyjamas. "That seems a bit hypocritical. Why do we need to have respect for this school when this school has no respect for us?"
Principal Winters' face turned salmon pink. "Young man, you had better find a way to rephrase that," he said, his voice.
"You heard me. No respect for our free time, or our mental health. We're constantly stressed out. You literally don't even care enough to make sure we have enough time to get ready for the education we must hold so much respect for!"
"Settle down!" Principal Winters snapped, but it was too late. The students roared their approval.
This assembly had become a colossal failure.
And somehow, it was about to fail even harder.
"Anita Lead, reporting for the Daily Quarterly about a pyjama-led rebellion against school authorities," an earnest reporter said. "I'm here at a school where students are expressing their distaste at the earlier start time by turning up to school in their PJs. Here's one leaving the school." The camera turned on Samson, wearing a neck pillow and the UFO pyjamas that started the trouble in the first place. "Hey, kid! What can you tell me about the pyjama craze that's taken over the school?"
"A lot, actually. First thing you need to know is that I started it," Samson said. "This school will not give us the time we need to be prepared for the day. We aren't getting enough sleep after we're finished with all the homework we have to do, and now we get less time in the morning to prepare for the day ahead. This is a visual sign of what the establishment can expect."
"Samson Edgeley!" Principal Winters yelled.
"That concludes our time," Samson said, racing for home with Principal Winters hot on his heels.
"Follow that boy and his principal!" Anita yelled, and the cameraman gave chase.
"Stop making the school look bad with your antics!" Principal Winters yelled.
"Stop torturing us with arbitrary rules!" Samson yelled. "We're being mummified by red tape over here!"
"Don't be ridiculous!"
Samson stopped in his tracks. Everyone else stopped, too. "I am Samson Edgeley," he said, in between gasps. "I dare to be ridiculous. And I dare to expose the ridiculousness that is inherent inside everything and everyone!" His voice was rising in volume now. "And if that means I show up to school in my pyjamas, then so be it! Good day to you!" Samson stormed off home, about as menacing as he could look while wearing UFO pyjamas.
"This is TV gold," Anita muttered.
The day after the segment aired, the new start time was mysteriously and happily scrapped. Samson went back to wearing regular clothes, much to Miss Rivers' relief. (That relief was fleeting once you took into account how bizarre Samson's dress sense was.)
People's opinions of Samson changed too. Before, they were mostly low, with a few being mildly positive and the vast majority of people not knowing him from a hole in the wall. But after the pyjama protest, public opinion of him skyrocketed.
Pyjama Dude ruled.
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ratedn · 1 day
Calm down. If we are going the torture route, we cant limit it to just physical tourture. Where's the flair? If they aren't completely traumatized by the end of their lives, what's the point?
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ratedn · 1 day
I feel like yeah id press it. Might as well have a chance to spice the gender panic up. Especially if everyone in my life just accepted the change
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61K notes · View notes
ratedn · 1 day
Dude has a death wish
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ratedn · 1 day
i cant believe americans on tv really say rock paper scissors like???? its paper scissors rock omg do u irl americans actually say rock paper scissors????
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ratedn · 1 day
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ratedn · 1 day
This is so accusatory but so accurate
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ratedn · 1 day
How the heck did manage to get that right...
i wanna try an experiment
reblog for sample size pls thx
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ratedn · 1 day
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this movie is so fucking creepy jesus fuck
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ratedn · 1 day
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ratedn · 1 day
Lie math yes it no Broadway juxtaposition?
Apparently they're selling post content to train AI now so let us be the first to say, flu nork purple too? West motor vehicle surprise hamster much! Apple neat weed very crumgible oysters in a patagonia, my hat. Very of the and some then shall we not? Much jelly.
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ratedn · 2 days
I feel like I'm a solid 6 on a scale of attractiveness (where 10 is a model, 5 is the average person and 0 is bottom of the barrel)
As far as conventional physical attractiveness... Probably a 4
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