redroomrecord · 7 hours
guess who just graduated im free
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redroomrecord · 4 days
good news i ate bad news i ate too much eeugh
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redroomrecord · 5 days
hi! i was scrolling through tumblr and happened to see a bunch of your posts. we're also a system who is pretty much looking for friends, so i thought i'd come and say hi. i'm a john fictive, haha.
i'm bad at talking, so sorry if this seems wacky. umm. we have a bunch more of fictives... mostly trolls, and the host is another dave. jeez... this is so hard. but if you're still looking for friends, i'd love to be friends with you.
holy shit hi john yeah of course im still looking for friends dude no way its eggboy in the flesh its a goddamn christmas miracle
my dms are always open for your goofy ass bro
and also my discord dms but i aint saying that one publicly so you gotta dm me first
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redroomrecord · 6 days
bitches love my silly boy swagger
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redroomrecord · 6 days
i got another new game the other day its the new paper mario remake and its all ive been thinking about all day i cant wait to get home and play it for another 6 hours
maybe the world really is worth living in if i get to play my funny paper game with the silly red italian
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redroomrecord · 6 days
i love my brother and i love my sister and i love my other sister too i have two whole sisters how did i get so lucky one of them is also kind of my mom isnt that awesome i love my brother and my sister and my mom thats also my sister for convenience sake i love them i love my family
i wanna be the best broson i can possibly be
does the catgirl also count as my sister
three whole sisters …
a robot brother too im so fucking lucky
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redroomrecord · 11 days
i just wanna curl up in bed with someone and cuddle im kinda cold and i just wanna snuggle but i cant do that because everyone hates me and are so far away because they are so mean to me
curl up with rose or roxy or dirk and just take a nap that would be really nice i just wanna snzz
im a just a sleepy lil guy man the world is so cruel
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redroomrecord · 11 days
yawn im so tired today ive been half asleep since i woke up 10 hours ago i wanna play my new game i just got but im sooo tiiired hhn
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redroomrecord · 14 days
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what if dirk was balling
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redroomrecord · 17 days
hey uh I saw ur posts in the hs fictive tag and I super hear u we've been trying to make more system friends and meet other people from our source and it's. Hard
but we're a decently big system with a Lot of hs introjects, most of us hype to talk to new people
idk just like if you ever want someone to talk to (and you don't mind us being 27 I have no idea how old you are) we're around, check out our fictive blog
-aj aurora (fellow dave fictive)
hell yeah man thatd be awesome my dms are open to anyone cause im just so friendly and approachable and awesome so ill check it out
and also yeah im chill with it im 18
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redroomrecord · 17 days
aauggnwhga stomach ache real badddd
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redroomrecord · 18 days
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self portrait
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redroomrecord · 19 days
The same Rose here; I just wanted to ensure you got the message, I wasn’t expecting such a warm invitation. I wouldn’t be against the idea of becoming friends at all. If it’s any comfort, we haven’t met a Dave in quite some either. Or, at-least one that was primarily looking for family so, this is quite exciting. I wanted our Dirk to say something as well but he appears to be… absent, I’m afraid.
There are two small issues though; one, neither I nor Dirk (or the other homestuck headmates) are the host, and the host does not post about homestuck or is open on their tumblr about being a system. Much to my genuine embarrassment and Dirk’s delight, it’s more anime-focused. Is it fine if we simply exchange discords through a throwaway sideblog?
I’ve been contemplating creating a sideblog for us but we as a collective are too busy for it at the moment so it remains a mere contemplation.
The second issue is that we are bodily 19, and Dirk and I both age with the body. Is this fine?
oh hell yeah abso fucking lutely im 18 both in body and mind last i checked so im so cool with it dont even worry bro this is so exciting talking on discord is actually the best option because tumblr doesnt give me notifications half the time anyways so im super cool with this arrangement also the anime thing is funny of course dirk would be pumped about the anime thats like his brand so thats hilariously ironic which is also his brand
also im chill with you guys not being the host im sure the host is chill as hell anyways im a cool guy im sure wed also get along since i front the most anyways
also daves who arent looking for fam are so missing out you guys are fucking awesome i love my family that sounds super lame but im really pumped right now so im giving myself the lameass pass i get to be excited because im awesome and youre awesome and we are all so fucking awesome and when dirk shows up tell him hes awesome too even if his hair is all crunchy from styling it so damn much heheh
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redroomrecord · 19 days
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live dave reaction
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redroomrecord · 19 days
i hope rose sees my ask answer i actually got so excited im gonna be so so bummed out if she doesnt ive actually never talked to or seen a rose before and its been so long since i got here im actually so excited that i got nauseous im so nervous guys
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redroomrecord · 19 days
I hope this is not too inappropriate but, we came across your vent-posts while surfing completely unrelated tags (we were searching for transparent/png images for decorative purposes, to be exact), and we just wanted to share a few words of comfort.
Loneliness as a fictive is completely understandable; it is deeply overwhelming, and one feels like they are forcefully submerged into a void of isolation. You miss people; you miss your life, and to others they are just “characters” or pixels on screens but to you they are people; they are your life. They are all that you knew at some point, and it stings to be so far away. In such moments, please note that you are here. Please try to fully acknowledge and come to terms with your own existence and presence in this world, because if you are here, and you are real, then surely they are too. The friends you miss are here, the sun that shines on you shines on them just the same. It seems so far away, it seems impossible, really, but we assure you that you’ll be reunited. We assure you that the feelings of being unloved or unacknowledged are just as temporary as this loneliness as well. You’ll be fine. We know you will.
Please do not give up on your search; I’m sure if it can reach a random Rose (and Dirk) like us, in a moment in which we were not looking or expecting to come across something like this, it’ll reach the people who you’re looking for as well. Though we are likely not from the same canon, and you do not know us at all, please note that I am so, so very proud of you for putting so much effort into your every day and still being here, and so is our Dirk.
jesus thank you rose this means a lot to be honest i didnt really think anyone would see these haha its a little embarrassing but at the same time i was hoping someone would see me
also uh i honestly dont really mind who is from "my" canon or not i honestly just want to talk to my friends again and that could be any version of them im not really picky so if you wanted to maybe we could be dave and rose friends that would super cool honestly ive never talked to a rose before at least here i mean in this body
dirk too
i just miss you guys and i dont care about my canon or anything this place is honestly just kinda like the dream bubbles to me the friendship goes beyond timelines if i was friends with my rose i would be friends with any rose you included
i hope you see this so maybe we can be friends i really dont mind if youre "random" youre still rose and hes still dirk
id be happy with that even if were all mismatched
my dms are open if youre interested and if you ever see this im not sure if youre gonna come back to see my response to your ask but i hope you do being a seer and all i think you will i hope you will at least
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redroomrecord · 19 days
man i love doodling i need to do this more im having a blast i fucking love colors
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