rei-the-rat · 2 years
Emergency Moving Fund
Trying to find a safe place for me and my family rn
I’ve spoken about this over on twitter and have a thread there of ways you can help me out => https://twitter.com/rei_the_rat/status/1540056983839055875?s=20&t=Ul3qjucFMv42qMu2rraRXg
Signal boosts help out a lot, thanks <3
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rei-the-rat · 2 years
The survey for prompts will be closing soon. If you haven’t submitted a response, please go give it a look: LawLu Prompt Survey It’s open until tomorrow, April 2nd.
You can follow the @lawluevents group here on tumblr and twitter, and they will be planning more events for LawLu/LuLaw and sharing info throughout the year.
And you can follow this account over on Twitter as well. We’re going to be moving a lot of the activity over there because it’s a little easier to manage.
Looking forward to sharing the prompts with ya’ll <3
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rei-the-rat · 2 years
Hello, it’s been a while
First off, let me apologize for the lack of activity on this account. Between the pandemic, tumblr weirdness, and the mods slowly moving away from the site or the fandom, this event has suffered for it. And I’m sorry for that.
However, I wanted to bring back the event this year and have it held on the original dates between May 28 and June 6.
But some things need to be addressed.
Mainly, whether or not we keep the event here on Tumblr. One of the things that happened was I (Mod Rei) lost access to my accounts and stopped receiving notifications. I didn’t realized it for a while because I was hardly using tumblr but I think it’s one of the things that messed up me get notifications. It could’ve also have been any number of things, but the end result was I was unaware of anyone trying to contact the account and during everything that was 2020-21, I had other things to worry about. And I thought everyone had moved on from the event, so I didn’t try to hold it during 2021 or anything. But I’ve seen that we received asks about if we were going to do so and I’m sorry I missed all of those.
We have a Twitter for the event => https://twitter.com/LawluWeek
And I have notifs set up for the app and I can monitor it better than I’m able to on Tumblr.
At the moment I’m not sure if we’ll stop on Tumblr but I do think it’d be best to try and move more of the event to Twitter.
Next, we are doing the event this year, as mentioned above. I have the 10 prompts ready to give you. I was planning on releasing them April 4th but I can do it sooner if you wish. I’m sorry there was no voting this year, we’ll bring it back next time.
If you have any questions or concerns, let me know. I will be checking the site everyday when I can since I can’t trust the email and notif system. And if you’d like to yell at me directly you can do so on Twitter https://twitter.com/rei_the_rat My privacy settings stop random people from DMing me but if you leave a msg for me here or on a tweet, I’ll reach out to you so we can open communications
I’m sorry for the long post, but I think that’s all for now
Talk to ya’ll soon <3
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rei-the-rat · 4 years
Hey everyone, we have a twitter account for the event now! You’re welcome to post work the event on both sites. Please give us a follow over on twitter and let your friends know.
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rei-the-rat · 4 years
Official Dates and Theme/Prompt List
The event will be held at the end of November from the 20th to the 29th. As always, we’ll keep an eye out for late entries for about three weeks afterwards. We hope this gives you all enough time to work on your pieces.
We look forward to seeing how everyone interprets the themes <3
11/20 - Affection
11/21 - Ocean Dreams
11/22 - Stargazing
11/23 - Betrayal
11/24 - “Another time; another place”
11/25 - Solitude
11/26 - Falling Leaves
11/27 - Treasure
11/28 - Vertigo (Dizzy)
11/29 - Deprived
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rei-the-rat · 4 years
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Salutations! We hope your all doing well, the zine shop is open for left over sales!!
Once all the remaining items from the zine have been sold the shop will be closed. And announcement will be made.
Reblogs are greatly appreciated. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Thank you everyone for your support, patience. Please have a wonderful day!
-Blessed Are My Stars Team 🎻
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rei-the-rat · 4 years
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Salutations! We hope your all doing well, the zine shop is open for left over sales!!
Once all the remaining items from the zine have been sold the shop will be closed. And announcement will be made.
Reblogs are greatly appreciated. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Thank you everyone for your support, patience. Please have a wonderful day!
-Blessed Are My Stars Team 🎻
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rei-the-rat · 4 years
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It’s time for a spooky party with lawlu ✨🎃✨
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rei-the-rat · 4 years
Official Dates and Theme/Prompt List
The event will be held at the end of November from the 20th to the 29th. As always, we’ll keep an eye out for late entries for about three weeks afterwards. We hope this gives you all enough time to work on your pieces.
We look forward to seeing how everyone interprets the themes <3
11/20 - Affection
11/21 - Ocean Dreams
11/22 - Stargazing
11/23 - Betrayal
11/24 - “Another time; another place”
11/25 - Solitude
11/26 - Falling Leaves
11/27 - Treasure
11/28 - Vertigo (Dizzy)
11/29 - Deprived
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rei-the-rat · 4 years
Dear Fanfiction Readers,
If you’re afraid to leave a review/comment because you think it’ll sound stupid, don’t be. Just leave an incoherent reply in all caps. We love that shit.
A Fic Writer that needs constant validation. 
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rei-the-rat · 4 years
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The Fellowship of the Ring but as a very intense D&D campaign!
Finished this Illustration a while ago and never posted it! Art ©Xinophin
Commission info
Follow Me on my other Medias!
Twitter Instagram DeviantART Tumblr
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rei-the-rat · 4 years
Foggy Dahlia (by: Garden of Eve)
Foggy and wet but still pretty today.
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rei-the-rat · 4 years
2020 Theme List
Hello everyone! This is the theme list for this year. We’re still discussing the dates but this way you can all see them and start preparing.
So far it looks we’ll be doing it toward the middle-end of October.
Please keep in mind that this is not the order they will be in for the event. Apologies to those of you who link them together for the event. Once we have the dates, we’ll post the theme list in accordance with the appropriate dates.
If you have any questions about the themes/prompts, need help with ideas, or any concerns, please do not hesitate to ask us.
Ocean Dreams
“Another time; another place”
Falling Leaves
Vertigo (Dizzy)
We’re looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. Good luck!
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rei-the-rat · 4 years
10 Days of LawLu Feedback Survey
Hello everyone! In case you missed our last post, the feedback survey is live right now. We’d really appreciate your input on this event as we want to try to make it something everyone can look forward to and enjoy.
Thank you everyone who’s already responded and shared. We’ve gotten a lot of helpful suggestions and comments already. A few of them we’ll be addressing in another post, and some we may ask for more in-depth information with another detailed survey.
As for the theme/prompt list, all ten have already been chosen and we’ll be announcing them either tomorrow or Friday. That way regardless of when we decide to do the event, you already have access to them. The only thing is, the order might get rearranged when the dates are determined.
LawLu Event Feedback Survey
Please share this with anyone who might be interested in the event, and we look forward to hearing from you <3
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rei-the-rat · 4 years
Hello everyone, a quick apology from the mods. Life got really hectic and busy for us, times are kinda rough for everyone right now. We apologize for the delay.
Below is a link to a survey we’d like you to look at and share with us your thoughts about the event. We’ll be making another more official announcement later this morning with it. But for now, we’d just like to thank you for your patience and understanding and let those of you who are up and active get an early look at it.
Also, in the survey is a question on when you’d like this year’s event to take place. And just to let you know, we have the 10 themes already decided more or less, with some minor revisions, and we’ll be posting those soon too. So regardless of when we do it, either in the next few weeks or next month, the theme/prompt list is ready.
Please let us know if there are any concerns about the event or if there are any problems with the survey.
Thank you
LawLu Event Survey
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rei-the-rat · 4 years
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Salutations! We have another announcement to make, we've opened up orders for the PDF. If we have any left over merch after our production mod has mailed out everyone's orders we'll add those remaining items to the shop.
If you'd like to place an order for the PDF here's the link to the site;
Also if you've placed an order for the zine and have had an address change please let us know asap. We'd hate for you to not receive your copy of the zine 😥
If you have any questions please feel free to send an ask or email the zines email. [email protected]
Once all the others are mailed out an announcement will be made.
Thank you everyone for your patience, and support. We hope you all enjoy the rest of your day.
- Blessed are my stars team 🎻
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rei-the-rat · 4 years
Announcement For LawLu Week 2020
Hello everyone! We hope you are safe and well. Apologies for getting this out so late, we saw the asks wondering if we would be doing the event this year, but due to some things that were going on at the time, we decided to wait before making an announcement.
To give a simple answer: Yes, we plan on holding the event this year. However, we’re going to move it back to mid-late September. This is to give everyone time to prepare work for the event as well as to take in a few other considerations. Later next week, we’ll be sharing a feedback survey to gather some ideas on how you all view the event and where we want to move forward with it. Some things we’ll be asking are questions and opinions on theme ideas, time (when the event takes place), responses, and if we should also open an account on Twitter to share the event there.
Please keep an eye out for this survey and other announcements. We look forward to hearing from you.
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