requiemforthewolves ¡ 6 hours
hozier (2014) being hozier’s debut album is fucking nuts like… take me to church?? from eden?? work song?? like real people do?? it will come back?? foreigner’s god?? cherry wine?? SEDATED?? what the fuck??
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requiemforthewolves ¡ 6 hours
my queers in christ we must fight homogeneity in fandom; it's evil and the death of creativity and a brain killer, we do not want to be smooth uniform identical shiny rocks, reading the same characterisations over and over again, we do not want to reiterate the same takes or the same fics, we want the creepiest weirdos coming up with shit so fantastical that it becomes fantastic, that is the point of it all
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requiemforthewolves ¡ 1 day
top five most important things you can give a character. 1. bisexuality. 2. autism. 3. so much negative rizz it loops around into irresistibility. 4. so many bad events. 5. a coping mechanism that’s cute and silly provided you don’t think about it too hard
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requiemforthewolves ¡ 1 day
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for some reason middle aged comic fans coming on the internet to defend their decision as to why they thought a twelve year old should have died or lived is so funny 😭😭😭
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requiemforthewolves ¡ 1 day
how do people come up with titles?
why can't we just number fics like classical composers did with their stuff?
"tentacle porn No. 8 in [fandom], [pairing], op. 57"
that would solve so many problems
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requiemforthewolves ¡ 2 days
The remake reboot prequel sequel industrial complex is killing me but the good thing is I don't have to watch any of that. I can just think "that sounds boring or otherwise doesn't interest me in any way" and do something other than watch it
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requiemforthewolves ¡ 2 days
Do you know this queer character?
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Castiel is Queer and Agender or Genderfluid, and uses varying pronouns based on presentation!
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requiemforthewolves ¡ 5 days
you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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requiemforthewolves ¡ 7 days
if you're cringing at the genre conventions of the genre you are writing in then why the hell are you writing in it. either have something substantial to say about those conventions or shut the hell up! i will not cringe alongside you at superhero powers and spaceship battles and big eldritch worms and bone magic. i came to this story to SEE that shit and I don't appreciate it when an author tries to pretend they're above the very things they're selling themselves on
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requiemforthewolves ¡ 7 days
Excerpt from a mythology textbook circa 3100 AD:
Justin Timberlake is an ancient fertility god thought to have originated somewhere between the late 1800s and early 1900s. Thematically it appears that ancient Timberlaken cult practices were representative of transitional periods, often heralding the coming of expected growth and change. For instance, there is evidence that adolescents (particularly girls) would invoke him for protection and guidance. Followers would brand his image on walls & personal items to invoke his power.
Further evidence suggests the Timberlaken festival occured in late Spring when he would herald the changing of the months, reinforcing the notion of him as a protector and guide through transitions. His festival was celebrated with songs & a feast of fried noodles.
There is much scholarly debate on his connection to the ancient war goddess Britney of the Spear.
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requiemforthewolves ¡ 7 days
Remember when Ursula K. Le Guin called JK Rowling a nasty basic bitch back in like, 2004? We should have listened
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requiemforthewolves ¡ 7 days
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requiemforthewolves ¡ 7 days
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requiemforthewolves ¡ 8 days
First you procrastinate on the task because it is not a big enough deal to get done urgently. Then you procrastinate on the task because it has become such a big deal that doing it is overwhelming. You would think that this implies a middle point where it is just big enough of a deal to get done easily, however the inherent perversity of the universe's causal geometry prevents this
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requiemforthewolves ¡ 8 days
idk who needs to hear this but,,,every piece of fandom content you make should be self indulgent. you should be creating because it gives you happiness and nothing less. you aren't a machine meant to only give to other people. the enjoyment should always come before the validation.
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requiemforthewolves ¡ 8 days
so when straight people ask me why I say I’m “queer” or “gay” instead of sharing my actual identity as a panromantic demisexual non-binary sapphic queer I just tell them “ok look, when you’re talking to someone who isn’t local and they ask you where you’re from and you either say the name of the largest city nearby or ‘town name, suburb of large nearby city’ so they can get some geographical context of where you’re located right, bc they’re probably not going to know the name of the little town you actually live in.”
but if you’re talking to a local you can say the name of your actual town bc they have a greater chance of knowing where/what that is.
ok well when I’m talking to a straight person I start with queer bc chances are they aren’t as familiar with the context of all the little towns in that big queer city and need gps (gay positioning system) to find me.
if I’m talking to another queer person and I say I live in a suburb of gay city in a town called panromantic on the demisexual side of the tracks which is in the county of queer and I live off the intersection of non-binary and sapphic, they’d probably be able to find me with little to no problems, make sense?
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requiemforthewolves ¡ 8 days
I love me a pseudo-historical arranged marriage au but it always nudges my suspension of disbelief when the author has to dance around the implicit expectation that an arranged marriage should lead to children, which a cis gay couple can't provide.
I know for a lot of people that's irrelevant to what they want from an Arranged Marriage plot, but personally I like playing in the weird and uncomfortable implications.
So, I've been thinking about how you would justify an obviously barren marriage in That Kind of fantasy world, and I thought it'd be interesting if gay marriage in Ye Old Fantasy Land was a form of soft disinheritance/abdication.
Like, "Oh, God, I don't want to be in this position of power please just find me a boy to marry", or, "I know you should inherit after you father passes but as your stepmother/legal guardian I think it'd make more sense if my kids got everything, so maybe consider lesbianism?", or "Look, we both know neither of our families has enough money to support that many grandkids, so let's just pair some spares and save both our treasuries the trouble".
Obviously this brings in some very different dynamics that I know not everyone would be pinged by, but I just think it'd be neat.
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