rioxna · 26 days
Hii babe ! Are you really taking requests? Cause I don't wanna bother you if you're not
i am !!! ask away people 😛
i have an exam tmrw and other one in a week so i might take a hot minute BUT i'll definitely try my best to do as many requests as i can! i take requests for most of the tmr characters however minho is my main hoe
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rioxna · 28 days
Friendships Are Overrated
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fem!reader x minho
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SUMMARY: you are minho's best friend, and get injured out on a run because of a griever that came out of hiding sooner that it was supposed to. love confession happens as a result of it, because of course it does
WORD COUNT: 2.7k (i waffled for a lot of it i'm sorry)
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you had been sent up to the glade on the third month, making you the third person.. or ‘greenie’, to have ever been sent up to the glade as you and everyone else held captive within the large stone barriers of your cage had called it. on the outside of those walls was a large maze, with its very own walls that shifted and manoeuvred loudly every night without fail. no one knew how or why it happened, but it scared you all to death.
every month, a new terrified and confused kid would get sent up in a giant, mysterious metallic box, as well as new supplies for those already living in the glade every week. none of you knew where it came from or who was sending it up, but after a while you stopped questioning it. you were thankful that at least, whoever it was that had put you here, had the courtesy to give you all the basic resources you needed to survive.
each time, the poor kid whose fate led them to waking up in said box had no idea where they were, how they got there, where they came from, and what their name was. much like you had. most of the time they were guys, infact, they were always guys.
but not you.
you had been the only girl to have ever been sent up in the box. due to you being one of the first few - for a while, you prayed for a good few months that the next person to be brought up would be a girl. of course, you had grown used to having the guys around, they were great, but a fellow female friend wouldn't hurt.
however, it never happened.
after about five months, you stopped hoping. it became clear that only more and more boys would be brought up, and you remained the odd one out. you got along well enough with them all to come to terms with it, they respected you and you respected them. the gender ratio was definitely not the main concern you and the others had anyways, escaping whatever this place was meant far more to you all.
for a while, you and the boys tried time and time again to use the box as a way out - however all of your methods rendered you defeated. you tried everything you could possibly think of, such as sending people back down into the box when it was usually scheduled to disappear, however it wouldn't budge until they got out of it and quite frankly you needed the supplies it would bring up too much to wait any longer.
the last attempt you ever made at using the box as an attempt to escape ended up in the loss of one of your fellow gladers, the half of his body that was salvaged was left as a sick reminder for anyone who thought to try the same thing ever again to not even bother.
eventually, there was enough of you in the glade to start assigning jobs and roles to maintain a stable community as more and more people showed up.
alby, the first ever to have ever been sent up to the glade, was in charge of this. in charge of everything, for that matter.
he had naturally taken up the leadership role amongst you all, to which no one argued against, he was damn good at what he did and you all trusted him.
you were assigned the role of being a runner. runners were the only people who were permitted to go beyond the large stone walls of your enclosure and into the maze in hopes to find an out.
you liked your job, you liked the freedom of going beyond the walls of the glade and you liked the rush of adrenaline you got every time you stepped foot in the maze, not knowing whether or not you'd make it out by the end of the day or not.
but most of all, you liked minho.
minho was the keeper of the runners, he was the most promising runner out of you all - with his agility, strength, and photographic memory, it wasn't a hard choice for alby to put him in charge of everyone who ran the maze alongside him.
he had come up with a system for the runners, and everyday you all worked by it.
who ran what days, who ran what sections, he set up the mapping system you would use to keep track of your findings after a day out in the maze and all. he was incredible, and you admired him more than anyone.
not only was he one of the most impressive shanks in the glade, he was also your best friend.
you both were glued by the hip whenever you had the chance, and it had become an ongoing joke amongst the other gladers about it only being a matter of time before you two became official.
of course, you both tried to ignore the teasing remarks of your peers. who had time for a shuck relationship in this place? you would say, but deep down - the two of you were simply too scared of ruining the friendship you had already spent so long building to even try. you were fine with being friends as long as you always had eachother in some sense, after all.
it had been your turn to go out and run section 4 of the maze with another guy you had grown quite close with during your time as a runner, his name was hank.
you and hank were doing fine for the most part, not much was said as you both skilfully ran and took note of any change that had happened overnight. speaking would only slow you down, save your breath for running, minho would say.
you and hank were doing fine, that was until you both had an unexpected run in with a griever.
you had never felt fear before like you had upon seeing the disgustingly terrifying form of the griever, chasing after you full speed with its many mechanical appendages. you noted seeing spikes, shears, rods, the lot.
the sheer noise of the clicking and whirring behind you growing nearer and nearer as you fled for your life caused your ears to ring and your head to hurt.
as you were trying to desperately get out of the maze and away from the vile creature not too far behind, you suddenly tripped over a rock and went flying towards the ground, twisting your ankle and earning yourself a nasty scrape going up your arm.
you cried out as you hit the floor, hoping hank might've heard you take your tumble and turn back to help you. you truly thought he would've when he turned his head to look at you, his face mirroring the fear you felt.
that was until he called back a simple ‘sorry’ and continued to run ahead in order to save himself.
what a pussy.
well, you couldn't exactly blame him for being scared, you were too, but still. what a pussy.
you didn't have time to dwell on it however, as the griever behind you was getting far too close. you stood up on your feet and kept on running, ignoring the screaming coming from your foot that sent jolts of white hot pain surging through your leg each time it hit the ground.
due to your injury, you were running significantly slower, thus earning you a slash in the back from one of the grievers many metallic limbs as it grew impossibly closer, but somehow you managed to outrun it in the end and get out past the doors of the maze in time, you were back into the safe confinements of the glade.
you collapsed onto the ground, your vision grew blurry and your consciousness began to slip away. the last thing you remember was a group of gladers crowding around you and yelling out a number of things over the top of eachother.
“holy shuck! is she stung?!”
“someone go get clint and jeff!”
“what happened, (y/n)?!”
“she's bleeding out, quick!”
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you woke up with a groan, rubbing your eyes as you sat up carefully in the bed you were in. you were in the med-hut, that much was obvious.
you kicked off the blanket that had been placed over your body and noticed how your foot had been taken care of, a bandage wrapped tightly around your injured ankle.
seemingly your back and arm had been seen to as well, you felt stiff as a bandage had been wrapped equally as tight around your torso to secure the wound on your back that you had received from the griever.
you looked around to see if anyone was nearby, but you were seemingly on your own. that was until a minute later, as if on queue, jeff walked into the med-hut.
his eyebrows raised ever so slightly upon seeing you sitting up, before a smile took over his features.
“hey, (y/n). how you feeling?”
he asked, putting down whatever it was that was in his hand and making his way over to you, placing the back of his hand over your forehead in an attempt to check your temperature.
“like i've just been attacked by a griever.”
your voice was hoarse and rough, causing you to wince slightly at the sound of it.
jeff simply laughed, rolling his eyes.
“yeah, i'll bet. thankfully, you weren't stung though. dunno how, you lucky shank.”
he walked back to the door of the med-hut, turning to face you before he left.
“i'm gonna go tell minho you're awake, that moron was a mess when he heard what happened, i'll be back.”
you said nothing as he made his way out of the building and shut the door gently behind him. you felt your heart flutter slightly at the mention of minho’s name and at the fact he was so worried about you, before mentally preparing yourself for the scolding you were probably about to receive from the man.
due to you being such close friends with him, you had seen almost every side of him. to you, he was nothing more than that sarcastic, humorous and confident douchebag you had grown to love. however it would be foolish to forget just how serious he can be sometimes.
you waited patiently for minho to arrive, and when he did - you had never seen him look so worried. if anything, his expression worsened upon seeing the state you were in.
“hey, min. long time no see,” you attempted to joke, in which he simply furrowed his brows at as he moved swiftly across the room towards you.
once he got in front you, he cupped your face in his rough hands, looking over your features for any injuries on that ridiculously pretty face of yours, before pulling you into a hug.
“jesus christ, you asshole. do you know how shuckin’ worried i was about you??”
“ow, ow, ow, ow- min, my back.”
he mumbled out an apology, before gently pulling away and seating himself on the bed opposite you, his expression slightly less tense but still holding that same concern he had come in with a minute before.
“what the hell happened out there?” he demanded, his tone a weird mix between pure worry and anger.
“well.. y'know, me and hank had an unfortunate run in with a griever. during the day.” you shrugged simply, summing the story up.
“i don't understand-” he ran a hand through his trademark perfectly styled black hair.
“how the hell are you the only one who came out injured? what was hank doing?”
you pursed your lips for a second, debating whether or not to rat on hank for leaving you behind.
“i tripped over a rock when we were running away from it and hurt my foot.” you lifted up your injured foot ever so slightly as your legs hung over the side of your bed, showing him the bandaged limb.
“and hank didn't come and help you?” he asked, the anger in his expression increasing.
“well… no, not exactly, but-”
“i am going to kill that shank-”
minho stood up, getting ready to go out there and rock hank’s shit for practically leaving you, his best friend, to die at the gruesome hands or whatever they had of a griever.
you quickly grabbed a hold of his wrist, stopping him from going any further.
“minho, stop! there's no point, dude.”
“how is there not, huh? that shucking slinthead left you to die. i'm gonna see to it that he spends a month in the pit for that,” he exclaimed, yanking his hand away from your grasp as he turned around to face you again.
“minho, he was scared. we were both terrified and running for our lives, it's not his fault i tripped on a damn rock.”
his features softened a little at your words, before sitting back down on the bed opposite you, mumbling some curse under his breath.
an amused smirk tugged at your lips as you studied the boy in front of you.
“you need to chill out, min. i'm alive and for the most part well, that's all that matters.”
his eyes lifted from the ground to meet your gaze, letting out a sigh.
“i know, i know. i just- you're my best friend, (y/n), and i just can't lose you. but i came this close to it today, i dont..”
he trailed off, slumping back against the wall behind him.
“i don't know what i would've done. hank would've been really in for it then if you had died.”
your heart softened at his words, it wasn't often he was all mushy and affectionate with you but you took it in gratefully, your face flushing slightly.
you're not sure where you got the surge of confidence from, probably from the fact you almost died less than two hours ago, but you were sick and tired of dancing around your feelings for him. if what happened today wasn't a big enough sign you need to get over it and just tell him how you feel, you don't know what was.
“man, i hate that word.”
he raised a brow in confusion as he looked at you.
“what word?”
the look on his face changed from one of confusion to one of slight shock, as he tried to decipher what you meant.
“uhh, come again? did you hit your head or something when you fell?”
“no, you asshole.” you spat with a smile, shaking your head
“i'm sick of being your friend, i dunno if it's because i was this close to dying today or what but it's made me realise that i'm done pretending like i don't want to be more than just your friend.”
you explained, suddenly feeling very small under his gaze as he watched you speak with slightly parted lips, his own face growing hot at your words.
“i like you, minho. i like you a lot, actually. not to get all cheesy, but i hate how much i like you.”
for the first time since he entered the med-hut, minho smiled. the type of smile that brought out his dimples and made his eyes disappear, the type of smile you liked seeing on him the most.
“yeah?” he said simply.
he wasted no time in pushing himself forward from his position on the bed and leaning on the ground in front of you, cupping your face in his hands and closing the gap between the two of you with a kiss.
due to you both being inexperienced teenagers, it was a little awkward at first, but you both got the hang of it pretty quickly as you melted into his touch.
“hey minho, alby wants-”
clint barged into the med-hut but cut himself off as he looked at the scene in front of him, a smirk appearing on his face.
“well it's about damn time.”
“get outta here, slinthead. i'll be out in a minute.”
clint left and closed the door behind him, rolling his eyes playfully as he did so.
minho turned his attention back to you, bringing his hands down from your face to rest on both of your thighs.
“does… does this mean you're my girlfriend?” he asked, a hopeful glint in his eyes.
“i mean i'd say so, yeah.” you shrugged.
“holy shuck, you're my shucking girlfriend.”
“yeah i am, ‘n you're my boyfriend.”
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hi hiii !!! this is my first x reader fic AHHHH it was so so fun to write minho is my bae .... if u liked pls give me some requests on what else i should write !!! tmr is my main thing rn and minho is my fav but i'll try my best to write for any of the characters bc they are all my babies
note; this is proofread but like . if u do happen to see a mistake no u don't
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