Day 5 ~ ang wakas
the most formal one
Data Privacy 101: Navigating the Digital Landscape
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Welcome to the world of data privacy, an important component of our digital life that is frequently overlooked until a breach occurs. In this comprehensive guide, we'll look at the complexities of data collecting and processing, with an emphasis on several sorts of data such as students' personal and academic information, Facebook data, EXIF data from images, and the ubiquitous third-party data. We'll also look at the mechanisms behind Facebook Pixel and offer specific ideas for limiting the reach of Facebook's collection of information methods.
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Data collecting is common in our technologically advanced culture. Every online interaction, including searches and clicks, adds to a huge information repository. Afterwards, a variety of organizations handle, examine, and frequently profit from this data. For students, this could imply that educational institutions and possibly outside vendors are collecting their personal and academic data for a variety of reasons, such as customized advertising or improving their academic performance.
Facebook Data and EXIF Data
Facebook, a titan in the social media industry, collects a staggering amount of data from its users. This includes everything from basic profile information to the more nuanced data points like user preferences, interactions, and even location data embedded in photos through EXIF metadata. EXIF data, which stands for Exchangeable Image File Format, can reveal where and when a photo was taken, which can be a goldmine for advertisers and a concern for privacy advocates.
Data Privacy 101
Understanding data privacy is essential. It involves recognizing the value of your data and the potential consequences of its misuse. Data privacy laws, such as GDPR in Europe and CCPA in California, aim to protect users' personal information and provide a framework for better data handling practices.
Facebook Pixel and Third-Party Data
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Facebook Pixel is an analytics tool that allows website owners to measure the effectiveness of their advertising by understanding the actions people take on their websites. However, it also means that Facebook can track users across different websites, contributing to their already extensive data profile.
Third-party data is information collected by an entity that doesn't have a direct relationship with the user. This data is often sold or shared among businesses to enhance advertising strategies, often without the user's explicit consent.
Limiting Facebook Data Collection
To limit Facebook's data collection, consider these steps:
- Adjust your Facebook privacy settings to limit who can see your posts and how your data is used for advertising purposes.
- Regularly review the apps connected to your Facebook account and remove those that are unnecessary or no longer used.
- Disable location services for Facebook and other social media apps unless absolutely necessary.
- Be cautious about the photos you share online and strip out EXIF data if privacy is a concern.
- Use ad blockers and privacy-focused browsers to limit tracking across websites.
- Educate yourself on the privacy policies of the services you use and advocate for stronger data protection measures.
Data privacy is a complex and ever-evolving issue. By staying informed and proactive, you can navigate the digital landscape more safely and with greater control over your personal information. Remember, in the age of information, knowledge truly is power. Stay safe and stay sharp!
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Day 4 ~ imagine what would life be if I'm good at this Blog thingy
I mean I'm decently good but not that professional
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Well Hello, I'm kind of a rushing because I'm in a hectic spot but rest assure the content will still be as it was before or even better of course anything for my 1 follower.
So, as you can see in the image what do you think these two has in common? Yes you're right, I can tell by the way your eyes move. These two has a history of having their systems compromised, as for the culprit we do not know, I mean it was unrevealed for security purposes. I mean Jollibee has millions of revenues and stocks with thousands of outlets worldwide—who wouldn't want to compromise such money—I wouldn't. But, oh boy, PNP the stronghold of Philippines, the organization that holds the mightiest name. Why in the world would you have the worst security of all other unit. I mean attackers do always find a way to do their things that is understandable but as a national unit they could have done better. I mean I'm not complaining because I'm also just a normal citizen but still.
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Next would be, the phrase "Facebook give us social status and we give them data" ~ from a certain adviser. I mean it's real if we think about it, it's a win-win situation for most people because it's a way for them to have a connection all around the world and it's the most efficient way to advertise/market your product. However, (if you haven't read blog 3 then you definitely should—it's really interesting) there's this thing where we should limit the data that we share to them because the less they know the better. So, you're questioning me as for why the need for it? I mean because my adviser said so—he's really scary so there's no need to question it, it's meaningless. No, I'm just kidding it's because if you control your data then at least you control how it will be used. The amount of data you pull back will be solely dependent on how much you trust Facebook over your data. The massive social network claims to utilize your data to protect you and provide relevant adverts; for example, if someone logs into your account from a country you don't typically visit, Facebook may flag the activity as suspicious. But when it comes to protecting your data, this is not an entity that you can trust. Facebook has shared your information with third parties in an inconsiderate manner, regardless of how it has utilized your information.
The fact that Facebook also owns Instagram and WhatsApp and has the ability to combine some of the data it collects through both apps further complicates matters. The best option to reduce Facebook's tracking is to permanently uninstall all three apps. If you find that too drastic, you should simply go to the countryside; after a few months, you'll be able to live a truly freedom-filled existence. Just kidding, there are actually some ways or you should just be aware of how Facebook handles your data so you will know how to control it.
You could also follow this link. It shows some tips on how to do it. https://www.wired.com/story/ways-facebook-tracks-you-limit-it/
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Day ~ 3 extra exhausted, I mean my soul is
but worth it in a good way
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I noticed this sign near Davao International Airport when I was traveling back and forth to my sweet home alabama and for some reason it's kinda weird for a sign to be put in there without any context, just this ominous text that says "Dabawenyos are not for sale" but it's visible though for all people who past that area. So, at first I did not pay any attention to it because maybe it was just a props of a certain event so I was not curious but when this certain adviser, I mean my adviser mentioned this phrase or I read it somewhere in his presentation that " Do not collect if you cannot protect". Then I began searching for the meaning behind it because maybe it was somehow connected and upon searching for it there aren't really much on the internet so was still confused but I did read some random rumors here and there. Then I got the gist of what that sign really means and it was something like a sensationalizing campaign something for the UNITEAM and that was it nothing much, but I guess other people also didn't mind it at all because it didn't catch their interest unlike me. However, moving on, let's go back to my life I mean what this blog was all about, the first paragraph was just there to confused you so pay no mind to it. So, next would be the pandemic shenanigans such as the QR code and other data obtaining/requiring method for our "safety", I mean it's real, it really is for the safety of the masses but the thing there is when they collect personal information—I guess it's a normal thingy because the government is the one collecting/ requiring these information's but other than that, what will they do with it? I don't really think it's for documentation purposes only but I could be wrong of course I'm just a normal person with just a little bit of knowledge on everything. So, I heard something really interesting from my adviser (the most handsome one) that these information are something like controlling the unnecessary movements of the masses within Davao City—in simple terms it's for them to have information on you yourself an owner of the majestic and indomitable Davao QR code. Then, I thought to myself that what if I also create a system that acquires information to all people around the world and control them because Information is power theresay—no I'm just kidding. It just came to mind that those people I mean we, if the government would sell our information then I guess we would also be stripped out in our own country and that's something that's not the reason why our natl. heroes chose to sacrifice their own lives for our own good.
ps. life updates would be highlighted on the next one—Adios!
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Day 2 of Class and I feel like giving up *raising a white flag*
However, it's not because of how strict my majestic adviser is, but because of my counterparts, that makes me question what is the point of still living. Because if the point of living is to have fun and to live the most out of it, then I guess I've already had enough fun of what this life can offer. Too much of an introduction, right? But it's okay; there's more of where that came from. Moving on, that day (technically our first proper class), our adviser talked about the importance of data security, which I think really raises a lot of issues because of how people tend to act in a totally transparent way in the real world and even in the cyber world. Just as my adviser informed us about stripping us naked if someone is aware of our personal information. Of course, it does not concern only ourselves, but also those people we are acquainted with. "So, as for those who are aware of the proper ways of ensuring our 'Data Privacy,' we should always spread awareness." He added. This statement of his is truly remarkable and genuinely dignified because it shows that our adviser has a deep understanding of the current situation and the presence of malicious individuals in the cyber world. You are confused, right, with the second paragraph; yes, so am I, but anyways. I decided to do my best, so I might as well just have fun. I will make sure to witness this thing called life till the end. Then, decide whether living truly is fun. Well then. Adios. More of the topic will be discussed thoroughly in the next post, and a little bit of an update on my life. *Determined to do my best, as always.*
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I forgot to Intoduce myself *dumdum
Fav phrases are: "not to complicate things as much as possible." and "live your life as you want to."
I am Janusz F. Savillaga, a 21-year-old BSIT-IS student at the University of Southeastern Philippines.
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This is a blog medium, I guess
Letting everyone know that I am actually going to try a little bit harder. I mean, I did what I could in these last school years, and yes I admit that it was a bit challenging In the sense that you could tell from my face that I aged more than I did not expect.
My first expression towards this certain adviser is that I/we will be spending most of my/our time on earth. Well, it was not horrible, I guess, given a lot of these rumors on this specific college that are circling around on his advisory. The first time I entered his class, I got the gist of his overwhelming presence, that it was pushing me back to my lovely cave, and just laid back around there or somewhere safe. But because of my decision to try my shot and become the very best academic achiever. I did my best not to avoid his frightening gaze I did not hold back because I knew for sure that if I did, then all my efforts would be wasted.
Outside appearance, Sir was a bit playful (yes, subjectively speaking) because saying cheerful would be quite far-fetched. The rules about being late were kinda nice. I mean, I got to witness my classmate's talent for free. It was the best laugh I had so far, indeed. Entertainment at its finest. Now, back to the main agenda, discussion-wise, it is quite exciting and intriguing at some point because of the fact that we/I are in the presence of this particular adviser that we will get to know, and not just based on these baseless rumors (for now) but the true nature of what lies ahead.
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