rileyjackscn-a · 4 years
Sitting there, he watched the other work. Eyes attempting to follow those movements—bouncing between their fingers and the computer screen. To say that Ian wasn’t apprehensive about this would have been a falsehood. In fact, the idea of putting his work online seemed like a dauntingly real task. Something that would give him the exposure his graphic novel never had, a positive, yet it still made the idea of his art all the more real. Such a notion brought a responsibility to the pass time. And in that moment he wasn’t sure if that was something that he wanted or needed.
And yet, the boy was excited too. For it brought the ground beneath his feet and brought him closure to being the person he wanted too. To the dream that had been taken away. Art was both his mistress and his child. Something that drove the majority of his life in a way that made it solely his own. Painting—sketch work—it was there for him through the good and the bad. It gave him the will to leave his bed in the morning and an outlet to let everything go. He felt the need to allow his work to roam free within the world. The idea of a website seemed the best way to do so. Little risk. Something he could do from the comfort of home.
What could go wrong?
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“So how does it work?” he asked then, breaking his silence. Voice a little horse from misuse. When was the last time he had spoken he wondered. Not that day at least.
Hands dash with purpose across their keyboard as their eyes flash from one screen to the next. Riley’s feet drum steadily to the loud rhythmic music bumping through one earbud as the other hangs down towards the floor. While they are a people person and the epitome of an extrovert without a doubt, it is the puzzle that they face each time they flip open their laptop that fuels them the most.
Riley really didn’t mind that the younger man didn’t seem to talk much, if at all, when he was around them most of the time. Their days spent both within the hacking community and in various social groups during their time in Atlanta had introduced them to many types of individuals. Company was all the same to them, whether talkative or quiet, as long as they still were able to garner at least one connection.
When he finally does speak, their hands raise from the keyboard with a relaxed smile on their face. Attention is now fully on him, excitement brimming quietly under their surface over being able to explain their work to him, “Well — this is your first website right? It’s got a special tab for specifically your art,” their hand moves back to the touch pad to show him. “—even a spot where you can have preview of your graphic novel.” Another tab is clicked. “There’s an about you page and contact information of course, but —” This was the part that they needed to make sure they could collaborate on. A signature was essential, whether in coding and webpage designing or artwork. “—I tried to design the general theme and aesthetics of both the dynamics of the page and the design to fit the work you showed me, but that doesn’t mean I got it right. This is all yours right? It’s like your own mini portfolio, so you want to make sure the first thing people say when they click on it is ‘you’. They shouldn’t have to wait to get to the art or preview of your piece tab. You can be as critical as you want. Just let me know what you like, what you want me to switch... you know... feedback.”
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rileyjackscn-a · 4 years
☽ & 🍆 - emilia, rob, layla
☽: What is their alignment?
They are a chaotic good. Riley definetely believes in doing the right thing and is kind and loving to those that are as well or at least mind their own business, but they don’t care much about any laws or rules that are set in place. Like many chaotic goods, they follow their own moral code and are very free spirited. 
🍆 - have sex for the rest of the life with, friends with benefits, one night stand
More sex talk huh? Well alright, I’m game! So I would have a ONS with Miss Belle of the Ball, but ONS stands for One Night Stand-in-for-her-prince-charming-because-he’s-working-or-something-and-she-deserves-a-king. Easy. As for the other two, I’d be friends with benefits with Rob, benefits being good sex and me being the big spoon for once, and I’d have sex for the rest of my life with Layla because I’d be having sex for the rest of my life with one of my favorite people that just so happens to brings Ina Garten to her knees with her baking skills and looks like some mythological goddess. Score!
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@emclias, @robmurdoch, @layla-broderick
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rileyjackscn-a · 4 years
⚔: Would your muse kill if they had to in order to protect a loved one?
Yes. While the level of comfort with actually going through with the act would depend upon if the person was physically threatening to hurt or kill their loved one, they would likely still go through with it.
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rileyjackscn-a · 4 years
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rileyjackscn-a · 4 years
“Right right, I forgot I was talking to a skater.” She paused to take a moment to process that their arms were currently across her shoulders. She was way too sober for this. “Well if it’s alright with you, I’ll still try to avoid causing your toes some nerve damage in these heels. If you don’t already have nerve damage there,” she tried to crack in order to tame her nerves. But she was beyond the point of help as she was extremely aware of the proximity of their bodies in this moment. She didn’t realize how her nerves-influenced remark could have been taken until Riley – hopefully not seriously – questioned it. “Ah – no, that’s not… I didn’t mean right now.” She shook her head. “L-Leon’s cool. This song’s great.” Maybe not talking would would her more good. She kept her eyes on the other couples, heart pounding as she failed to ignore the light touch of their fingers along the back of her neck. Then she momentarily forgot how to breathe as they rested their head against her chest. She prayed to whatever higher power was out there that they wouldn’t be able to hear the way her heart was eagerly tried to find its way up her throat. Be cool, be cool, be cool, she thought to herself repeatedly. She was not cool right now. She was the furthest thing from cool.
Riley breaking the silence was appreciated, and Layla found the courage to finally look at them in the eye as they spoke. Again, she was very aware of their closeness and her chest only continued to pound at their compliment, but what Riley said next knocked that out of focus temporarily. She lifted an eyebrow. While what they were saying was ridiculous, she would pick ridiculous over letting her nerves drown her right now. “What… oh my God,” she rolled her eyes as she cracked a smile. She bit down on her lip to suppress a laugh, as Riley giggled into her chest. She wasn’t even sure what to say to that, but then any reply she had try to conjure up in her mind faded as her focus shifted. The two of them here, right now, just dancing and laughing… it was nice, she thought. She was dancing and laughing with Riley. Teenage her would’ve never believed it. Her urge to laugh finally died down and she was left with a content smile. She really did love weddings.
Her eyes went back to Riley as they spoke again. Her smile softened at the compliment. There was a shift, at least on her end. She didn’t take it as one of Riley’s usual compliments that made her want to sink behind the coffee bar. “So do you,” she returned the compliment, shockingly not stammering this time in response. She was surprised at Riley’s question. Did that mean something? Did she just want it to mean something? Does it matter? she asked herself. Say yes anyway, idiot! Before she had the opportunity to answer, Riley was cut off by the unexpected appearance of Juli and Lip. If this were a movie, Layla imagined this is where the sound editor would put a record scratch. 
“H-heyyyyyyy,” she drew out the greeting, taking the extra second to process that Lip was also present. Not exactly the face she wanted to see immediately followed the elation she had been experiencing only a few seconds prior. Her eyes were only on him for half a second before they went to Juli. Reluctantly, she let go of Riley’s waist and let her hands drop to her sides. “What’s up…” Her eyes narrowed slightly at Juli, silently telling her that she had better not say a word about this later. 
@julianewin​ @philwolff​
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Even with Juli at the brink of being wasted, she realized that they had interrupted the two at a bad time. Seeing as the other two suddenly retracted themselves from one another, Juli tried her best not to laugh as she witnessed the two playing coy about their flirtationship. “Layla,” Juli greeted before quickly addressing Riley with a smirk. “Riley, you look amazing in red.” She complimented, trying her best to avoid Layla’s glares. While Riley and Juli had barely spoken a few words, Juli always felt comfortable around them. Out of their group of friends, she would even say that Riley had always been the most approachable… and there were times in the past that she wondered if it was a perk of being Layla’s best friend.
Glancing over at Layla, Juli knew she was signaling her to not say anything… but she couldn’t help it. She was so happy for the other woman to finally be making her move. And what kind of best friend would she be if she didn’t say anything about it? As a mental note, Juli decided that she had to bring this up to Layla later, especially after their conversation about who was going to fall in love first. When she absolutely couldn’t hold it in, she turns to face Layla more slyly. “I’m going to the store later, do you need me to buy you anything? A few notebooks?” She whispered and recoiled behind Lip a second after before Layla could have a chance to retaliate.
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                          Following behind Juli after she spotted Layla and Riley, Lip gets momentarily distracted when he spots Warren in the distance, surrounded by— Brows knitted, he tilted his head. Arya and Sutton? —And Carolyn? Mind busy with whatever could be going on, Lip comes to a halt when he hears Riley greet them, nearly bumping into Juli. “Hey Riles,” he responds without really thinking, his eyes briefly fixed on his shoes before pandering up to greet them. His brow raises, a smirk growing on his face as he scans Riley from head to toe. “—Oh shit, now that is how you wear a suit!” Lip laughs, stepping forward a bit to hug them. “You look amazing!” He couldn’t believe his eyes, the very sight of them nearly having him yank his phone out to take pictures like some sort of pageant mom. After parting from Riley, Lip steps back, turning to note Layla’s get up too. “You look great too, Layla,” he smiles, in an attempt to forget the way she reacted to seeing him. Lip had a feeling she didn’t like him— the idea forming since he upset her back at The Hideout. He still wasn’t sure if it was something he said, or if it was… him in general. Either way, it bothered him— and it wasn’t like she was being subtle about it either. After Juli speaks, Lip returns note the state of Riley and Layla, slowly coming to the realization that they might’ve interrupted something here… @rileyjackscn​
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An overexerted roll of their eyes was given in response to Lip’s compliment, but it was clear it was all for show and dramatics with their large, toothy grin giving them away. “Oh please... don’t act so surprised. You know I Iive for showing all of the locals up,” they reply with a wave of their hand. Although they knew they looked good, Riley couldn’t help but revel in their friend’s compliment, giving him a small twirl. “Okay, but....” their eyes look him up and down, finger waving over him, “...look at you. And those suede shoes! Whew! Give the locals a heads up before you come in here looking all swoon worthy.” The hug that followed was also more than welcome, allowing their body to lean into him and give an extra tight squeeze. 
Before pulling away, Riley gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Now with their attention back on their small group, Riley’s eyebrows raise at Juli’s comment. A notebook? The registration hits and their eyes light up, “Wait—” attention turns back to Layla as they gently nudge her, “—Are you screenwriting? Why didn’t you tell me?” After the podcast and hearing her talk about her passion, Riley was ecstatic to hear that she might be actively pursuing it. Their eyes linger a bit longer on her, smile warm and encouraging, before turning back to Juli and Lip, “So uh.... were you both gonna join us and do a little dance? Juli, don’t tell me... you’re a tango gal aren’t you?”  // @layla-broderick​
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rileyjackscn-a · 4 years
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Pose (TV Series 2018– )
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rileyjackscn-a · 4 years
* CLOSED STARTER ! // @layla-broderick​
Where: Layla Broderick’s Apartment When: 6:00 pm, Thursday, September 10
Riley wasn’t all too sure how they had managed to get themself into the current mess that they were finding themself in. One moment, everything had been good and normal. Layla was just a friend, a beautiful friend they liked to flirt with but a friend no less, and Lip didn’t seem to have any issues with her. Now with one podcast recording that had become so intimate they hadn’t stopped receiving questions on their social media about her and another night at a wedding with a near kiss, Riley wasn’t sure what to do with all of the newfound speculations that had been thrown at them. Furthermore, they didn’t know what to do with the fact that they couldn’t stop thinking about how nice it felt to be pressed so close next to her that they could feel the fluttering of her heart when she laughed. And so... like many things that they didn’t understand which involved emotional vulnerability... Riley had made the decision that tonight they were going to repress anything that even came close to seeming like anything other than platonic. Layla Broderick was their friend.
Just a friend. Just a friend. Just a friend. They repeat over in their head as they wait for their friend to answer the door. When it finally swings open and their eyes land on her, Riley takes a sharp inhale. Just a friend. Eyes lingering for far too long on her, their hands fling out in an abrupt wave as an attempt to over correct. “Hey! You look beautiful!” Shit. “Um... so... what’re we baking today chef? Baker? Cake Boss?”
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rileyjackscn-a · 4 years
She’d taken up running again—or rather walking. Frame needing to rid itself off all that pent up energy, that emotion. Everything that seemed to linger since the wedding had made it hard to breath. It built up painfully within her chest, tightening her lungs—it filled her head with fear, so much so that she wasn’t sleeping. Not truly. Carolyn didn’t know what to think or how to feel. The urge to run, to pull Avery from school and climb back into their car was immense, and yet still she couldn’t bring herself to leave Mystic. That town so much more than a home then. For both of them. For despite everything she still felt safe—at least that hadn’t been taken. 
Turning the corner, her eyes remained trailed to the ground. Feet keeping up a brisk pace, yet it wasn’t truly a run. Her cheeks were pink less from the effort and more from the distance she had travelled. She had been going for a long time. Unsure where she was, or even how she’d gotten there, Carolyn was startled by the sudden but familiar voice.
She laughed at herself then, stopping, as her hands would come to rest upon her hips. As she took in a large gulp of air—that sweetness something her lungs had seemed to crave. “Hey stranger,” she happily greeted the other then, not wanting to lie and so she’d use the remainder of the other’s words to skip answering that question. “More like a an overheated pig,” she teased herself, and the sweat that sat upon her brow. “Oh don’t worry about it, everyone was busy,” the words came easily then. They were warm, hiding any trace of what she truly felt. “Avery is good—she’ll be happy to hear you think she’s my mini me, I swear that little girl would be over the moon if I allowed her to die her hair red. How are you?”
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Riley noted the exclusion of Jesse from the conversation, unsure if it was an intentional exclusion, or, because they knew not everyone was as forward as they were, she was just being polite and private. They decided, although they would be sure to make it discreet, their favorite bartender would be making a little entrance back into this conversation. “An overheated pig? You’re kidding me right? I mean I love pigs, don’t get me wrong.... they’re cute as can be, but you are no pig. Your pretty eyes and cheekbones? Uh uh..... You’re model material, and not the state fair kind.”
At the description of her daughter, Riley’s eyes softened. For so many years they had been spiteful towards anyone with a good, healthy parent-child relationship out of jealousy, but now, with their teenage years and many therapy sessions behind them, they were left feeling warm and bubbly. “Aww... you shouldn’t have told me that. Now I’m going to start bugging you to let her do it too, even if it’s just for halloween. Oh!” Their eyes lit up, “That reminds me! I was thinking.... I’ve got a ton of old skating gear from back when I was a little tike that I’d definetely not have any use for. I have no idea if she has any interest in using it either for skating or a halloween costume, but if you like I can drop it off?”
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rileyjackscn-a · 4 years
Sighing with relief, Juli was finally able to clock out. With all the fun she had in yesterday’s festivities, she had completely forgotten she was covering for a co-worker’s early shift. The morning was, unluckily, filled with screaming kids that worsened Juli’s hangover. But she pulled through it with a fake smile and a few snickers bars.
Gathering her belongings, she headed to the main lobby on her way out. “Riley?” She asked when she recognized them by the entrance. “Yeah, I wish I never had to get up. Did you sleep well?” Juli half-joked, wanting to bring up Layla, but not being sure if it was proper. “Are you looking for Lip?” She asked before continuing, “He might be working some overtime today. Something I can help you with?” Juli probed.
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Riley wasn’t all too sure how much had been shared between Lip and Juli, nor did they know how much Layla had informed Juli of all that had occurred, or rather almost occurred, between them the previous night. Riley was trying their best to play nonchalant, giving her a small lazy smile, “Uh... yeah I don’t know. Can you ever really get a good’s night sleep after a night out?” They shuffled a bit, wanting too leave but knowing it would be all too obvious that something was off if they just left and at least didn’t try to give into their normal banter with her, “I am. Just was going to see if he wanted to get some dinner and catch up on last night. You looked pretty cozy next to my dashing guy... I was gonna ask him  if maybe you’d finally made a move or not.” 
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rileyjackscn-a · 4 years
‘Ew’ my ass, Nick thinks when Riley starts to give a disturbingly more detailed account of the scenario— a lot more than Nick would’ve bargained for, but he started it and it’s not like there’s much else to busy himself with at the moment. Riley’s colorful imagination would just make the next couple of minutes a lot easier to bear.
“Hey, now, what makes you think Jack’s more vanilla?” He eyes the man in question, sitting next to his beautiful bride with a toothy grin as one of the guests recounts some boring anecdote about when they knew the couple in high school. “It’s usually the quiet ones that are secretly more adventurous in bed. But then again…” He leans forward and props his chin up on his hand thoughtfully. “Rose does have that crazed look in her eyes sometimes…“
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They were shocked when their comment was giving a disgusted comment of disproval, but they were certainly all too please when it seemed like he was going along with it. Riley knew that they could take it a step too far at times, but then again wasn’t life more exciting when you lived on the edge? Even if that included the edge of morally questionable conversation topics? “You’re kidding right? He, while I’m sure is a stand up guy, is one hundred percent the type of guy to love the Dave Matthews Band. Besides... I’m not the one that brought up how frisky they get, that was all you, bud. I’m just saying I think Mr. Jack over there loves to get into the mood while listening to Crash Into Me and the entirety of the Divide album,” they add with a playful lift of one of their eyebrows. “What’s got you thinking about old people sex though? Is this just a fetish I don’t know about, or is no one here ticklin’ your fancy?”
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rileyjackscn-a · 4 years
              Riley’s laughter was definitely contagious because yes, they were right. Flattering Nora took little to no effort, but that didn’t mean they had to put her on blast about it. Not that she was surprised; lighthearted teasing was apart of their relationship, at this point. And it was, in fact, the lightness of all things between Nora and Riley that made talking to them so easy, and had allowed their friendship to blossom so rapidly. Though, the compliment they paid Nora soon had her uncharacteristically blushing a shade of soft pink, heat flushing in her features. 
                                          They were both laughing again, by the time Nora responded to Riley’s lattermost remarks. “Well, I’m not sure if he’s into anything besides drawing, but I’ll see if he’s interested. I don’t know if I’m raising Mystic’s next big football star or even a kid who is generally interested in doing anything physically active… But I’ll keep you posted.” 
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Riley gave a brief shrug before handing over the small skateboard toys. “Hey listen... if there’s one thing I know about your kid, it’s that he’ll be a star in whatever he ends up liking. He’s a Broderick after-all, and ...” this was the most point that they wanted to get across, “... he’s got you as a mom. That’s the biggest blessing that kid could hope for, so even if I would love — and I mean really love — to see a Broderick skater, he’s probably already nothing shy of incredible with someone like you to look up to.” Compliments were nothing new to them, but when it came to families, Riley couldn’t help by admire ( and be slightly jealous ) of those with good parents. They hadn’t seen much of Nora, or her parenting outside of social media and hometown gossip, but unless she had done a complete one-eighty, they could only imagine how wonderful she was to her son.
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rileyjackscn-a · 4 years
              His brow arches at Riley’s defense, lips curing upward gradually. Lip hadn’t really thought of himself in that way —at least, not in as many words, as his friend had put it. He knew he wasn’t awful looking, but it occurred to him then… just how wrapped up he was… living in Warren’s shadow. Lip always thought of himself as less than.. what he lacked in comparison to his brother. It was strange, just how happy he felt hearing someone boost his ego for once. He laughed, shaking his head as he felt his ears grow red. “You’re just saying shit that’ll make me blush just so I can buy you food whenever you want —not to mention, visit the animals at Pennys.” He knew Riley had no underlying intentions, but was it evil to wanna hear something this good for a second time in a row? 
Taking a glance at their phone, Lip bends over slightly, his ear close to their phone as he listens. He feels his shoulders relax, settling into comfort as he occasionally peaks at the video. Grinning, Lip wonders just how free a person has to be in order to dance like that— and at the same time, wondering if he’d ever be this… well, free. “It’s nice,” he turns, mid way through the song. “A little too chill for my taste, but it’s not bad,” he teases, feigning a nonchalant attitude. “—No, but really… it’s good. It must be fun knowing you get to hear all the good stuff before everyone else does.”
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If Riley’s eyebrows could have furrowed any closer, they would have been overlapping. It’s maddening for them to see the person that they care for the most in this world be so infuriatingly hard on himself. “Phillip Wolff, let me give this to you as clearly and simply as possible: you’re a hot piece of sweet and sexy man. I would completely believe it if you were made from one of those Perfect Guy Generator things rather than being born like a normal person,” they eye him with a scowl that they hope tells him they’re being completely serious.
When he gives his initial thoughts on the song, their heart sank ever so slightly. Music for them was the easiest way to express themself and feel heard. Their eyes flash with annoyance when they realize he’s only pulling their leg, and they give him a gently punch on the arm. “Alright, funny guy, I’m glad you like it because I was about to go destroy a freshly burned CD I had made for you that had the song on there,” Riley replied. They weren’t even sure if half the friends they still mixed CDs for still had players, but they didn’t care. It was all too fun to stop now. “Yeah... I guess that is a positive isn’t it? Not really the work I was hoping to do, but you can’t always get what you want can you? One of these days, though you’ll get to have early access to the newly produced track by Riley L. Jackson.”  // @philwolff​
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rileyjackscn-a · 4 years
I wasn’t so much just the fact that there wasn’t anyone lining up to date her. Sure, yeah, she was crying about that but it was a dominoes of overwhelming drunk feelings. The ceremony being so beautiful, Jack and Rose getting their second chance at finding true love, how everyone here was so happy and blissful, and then yeah, the fact that she didn’t have a date and watched all these nice people mingle and flirt. “I mean, not some dude. Just the collective whole of them I guess.” She slumped down, not feelings kind fo stupid for crying about it. She sniffs again, wiping her nose. Emilia didn’t want to get upset with a stranger. They were kind and encouraging words, even if they were the kind of words that get regurgitated, and after a while, don’t make you feel better at all. At the end of the day, they’re so dumb and she’s so great, and yet she’s still alone. “Thanks,” She mutters, grabbing her clutch and pulling out a tissue, gently dabbing under her eyes. “It’s very nice to meet you Riley, I’m Emilia. Sorry for crying on you.” She folds the tissue and uses it to wipe her nose, even if it’s already a bit tap from collected tears. “But this is… a very beautiful wedding.” She finds herself getting choked up again, thinking about it all.
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Riley wasn’t all too sure how to politely tell someone that all men sucked ( other than Phillip Wolff of course ). They did, however, have a rather extensive history of hyping up their friends. “Well... I can tell you this. It’s definetely not because of something you’re doing. I’ve known you all of what? Ten minutes maybe? And I can already tell you’ve got a great heart full of lots’o love to give. Plus... you’re wearing a yellow dress and making it look like a million bucks, which is hard to do. With all those great qualities, you don’t want to settle for slimey guy that does recognize how great you are. He’ll come eventually... I’m sure of it,” they pause, eyes catching Jack and Rose dancing in the distance, “I mean, hell, look at the couple we’re celebrating tonight, right? Love like that can’t be forced you know?” They had definetely heard that in a movie. “Emilia, there is no need to thank me. It’s a pleasure meeting you. It is a beautiful wedding. Think you’ll want yours to look something like this?”
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rileyjackscn-a · 4 years
Sometimes validation was important. Sometimes it felt like the things going through their head were all intangible. Aubrey just needed to voice it to someone to make it feel real to themself. In L.A. they had been lucky enough to be around a more diverse group of people. Staying in Mystic would not have allowed them to meet people from all over the world or as many people in the queer community. Their sexuality was something they always knew and felt confident in, despite their mother being beyond unsupportive. Aubrey didn’t need her mother or anyone who thought who they were was wrong.
They weren’t nervous for these same reasons, but also because Riley felt like a safe space. It felt more exciting. It was just a matter of when and how to bring it up. Hanging out in the common area after everyone else had headed home for the day, Aubrey plopped down next to Riley on the couch. “Sometimes I wonder why some of these guys work here if they know nothing about music.” They shook their head softly. 
Turning to their friend, Aubrey smiled. “I was wondering if I could talk to you about something.” 
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Riley’s head popped up when they felt Aubrey drop down on the couch next to them. The smile that transformed on their lips was immediate as they closed the laptop sitting on their laps. “Hey.... money’s money, but...” their voice lowered into a whisper, “...they should probably keep their mouths shut more often. If I have to hear one more guy explain how I have to separate the art from the artist, I’ll lose it.” A small shake of their head and exasperated huff and their eyes were back on their friend. Something seemed off. You didn’t ask to talk to someone about something if it wasn’t serious. Had they forgotten about a project? They could’ve sworn they had finished everything on their agenda. “Yeah, dude, you can always talk to me. Is everything alright?”
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rileyjackscn-a · 4 years
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allbarknobyte  choose ur fighter.
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rileyjackscn-a · 4 years
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rileyjackscn-a · 4 years
🌹🍷💋 / 💋🥊🗣 (Layla, Lip, Aubrey)
🌹: When would they tell a lie?
They really don’t have an issue telling lies if it helps embellish a story to make it better. Riley isn’t a pathological lier by any means. Really, they’re a fairly honest person, almost too much at times where they may be so brutally honest that they hurt others. You will, however, mostly catch them lying when it comes to personal feelings that they don’t want to share with anyone else, including themself. 
🍷: Would they manipulate someone to get what they want?
Manipulation is something that they try to avoid. Riley is a puzzle person, and they like thinking of elaborate plans for how to get the things they want, even if they’re overcomplicated. Manipulation is not one of those things they ever consider.
💋: How easily are they tempted?
Answered here.
💋 - make out, kiss, cuddle
I would make out with Layla and then put on some Norah Jones and cuddle after, give Lip a big old smooch on the lips and all over his beautiful face, and happily be Aubrey’s big spoon after a long day at work. Maybe make them some tea. They seem like an Earl Grey person.
🥊 - pinch, slap, punch
Yikes, do you all have some kink I don’t know about? I’d sock Phil of the Future in the arm — barely, of course — because I’ve definitely done that before when he’s being a dork. I’m definetely pinching Aubrey’s cheeks because they are very pinchable. Maybe we can do that while we spoon..... and I’m slapping Layla. Hope I don’t have to explain that one.
🗣 - compliment, passive aggressive comment, insult
I’m going to give a passive-aggressive comment to Lip because he won’t admit he looks like the leading man in some coming-of-age rom-com that’ll grow up and be the salt-and-peppered DILF of Hollywood’s dreams. I will be complimenting Aubrey because they are like.... the coolest person ever. Layla gets an insult because apparently that’s flirting. My other strategies weren’t working out too well.. might as well try this one.
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@layla-broderick, @philwolff, @aubrey-bram
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