real-good-now · 1 year
“Santa Baby”-a Christmas Everlark Fic
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I know this took long, but it’s like 32 pages…
Anyway, enjoy and Happy Holidays!
“I’m giving you till Christmas Eve to get this all out of your system,” his father told him. “Come Christmas, you will marry the South Pole Princess.”
Not if he could help it.
Christmas Eve, he repeated resolutely.
He had till Christmas Eve to find his true love.
Fluffing it up for the Holiday season. Everlark AU.
  Santa Baby
December 1st
“Peeta…” There was knock at the door. “Are you awake?”
He groaned at the familiar call of Haymitch, Head Elf and his steward, and pulled his fur comforter over his head.
It didn’t deter the man from entering the room, tray in hands. “I know you’re not sleeping, Peeta.” Haymitch placed the tray on the side table before going to the velvet curtains and pulling the cord to let the light into the room. “Now, get up before I get one of the guys in Delivery to drag you out.”
Peeta shot up in his bed, grimacing as the stark white light hit his vision.
“There is no way they could do it.” He reached for the mug of hot chocolate on the tray and took a long sip, sighing in relief at the taste of freshly brewed cocoa. “They don’t have the manpower.”
“But they have the reindeer,” Haymitch pointed out as he reached into the silver armoire to take out a red robe, trimmed with white. He walked over to Peeta, as the young man stood, and helped him into it before moving the slippers by his bedside next to his feet. “You know they have nothing to do before Christmas and love nothing but a good game of ‘Chase the North Pole Prince’.”
Keep reading
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real-good-now · 2 years
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real-good-now · 3 years
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real-good-now · 3 years
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Shot on 35mm film with cinematography by the brilliant Rina Yang. Plan your watch parties or grab your blanket and curl up into a ball. However you want to watch All Too Well The Short Film, it’ll be out tomorrow on YouTube at 7pm Eastern.
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real-good-now · 3 years
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real-good-now · 3 years
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real-good-now · 3 years
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hey y’all so i decided to do a giveaway for some of the double taylor merch i’ve collected over the last two ish years so keep reading if you wanna maybe win it! ☺️
what’s included:
signed ‘folklore’ cd
signed ‘evermore’ cd
a size US large stella mccartney x taylor swift shirt
some really cool purple heart sunglasses
not the postcard unless you really want it?
how to win!!
you don’t have to be following me but it’d be nice if you did :)
you can reblog this as many times as you want (no giveaway blogs), and 1 reblog is equal to 1 entry, likes don’t count
USA only **** (unless the winner would be okay with paying for shipping outside of the USA - if you live outside of the USA and want a chance to win you *must* include in your tags of your reblog(s) that you would pay for shipping otherwise this is only open to USA residents)
ends at midnight pacific on October 29th, 2021
must get 200 notes or this never happened
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real-good-now · 3 years
Don’t fall for the exclusionist bullshit. They WILL eventually find a target that you feel threatened enough by to consider their arguments, whether it’s ace/aro people, pan people, mspec lesbians…etc. Consider whether that group is actually hurting you by existing and self defining or if you’ve just been made to feel that way.
The exclusionist rabbit hole goes deep and for some flat out leads to TERFville at the end.
Radical inclusion and solidarity is where it’s at and if you’re still too stunted to see that then get well soon I guess.
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real-good-now · 3 years
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Although some events are unforeseeable, it’s usually possible to plan ahead. You should keep a minimum of 3-4 days of medication on hand. Try to think one week ahead when you’re prepping your emergency kit. Do you have enough syringes for gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT)? Do you have extra alcohol swabs and band-aids? To avoid missing a dose, it’s important to make sure you have enough medication and care supplies. “Enough” means that if you dropped one of your medications or lost it, you would still have a sufficient supply that you would be able to administer the meds on time.
Read the full article on our blog: https://getplume.co/blog/navigating-gender-affirming-care-in-uncertain-times/
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real-good-now · 3 years
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Hi! Saw you guys got Wildest Dreams trending on tiktok, thought you should have my version 😘😘😘😘
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real-good-now · 3 years
this site definitely doesn’t allow you to paste the link to any article blocked by a paywall (say, a NYT article) so that you can read it free of charge! that would be illegal and would benefit broke college students too much. it definitely does not do that. promise.
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real-good-now · 3 years
hi guys it’s me again. hello. since losing our apartment my roommate and i seem to just be acquiring more and more things to pay for somehow. we’re renting rooms from her mother, to which she just raised our weekly rent to almost $100. and then we have our storage unit to pay for every month to hold all of our stuff. i talked to my boss about a possible raise for all of the work that i do, but it still won’t be enough so i’m looking for and will be applying to new jobs. but in the meantime i could really appreciate some help getting through at least the rest of this month until we have to do it all over again next time.
my venmo is @hholiestground and here is my paypal. thank you in advance for anything and spreading the word around 💗
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real-good-now · 3 years
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to anyone who says “doing that will make you the stupid one”: the idea here is to make them explain the joke till they realize how racist they sound, how unfunny they are and how offensive their joke is, making them uncomfortable to retell the joke again
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real-good-now · 3 years
I'll never understand why in library apps, where all there is is data and no physical copy, there's a wait list for the books.
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real-good-now · 3 years
In today’s episode of Lowest Point of My Life: I am being evicted.
My boss can’t seem to pay us on time and despite working 6/7 days a week, I can’t make ends meet. I make too much to get assistance but not enough to have groceries or gas. Plus when you don’t actually get paid, it makes things a whole lot harder.
I’m just..in trouble and need help. If you would be so kind as to share this, I would be very grateful.
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real-good-now · 3 years
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I’ve been thinking a lot about getting older and relevancy and how all my heroes have all ended up alone. I wrote a song on the plane ride from Sydney to Perth on the appalachian dulcimer I bought the day of my flight. I bought it because Joni played on most of her Blue record. I taught myself to play ‘A Case of You’. Anyway, I wrote a song and it is called ‘Nothing New’ and it’s about being scared of aging and things changing and losing what you have. It says ‘I’m getting older and less sure of what you like about me anyway’. And in the chorus it says ‘How can a person know everything at 18, and nothing at 22? And will you still want me… when I’m nothin new.’ It’s a really vulnerable song but I think it’s impossib important to say. 
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real-good-now · 3 years
now what the fuck is this supposed to mean
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