rise-tv · 3 days
The Edge of Wonder TV Reveals The Taylor Swift Controversy and The Real Background
Let’s see how Taylor Swift Controversy’s popularity has been hindered by criticism and ridicule due to her frequent use of environmentally harmful private jets, despite her typically non-controversial image and loyal fan base.
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Backstory — Taylor Swift’s controversy:-
Taylor Swift’s unstoppable ascension appears to have met a stumbling block, as her frequent usage of pollution-spewing private jets sparked online anger and mockery. Swift has never been an especially contentious pop performer, and she sometimes appears to be impervious to criticism, with her dedicated army of Swifties always ready to defend her against naysayers.
However, the singer’s private jet incident generated considerable condemnation, including from her fans. Rise TV Show explores the background of this strange Taylor Swift controversy.
What Happened to Taylor Swift’s Private Jets…?
Swift’s team warned of legal action against student Jack Sweeney, who runs multiple social media accounts that track private jet use among the wealthy, including Swift, and evaluate the carbon emissions produced by the planes. Sweeney uses publicly available information from the Federal Aviation Administration and a network of volunteers to administer the accounts; he has faced criticism from Elon Musk, who called the tracking of his jets “assassination coordinates.”
Swift’s attorney sent Sweeney a cease-and-desist letter, stating that Swift would “have no choice but to pursue any legal remedies” if Sweeney continued his “stalking and harassing behavior.” The letter claims that there is “no valid stake in or public demand for this information, other than to persecute, harass, and exert dominance and control.”
Threatening to take legal action against a college student has raised eyebrows among Swift’s fans. The story was displayed on the first page of Reddit’s largest Swiftie subreddit, r/TaylorSwift (which has over 1.6 million members), and the thread was flooded with disgruntled commenters denouncing the pop singer.
One commenter referred to the letter as a “cruel move.” Another stressed the significance of critiquing Swift from within the community, stating, “I adore her.” I adore her work. I adore her songs. But these are just facts. We are fans, not members of a cult. The admins eventually locked the topic, but the criticism traveled well beyond Reddit, becoming something of a joke.
Why is Taylor Swift Out Traveling on Private Jets…?
Swift has previously been chastised for her excessive usage of private aircraft, having topped a 2022 list of celebrities sorted by their private jet emissions — an impressive performance since Swift was not even on tour that year. Swift’s spokeswoman stated at the time: “Taylor’s jet is frequently lent out to other folks. It is wrong to credit the majority or all of these travels to her.
At a time of growing environmental consciousness, particularly among Generation Z, the affluent and famous’s carbon-intensive lifestyles are fueling popular discontent. What’s the sense of focusing on recycling, paper straws, and individual carbon footprints when private jet fumes pollute the skies?
Swift is not the only ecological offender far from it but private aircraft do not appear to be a major PR issue for other high-flying celebrities. Kylie Jenner’s fondness for flying private drew similar criticism, but the conversation didn’t last long, thanks in part to the Kardashian/Jenner brand’s emphasis on excess and luxury.
Swift’s brand is more pleasant and folksy; threatening to sue a pupil could ruin that carefully nurtured image. Swift skillfully portrays herself as the girl next door from a tiny town, but in reality, she is brutally enterprising — no one does not become a billionaire by chance.
Is The Tide Truly Against Taylor Swift…?
Probably not, unless Swift’s legal team targets Sweeney again. Otherwise, the private jets issue is expected to fade as the media focus shifts to more juicy controversies. Swift has recently received unfavorable feedback from conservative influencers who have taken offense at the few occasions she has spoken out politically, most notably against Republican-led culture war topics.
Some people even proposed an entire conspiracy theory, claiming that the pop star’s success is unnatural and that the NFL is rigged to Swift’s boyfriend’s advantage. The strange conspiracy notion is specialized and unlikely to overshadow Swift’s attendance at the Super Bowl; even the private plane news will be swept away by the media hysteria.
Swift’s appearance at the big game is driving something of a branding orgy since Swift’s fans have developed an interest in the NFL; the popular narrative is that adolescent Swifties can unite with their football-watching fathers.
Fathers and daughters embracing an all-American game together is precisely the type of heartwarming narrative Swift wants to hear, even if it means flying across the world in her private plane. Join Ben and Rob from Edge of Wonder TV as they dive deeper into the facts and discuss how music has changed over the years.
Final Concluding Thoughts:-
Taylor Swift’s popularity has been hindered by criticism and ridicule due to her excessive use of private jets, despite her typically non-controversial image and loyal fan base.
Swift’s team threatened legal action against a student who tracks private jet use and carbon emissions, using publicly available information, facing criticism from Elon Musk.
The private jets issue involving Taylor Swift is likely to diminish in significance unless her legal team takes action against Sweeney once more.
The focus is expected to shift towards more controversial topics as Swift faces criticism from conservative influencers for her political statements.
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rise-tv · 3 days
Metaphysical Uncovering the Mysterious Things in the Ocean We Still Don’t Know
Let’s see how the ocean floor remains largely unexplored, with only a small percentage of it mapped in detail. Ongoing efforts aim to improve our understanding of the mysterious things in the oceans.
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The ocean’s floor:-
Before swimming this summer, remember that a lot is going on under the sea that we need to learn about. The Metaphysical show is remote viewing and investigating the weirdest and most mysterious things in the ocean that scientists haven’t solved yet.
Seventy per cent of the Earth’s surface is beneath the ocean, yet ninety-five per cent of it remains undiscovered by humans. Although it is commonly stated that we know more about the surface of Mars than we do about the ocean floor, scientists have been able to map all of the ocean floor — but the resolution is quite low, so we can only see things larger than three miles.
Ongoing research, such as Seabed 2030, intends to bring the ocean floor into sharper focus, allowing us to better view and understand what’s down there. For the time being, we may simply enjoy the world’s most breathtaking deep-sea world.
Milky Sea Phenomenon:-
For hundreds of years, mariners have described witnessing a weird “milky” glow from the sea as far as the eye can see, but experts have been unable to explain it — or even determine whether it was real. In 2006, researchers were able to acquire a satellite photograph of a milky sea, and a few years later, studies revealed that the glow was most likely caused by bioluminescent bacteria that attract fish and thrive in their bellies.
However, scientists are still unsure how or why the bacteria assemble in such large quantities that they can be observed from space. Furthermore, their glow is constant, as opposed to the more typical “dinoflagellate” species, which emit transient bursts of light.
The Strangeness of the Bermuda Triangle:-
The Bermuda Triangle is made up of three points: Miami, the island of Puerto Rico, and Bermuda — but don’t panic if you’ve already planned a trip to one of them. Despite the area’s reputation for mysterious ship and plane disappearances, there is no proof that it is more dangerous than any other global location, or that a supernatural phenomenon is at work.
However, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) admits that there may be scientific causes for the disappearances, such as the possibility of hurricanes, rapid weather changes caused by the Gulf Stream, and the Caribbean’s numerous islands, which make navigation difficult.
NOAA also acknowledges that the area may have interfered with navigational equipment, causing them to indicate true north rather than magnetic north, and that “oceanic flatulence,” a blast of methane gas from the sea, may have damaged vessels and planes.
Giant Squid:-
This massive animal could be the legendary Kraken from Pirates of the Caribbean and Jules Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Although it is improbable that the enormous squid assaulted ships, nothing is known about this fascinating creature from the depths. It wasn’t even photographed alive until 2004, and it wasn’t filmed until several years later when it was discovered on the surface.
Undersea video was not completed until 2012. Scientists know almost nothing about the lives of these deep-sea giants, including their size, which some believe can reach 66 feet. Only their cousin, the colossal squid, may be larger in weight, but not in length, and even less is known about them.
Subsea geology:-
We may not know much about ocean geography, but what we have seen is just as beautiful as what we see on land — and may even be shockingly similar. “Brine pools,” where the salt water concentration is higher than the surrounding ocean, form lake-like surfaces and shorelines. The world’s tallest waterfall is underwater in the Denmark Strait, where cold water cascades over a massive drop in the ocean floor, plummeting 11,500 feet (the largest land waterfall is just 3,212 feet).
Underwater volcanoes erupt — the greatest one ever recorded occurred recently, and scientists nearly missed it. Although experts are aware that all of these phenomena exist, their specific mechanisms are still being explored, making them one of the most intriguing scientific mysteries yet to be solved.
Blue whales:-
These mysterious marine monsters are the largest animals that have ever lived on Earth. However, due to the whaling trade, which hunted them nearly to extinction, as well as their delayed reproduction, there aren’t many of them to examine. As a result, nothing is known about these elusive organisms, such as their lifespan, sexual development, and reproductive methods. The creatures’ timidity makes them difficult to watch. In 2017, a video of never-before-seen blue whale activity off Sri Lanka sparked debate among experts about whether the rolling and racing seen on camera was a mating ritual. The researchers intend to return this summer to see what they can learn.
Mariana Trench:-
This location in the water off the Mariana Islands close to Guam is the deepest place on Earth, nearly seven miles down. In comparison, Mount Everest is only 5.5 miles tall. This little-explored section of the sea has only been seen by three people: two oceanographers in 1960 and filmmaker/ocean explorer James Cameron in 2012 on his first solo voyage. The trench is dark, only a few degrees above freezing, and under extreme pressure of eight tons per square inch.
However, marine life has survived, if not thrived, in such a harsh environment. However, more research into the ecosystem’s unique characteristics is required.
Even though it is distant, it is not immune to pollution: researchers discovered a plastic bag in a database of trench photos earlier this year. Unfortunately, pollution impacts some of the world’s most beautiful natural beauties.
Final Concluding Thoughts:-
This article briefly overviews some of the primary reasons for and against nuclear power. Reflect on each, conduct your study, and determine whether atomic energy is a feasible replacement for fossil fuels.
The article doesn’t definitively say nuclear power is the best option, but it highlights its potential as a clean energy source.
Challenges like safety concerns, waste disposal, and costs remain. Overall, it emphasizes the need for a balanced discussion on nuclear power transitioning away from fossil fuels.
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rise-tv · 4 days
Rise TV Show Uncovering The Mysteries Of The Quantum Teleportation Experiment
Explore quantum physics which is the study of atoms and subatomic particles, and quantum mechanics which explains their behaviour at the quantum level which is crucial for understanding quantum teleportation.
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Explanation of Quantum Teleportation and Quantum Physics:-
Quantum physics refers to the study of atoms and subatomic particles. Physicists investigate the underlying behaviour of these particles, which typically diverge from what traditional physics would predict. Quantum mechanics discusses how particles behave at the quantum level and presents the ideas of superposition, entanglement, and quantum states, all of which are necessary for understanding quantum teleportation.
Our knowledge of quantum teleportation is based on the no-cloning theorem, which is basic to quantum physics. This theorem states that no quantum state can be precisely replicated in quantum mechanics. As a result, you cannot simply measure a particle's state and reanimate it at another location. Rise TV Show has made a detailed episode on quantum teleportation experiments and discussed its mysteries.
What is quantum teleportation...?
The quantum state of a particle can be transferred from one point to another without physically transferring it. This is referred to as teleportation in quantum mechanics. Teleportation is often depicted in science fiction as instantaneous object transport, however, this is not the case in reality. Entanglement is fundamental in quantum teleportation. When two or more particles get entangled, their states are indistinguishable. No matter how far away the particles are, the condition of one impacts the state of the other immediately.
Quantum is important in teleportation because it conveys quantum information while respecting quantum principles. This has practical applications in quantum computing, secure communication, and cryptography. Quantum teleportation, a key concept in quantum information science, will play an increasingly important role in the development of quantum technology as the decade progresses.
Potential Applications of Quantum Teleportation:-
Although quantum teleportation may appear far-fetched, it has been experimentally proven and has the potential to be used in a wide range of practical applications. Some potential applications of quantum teleportation include:
Quantum Internet:
Quantum teleportation could be used to create a quantum internet, allowing for ultra-secure communication and the global sharing of quantum information. This could lead to the linking of quantum computers and the formation of a network of quantum nodes for secure data transmissions and distributed quantum computation via long-distance teleportation.
Quantum Sensing & Metrology:
Quantum teleportation could help improve the precision and sensitivity of quantum sensors and metrology equipment. Teleporting quantum states of particles, such as atoms or photons, could enable quantum-enhanced measurements, potentially enhancing gravimetric, magnetometric, and timekeeping accuracy.
Quantum Communication:
The principle of quantum teleportation could be utilized to create secure communication channels between two people. Using photons as quantum carriers, it is feasible to build secure quantum key distribution (QKD), which ensures eavesdropper-proof encryption.
Quantum Teleportation as a Mode of Transport...?
Despite our knowledge of physics, we do not yet comprehend how to perform teleportation as shown in television shows such as Star Trek. However, quantum physics has witnessed some exciting advancements in recent years, implying that a different sort of teleportation may be conceivable in the future.
Teleportation would entail disassembling the physical body or object at one location, delivering its precise information or "pattern" to the destination, and then reconstructing it with that information. A person or thing would be scanned and encoded, transmitted from this massive quantity of data, and rebuilt at the destination. Unfortunately, such a process presents huge hurdles, and the technology needed is considerably above our current capabilities.
Despite the technological advances we've made, it's unclear whether teleportation will ever become a reality. In addition to the complexities of scanning, encrypting, and transferring massive volumes of data, the notion faces significant technological and theoretical challenges, as well as maintaining consciousness and identity throughout the process.
Concluding Opinions:-
Quantum physics is the study of atoms and subatomic particles, and quantum mechanics explains their behaviour at the quantum level, including concepts like superposition, entanglement, and quantum states, which are crucial for understanding quantum teleportation.
Quantum teleportation involves transferring the quantum state of a particle without physically moving it, relying on entanglement for instantaneous communication between particles.
Quantum teleportation, despite seeming like science fiction, has been demonstrated experimentally and holds promise for enhancing the accuracy and sensitivity of quantum sensors and metrology equipment.
While traditional teleportation like in Star Trek remains elusive, advancements in quantum physics suggest a potential for a different form of teleportation in the future.
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rise-tv · 5 days
Into The Storm | Babalon’s Trickster Transmission & Epic of Gilgamesh Summary
Let’s see how, in the biblical tale of Noah and the epic of Gilgamesh summary, Noah constructs the ark on his own after failing to persuade humanity of the impending calamity.
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Backstory — Babylonian narrative & Gilgamesh Epic:-
According to a new study, in the Babylonian narrative recorded in the epic of Gilgamesh summary, everyone helps build the gigantic boat, but only after being duped by a god with promises of delicious cakes pouring from the sky and other goodies, only to drown anyhow. According to Cambridge senior lecturer Dr. John Worthington, the god Ea’s promises to Uta-napishti recounted in the Assyrian Flood Tablet, use clever wordplay that can be read as promises of abundance if the people build the ark or predictions of a horrible death from flooding.
In other words, the world’s first pun was so awful that it could have destroyed humanity.
“Ea’s message appears to promise a rain of food, but its hidden meaning warns of the Flood,” Worthington said in a statement: “Once the ark is completed, Uta-napishti and his family board and live among various animals. Everybody else drowns. With this early episode, set in mythological times, the manipulation of facts and language begins. It could be the earliest example of fake news.”
Into the Storm, the most interesting rise (TV series) deeply explores Babalon’s trickster transmission story.
New Readings of the Epic of Gilgamesh:-
The study is based on a fresh reading of nine lines in the story published last week by Worthington under the title “Ea’s Duplicity in the Gilgamesh Flood Story.”
Accordingly, the “Epic of Gilgamesh summary” dates back 3,100 years and is regarded as the earliest extant piece of literature and the most ancient religious text after the Pyramid Texts. It became a worldwide sensation when Assyriologist George Smith recognized its importance in 1872. Worthington is an Assyriologist focusing on Babylonian, Assyrian, and Sumerian grammar, literature, and medicine. Worthington calls Ea “a master writer who can combine multiple concurrent meanings into one deceptive utterance.”
In one example, he says, “At dawn, there will be kukku-cakes/ in the evening he will rain down upon you a shower of wheat.” But it can alternatively be translated as “Through incantations/wind-demons, he will pour down upon you rain as thick as (grains of) wheat.” It’s just the difference between “ice cream” and “I scream,” Worthington explained.
The Impact of Worthington’s Discovery:-
Worthington’s research into the Babylonian flood myth has reignited interest in understanding ancient literature. This revelation emphasizes the complexities of literary works and the significance of taking into account cultural context and linguistic variations while translating them. Scholars now realize the possibility of hidden meanings and wordplay within these stories, encouraging a rethinking of previous interpretations.
This discovery also provides insight into the evolution of storytelling approaches. The use of wordplay in the Epic of Gilgamesh summary indicates a profound understanding of language and its ability to convey clarity and deception. This revelation adds the Babylonian story to the discussion of the evolution of literary devices, foreshadowing the employment of puns and double meanings in subsequent works of fiction.
Open Questions and Future Research:-
Worthington’s work opens up avenues for additional inquiry. Are there any additional examples of wordplay or hidden messages in the Storm of the Epic of Gilgamesh or other ancient Mesopotamian texts? Could similar strategies be used in flood legends from various cultures? A more in-depth knowledge of these features could shed light on the early civilizations’ belief systems and narrative traditions.
This revelation also raises questions regarding the role of tricksters in mythology. Ea’s manipulation in the flood narrative depicts him as a crafty deity who manipulates language for his benefit. Examining the depiction of trickster gods in various cultures may indicate a shared awareness of the power of language and deception in human affairs.
Concluding Opinions:-
The Babylonian narrative in the Gilgamesh Epic highlights how the god Ea used deceptive promises to motivate people to build a boat, ultimately leading to their demise in a flood.
This clever wordplay is a cautionary tale about the consequences of blind faith and manipulation.
The Epic of Gilgamesh, dating back 3,100 years, is considered the oldest surviving literary work and one of the earliest religious texts. Assyriologist George Smith’s recognition of its significance in 1872 brought it to global attention.
Assyriologist Worthington highlights EA’s skill at crafting ambiguous statements with multiple meanings.
Comparing these strategies with flood legends from different cultures may reveal common themes and connections across diverse narrative.
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rise-tv · 9 days
Edge of Wonder TV Reveals The CIA’s 'Secret' Art Collection
Let's see how the CIA's fortress headquarters in Langley, Virginia, is home to more than a few surprises. Such as a Starbucks where the baristas never ask for names and a spy museum you'll never visit.
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Backstory - The CIA’s 'Secret' Art Collection:-
At first glance, Taryn Simon's photograph above appears harmless, if not mundane. It depicts two modern artworks hanging on bare white walls, separated by limp rope barriers, as harsh fluorescent ceiling lights bounce their reflection off the slick laminate floor. However, when one reads the text, which indicates that the shot was taken at the US Central Intelligence Agency's headquarters in Langley, Virginia, it becomes much more alluring and enigmatic. Simon's shot is part of her 2007 series, An American Index to the Hidden and Unfamiliar, which presents perspectives that are mostly unknown to the general public.
The photograph intrigued Johanna Barron, a Portland-based artist when she first saw it in 2008. She was encouraged to learn more about the CIA's abstract painting collection. However, she found little available material, except a single page on the CIA website with no photographs and some brief details in a book about the agency. Although the lack of information was not unusual for a cash-strapped federally sponsored organization, Barron decided to investigate further by filing a series of FOIA requests. This would be the first stage in a sophisticated artistic undertaking that would keep Barron busy for years to come. Edge of Wonder TV has covered a detailed video on the CIA’s secret art collection.
Here is a small reference to the previous article:-
The previous post highlighted restored access during “Facebook’s shutdown.” Meta announced that the issue had been resolved following a two-hour downtime. The company expressed regret for any inconvenience resulting from technical issues.
Obtaining historical records:-
As any scholar who has gone through the time-consuming process of discovering and obtaining historical records can attest, asking busy librarians to find information on your behalf rarely yields results. Barron would respond similarly to her FOIA requests. Her requests for photographs of the gathering and acquisition records, such as information about tax advantages for donors and funding for purchases, were frequently denied because the documents relating to the paintings were not "government records" and thus were not subject to FOIA regulations.
Once again, a lack of publicly available information, which could have been explained away by a processing snafu or a lack of resources, took on a mysterious air, with the CIA acting evasively. Barron's search for knowledge only intensified, as she stated: "I felt this increasing need to try to uncover details that appeared to be kept secret for no logical reason." In 2014, Barron obtained over 100 pages of severely censored documentation, allowing her to put together more information about the collection.
Abstract paintings:-
The abstract paintings that had piqued Barron's interest were among a tiny collection lent to the CIA by Vincent Melzac, a bigger-than-life art connoisseur and former director of the Corcoran Collection of Art in Washington, DC. Melzac began sharing paintings with the agency in 1968, including those by painters involved with the Washington Color School. Two decades later, the CIA bought eleven of the pieces, but after Melzac died in 1989, his estate consented to continue loaning canvases. Barron used this newly discovered information to build 3/4 size copies of several of the 29 paintings, which she first showed in 2015 under the title Acres of Walls.
Carey Dunne, a journalist for Hyperallergic, contacted the agency's Public Affairs division after being informed by DC-based creator Barbara Januszkiewicz that the government's art collection may not be as hidden as it first appeared. She was startled to learn that plans were quickly made for her to visit Langley and that she was permitted to publicize her tour of the art collection, including photographs. The abstract paintings from Melzac's collection stood out among a diverse collection of art displayed across CIA headquarters, comprising realistic paintings commemorating the agency's accomplishments and official portraits of previous CIA directors.
The mundane justifications offered for this collection comprised brightening up the building with art that complemented the architectural age (the Old Headquarters Building was finished in 1961) and connected to Langley's position in the Washington metropolitan area. However, Dunne discovered an intriguing feature of the CIA's collection of abstract art: it was also used for teaching purposes.
Hyperallergic speculated about art collection:-
Hyperallergic further speculated that the art collection may have been chosen by the CIA about the agency's secret backing for Abstract Expressionism during the Cold War. The story Dunne relates to, which has been fueled by sensationalized pieces in the New Yorker and the Independent, among others, is yet another simplifying and mythologization of a more complicated but less famous tale linking art and espionage - and more evidence of the desire to maintain a narrative of CIA secrecy that prompted both Johanna Barron's project and the subsequent press coverage.
However, if the CIA kept its art collection secret, it could have been for a good purpose. While investigating her article, Dunne contacted Robert Newmann, the agency's last living abstract painter. Melzac did not inform the artists about the loan of their works to the CIA, according to Newmann, who found this fact in 2012, when Warner Brothers asked for permission to use the painting Arrows in Hollywood the Big Argo, which was filmed on-site at Langley.
Concluding Opinions:-
Taryn Simon's photograph, taken at CIA headquarters, is part of a series that aims to reveal hidden and unfamiliar perspectives to the public.
The author, Barron, faced difficulties in obtaining historical records and information through FOIA requests, as the documents related to the paintings were not considered "government records" and were therefore exempt from FOIA regulations.
Barron's interest in abstract paintings led her to create 3/4 size copies of pieces lent to the CIA by Vincent Melzac, showcasing them in an exhibition titled Acres of Walls in 2015.
The art collection chosen by the CIA during the Cold War may have been a part of their secret support for Abstract Expressionism, and the story surrounding it is a simplified and sensationalized version of a more complex narrative, highlighting the agency's desire to maintain a narrative of secrecy.
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rise-tv · 18 days
Annunaki and Nephilim: What is the connection between them?
Let’s see the Anunnaki and Nephilim, who were mysterious beings according to the history of ancient mythology and legends. It is believed that they had a significant impact on human history for over 240,200 years.
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The Background of the Anunnaki & Nephilim:-
Ancient mythology and legends:
In the vast tapestry of ancient mythology and legends, the names Anunnaki and Nephilim stand out as enigmatic beings believed to have played a pivotal role in shaping the course of human history. Historians, archaeologists, and conspiracy theorists have all been captivated by stories of their influence, power, and rulership over Earth for an incredible 240,200 years.
The Anunnaki were thought to be in control of the Sumerians' fortunes. Many tales depict members of the Anunnaki passing judgment on humanity. The gods were also described as children of Earth and Sky. Most people attribute these stories to mythology, much as they do to the Greek gods. Others wonder if there's more to the story. Some scholars believe the Anunnaki were real beings. One widespread belief is that they arrived on Earth from another planet. Some believe they came from the enigmatic Planet X, which they claim passed near Earth thousands of years ago.
The Nephilim perhaps the most prevalent error made by modern researchers is confusing the Nephilim with fallen angels. And it came to pass that as men became more numerous on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw the beauty of the daughters of mankind and took brides from whomever they chose. And the Lord God said, "My Spirit will not remain among these men forever because they are flesh; their days will be one hundred and twenty years."
Here is a small reference to the previous article:-
Our previous article defined mysterious history of "cow mutilation."
The Connection Between the Nephilim and the Anunnaki:-
The relationship between anunnaki and nephilim in past mythology is a source of controversy and inquiry. While the two share parallels, it is vital to emphasize that they originate from separate mythology and cultural backgrounds. Here's an outline of the Nephilim and Anunnaki, as well as some potential relationships between them:
The Nephilim appear in the Bible, particularly in Genesis 6:1-4. They are identified as the children of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men." There are various readings of this text, but one widely held belief is that the Nephilim were the consequence of fallen angels (sons of God) taking on human characteristics and mating with human women. The Anunnaki are a set of deities from ancient Mesopotamian mythology, primarily Sumerian and Babylonian writings. In the ancient Sumerian language, "Anunnaki" means "those of royal blood" or "princely offspring".
Possible connections:-
Flood Narratives: It involves both the Nephilim and the Anunnaki. The Nephilim appear in the Bible as part of the global deluge detailed in Genesis. Similarly, the epic of Gilgamesh, which portrays the Anunnaki, contains a flood scenario that is comparable to the biblical account.
Supernatural Entities: Both the Nephilim and the Anunnaki are characterized as supernatural entities having links to humanity. They are represented as interacting with mankind and influencing their affairs.
It is vital to note that the relationship between the Nephilim and the Anunnaki is theoretical and open to interpretation. While some researchers propose a relationship between the two, others contend that they are separate mythological creatures from different cultures.
Are the Anunnaki of Gilgamesh & Nephilim in the Bible the same?
The stories of the Anunnaki and the Nephilim recounted in Scripture share certain parallels. First, the Anunnaki are chthonic deities, meaning they are related to the underworld. The Nephilim had become fallen angels or demons. Second, the Anunnaki are the offspring of Anu (the sky god) and a female named Ki.
Mythology does not specify whether Ki was a human or a deity, but we do know that she did not have a cult of followers, therefore she was most likely a human female. This is consistent with the biblical description of the Nephilim as the children of God's sons (the most literal translation is that these were celestial beings) and human daughters (Genesis 6:1-4).
So the Anunnaki are the progeny of a coupling between underworld deities and (perhaps) a human mother. The Nephilim were the progeny of a coupling between fallen angels and women. Third, both the Bible and the Epic of Gilgamesh refer to a global flood catastrophe. In the epic, the god Enki (or Ea) instructs a man named Utnapishtim to construct a large boat and load his kin and newborn animals aboard. After twelve days, the vessel comes to rest atop Mount Nisir.
He sends out a dove, then a swallow, and finally, a raven, none of which return, indicating that it was safe to exit. Utnapishtim then releases the animals and offers an offering to the gods. This story is comparable to the biblical account of Noah, which comes immediately after the story of the Nephilim in Genesis (6:11-8:20).
These two stories share a common source, but they occur independently of one another—that is, the flood account in the Bible was not taken from Gilgamesh, and Gilgamesh was not copied from the biblical account. These are two distinct versions of the Great Flood, which was well-known throughout the ancient world. Both versions depict supernatural beings interacting with humans during the Great Flood. As a result, we can speculate that there is a link between the Nephilim and the Anunnaki, but there is little evidence to confirm this.
Final Concluding Thoughts:-
The Anunnaki and Nephilim, mysterious beings from ancient mythology, have fascinated scholars and conspiracy theorists alike with their alleged impact on human history spanning over 240,200 years.
The Nephilim and the Anunnaki have similarities, but it is important to note that they come from different mythologies and cultural contexts.
The real-life Joker, a popular villain in Batman comics, was created by the artistic team of Bob Kane, Bill Finger, and Jerry Robinson, and was inspired by the appearance and performance of Conrad Veidt in a 1928 film adaptation.
The connection between the Nephilim and the Anunnaki remains a subject of debate among researchers, with some suggesting a link while others argue for their distinct origins in different cultural myths.
The similarities between the Anunnaki and the Nephilim, both of which have connections to the underworld and involve the offspring of celestial beings and human females.
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rise-tv · 2 months
Elon Musk Seeks Access to CERN Demonic Technology
Let’s see how Elon Musk’s comments on CERN Demonic technology are unclear. But he is uncertain whether he is promoting conspiracy theories or simply joking.
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rise-tv · 2 months
Explore Mankind’s True Origins | Inspire Your Imagination
Join us on a profound exploration of mankind’s origins. A journey of discovery into the origins of mankind. Watch live shows, documentaries, series & more on Rise TV.
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rise-tv · 2 months
Many Worlds Theory of Quantum Mechanics | Rise TV
Many-Worlds is the most straightforward solution to tackle the challenges in quantum mechanics that necessitate interpretations in the first place.
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rise-tv · 2 months
Conspiracy Theory — A conspiracy theory is an opinion or allegation that a group of people secretly met to achieve a harmful goal.
Conspiracy theories are opposed to delusions, which are typically described as fixed, incorrect, largely unshared ideas, often centred on subjective “inner” sensations (such as hearing “voices”) rather than community confirmation through a community of like-minded persons.
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rise-tv · 2 months
Vampires & Witches
Prepare yourself for a spine-tingling exploration into the world of actual vampires. Bid farewell to the fantastical stories of Dracula and Buffy, as we uncover the chilling truths of the Vampire Satanic Society. Make sure to have your garlic and crosses handy, because you're about to come face-to-face with the real deal!
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rise-tv · 2 months
The Department of Homeland Security’s Investigations officers and other law enforcement personnel conducted P Diddy raids in Los Angeles and Miami in connection with a possible continuing sex trafficking investigation, the United States sources revealed on Monday.
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rise-tv · 2 months
Evidence of the Lost City of Atlantis [Part 1]
If Atlantis truly existed, it might have been a whole era of human civilization instead of just a single place. In this episode, Edge of Wonder explores the evidence put forward by researchers regarding potential locations for these Atlantean kingdoms, like Bolivia, the Azores, and Antarctica.
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rise-tv · 2 months
Quantum technology is the “study of energy and matter at the most basic level.” Quantum technologies use the principles of quantum physics to create new capabilities in calculating, communications, and sensing.
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rise-tv · 2 months
The Dark Origins And Secrets of Paris Catacomb City
Let's explore Paris Catacomb City which was created in the 18th century to solve the issues of sinkholes and overcrowded cemeteries. It has a remarkable history.
Paris City attracts thousands of visitors yearly, but few know its remarkable history. While the tunnels are called after the Catacombs of Rome, which were erected in the first century by Jews and Christians obliged to perform their funeral rites in private, the Catacomb city of Paris was established in the 18th century to address two secular problems: sinkholes and an excess of dead bodies.
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rise-tv · 2 months
Ancient Civilizations - The new Evidence of Atlantis Found:- [Ep. 1]
There are those who claim that the lost city of Atlantis is merely a fabrication. However, recent findings by archaeologists and historians suggest that the myth could be rooted in truth. Explore the enigmatic Richat Structure, James Cameron's quest for Atlantis in Spain, the Minoan-Atlantean hypothesis, and other intriguing topics in this installment of Ancient Civilizations.
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rise-tv · 2 months
The 2024 Solar Eclipse Warnings: Everything You Need To Know
Let’s look at 2024 when a total solar eclipse will happen. That represents the sun’s Corona and creates a breathtaking sight across various states of America.
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