re-jet-irony · 6 hours
I'm Jewish and Native and seeing these "protestors" on college campuses (land-grant institutions!) saying shit like "no peace on stolen land" is both enraging for obvious reasons (Israel was stolen from the Jews by the Romans and the Arabs! die mad about it, babes!) and also hilarious because the sheer lack of self-awareness is just. it's comical. Like okay, you have a problem with stolen land? When are you leaving? When are you fucking off back to Ireland and England and Italy and Norway? Because you were not invited and no one gave you permission to hold your little Nazi rallies on top of my family's graves.
Every time non-native leftists talk about land-back movement, it's interesting how they never include themselves in it since they consider themselves "one of the good ones" and it only applies to people they hate. -🧋
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re-jet-irony · 6 hours
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re-jet-irony · 1 day
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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re-jet-irony · 1 day
in my mind if dragons were real then western and eastern dragons would be only distantly related species filling the same ecological niche across different continents. but due to visual similarities got called the same thing in English. and it would be one of those things that you hear on trivia game shows and go "oh that's neat" about and then move on with your day, like how tanuki get lumped in with racoons even tho racoons are musteloids and tanuki are canids. do you see my vision.
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re-jet-irony · 2 days
Your model of sexism only works for a society that was sufficiently women-friendly to invent feminism, which was already a huge departure from historic norms. Did eg: burning women alive on the funeral pyres of their husbands protect their safety at the expense of their agency? When Roman writers defended Lucrezia's chastity was it her agency or her safety they were defending?
"If I only think women are imperiled because sexist bias has me focus entirely on dangers to women and ignore dangers to men, then how come I can find historical examples of dangers to women? This totally disproves your hypothesis that people are so obsessed with women's safety they can never come to any conclusion other than 'look at how imperiled women are, look how threatening men are to them!'"
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re-jet-irony · 2 days
Don't let the media make what's happening with Israel, Iran and Jordan into some "middle-east problem" again. This was entirely orchestrated and encouraged by the US and the UK. Israel initiated every attack against Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and Iran. Israel KILLED, targeted, the children and grandchildren of Palestinians political leaders. And the US could've stopped all of this by simply not giving Israel money and weapons bu they didn't.
The Western media has constructed this narrative that countries like Iraq and Iran are the problem and the western nations are the antidote keeping their 'terrorism' at bay. No, they have always and at all times started the conflicts, or worsened them.
Because they want the land, they want hegemony over the resources of that region and that is it. And they've demonstrated already by killing over 33,000 people that they'll do anything.
Stop joking about World War 3 and take the loss of lives and the horror of what is happening seriously. This cannot keep escalating
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re-jet-irony · 2 days
We need to bring back children’s programming that focuses on reading. I’m so serious
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re-jet-irony · 3 days
Vaguely related, but I've had radfems tell me that even if men do refer to me as a dude, they don't really believe I'm a man, and it's like.....okay, but at least they are showing me respect by adhering to what I asked and are doing it anyway.
As opposed to radfems, who purposefully ignore if not outright attack trans men's status because they think they are dumb women who don't know any better and need to be corrected.
I'll take a guy faking it to be nice, thanks.
So I was watching a video about a trans man today and :
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And I find this so hilarious because the replies under this comment :
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And then so many other comments like this..
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And I didn't even have to scroll too far down. These are all top comments.
And I also saw love from men (cis men too, contrary too popular belief), love from women and hate from men too. I really do not understand people's weird obsession with turning everything into a gender war, even when the evidence are against their agenda.
Do they really not see, how they are also not different from the terfs who write these things?
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re-jet-irony · 3 days
sorry you had a bad experience with feminists but don't generalize us all
"I'm sorry you had bad experiences with men but don't generalize us all" is the statement made often to feminists who then declare that their problems with men happen enough that it is perfectly fair to consider all men a potential threat regardless.
So, according to feminists, it is in fact perfectly logical that non feminists hate feminism and treat its members as threats regardless.
sorry you had a bad experience with feminists but don't generalize us all, i'm one of those very timid and shy feminists! we don't want to hurt men like they hurted us ♡
You see, the framing of your message itself, polite though it is, is a sizeable part of the problem people opposed to feminism have with it:
Everyone's had a 'bad experience' with feminists, because people acting under the influence of that particular set of ideological beliefs can only see the sexes as classes of 'victims' and 'oppressors', in which all men are to be held collectively accountable for the actions of a few (aka "The Patriarchy"), and the inhumanly horrific actions of women - particularly feminist women - are routinely excused or applauded, because of being collectively granted a pass for belonging to an "oppressed" class that can therefore do no wrong. This is not equality, and trying to act in the world under that programming will only end up causing more harm than good: even when you try to assure me of your benevolence, you can't help but do so by slighting men.
If you really aren't 'like all the other feminists', I would recommend you consider how toxic a movement you are lending your support to, and think about maybe calling yourself an egalitarian, or even nothing at all: you don't need to take on a set of unhinged and irrational beliefs just because you believe both women and men deserve equal rights, treatment, justice and opportunities. You can just be a decent person instead and leave it at that.
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re-jet-irony · 3 days
there’s nothing wrong with finding gay sex sexy, even if you’re straight. sex is sex. if a woman is attracted to men, it stands to reason that she might get turned on watching two dudes mack each other’s faces off. vice versa. that’s neither weird nor news to anyone. what is weird and fucked up is consuming queer sexuality without respect for the very-real human beings who are having the queer sex
and yes, that shit is prevalent and aggravating as hell! i get it. but criticizing how people derive pleasure (“she’s evil because she thinks gay-man-sex is hot even though she’s a woman”) rather than how they abuse power (“she thinks gay-man-sex is hot, and consumes queer media in queer spaces, but she also maintains that lesbians are gross and weird and uses her platform to talk over them”) is a recipe for weird puritanical nonsense that solves zero problems and in fact creates several new ones
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re-jet-irony · 3 days
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stop saying "gen z brought back bush-era purity politics" i grew up in the bush era and even then people weren't saying that you're a sex addict for having boring marital sexual congress in the same house as your children. this is just plain unhinged
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re-jet-irony · 3 days
Like @jadagul to put it another way: if someone says they're opposed to 'feminism' - not some specific group using that label, but 'feminism' - what on earth should one take that to mean, if not 'I am opposed to women's rights and equality'?
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re-jet-irony · 3 days
Someone online: "Men dont have to deal with [issue]. I have never heard a man talk about [issue]. This is a women's issue!"
Man: "I've dealt with this. I just dont speak up about it because no one car-"
People online: "Shut up. We're talking about women."
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re-jet-irony · 3 days
I've been using this to describe roleplaying in online games lately. We're adults playing with digital dollies, dressing them up and making them kiss.
Must admit that one thing that changed the way I see fandom discourse is realizing that a lot of fandom is just… playing with dolls. We're playing with dolls. Shipping? Playing with dolls. AUs? Dolls. Darkfic? Dolls.
Lotta people very agitated about the other kids playing with dolls wrong.
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re-jet-irony · 3 days
if your knee-jerk reaction to seeing someone point out rising antisemitism and hypocrisy in leftist spaces and the pro-Palestine movement is to assume that they support Israel/genocide/ethnic cleansing/the IDF you’ve been radicalized in a really shitty way
because your first reaction upon seeing a post combating antisemitism isn’t to check your biases, it’s to get into the replies and call OP a genocide supporter instead of, you know, reading the post and checking your internal biases
because instead of recognizing that bad people are going to infiltrate your movement to spread their own agenda and it’s your job to call that out and stop it when you can, you immediately assume OP is a shill for the IDF or something
because instead of realizing that you could have accidentally spread some antisemitic tropes yourself, you immediately get defensive and angry
you sound like your conservative family going on about how all of “those” (insert race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender) people are inherently violent/evil/stupid/etc. and saying racism doesn’t exist anymore in the next sentence.
you don’t get to pick and choose which minorities are worthy of respect.
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re-jet-irony · 4 days
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Fandom Problem #4907:
Not liking something doesn't mean it has no artistic value. A big part of art is about eliciting emotions from people. That even includes emotions like anger, disgust, and confusion. That includes everything from the "ugly and annoying" cartoon you hate, to a book's graphic depiction of sexual assault, to a canvas hanging up in a museum that's just been painted a solid color.
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re-jet-irony · 4 days
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