rebelfcrged ¡ 9 months
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Little Leia Organa and Obi-Wan Kenobi ✨ — Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) | 1.02 “Part II”
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rebelfcrged ¡ 9 months
“You look so much like your father...” @rebelfcrged
Send "You look so much like your Mother/Father/Parent." For my muse to react to your muse saying that to them.
Rey looked up from what she was doing when she heard Leia spoke. They hadn't been talking, just working in silence. Rey was fixing a comms device and Leia was reading reports. Despite them being aunt and niece, Rey still found it awkward to talk about their family around Leia. Not only because she didn't remember any of their lives before she'd been taken but because of the painful memories she feared that she would stir in Leia, who'd been through enough.
Still, her words were enough to make Rey's eyes glass over. "Really?" She asked softly. "You think so?"
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rebelfcrged ¡ 1 year
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May 13th: Costumes→ Leia Organa in the Original Trilogy (1977-1983)
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rebelfcrged ¡ 1 year
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rebelfcrged ¡ 1 year
under the cut are 100 gifs of Carrie Fisher in her role as Princess Leia from Star Wars. All of these were made by me so please don’t claim them as your own. You can edit them for things like gif icons or crackship gifs as long as you link back to me here, or my personal rph @thedumpofrps. Please don’t put them in gif hunts, or in gif sets. Please like or reblog this if it helps you in anyway. These were made by G, and are plain. 
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rebelfcrged ¡ 1 year
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rebelfcrged ¡ 1 year
Also yes in my headcanons Leia has known Poe for ages and Poe and Ben knew each other growing up at least casually.
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rebelfcrged ¡ 1 year
+ @rebelfcrged​ asked:  ‘would i ever lie to you?’ Bb Leia & Jade it’s a meme somewhere / accepting
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The word is pointed even as eyes roll. Of course the little brat would lie to her. If it hadn’t been made clear that they did need Vader, she’d toss the girl down an airshaft and be done with it.
“Now tell me where you actually were. No more lies, or we’ll go find your father and see how he feels about you missing training.”
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rebelfcrged ¡ 1 year
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@rebelfcrged sent: ❛ if this mission fails , it was all for nothing. ❜ Leia / rebelfcrged
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HE COULD FEEL THE PRESSURE FROM ALL AROUND. not just from the daunting task ahead of him, but the worries, doubts, fears, and expectations of those around him. they were bordering on desperation right now, and another opportunity like this might never come again. this was something he needed, wanted, to do. to finally put an end to his demons and free himself to move on. killing Snoke would be the only way he'd ever get free, this Ben was convinced of.        ❝      not all for nothing, right?      ❞ Ben asked. this mission might be the turning point of the war that they so desperately needed, and the outcome could very well define the fate of the Resistance and the galaxy at large, but the journey to that point had to be worth every struggle and uncertainty up until then. his journey back to himself, back to the light, and their journey towards gaining as much ground as they had since Starkiller Base.
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rebelfcrged ¡ 1 year
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@rebelfcrged sent: ❛ if this mission fails , it was all for nothing. ❜ Leia / rebelfcrged
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HE COULD FEEL THE PRESSURE FROM ALL AROUND. not just from the daunting task ahead of him, but the worries, doubts, fears, and expectations of those around him. they were bordering on desperation right now, and another opportunity like this might never come again. this was something he needed, wanted, to do. to finally put an end to his demons and free himself to move on. killing Snoke would be the only way he'd ever get free, this Ben was convinced of.        ❝      not all for nothing, right?      ❞ Ben asked. this mission might be the turning point of the war that they so desperately needed, and the outcome could very well define the fate of the Resistance and the galaxy at large, but the journey to that point had to be worth every struggle and uncertainty up until then. his journey back to himself, back to the light, and their journey towards gaining as much ground as they had since Starkiller Base.
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rebelfcrged ¡ 1 year
+ @rebelfcrged​ asked:  ‘would i ever lie to you?’ Bb Leia & Jade it’s a meme somewhere / accepting
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The word is pointed even as eyes roll. Of course the little brat would lie to her. If it hadn’t been made clear that they did need Vader, she’d toss the girl down an airshaft and be done with it.
“Now tell me where you actually were. No more lies, or we’ll go find your father and see how he feels about you missing training.”
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rebelfcrged ¡ 1 year
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@rebelfcrged: ❝ there is no need to shoulder this burden on your own. ❞ | accepting
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It felt so strange. A few seconds ago, Eron was curled up against his dark, cramped corner aboard the Falcon. For how many hours–maybe even days–since the narrow escape from Crait, the only sounds he heard were the ship's faint inner workings interspersed with muffled voices from the other side of the door. Rey, Chewie, his aunt, they were concerned and he could understand why. But he wouldn't allow them in to see what a mess he'd been.
Eron didn't know why he gave in this time. Rather, he chose to leave the cargo hold when he was sure no one was around. Except there was. Aunt Leia was standing right at the doorway and he didn't immediately sense her presence, no doubt making him look quite like the awkward, disheveled figure in her eyes. Confused, too. Was he really this exhausted, that even the most natural part of him just couldn't subconsciously use what little energy remained to do a simple thing?
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His feet dragged him, almost automatically, towards the holochess table as Leia did. He slumped into his seat, all but avoiding her gaze. There was nothing he could possibly say to ease her mind. Or his own, for the matter. His aunt was the first to break the long and heavy silence between them. Eron wondered if this was adding to her never-ending list of worries. Between rebuilding the Resistance and keeping everyone alive, his problems could barely stand to be her top priority. "I know," he said finally, his voice cracking as he held back the pool of tears in his bloodshot eyes that were still scared of looking at her. "But it's better that way."
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rebelfcrged ¡ 1 year
@rebelfcrged asked: ❛ Yet you risk your life to help us. ❜ Leia & Boba
"Don't think too highly of it, Princess."
It was not anything personal, nor would it ever be. It was simply business and one of a sort where he was not willing to ask questions of. Risking his life was the norm, but this job was a bit different as he was meant to keep them alive.
"Just be lucky I got a good offer. Otherwise, I'd be off this rock faster than you could blink."
Not necessarily the truth, but he'd be gone and off somewhere that paid a fair amount more. Not that there was many that would actually do so, but that was besides the point.
"So, yes, you can trust me. Until someone comes along with a better offer."
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rebelfcrged ¡ 1 year
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@rebelfcrged's LEIA ORGANA sent: ❛ night terrors . hold my muse after they wake up from a nightmare .
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THE GNARLED HANDS OF HIS MASTER COULD STILL BE FELT on his skin, the pointed nails digging and tearing into his flesh and the inhuman strength crushing his windpipe. it hadn't even registered that it was all a dream, a nightmare that he'd awoken from, and there was nothing restricting his breathing until a few moments later when smaller, softer hands came up to his face. he flinched at the unexpected touch, but it helped shock him back into reality enough to recognize where he was, that he was safe. the air was cool against his skin, which was slick with sweat so heavily that it had soaked through his sleep shirt. suddenly he could breathe again. he wasn't back there. a full body tremble went through him before he could even think about stopping it, and no words were said for the moment as his mother's arms came around him, pulling his much larger frame against hers, like she had so many times before when he was younger and would wake up in similar cold sweats from the night terrors that had plagued his sleep even before everything that happened. this was not a strange situation for them, his dreams had never known peace but she had once always seemed to know how to soothe him, so Ben let himself sink into her embrace in hopes that he'd finally find that balm again.
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rebelfcrged ¡ 1 year
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@rebelfcrged: ❛ i know a lot about you. more than you think. ❜ dark side bb Leia (ok but what about an au where Cassie and vaderkin are a thing and Cassie kind of inherits creepy death stare dark side stepdaughter of sorts)
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“I don’t doubt that.” she replied with an easy smile. Cassie was certain that Leia, despite her young age, knew more about people than most of the adults around her. There were times when the girl looked at her that Cassie felt as if she could see into her very soul, with far more insight than the Force usually gave. It was honestly intimidating, and something that had taken the reaper by surprise the first time she met Leia, even knowing who her father was. She had since gotten used to how intense the girl could be and even found it endearing.
“I hope you know that I’m not keeping anything from you. If there’s anything you want to know, you need only ask.”
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rebelfcrged ¡ 1 year
@rebelfcrged asked: ❛ They see what they’ve been told to see. ❜ dark side youngling Leia & Thrawn
"An impress tactic, but do remember it won't work on me."
It was more than a simple statement. It was a fact, which he would hold himself to. It was possible that this would prove to be fruitful, but Thrawn knew just how quickly a Force user could shift tactics. Perhaps, it was better to be on the safe side and call for one of his Ysalamiri, but for the moment, he was willing to see how far it would go.
"You may, however, continue."
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rebelfcrged ¡ 1 year
“It was necessary.” Dark!bb Leia / @rebelfcrged - Wyndel
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"No, it was not."
He still had his clones and the authority. He still would, could and ultimately did overrule her. Did it matter? No, of course not. Another reason he was thinking of trading in his armor for a white suit. Command on a Destroyer would be far more suitable for his talents than having to deal with her.
"You did what you wanted. There is a difference."
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