reed-sights-blog · 4 years
A rant on taxes as an independant contractor.
So, tax day is tomorrow. And I put off taxes like I did projects in school. But it gets easier each time. What was your business? How much did you make? Any deductions? It get easier to fill all the forms out.
I am thankful for that. I don't want to pay the addtional $500 or so dollars for an accountant. I need to keep as much as I can.
But I can tell you what doesn't get easier. Looking at the number the calulator tells me I owe. And I know it's a pittance in the eyes of the goverment. I think to myself "Oh cool, they can buy what? A portion of a bomb?" Pay someone who I don't agree with to do their job? And it will mean nothing. This is pennies to them. But for me I feel cold. Cold as the goverment takes their seven pounds of flesh. I dip into the savings I barely kept together to pay off the taxes "owed" I feel so cold. Because I know it doesn't matter at all to them. It's the principal. It's the law. Law says they need my flesh.
I don't make enough to keep aside for taxes. I'm just lucky I was able to keep money from when my car was totaled a few years back. And now you know my secret. Now you know. I am so scared of the day I run out of that money. Because all the cut corner will mean nothing in the end. The government does not care. They just want their seven pounds.
I am worried I will be old and withered one day. And I'll ask the great leviatan I scarified parts of myself to for help. And all they will do is make worm food of me and move on. Or worse yet, they'll shrug, say they have nothing to help me. But hey, it's that time of year, where is our seven pounds? Even when I am cold, they will look to the souls I held dear, and say "where are her seven pounds?"
I will not matter to them in the grand scheme. And it makes me feel so god damn small.
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