redwingedwolves · 20 hours
selfshippers w multiple f/o’s from the same source ily cause me too
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redwingedwolves · 21 hours
Imagine your f/o waking you up in the morning by giving you gentle little kisses all over your face <3
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redwingedwolves · 21 hours
If you had crushes on fictional characters as a kid, do they reflect your current taste in characters at all?
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redwingedwolves · 21 hours
♡ Idk who needs to hear this besides me, but I hope you dream sweetly of you and your f/o tonight ♡
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redwingedwolves · 21 hours
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Another one I had to correct because proportions and Krita are mean /silly
Yeah no shading, sowwy :') trying to get used to new art software and OS is just hard
Reblogs are highly appreciated!
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redwingedwolves · 2 days
💌 happy pride month to every single selfshipper reading this. remember that…
labels aren’t fixed! they can change, they can bend, they can feel comforting yes, but, they’re supposed to be a guide for you, not always the final destination. if they’re confusing, you don’t have to use any of them. never feel pressured to do so, i promise you it’s ok.
you don’t have to explain yourself or your queerness to anyone. queerness is a spectrum and trying to put it in words could be…. overwhelming. just remember you don’t owe anyone a explanation for it.
your f/o(s) love you to death! it doesn’t matter if you fit their “canon” type or not. it doesn’t matter if they’re canonically gay/lesbian/ace/aro etc. they actually said fuck that type when it came to you and that they’re madly in love with you. they told me themselves so it’s not a lie.
and lastly, take care of yourselves. your f/o(s) would want that! you’re important and you deserve love in every form you’re comfortable with. 🌹
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redwingedwolves · 2 days
imagine the heater going out during the night
you and your F/O wake up as it gets too cold, just a little, and you two snuggle up closer for the warmth and fix the blankets before falling back to sleep 💤💛
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redwingedwolves · 2 days
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redwingedwolves · 3 days
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Reminders :3
Do you have one F/O?
They love you with all their heart no matter what!
Do you have many F/Os?
Same here. They all love you so very much!
Do you have multiple F/Os from the same source?
That's great!
Do you have multiple F/Os all from different sources?
That's awesome!
No matter how many or wherever your F/O(s) is from...
You are loved!
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redwingedwolves · 4 days
imagine mutual obsession with your yandere f/o.
your f/o thinking about you all the time, doing anything they can to be with you, to see you. they expect you to be hesitant, they expect to have to push you to be with them but to their delight youre just as obsessed with them as they are with you.
maybe youre the type to do anything to be with them too, maybe you want to be by their side just as much as they want to be by yours. or maybe youre just happy for the attention. you can look past the odd behavior and “quirks” of your f/o because you love them so much. you must really like the attention but thats good because your f/o wants to give you all of their attention!
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redwingedwolves · 4 days
imagine laying your head on your f/o's soft tummy...
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redwingedwolves · 4 days
imagine your F/O making you feel loved in the worst (or best) way possible.
carving your name on their skin, kissing you in your sleep, sabotaging any romantic relationships you may have and then comforting you and sneaking into your house and leaving love letters are just a few of the things they do for love…
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redwingedwolves · 4 days
Do you ever think about how your F/O loves you so much and would give you the world and would do absolutely anything to make you happy because they love to see you smile? If not, start now 🫵
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redwingedwolves · 4 days
Happy pride month proselfshippers!!
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❤️ There's nothing wrong with playing around with your F/O's sexuality and gender identity! Make their sexuality match yours, or make it so they're attracted to your gender, even if that's not the case in canon! Selfshipping has no rules and fiction exists for your joy and entertainment!!
🧡 Your F/O loves your identity and they'll always respect you and your existence! Regardless of how you choose to label yourself, your F/O will always do their best to be as understanding and supportive of you as they possibly can!!
💛 Your love is beautiful and your F/O is so very honored to be able to experience all the joy and fondness that comes with being in a relationship with you! And rest assured, they'll always be proud of having you as their partner!!
💚 Your existence deserves to be celebrated! Everyday that your presence graces this earth is a whole new reason for your F/O to find the drive to stay on their feet. They're proud of you for making it through all the hardships you've faced!!
💙 Your F/O will always be happy to show you all the love and affection in the world! Anything that feels more comfortable for you, they'll do it with as much cheer as possible. Judgement and fear will never speak louder than their adoration for you!!
💜 Your F/O knows your sexuality deserves to be celebrated! Whether you're attracted to the same, multiple or no gender at all, they'll always show you all the love and support in the world! They're truly honored and overjoyed to share such a beautiful bond with you!!
🩵 Your F/O will always respect your autonomy, especially when it comes to how you present yourself! Whether or not you decide to transition or change your appearance, your F/O will always be your number one supporter and defender. They'll always make sure you feel loved and respected for who you really are!!
🩷 Your F/O will always be your safe place! They know you're more than capable of caring for yourself, but they also know that no one can be strong all the time, and they're more than happy to be your home and foundation! They'll always encourage you to share your hardships so that you can work through them together!!
🤍 Your F/O loves every aspect of your being! Anything that you may be insecure or anxious about is just as valuable and treasured by them as everything that you enjoy about yourself. This pride month, let your F/O and yourself love you for who you are, unapologetically and proudly!!
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redwingedwolves · 4 days
Oh, oh, oh! Do my husbands! Pretty please! ^^
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Proselfshippers!! Show me your F/O and I'll give them a cupcake!!
[Status: open!]
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redwingedwolves · 5 days
Omg, please! Ever since someone on TikTok pointed out that Yung Gravy looks like Keigo IRL, I've never been able to unsee it and like, honestly? I kinda agree. He is really the type to have that kinda persona. XD
Mother Mother is amazing, and I actually have a couple different songs of theirs for Dabi in my own playlist for him, but I've never heard this one, but it really does fit him and I really like it!
And oh, I will definitely be listening to those! Thank you so much! ^^
alright, reblog game time!
send me a picture of your f/o(s) (max. 3) and I'll assign them a song based on their vibes only.
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redwingedwolves · 5 days
Hi! Could you maybe do my husbands, please? ^^
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Keigo on the left, and Dabi on the right.
alright, reblog game time!
send me a picture of your f/o(s) (max. 3) and I'll assign them a song based on their vibes only.
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