rembop · 1 year
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via polinatammi on instagram
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rembop · 1 year
everyone more pretentious than me is an insufferable poseur and everyone less pretentious than me is a clueless philistine
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rembop · 1 year
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Been a while since I’ve shared Minecraft updates ⛏️
Landscaped around my cabin, added a waterfall laundry area, and swapped out the large obstructive tree in the center for a cute little well 💖
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rembop · 1 year
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rembop · 1 year
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Haven’t posted in QUITE awhile, but here’s a (crochet) FO post! It’s the Gigi Cardigan by Holly Woodward (note: Ravelry link). Made with a mix of yarns, though most of the colorful ones are from LadyDyeYarns and the white is Berocco Vintage DK.
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rembop · 1 year
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Bee Merry
Watercolor On Black Paper
2022, 22"x 30"
Red China Asters, Callistephus chinensis
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rembop · 1 year
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boy and his weird boss-father-uncle-elder brother-friend. he’s infodumping about mlm (multi-level marketing)
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rembop · 1 year
Sorry I’m late I was obsessing over herb spirals
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rembop · 1 year
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Icy grounds 🧊 🐈‍⬛ 🌈
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rembop · 1 year
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I...well at least she's honest
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rembop · 1 year
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Pretty rocks study ;D
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rembop · 1 year
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rembop · 1 year
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rembop · 1 year
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there is a sliding scale of detail to kirby art. here are my findings from copious hours spent observing tumblr kirbies.
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rembop · 1 year
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#5 definitely looks like a blurry pic of snowflake obsidian! Here is a picture of my piece of snowflake obsidian for comparison and also as a flex (my geology prof confirmed that it's snowflake obsidian and explained how it forms!). It's one of my fave all time rocks! Regular obsidian is actually one of the few rocks that isn't a mineral. It forms from lava that cools very quickly, so the lava doesn't have time to form into regular crystalline shapes (having crystalline shapes is a defining feature that makes a mineral a mineral) and it gets kind of "frozen" in place as a naturally formed glass. Snowflake obsidian is just regular obsidian, but super old. Atoms like to be in particular structures, so over time the silica that is throughout the rock migrate to form a crystalline shape (the white bits that we see). So basically, regular black obsidian will eventually turn into snowflake obsidian as the silica migrates. Spiritually, it seems like it's generally considered to be a cleansing, balancing, and gentle stone that helps with clarity and strength of mind, although different people/websites ascribe different meanings to it.
So, I was digging around my drawers and I found a bunch of crystals.
If you have any knowledge of crystals, please help me identify them!!
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More details plus close ups under the cut
So, number 1 and 2 - not much to say, but 1 does have very small black speckles all over it that are somehow too small for my camera to pick up
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3 and 4 - nothing to say about 3, I'm aware that 4 is probably fake but I just wanna know
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5 and 6 might just be regular ol rocks but I'm willing to take a shot
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7 and 8 - 8 is actually dark blue but yk.cam quality sucks so
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9 and 10- 9 has slight white (???) Speckles on it, and 10 is sort of. Greenish.
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11 is the one I'm concerned about - it's a nice old orangish reddish brownish egg. I wanna know what this one is so bad but Google does not help me. ps - that orange streak down the middle is always there so uh
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12 is just some beads. I think it's rose quartz but they look kinda purplish so idk
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N lastly, 13!! Sorta reminds me of jupiter
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rembop · 1 year
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kirby going pit pat
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rembop · 1 year
The sardonic, reductionist headline here could be "Scientists finally figured out why you get more colds in winter: bEcAuSe iT's CoLd!"—but the actual science involved here is both interesting, and potentially very relevant to everyday life and especially the immunocompromised:
It turns out the cold air itself damages the immune response occurring in the nose. [...] In fact, reducing the temperature inside the nose by as little as 9 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees Celsius) kills nearly 50% of the billions of virus and bacteria-fighting cells in the nostrils, according to the study published Tuesday in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. “Cold air is associated with increased viral infection because you’ve essentially lost half of your immunity just by that small drop in temperature,” said rhinologist Dr. Benjamin Bleier, director of otolaryngology at Massachusetts Eye and Ear and an associate professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston.
Want to avoid catching or spreading respiratory viruses like CoVid-19, RSV, influenza, or a common cold? Mask up, please, but also bundle up! Wrap up in a scarf, wear a balaclava, and just generally keep your face warm. There's no single magic solution, but that's not a reason to do nothing. Rather, it's a reason to take several simple precautions that help avoid the spread of disease and protect those around you. (I can't tell you how much "this isn't 100% effective so I shouldn't do it at all" frustrates me.)
Oh, and #knitblr? This is your time to shine.
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