No anon. We die like kings.
I genuinely cannot stop thinking about Unpleasant. Like it is BAD. like BAAAAD. I cant see green, pink, or that stupid dark orange without thinking "hehe, gradient". I adopted his personality. Their LINGO. IVE BEEN SAYING SKIBIDI AND GYATT AND SHIT. I THOUGHT ABOUT GENUINELY WATCHING SKIBIDI TOILET.
This gradient is TAKING OVER MY LIFE. Next time you see me, I'm gonna be the gen alpha final boss. I'm gonna be doing this shit INTENTIONALLY and UNIRONICALLY one day.
Thank you, Unpleasant. I've gyatt to watch skibidi toilet episode 73 now.
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not a furry but referring back 2 the "too many furries ingame" confession
there r so many anti-furry players. been to so many public lobbies where someone just starts complaining about another person's furry avatar. strange that ur anti-furry when one of the most wellknown character of the game is a furry (gnarpy)
(referring to this)
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we honestly need more lore on jermbo, why does retro kill them when they enter, what does their presence mean? what are they even capable of? are they the one pulling the strings to this elevator's mysteries?
can go for glevil too, is mark technically apart of the cult and if he was, is he still capable of feeling/hearing the thoughts of the other mannequins, are all mannequins within this hivemind? Can the other mannequins hear his thoughts or feel the need to come back to his kin? if mark did branch off from the cult and left, would it be like runaway? [ WoF ref ] how did he even meet with wallter? Does glevil still go after mark after this amount of time? does the hivemind ability let them control the strings for the other mannequins at times?
on the other hand, what was wallters actual past before meeting mark? who made him? did gnarpians make him? did another race make him? did gnarpy create him? what was his sole purpose? why is he considered useless now? what introduced him to drink gray stuff?
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people who get upset about designs feeling out of place make no sense to me. it's how things would be on an elevator in real life. all kinds of different, mismatched people brought together by sheer coincidence. if you saw a person wearing a bright, vibrant dress next to someone with a grey suit in an elevator irl, would you bitch about it?
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begging the regretevator fandom to learn the actual meaning of proship.
no, proship isn't "problematic ship." it's PRO-ship. like the prefix, "pro." it's closer to "for shipping." being a proshipper means you're against censoring/attacking people for any fictional dynamic, even if it includes things like pedophilia.
not everyone who draws problematic content is a proshipper. someone could draw incest but think that pedophilia is crossing a line and encourage that to be censored. that would mean they're not a proshipper!
not everyone who's a proshipper creates/consumes problematic content! someone can think that no fiction should be censored, but still find the contents of certain types of fiction disgusting/repulsive. hell, they could even block people that create that kind of content! so long as they're against harassment and censoring towards any kind of fiction... proshipper.
SO NO. barkbeetle isn't a proship! it makes literally no sense to call it a proship! call it a problematic ship, or abusive ship, or whatever, but y'all look like idiots whenever you call a ship "proship"
(side note: it is so dumb to compare a ship where there's some unhealthy aspects to like. incest. i know this fandom has a lot of kids but jesus christ. irl relationships aren't 100% healthy. "pest is mean to poob!" okay. and. let them figure out how to work through that. maybe poob can help pest become less bitter and meanspirited towards others. y'all blabber on about toxic yaoi or doomed yuri until there's actually toxic aspects in a relationship that need to be worked on.)
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people in this fandom be mad about anything
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look I love wallmark but can we please keep it only for angst not as like a srs ship? they divorced so that means there was a level of toxicity to their relationship so.......maybe we have them try to move on? idk guys these characters are like dolls get creative. don't hold back
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regretevator-confessions mod you are so interesting
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dumps a cup of water on you ..... sopping wet bive style
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mod i am the angel on your shoulder drink water NOW!!!!
Hi O Angel on my shoulder Hello O Angel on my shoulder *My skin begins to shrivels up*
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I feel like Pilby is to forgotten by the fandom. I rarely see stuff of them and when I do 3 times out of 4 the op is using she/her pronouns for them. I just want caterpillar stuff. I love wallmark angst as much as the next guy (maybe to much) but please. I need caterpillar stuff
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jus’ a little rant, i let people ship whatever they want :P i JUST HATE this ship
I HATE BARKBEETLE !!!!! it’s genuinely upsetting to me,, MARK is CLEARLY scared and uncomfortable around Pest, and if Regretevator wasn’t jus’ a silly lil’ Roblox game, Mark would TRY to avoid Pest. He is paranoid and obviously doesn’t like being near him AT ALL. People say they ship them because “its cute!!” HOW?? how is someone who’s clearly uncomfortable with someone x said person cute??? Pest is also passive-aggressive with Mark in dialogue. They just overall don’t look good together.
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Hey guys, can we learn the definition of "proship" for me please? Pretty fucking please?
Incest. P*do shit. That falls under proship. When Gnarpy was canonically sixteen, if you shipped xem with someone ? that woulda counted !! Unpleasant x Infected ??? ITS NOT FUCKING PROSHIP. Wallter or Mark X Lampert ? NOT PROSHIP. Gnarpy now-a-days, with no canonical age ?? ITS FINE
Would Unpleasant x Infected be the healthiest of relationships, prob not, but that doesn't mean it's proship. Proship is illegal shit. The bad evil proship shit you don't wanna do ? Illegal to be dating.
I'm am hands and fucking knees BEGGING y'all to learn what proship means, and what is ACTUALLY fucking canon and what isn't.
I am. I am so fucking tired of every single day coming onto this blog and getting shit like "i think this ship is proship cause I down't wike it :( it make me saaaaaaaaaaaaad :(" motherfucker what's next ??? IS PARTYBEETLE GONNA BE PROSHIP ?? WALLMARK ??? SPLIT X BIVE ?????
gain. reading. comprehension. please. every single one of you are so desperate to not be considered a proshipper that you're just becoming the most annoying motherfuckers that have ever existed on this planet. As long as you don't ship incest or a minor with an adult !!!!!! YOU'RE FUCKING FINE. YOU'RE FINE. IT'S FINE. GO OUTSIDE AND TOUCH SOME GRASS MAYBE. PLEASE. BEGGING YOU. IT'S FREE !! IT'S FREE TO DO RIGHT NOW !!!
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my dumbass bit of buck's head (oblivious to the consequences despite the warning) .
MAYBE you should listen to the warning because i got chased around the map by some folllower guy no one else could see . i THINK he showed up in the april fools update (i only found that out yesterday) although i didn't play it, so i just did not know this guy existed, and now i regret being curious . it's not the game's fault, but dude ☠️☠️ the anxiety was crazy . i had to get off afterward and process what just happened . literally stare at the ceiling and go "man ..." . btw i have a severe case of paranoia, so this is just my experience, but um . woah ! at least i didn't get caught !! also, after he goes away, the noises STILL play, and i just thought that was pretty weird ! this is just me downplaying my reaction cuz i thought it'd be weird to explain it here lol
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i kind of want everyone in this fandom to jus be quiet for a minute. like can we all stop arguing and like smoke weed or something that sounds better
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the moment I saw Lampert's head is finally purchasable I kind of just. impulse bought it (+ the tail) and made a lampert cosplay on the spot. Will this be a cosplay I use often? Probably not! Do I care? No. Lampert cosplay funny :)
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@ the damned anon who DARES to defy me and me hating wallter & mark x lampert
grrrrr im so mad im turning red youre a fuickging proshipper i will boil you
i am so much better than u could ever be you fucking mongrel
(referring to this i think ?)
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