rekindlenetwork · 1 year
La Bendición de Las Respuestas Directas
La Bendición de Las Respuestas Directas https://ift.tt/KcA7Vx9 La Bendición de Las Respuestas Directas April 17, 2023 En la vida, todo se trata de preguntas. En la Biblia, encontramos que Dios siempre hacía preguntas precisas. Él espera que también respondamos con precisión. Este blog post se trata de cómo Dios nos hace preguntas, y nos llama a ser honestos, precisos y veraces en nuestras respuestas. La vida es un cúmulo de preguntas A veces, nos encontramos buscando respuestas para preguntas que ni siquiera sabemos cómo formular. En momentos como estos, es fácil sentirse abrumado y confundido. Afortunadamente, tenemos a Dios a nuestro lado. En la Biblia, encontramos que Dios siempre hacía preguntas precisas. Él espera que también respondamos con precisión. Cuando respondemos con precisión, abrimos las puertas a la bendición de las respuestas directas. En este blog post, vamos a explorar cómo Dios nos llama a ser precisos en nuestras respuestas, y cómo podemos aprender a responder a sus preguntas con honestidad y verdad. Dios nos hace preguntas porque quiere que seamos precisos en nuestras respuestas Él sabe que las respuestas precisas son la clave para una vida exitosa y bendecida. Cuando respondemos con precisión, mostramos a Dios que somos dignos de su confianza. A lo largo de la Biblia, vemos ejemplos de cómo Dios hace preguntas precisas. En Génesis 3:9, Dios le pregunta a Adán: “¿Dónde estás?” Dios sabía dónde estaba Adán, pero quería que Adán fuera honesto consigo mismo y con Dios. Otro ejemplo se encuentra en Juan 21:15-17. Jesús le pregunta a Pedro: “¿Me amas?” Jesús hace la misma pregunta tres veces, y cada vez Pedro responde con más convicción. Al final, Pedro entiende lo que Jesús estaba tratando de decirle: que si amaba a Jesús, debía cuidar de su rebaño. Dios nos hace preguntas no para avergonzarnos o humillarnos, sino para ayudarnos a entender nuestras propias vidas y a acercarnos más a Él. A veces, podemos sentirnos tentados a dar respuestas vagas o engañosas. Pero Dios sabe cuando no estamos siendo honestos con nosotros mismos o con Él. En Proverbios 15:3, se nos recuerda que “Los ojos del Señor están en todo lugar, observando a los malvados y a los buenos”. Dios quiere que seamos precisos en nuestras respuestas porque sabe que sólo podemos crecer y prosperar cuando somos sinceros con nosotros mismos y con Él. Cuando nos aferramos a la verdad y a la honestidad, abrimos las puertas a la bendición de las respuestas directas. Además, la adoración nos ayuda a enfocarnos en las cosas que realmente importan. En este mundo lleno de distracciones y ruido, es fácil perder de vista lo que es realmente importante. Pero cuando nos enfocamos en adorar a Dios, todas las distracciones desaparecen y nos damos cuenta de que lo único que realmente importa es nuestra relación con Él. Debemos ser conscientes de que Dios no necesita hacer preguntas para obtener información, sino que lo hace para que nosotros mismos podamos reflexionar y reconocer nuestra situación actual. Las preguntas de Dios a menudo nos llevan a cuestionarnos a nosotros mismos y a nuestra relación con Él. En la vida diaria, también nos encontramos con preguntas importantes. A menudo, nos sentimos confundidos y desconcertados sobre lo que deberíamos hacer en una situación específica. En esos momentos, debemos recordar que podemos acudir a Dios y hacerle nuestras preguntas. Él siempre tiene las respuestas y nos guiará en la dirección correcta. En resumen, las respuestas directas son una bendición de Dios. Él nos enseña a través de sus preguntas y espera que seamos honestos y precisos en nuestras respuestas. Debemos recordar que Dios siempre está dispuesto a escuchar nuestras preguntas y nos dará las respuestas que necesitamos. Debemos confiar en Él y en su sabiduría para guiarnos en nuestro camino. Facebook Instagram Youtube Pastor Ramon Vega Pastor y Evangelista de Mone Sinai Iglesia de Dios. PrevPrevAdora A Dios Cueste Lo Que Cueste via Monte Sinai Upland https://ift.tt/1liwJNb April 17, 2023 at 08:07AM
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rekindlenetwork · 3 years
Salmo 4, 5, 6 Para Dormir - Salmo 4, 5, 6, Salmo 4, 5, 6, Para Dormir, 3 Horas De Biblia En Audio, Salmo Poderosos. Salmo 4 Res­pón­de­me cuan­do clamo, oh Dios de mi jus­ti­cia. Cuan­do es­ta­ba en an­gus­tia, tú me hi­cis­te en­san­char; Ten mi­se­ri­cor­dia de mí, y oye mi ora­ción. Hijos de los hom­bres, ¿hasta cuán­do vol­ve­réis mi honra en in­fa­mia, Ama­réis la va­ni­dad, y bus­ca­réis la men­ti­ra? Selah Sabed, pues, que Jeho­vá ha es­co­gi­do al pia­do­so para sí; Jeho­vá oirá cuan­do yo a él cla­ma­re. Tem­blad, y no pe­quéis; Me­di­tad en vues­tro co­ra­zón es­tan­do en vues­tra cama, y ca­llad. Selah Ofre­ced sa­cri­fi­cios de jus­ti­cia, Y con­fiad en Jeho­vá. Mu­chos son los que dicen: ¿Quién nos mos­tra­rá el bien? Alza sobre no­so­tros, oh Jeho­vá, la luz de tu ros­tro. Tú diste ale­gría a mi co­ra­zón Mayor que la de ellos cuan­do abun­da­ba su grano y su mosto. En paz me acos­ta­ré, y asi­mis­mo dor­mi­ré; Por­que solo tú, Jeho­vá, me haces vivir con­fia­do. Salmo 5 Es­cu­cha, oh Jeho­vá, mis pa­la­bras; Con­si­de­ra mi gemir. Está aten­to a la voz de mi cla­mor, Rey mío y Dios mío, Por­que a ti oraré. Oh Jeho­vá, de ma­ña­na oirás mi voz; De ma­ña­na me pre­sen­ta­ré de­lan­te de ti, y es­pe­ra­ré. Por­que tú no eres un Dios que se com­pla­ce en la mal­dad; El malo no ha­bi­ta­rá junto a ti. Los in­sen­sa­tos no es­ta­rán de­lan­te de tus ojos; Abo­rre­ces a todos los que hacen iniqui­dad. Des­trui­rás a los que ha­blan men­ti­ra; Al hom­bre san­gui­na­rio y en­ga­ña­dor abo­mi­na­rá Jeho­vá. Mas yo por la abun­dan­cia de tu mi­se­ri­cor­dia en­tra­ré en tu casa; Ado­ra­ré hacia tu santo tem­plo en tu temor. Guía­me, Jeho­vá, en tu jus­ti­cia, a causa de mis enemi­gos; En­de­re­za de­lan­te de mí tu ca­mino. Por­que en la boca de ellos no hay sin­ce­ri­dad; Sus en­tra­ñas son mal­dad, Se­pul­cro abier­to es su gar­gan­ta, Con su len­gua ha­blan li­son­jas. Cas­tí­ga­los, oh Dios; Cai­gan por sus mis­mos con­se­jos; Por la mul­ti­tud de sus trans­gre­sio­nes écha­los fuera, Por­que se re­be­la­ron con­tra ti. Pero alé­gren­se todos los que en ti con­fían; Den voces de jú­bi­lo para siem­pre, por­que tú los de­fien­des; En ti se re­go­ci­jen los que aman tu nom­bre. Por­que tú, oh Jeho­vá, ben­de­ci­rás al justo; Como con un es­cu­do lo ro­dea­rás de tu favor. Salmo 6 Jeho­vá, no me re­pren­das en tu enojo, Ni me cas­ti­gues con tu ira. Ten mi­se­ri­cor­dia de mí, oh Jeho­vá, por­que estoy en­fer­mo; Sá­na­me, oh Jeho­vá, por­que mis hue­sos se es­tre­me­cen. Mi alma tam­bién está muy tur­ba­da; Y tú, Jeho­vá, ¿hasta cuán­do? Vuél­ve­te, oh Jeho­vá, libra mi alma; Sál­va­me por tu mi­se­ri­cor­dia. Por­que en la muer­te no hay me­mo­ria de ti; En el Seol, ¿quién te ala­ba­rá? Me he con­su­mi­do a fuer­za de gemir; Todas las no­ches inun­do de llan­to mi lecho, Riego mi cama con mis lá­gri­mas. Mis ojos están gas­ta­dos de su­frir; Se han en­ve­je­ci­do a causa de todos mis an­gus­tia­do­res. Apar­taos de mí, todos los ha­ce­do­res de iniqui­dad; Por­que Jeho­vá ha oído la voz de mi lloro. Jeho­vá ha oído mi ruego; Ha re­ci­bi­do Jeho­vá mi ora­ción. Se aver­gon­za­rán y se tur­ba­rán mucho todos mis enemi­gos; Se vol­ve­rán y serán aver­gon­za­dos de re­pen­te. Estos vídeos han ayudado a muchos a connectarse con la Palabra de Dios y el Espiritu Santo. 👇 SUBSCRIBE A NUESTRO CANAL DE YOUTUBE HOY 👇 http://www.youtube.com/c/RekindleTheFireMinistries ★☆★ CONECTATE CON NOSOTROS ★☆★ PAGINA: https://bit.ly/2X3IXkc INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/2TjNZrD FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/3g05Qh3 TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/rekindlenetwork #salmosparadormir #escriturasParaDormir #Salmo4 #Salmo5 #Salmo6 #Salmos #EscriturasParaDormir #EscriturasParaMeditar by Rekindle The Fire
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rekindlenetwork · 3 years
The God of Covenants – Introduction
Introduction – God Releases His Words into existence
—> A. When God Speaks, He Speaks with Words of Faith (Hebrews 11:3)
“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.”
The world, the universe, was all created by the Word of God. The things that we see with our eyes was not made by any material substance but by the force of faith in Gods’ Words.
“…were framed...”, in Greek is Katartizo; means= “to adjust; put in order again; to restore.”
CONCLUSION: We can conclude that there’s great power in God Words. His Words have the ability to create. The Bible says in Hebrews 11:3 that He created the Heavens and the Earth through Faith. We see that Words have power and authority. That when God speaks it is done!
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rekindlenetwork · 3 years
The God of Covenants - Introduction
The God of Covenants – Introduction
Introduction – God Releases His Words into existence I. GOD RELEASED HIS WORD —> A. When God Speaks, He Speaks with Words of Faith (Hebrews 11:3) “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” The world, the universe, was all created by the Word of God. The things that we see with our eyes…
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rekindlenetwork · 3 years
The Origin of FEAR | Part One | Erick Escolero - Erick Escolero
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rekindlenetwork · 3 years
The Blood Covenant – Introduction
The Bible is a book of covenants. From Adam all the way until the first coming of Christ we see in the Word that God makes covenants with man. Our English and Spanish languages has been getting poorer through the years. The meaning of words have been changing with time. That’s sometimes it’s important to study certain Biblical subjects in their original language.
The word “Covenant” is a very old word. Its origin was before the time of Abraham. And because the word is so old it has lost its real meaning. Now a day’s we substitute the word “covenant” with the word “testament”. We must discover the real meanings of these words and renew our minds.
In all old civilizations we see that it was normal and a custom to cut a covenant of blood. For example if we study the history of our town or country we grew up in, 100 to 200 years back, it’s a for sure thing that it was a custom to make covenants of blood. The most recent and modern civilizations have abandon this practice to the point where its meaning and effectiveness has been lost.
The world has its own idea of what it means to be civilized. The more we let the world “civilize” us, more and more we separate ourselves from a blood covenant to a covenant made by ink. The result of that is that we become a civilization of liars, cheater, traitors and murderers.
To be able to understand the New Covenant, aka New Testament, we have to understand the profoundness of the Blood Covenant and the way it was cut during the time of the Old Testament.
In this new study on the covenant we will go deep in the reasons there had to be a covenant cut between God and Abraham and how that covenant affects us now through Christ Jesus. Follow us on Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/rekindlebiblestudy
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rekindlenetwork · 3 years
The Blood Covenant - Introduction
In this new study on the blood covenant we will go deep in the reasons there had to be a blood covenant cut between God and Abraham and how that covenant affects us now through Christ Jesus.
The Bible is a book of covenants. From Adam all the way until the first coming of Christ we see in the Word that God makes covenants with man. Our English and Spanish languages has been getting poorer through the years. The meaning of words have been changing with time. That’s sometimes it’s important to study certain Biblical subjects in their original language.
The word “Covenant” is a very…
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rekindlenetwork · 3 years
Overcoming The Fear of Death
The battle is raging, the devil ain’t sleeping, the world is falling in the blindness of the god of this world. Governments are bending their knee, leaders are being influence by the spirits of the world sent to create chaos in these days. The people they govern are only subjects, only puppets, blinded by their schemes. Soon most of the entire world will bend their knee to the image of the beast. The master plan to world dominion has been set in place through the power of fear. The fear of death.
The Bible says:
Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery. 
Hebrews 14-15 – ESV
Jesus, came to deliver us from the Fear of Death. Before His death there was no hope to those that died, for the devil held the keys of Death and Hades (hell). People that didn’t have faith in the One True God were doomed to hell after they departed. Those that held their faith towards the Messiah were kept safe in paradise, a place or compartment reserved in hell for the faithful ones during the Old Testaments times. The Bible says that Jesus descended to the lower parts of the Earth (Ephesians 4:9), meaning to the place of the Dead. There, He overcame death and defeated death through the Spirit that raised Him from the dead, according to Romans 8:11. But on that same verse it says that same Spirit also quickens or gives life to us who are in Him.
But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
Romans 8:11 – KJV
The Spirit that Dwells in Every Believer
I know many religious brothers are saying right now, “but this is when we resurrect, some time in the future”. Let me ask you this: If this body is dead, because of sin, why would God use this same sinful body? The Bible says we will be transform or changed. The seed of the Word, the Spirit that was sown at the moment we believed the Word and received it, will give birth to a new body, an incorruptible body. So this verse is talking about our current “mortal body, corruptible body”. The Holy Spirit dwelling in us gives life to this corruptible body.
So our hope is this: that we have assurance that if we die we instantly are translated to the presence of God. As the Apostle Paul said: “to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain”, Philippians 1:21. We also have His Spirit dwelling in us, which us the power to overcome the fear of death, the fear of getting sick, because His Spirit living in us gives Life to this mortal body.
Jesus Has Authority Over Death
And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, “Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.
Revelation 1:17-18 – New King James Version
Because Jesus roused from the dead He proved that death had no power over Him. He stripped the kingdom of darkness from their power. It says in Colossians 2:15 in the Amplified version: “When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities [those supernatural forces of evil operating against us], He made a public example of them [exhibiting them as captives in His triumphal procession], having triumphed over them through the cross.”
How Can the Church Overcome Fear?
We are experiencing fear because of the lack of faith towards God and His Word. If we knew who we are in Christ we would act like overcomers and be capable of taking this message of hope to the fearful. Fear is the opposite of Faith. When we fear we please the devil, when we have faith we please God (Hebrews 11:6). Take up your shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit and stand your ground. Harder things are coming against us. What are we going to do? Run?, throw away the shield and sword and hide in caves?
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Erick Escolero
Passionate for the Word of God, Worship leader, AHOP leader…
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rekindlenetwork · 4 years
May God bless you all .
Jesus is the answer for the world we live in. All you have to do is call on him and he will answer and be right by your side no matter what come your way. We need to hold up the blood stained banner of Jesus. We also need to let the Holy Spirit have his way in our lives every day.
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rekindlenetwork · 4 years
New video by Erick Escolero: Me Entrego A Ti - I Give Myself Away | Coro con Erick Escolero | Piano Tutorial https://youtu.be/5xfgZJvtSUo
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rekindlenetwork · 4 years
Me Entrego A Ti - I Give Myself Away | Coro con Erick Escolero | Piano Tutorial - Erick Escolero
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rekindlenetwork · 4 years
New video by Erick Escolero: Uncion Cae Aqui - Anointing Fall on Me | Coro con Erick Escolero | Piano Tutorial https://youtu.be/kL54n6fFIjw
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rekindlenetwork · 4 years
Uncion Cae Aqui - Anointing Fall on Me | Coro con Erick Escolero | Piano Tutorial - Erick Escolero
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rekindlenetwork · 4 years
New video by Erick Escolero: Hemos Llegado A Este Lugar | We Have Como Unto This House | Coro con Erick Escolero | Piano Tutorial https://youtu.be/sBt9d8T-VD8
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rekindlenetwork · 4 years
Hemos Llegado A Este Lugar | We Have Como Unto This House | Coro con Erick Escolero | Piano Tutorial - Erick Escolero
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rekindlenetwork · 4 years
Dios Esta Aqui | Santo, Santo, Santo | Coros Clasicos Cristianos con Erick Escolero | Piano Tutorial - Erick Escolero
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rekindlenetwork · 4 years
New video by Erick Escolero: Dios Esta Aqui | Santo, Santo, Santo | Coros Clasicos Cristianos con Erick Escolero | Piano Tutorial https://youtu.be/ItnL13Ld7-I
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