reaperxnoah · 3 years
Ruby pointedly tried to ignore him, she even made sure to face away from him. She didn’t need pity. There was no one left to care that she felt like her insides had been torn out. She was alone now. Completely alone. So. Alone. 
As if the silence had pulled it out of her she let out a sob. Pushing her wet hair out of her face she tried to wipe away her new tears now that the rain couldn’t hide them. “I miss not caring. This isn’t what I signed up for. I want it gone.”
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“I understand,” Noah said softly. While he’d never not cared, he knew what it felt like to wish he couldn’t sometimes. He wondered if it’d be easier, to be able to go about doing his job without caring about the consequences, without caring about the people being left behind. But he couldn’t not care.
He even cared about the woman, the demon, next to him, even though he didn’t even know her name. It’s just who he was. 
Hesitantly, he reached out to lay his hand lightly over hers, an invitation to take it if she wanted to, if she needed something to cling onto.
“We need to grieve in order to heal, though. It will pass. You won’t feel this way forever,” he offered. He didn’t know her circumstances, or why she was here on this bench in the rain, but he knew grief.
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reaperxnoah · 3 years
“No” the word came out immediately in protest after Noah had told her his idea. “You are not letting her hurt you, and she’s not your responsibility Noah. I know you feel like she is, but she’s not.”
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Noah looked down at the floor between them as Amara scolded him lightly. “She doesn’t really have anyone good in her life right now, Amara,” he said softly. “She’s only going to get worse unless I’m there for her. I-I might be able to put her on a better path. I-I have to try . . .”
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reaperxnoah · 3 years
Beep (Amara)
5. An excited text
[text] Amara! I finally did it! I asked one of my colleagues out for coffee [text] I think I'm going to make a new friend! :)
(( @amarareap ))
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reaperxnoah · 3 years
24. A final text
[text] well it's getting late so i should let you go [text] it was nice hearing about your day [text] get some sleep okay? i'll talk to you later
(( @projecthagen ))
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reaperxnoah · 3 years
The virtue beamed to her coworker, genuinely surprised by the offer.  “Sure!  I’d love that.  Do you have a preference where we go?”
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“I only know of Brewed Awakening . . . but if you know of another place, we can go to that one,” Noah offered. “My sister works at Brewed Awakening, so I could probably get us a discount.” He smiled hopefully.
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reaperxnoah · 3 years
Amara frowned a little as he mentioned still having feelings for Lizzie. The person who was the reason he’d been so upset those months ago. She inhaled a little, listening as he went on “What’s your idea?” she asked before adding, “You know you’re too good for her, right?” 
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Noah didn’t respond to her second question. “I think . . . maybe I can stop her from hurting people if I let her hurt me instead. Let her use me as her toy when she needs that . . . but I made a promise to my vessel that I wouldn’t let anyone hurt him ever again.” He sighed, his shoulders slumping. “I don’t know how to keep that promise and keep Lizzie from hurting people at the same time.”
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reaperxnoah · 3 years
Ares sighed, so he really did have to run the risk of sounding like he’d lost all sense of reality. He had hoped that other people who were different might be able to sense it and he wouldn’t have to admit it out loud. “I um… I was bitten.” He paused. He hated the word anyway. His whole brain rebelled against it every time. He was a man of science and this wasn’t science. “By a werewolf.”
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“I see,” Noah said as Ares told him what had happened. “That must’ve been a very traumatic experience for you. How have you been adjusting?” He wrote down ‘werewolf’ in his notes to add to his file on Ares. He had a feeling the answer would be ‘not well,’ though he waited patiently for Ares to tell him how he was doing in his own words.
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reaperxnoah · 3 years
Lizzie shook in his arms, grasping desperately to his words.  He says that, but everyone always leaves eventually.  Jonas, even though he came back.  Ori.  Kait.  Kumo.  Scout.  Everyone left her.  She was always alone.  
As Noah picked her up the witch wound her arms around his neck, burring her face into his shoulder as she continued to cry.  Lizzie shook her head against him.  “Everyone always leaves,” she murmured into his shirt.  
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Noah just continued to hold her, running his fingers through the ends of her hair. He turned his head slightly to kiss the side of her head lightly, wishing he could make things better for her. So much of what frightened him about her could’ve been avoided, he felt like, had someone been there to take care of her from the beginning. He wanted to be that person for her now, but he didn’t know if the damaged had already been done and if it was irreversible.
Still, even if it wasn’t, he knew he wouldn’t be able to bring himself to leave her. She had captured his heart, and he didn’t think she’d let him go any time soon.
“I’m here,” he said again softly. “I’m still here.”
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reaperxnoah · 3 years
“Yeah, yeah that can be number three.” she nudged him back “How have you been?” she asked as they walked. 
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Noah’s smile faded at the question. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “I think . . . I’m struggling. I think . . . I still have feelings for Lizzie. I know she’s done really bad things, but I think . . . maybe I can help her. I have an idea, but I’m worried . . . I made a promise to someone, and if I do the idea it’ll break that promise.” He bit his lip. “I don’t know what to do. I just want her to be happy without hurting anyone.”
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reaperxnoah · 3 years
Noah didn’t say anything to that. He released the umbrella, keeping it hovering over her as he moved around to sit beside her. He placed his hands on his knees and looked ahead through the rain, remaining silent. He knew that sometimes there were no words, but the simple presence of another person could help. He’d sat just like this next to souls who weren’t yet ready to leave this realm, sometimes for hours, sometimes for days, until they were able to release their fear, their anxieties and worries, or even just their grief, and move on.
Noah was very good at simply sitting and waiting and listening.
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[Continued from here x] @reaperxnoah​
“As much as I appreciate that I don’t think company is going to make me feel any less lost.” And she did feel lost. Left with a house full of remnants. An unfinished book, unwashed clothes, shoes by the door. It wasn’t even her home. Her own home was vastly colder and harder to be in. Either way she found herself in pain so she had ended up somewhere in between, sat in the rain trying to figure out what she should do with herself.
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reaperxnoah · 3 years
“I remember you,” Noah assured the man, recognizing both him and his dog. He tilted his head to the side. “And you don’t sound like a crazy person, though I’m not entirely sure what you mean by ‘people like you’. Everybody is different. I’ve never had a client who’s just like another client. Why don’t we first start with why you’re here in the first place? Why are you seeking therapy?”
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“We’ve met before. I don’t know if you remember me. I wasn’t… I wasn’t like this. Sorry uh… I’m just… I’ve heard you are able to… cater to people like me.” Ares shifted awkwardly in the seat as he looked across at a man who seemed extremely too young to be a therapist. He looked down at Nova who was laid tucked in at his feet like she was trained to. “Is that true or do I sound like a crazy person right now?” @reaperxnoah​
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reaperxnoah · 3 years
“I have some time between sessions . . . do you want to grab some coffee or something?” Noah asked his colleague curiously. He felt bad that he hadn’t tried to get to know the others that worked in the clinic with him before now. He didn’t want any of them bringing into question his credentials, so he tended to avoid them more often than not, but he thought maybe Celeste would be a safe work-friend.
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(( @celeste-lee​ ))
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reaperxnoah · 3 years
“I know. But I think it’s the right thing to do,” Noah said simply. He paused, looking down at the woman for a moment. “I’m not going to ask if you’re okay . . . but maybe . . . do you want some company? I can just sit here with you if you want. We don’t have to talk.” He didn’t know this woman, he didn’t recognize her at all, but he knew a hurting person when he saw one, and his heart went out to her.
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It was raining. 
The air was still warm and there was a distant rumble of thunder but Ruby didn’t move. Let the storm come, what reason did she have to avoid the lightening? The rain had seeped into her clothes, made her hair stick to her skin, but none of that mattered because it hid her tears. 
Ruby had been many things over her long existance but alone wasn’t really a state she had ever found herself in. There was always someone. Always. Other demons. Mortals. Raziel…
Pain pulsed through her and she had to push the thoughts away to get it to melt back into a constant ache. She was struggling with emotions she hadn’t felt since she was human but it was wrecking havoc on her system. She didn’t have the will to feed directly. Ruby had been going to bars and the club to absorb from the atmosphere. Most days she just felt weak and cold and like her life was pointless. 
There rain that had been previously falling upon her stopped as it was replaced by the sound of water hitting off of an umbrella and Ruby opened her eyes to see someone stood shielding her from the storm.
“You don’t need to do that.” @veilsstarters​
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reaperxnoah · 3 years
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Jack Mulhern in Odd Man Rush (2020)
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reaperxnoah · 3 years
“Three good things.” she bit her lip as she started trying to think back on the week. “I got a promotion at work. It’s nothing major, just moved up to barista, but that’s probably something.  I bought some new clothes, and I’m not really sure about a third.”
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Noah smiled. “You’re hanging out with me. That’s a good thing, right? So that can be number three.” He nudged her gently.
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reaperxnoah · 3 years
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favourite lyrics: gale song by the lumineers
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reaperxnoah · 3 years
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— Sylvia Plath
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