rkleedongminie · 6 years
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   so i never thought this day would come. i thought i would be rookies dongmin for ever and ever after all he is my brand lmao my twt isn’t ultdongminie for no reason. BUT some things have come up and well. say your goodbyes to rkleedongminie. not completely. SO im not leaving rk and this muse is not leaving. but his fc is going to change. some of you know most of you don’t, but ive been struggling with dongmin because irl dongmin has matured a lot recently. he’s lost his baby fat, and he’s taken on more mature rolls and it’s hard to fit him to my baby muse here. i love dongmin, he’s my number one. but its time to change here. i’ll be changing to yoo seonho a soloist from cube who is a baby still. he fits the muse perfectly and i love him. 
   nothing about him as a person will change other than his birthday and age. which is changing to 030128. he’s 15, and a fast liner, so a first year in sopa. ( finally fixed his school level )  OTHERWISE. nothing has changed. he is still the same lovable, bubbly, dork of a muse. all his relationships are the same ( his cousins are still suho and doyoung. he still worships the ground kibum walks on ). and yeah. that’s that.
   follow me over at rkseonho where i have moved most everything over. something will still link to this blog for ease, and im not deleting anything off this blog. thank you all for such a good year with rkleedongminie. and i hope it can continue with my baby chick seonho <3.
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rkleedongminie · 6 years
he expected a lot of things but an overly excited and determined dongmin was not one of them. at least not when it was so late and he showed up here uninvited. in the past it would’ve meant he needed help, or was distressed. so why did he look so content? puzzled, jinyoung only nodded his head at the compliment, letting the teenager push him inside. “show me something? at this hour?” it definitely spiked his curiosity, but as he yawned and walked over to the kitchen to grab some water, he thought it better be good with arin waiting in his bedroom. leaning against the counter, he ran a hand through his hair to get it out of the way. “you’re sure you’re ok?”
dongmin could tell his hyung was confused and honestly dongmin would be too if he had been in the others situation. especially considering dongmin has been odd the last few months. emotional, distant, and then getting hurt. well, that was a thing of the past--hopefully--and dongmin was here to prove it. not that he thinks he needs to prove anything to his hyung, he knows jinyoung cares for him. “im ok, im okay! better than okay.” he replied keeping his voice soft as he set the folder onto a counter and flipped it open. “i finished my song.” 
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rkleedongminie · 6 years
SMS  ✉ | dongminie ○  ○  ○  ↪ ··· ???? ↪ ··· just a sec had it been anyone else jinyoung would’ve replied to just come back tomorrow, that he was sleeping. he turned cautiously on the bed, looking at his girlfriend’s figure. she was deeply asleep and judging by the absence of sound in the apartment, yugyeom was either in the same state as arin or hadn’t come home yet. he snuck out of under the blankets and immediately made his way to the door, greeting his dongsaeng in a state he’d never been seen by him before: shirtless, with messy hair and a very light stubble since he hadn’t shaved yet. in fact, besides his girlfriend and his roommate, no one really ever had that privilege (if it could be referred as such). “did something happen?” he couldn’t help but worry for the younger boy. 
dongmin sent back a bunch of smiley faces as he bounced on his heels waiting for the older male to open the door. he felt a little bit bad about showing up so late, and that he hadn’t told rachel he would be late, or told jinyoung he was coming over. but dongmin had been very one track mind lately and he left royal and came straight here with no other plans or intentions. a grin broke across his face when the door opened. dongmin looking wide awake next to the disheveled appearance of his hyung. “hi hyung, you look great as always--” he greeted, in a whisper, and uncharacteristically pushed around jinyoung to go into the apartment. “im fine, i just need to show you something.”  
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rkleedongminie · 6 years
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20151121 MeetU Project | cr. Aries of the Universe | Do not edit
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rkleedongminie · 6 years
first look.
@woojinrk backdated mid june.
dongmin hasn’t shown anyone his songs. he has shown off his raps before, and given sneak peeks to his piano compositions. but never his lyrics. he doesn’t like showing his lyrics often, mostly because they’re all incompletely. and also because they’re all meaningful in a different way and to show someone his lyrics right now would be to reveal bits about how he’s doing and how he feels about things going on right now.
but this song. this one is the first he really started working on. the lyrics started back in November, and he’s been piecing it together since. and he feels like it’s starting to come together but he wants someone to take a listen. 
woojin proves to be a good hyung to go to for this. the older male was grumpy sometimes, and dongmin sometimes questions how the two of them work so well as they’re so opposite. but maybe thats how it just goes. the whole opposite attract thing. who knows. either way, he had called woojin to meet up after his shorter training day for the weekend. he was finally off crutches--three days ago--and was itching to do more than relax around the apartment. his old studio was a good place, his old music instructor giving him the key to use the studio for a while. he was just waiting outside for woojin to show up now. 
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rkleedongminie · 6 years
the barbecue gives kibum a chance to see a lot of people training and debut prep has kept him from for months, and he knows that with his limited time at the party, he needs to start making his rounds quickly if he wants to see everyone and try to catch up, make sure that all of his friends ( and all of their friends ) have seen his pre-debut teaser. logically, he knows he can’t spend the whole party with just one or two people, or he’ll never get to see everyone he wants to.
but he can’t help himself from going to see dongmin right away, even though he knows the teenager will probably latch onto him and not let go until sphere forces kibum to leave. that’s fine with him – he’ll just drag dongmin along to say hello to everyone he wants to. 
he doesn’t actually see dongmin at first, and while he waits he chats with sungho, a kt trainee who he knows has given taemin quite a bit of trouble, but he and kibum have always gotten along strangely well. it’s a strange sort of camaraderie, their dry senses of humor lining up well and leading to fun conversations, even if they do seem a bit dark sometimes. 
kibum spots dongmin after he finishes his first plate of food, and he excuses himself from sungho to make his way across the crowded lawn and sneak up behind the teen. as he approaches from behind dongmin, he taps the other’s left shoulder as kibum continues to move toward his right, and he waits for dongmin to fall for the trick and turn around the wrong way. even as he just stands there near him, there’s a wide grin already on kibum’s lips, and he finds he can’t wait for dongmin to see him just so they can actually hug for the first time in three months. 
dongmin was so excited. 
this barbecue had so many amazingly cool things about it. that had him vibrating with energy from the moment he had heard it was happening. a vast difference form last year when he had been a new trainee still and they had been put through the ringer. yes, dongmin liked this one much better. he knows everyone is going to be there from all over the companies and there are so many people he was looking forward to seeing. his cousin for one, taemin and rachel who he see’s back at home ( separate homes, depending on if he stays over with taemin or not ), jinyoung for sure, and to top it off. kibum. 
he hasn’t seen the older male in over a month, back when he had been taken to the doctor. the month of june was a sour note for the teen. but he was over it. his leg was fine, his instructors were content with his diet. he hadn’t been skipping breaks and he doesn’t stay until a godless time in the night like he had been. and his song is done. things are getting better for him. he was going to have a nice fun time, snacking and telling the CEO’S some puns and then royal jdj was going to make their ‘debut’ AND now he was going to get to see his most favorite hyung in the whole world. 
he had been loitering around a table, cookie in hand, looking for someone else to bother. he just parted ways with jihoon hyung and jaehyun hyung, the two of them ready as well for the karaoke to start so they could wow everyone. when he felt the tap on his shoulder, turning almost instantly in the direction it came from and frowning when he didn’t see anyone for a solid moment. that was until he turned a little more. his eyes widened, a smile pulling across his lips almost instantly. “hyung!” he cheered, everything disregarded as the teen all but pounced on the older male, arms wrapping in a tight hug without even pausing. 
reunited ;
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rkleedongminie · 6 years
stop him.
the party had been such a good idea in dongmins opinion. everyone who was anyone in the five companies was here. he saw other trainees, spotting his cousin and friends from other companies, the CEO’s were here, coaches and just everyone. even the trainees who were nearing debut were allowed to show up, dongmin has every plan to take out kibum the first chance he had. 
but the big one was the CEO’s. he had spotted eat fresh seongsangnim--otherwise known as royal’s ceo, jisub sajangnim--moments ago and dongmin knew he would need to find the time to approach the older male. he had things to ask him--or well, tell him. 
dongmin has so many puns he thought the CEO would love to hear and this party was such a good time to approach him and talk to him about it. even CEO’s need a good laugh every now and then. and dongmin figured these jokes would really get to jisub. break through that business man exterior. and lucky he had enough sugar running through is viens already that dongmin was more than hype to go for it. “i’m going to go talk to jisub sajangnim” dongmin spoke out loud, not really caring who heard. 
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rkleedongminie · 6 years
opinion needed.
@rkjazzeun backdated june 10thish
"noona can i ask a question?” 
he had spotted jazz noona as he hobbled his way through royal towards a studio to work on this months evaluation. the older girl seemed busy, but dongmin had never let that stop him from approaching someone--okay, he has before, but today he just needed to get the question answered--and hence he made his way over to her. his crutches tapping lightly on the ground. he feels like he’s really gotten the hang of these. which is dumb since he only has them like 6 more days. 
his question is asked as he gets next to her, leaning his crutches against the table and taking a careful seat next to her with a furrowed brow. his expression pinched, but understandable as he was having some trouble figuring out this eval. maybe a talk with one of his cherished noonas would help him out. 
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rkleedongminie · 6 years
dawon hums, her cheeks tugging the corners of her lips upwards into a warm smile. her mind briefly flashes to sunmi, remembering just how much she had looked up to her during her time at nova. the older trainee was easily one of the best things about nova, and, in a way, she’s one of the few that dawon regrets leaving the most. she misses her. “oh, yeah, that will definitely do it,” she notes, a soft chuckle passing her lips. “and everyone here does seem pretty great.” or at least, the ones that are willing to talk to her. not everyone is adjusting to the new additions to the company as easily as dongmin.
it’s refreshing, seeing how enthusiastic dongmin seems to feel about the company. it’s far from what she had been met with at nova, where almost everyone had seemed discontent—herself included. despite that, however, she still misses it. not enough to go back, but just enough to feel sentimental. “i’m sure it will become a home to me, don’t worry. honestly, i’m… well, i’m already loving it a lot. and so many of the other trainees… i don’t know, i’m just really happy?” she pauses, contemplating her words for a moment. “and the fact that you’re here makes me even happier. you’re just… i don’t know. it’s like you radiate joy, almost?”
her words make his smile wider. if possible. he knows unlike a handful of other trainee’s he has met since coming to royal that he doesn’t hold the experience they do and that he has only witnessed one company. and he doesn’t understand what its like to hop companies or  anything similar. and he knows he can’t understand her completely. but dongmin has found a place in royal he likes to believe. he loves this company and everyone in it. he wants to go as far as he can here. and anyone who enters the company he wants the same for them. to find a place and to be welcomed.
which is why her words make him smile so much. he’s happy that her short time here has already made an impact. and that she continues to like being in royal. but her comment about him making her happier draws a confused blush to his cheeks. his head tilting to the side in surprise. “me?” he questions, a laugh bubbling in his throat. “well--that’s good, then. i want to help make royal seem really great.” and if she thinks he’s radiating joy or whatever, then he wouldn’t knock it down. because maybe he does seem overly bright but royal has been a very good thing in his life. trainee and idol stuff is hard, but he loves it and he loves this company. “i hope royal can be the same for you, noona!” 
★ — in time ;
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rkleedongminie · 6 years
[ .. ]
so he smiles, the look of it a little bizarre because it’s so crooked on his lips.  hyojong shakes his head, knowing that dongmin is just being dramatic where he shouldn’t be.  instead, he just lifts his arm and flexes - or tries to, considering dongmin can’t quite see the muscles he’s built through his long sleeves.  “ don’t worry about your hyung.  i’m not as weak as i may look -”
dongmin stares at him for a moment. 
it’s a little obvious that the teen is still hesitant, but always completely over run with the desire to be carried. to let hyojong give him a piggyback ride. it just seems like so much fun. and dongmin hasn’t gotten to do something like this in a while. he’s always been on the taller end and people never want to carry the taller kid. 
and it takes maybe half a minute for dongmin to come to the conclusion that yes he does want this. and he does believe his hyung. because he’s seen hyojong work out and dongmin is wanting to be carried. he’s feeling down, and skinship of any kind has always been a good way to cheer him up. especially with a hyung he really adores. like the one before him now. so the hesitence fades and a smile spreads across his lips. so soft and happy, and just overall excited about getting to spend more time with hyojong. 
“okay, hyung.” he said softly, shyness taking over even as he agrees. and he wonders how hyojong learned to read him so well in the short time they’ve known each other. wonders how he got so luck to get such a great hyung. 
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rkleedongminie · 6 years
When the door opened and the view of Dongmin made their presence Jaehwan couldn’t help but sigh as he help up what he brought for the younger to see, “You are on soup and I’m cleaning your place.” It wasn’t so much as a request than it was an order. The poor young man was all wrapped in his blankets looking miserable, “Come on you back to the couch in your cocoon.”
Jaehwan was heading to the kitchen as he squeezes his way passed the younger. Having been to his place more than once it was easy to know where things were. He didn’t take off his mask but he took of his gloves and went for a pot to fill it with the soup he brought, “How long have you been sick? Did the baby go outside without any shoes again?” It was all playful banter but Dongmin probably wouldn’t like it being sick and feeling like crap. But it was fun to mess with him, help lighten the mood of sickness in the room. Jaehwan was like some kind of older brother/mom when it came to taking care of his friends and family. Despite his own weak immune system, he never allowed himself to use it as an excuse when someone needed him. Sure there is about a 70% chance he will catch whatever Dongmin has but he knows what do to so the illness will last a few days instead of a week. 
The contents of the soup were in the pot and heating on the stove, “It’s just some miso soup so it’s not gonna kill you I promise.” He said as he walked over to the bundle of human and offered some socks, “Thick socks to keep the feets toasty. Have you eaten or drank anything today?” The day was still fresh but one must be on top of things.
dongmin felt rather like a slug
jaehwan was like the speedy rabbit zooming into his house and taking charge and all dongmin could do was slowly move his way back to the couch where he curled up half laying down against the arm of the couch. he didn’t even try to argue with anything his hyung said. knowing that 1. jaehwan would probably attempt to manhandle him into agreement and would win as dongmin is not strong even when healthy, and 2. he was too tired to argue. the amount of words he would have to use were way to much and he rather just go with the flow.
he rather just slug it around.  let his hyung take the reigns and give up control over everything. because dongmin was tired, and his head was stuffy, and doing anything sounded like it would be enough to kill him. so he just hummed anytime it seemed he needed to respond to jaehwan, or didn’t say anything at all. he didn’t think jaehwan needed him to say much else and if the older male did need a response he would make that known. so until then dongmin was going to be a quiet bundle of blankets and focus on maybe falling back to sleep. 
that is until the other was in front of his with socks and a whine built in the teens throat. “had some water earlier.” he muttered, pout on his lips as he sat up to start putting the socks on. 
soup for the soul.
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rkleedongminie · 6 years
it’s a weird realization, to actually think it for the first time. to say it out loud right after. baekhyun might do this only for self-protection because he’s scared, because he’s hurt; he might shield himself with this kind of behavior for a while but if he keeps going on like this, pushing everyone close to him away, there’s a chance that once he gets better, the moment he decides to go back to them, there won’t be anyone left to return to.
people don’t wait forever and he gets that.
but there’s no one in his life that he could bear to lose, too many people important to him left him behind. too many disappeared from him. dongmin can’t be one of them, he won’t let that happen. that’s why he says, “i believe you,” in a soft voice. and he means it, because he it’s his decision – it’s his choice to believe dongmin’s words. before it’s too late. “we’ll stay together.” baekhyun will make sure of it.
there’s silence for a moment before baekhyun’s lips part again, he hesitates a little. searching for words.
“i’m sorry, dongminie,” he says, blinking at the cloth covering the youngers shoulder, “i’m so sorry for pushing you away. it won’t happen again, i promise.” dongmin suffered too, got hurt in the process and he’s someone baekhyun never wants to hurt again. “there used to be a lot of people in my life that aren’t around anymore,” that left him, “but i won’t let you be one of them.”
and it’s like a weight lifts off the teen at baekhyuns words. 
weeks of dancing around each other. both unable--unwilling--to close the distance and figure out the issue. neither of them had taken the step for so long to get to this point and dongmin wonder if they would have just let their bond fizzles out. if he hadn’t come forth to baekhyun if he would have lost the older male for good. all those worries are thrown out following his hyungs words and dongmin feels his eyes well once more with tears. his fingers clench the fabric of baekhyuns shirt as he buries himself more into the older male arms. 
he doesn’t want to cry on baekhyun again, but dongmin has always been an emotional person. has always been quick to cry for any thing and any emotion. and right now he’s so relieved. so happy to know they could start fixing what went wrong. he adores baekhyun. and the distance had been hard. but he knows they will be okay. 
“hyung...” he gets out, the word sounding choked as the tears begin to flow slowly. he’s muffled in the fabric of his hyungs shirt, and dongmin doesn’t even think to pull away. he just wants to stay right here, with baekhyun. someone who has come to be so so important to dongmin. and he’s so relieved to have him back. 
what did it do?
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rkleedongminie · 6 years
dongmin had wasted no time in finding the time to find kibum. the texts from the older male had let him know when and where he could find his hyung doing the flyer thing. he didn’t really care about missing training or school right now. he was still sitting dance lessons out right now anyway and it’s not like dongmin hasn’t clocked in more than enough overtime lately to get a pass for once. he might be a little bitter over still being made to sit out of dance practice. and he rather be seeing kibum right now regardless. 
mask on, and hat over his head to block the sun, dongmin was worming his way through the people like a ninja. or so he told himself. he had spotted kibum easily. the older male being someone he would always find in a crowd no matter how many people might be between them. as corny as it would sound. 
and dongmin is rather good at getting corny when it comes to kibum. 
instead of how he normally would have greeted kibum--partly because he wouldn’t have been able to jump on his ankle--dongmin was rather calm on his approach. he did decide to go for an extra greeting regardless tho. with the mask on he though kibum wouldn’t recognize him, and attempted to deepen his voice to sound unfamiliar as he spoke. “uhm, excuse me sir, might i have one of those flyers youre handing out?” and as a typical dongmin characteristic, the teen laughed seconds after getting the words out. unable to keep up his oh so clever act. the grin behind his mask noticeable as his eyes vanish into creases with how happy he is. 
he’s always the most happy seeing kibum. 
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rkleedongminie · 6 years
( txt ➝ tall kid ) ✉ : dongmin!!! ✉ : how’s ur ankle??? are u feeling better now? ✉ : is royal making u over exhaust urself? should hyung go there and fight the staff >:( ✉ : remember to take care ok! dont make me worry!
(  ✉ : hak hyung )  ✉  : hyung!!! ✉  : it’s all better ✉  : mostly. im not on the crutches anymore but i still have to sit out of dance class   ✉  : noooo hyung im okay royal takes good care of me!!  ✉  : :’( i made hyung worry? sorry sorry i’ll take better care of myself.
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rkleedongminie · 6 years
ah, he was so cute. his shyness over being walked in on while training some more was just too adorable. once over to him, she gave him a small, quick hug, unable to stop herself. she was the eldest of five children, so she was used to being the proud noona. dongmin was around her youngest sister’s age, hyunah, who happened to be her closest sibling. she hadn’t seen her in so long, but once in a while dongmin reminded her of her sister and satiated her a little. 
“look at you, working hard~ at this rate you’ll debut in no time.” which was honestly a bit of a scary thought. he was so young, it sort of terrified her to think someone as young and impressionable as dongmin could get thrown into a vicious industry already. he had come so far as a trainee though, with the handful of times she had run into him when training, there was always a noticeable improvement every time she saw him. in that sense, he reminded her of herself; always working, always trying to get better. 
“can i hear it? let your biggest fangirl have a little performance~” she cooed, teasing him a little. she liked to be encouraging though, especially with dongmin. they had been signed together, so in that sense he was special to her. she wanted to see him succeed. “i’ll let you hear my rapping in return~” 
in the year of being in royal dongmin has come to be close to a lot of new people. he has gained friends through all the companies and knows more people than he ever thought he would. and in this time he knows there are people he is particularly close to. he counts shiah in this list. she has been someone he’s really liked being around since the day he joined. not only did they join together, but her and dahye looked out for him at the beginning. 
then he bonded with shiah. they formed a connection over something that most people didn’t want to connect over. but still, they had and dongmin is glad to say he feels close to her. thinks of her as an older sister and looks up to her. shiah is so beautiful and talented, dongmin just wants to be able to support her like she has been with him. even if she does tease him a lot, and he still gets as flustered as he did at day one. “ah... sure, only a little though.” he smiles, a little more confident. more than happy to his noona a bit of a show. 
he pats the seat next to him, fingers resting back on the keys. so familiar with the songs from his sunbae now that he knows how to play most of them on piano. “i was working on their track This Song, i really like the feel of it..” he explains, looking down a little shyly as he starts to play, beginning at the chorus and easily singing along to the melody he was playing. just the chorus, enough to show off what he had been practice. 
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rkleedongminie · 6 years
{ tw - mentions of blood and death / murder }
[ ... ]
and when dongmin calls, the bad feeling only intensifies. “dongminie?” baekhyun freezes at the sound of his voice, at how distressed he sounds, so shaken up. something happened and he’s pretty sure that it has something to do with losing control. it’s always like this. “tell me where you are, i’ll come to you.”
it doesn’t take him long to get there once dongmin stammers the location through the speaker and the scent of blood is almost overwhelming, making baekhyun lightheaded for a moment. ah, seems like his first kill, huh. “are they dead?” he needs to stay focused, though, despite the body on the ground. “hey,” he says as he rushes to dongmin’s side, hands reaching for both of his arms, holding him. “it’s alright. everything’s alright.” he’s covered in blood, seems disthrought. baekhyun feels for him. “i’m here.”
tw blood death
he hears baekhyun before he see’s him. on perk of being a vampire that he can’t enjoy currently. his mind a haze of panic that isn’t calmed a bit even when baekhyun is right in front of him. even when all he can see if his worried hyung and not the dead person. the person he killed. he killed someone. he did this. this blood was from his own fault. 
“hyung--” his voice breaks, frantic eyes locking onto that of his sire. he doesn’t know what to say. if he was still human dongmin knows he would be getting sick. knows he would have probably blacked out just from how overwhelmed and freaked out he is right now. but despite the chaos in his mind, his body doesn’t react the way a human would. he’s forced to stay awake, to deal with what he did. something dongmin never thought he would ever do. he had thought he had control. thought he knew what he was doing. that he could trust himself.
he was so wrong. 
“hyung--i..i killed them! i did this!” he was getting hysterical, pulling himself away from baekhyun as if he were afraid to get his hyung dirty with his own disgrace. he should have had more control. sure, he’s new to this still, but dongmin has always been more in control of himself and his desires. why hadn’t he been able to stop this. 
“ohmygod....oh my god.” he wrapped his arms around himself, eyes squeezing shut as if he could pretend to ignore everything around him. the body, the blood, baekhyun looking so worried. everything was too much and dongmin wanted it all to just stop. to go back to moments before. to undo what had happened. 
what should i do.
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rkleedongminie · 6 years
{ sms - simba } you’re so cute ㅋㅋㅋ { sms - simba } be sure to take lots of pictures ok!! share them with the world so i can gather international fans too { sms - simba } you’ll be my best fan account! just don’t shirk training or school to follow me around ㅋㅋㅋ { sms - simba } but i dont want you to be disappointed when i only have [ deleted ! ] { sms - simba } im really happy that you’ll be there! i don’t know if i’ll actually be able to see you after, since it’ll be so crazy, but i will be handing out flyers and promoting it on the streets the day before so you could come find me then! { sms - simba } you have no idea how much it means to me that you’ll be there [ deleted ! ] { sms - simba } i can’t wait to see you [ deleted ! ]
( 💌 : mufasa )
💌 : 🙈🙈🙈🙈 hyuunnnggg 💌 : i will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’ll take the most photos!!!!!!!!!! your number one fan site 💌 :  ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ maybe i’ll drop out of everything and become a full time fansite 💌 : not like school is goi  💌 :  ㅋㅋ ㅋ does this mean i can come tackle you on the streets?  ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋ 💌 : im really excited to see you too!!!!! i miss you a lot,, i’ve been resting my leg but it means i cant do much so im forced to think 💌 : do u think sphere would notice if i just joined yo 💌 : i could just leave ro 💌 : i wish i cou 💌 : i wish the showcase was tomorrow--or even now so i could see you now hyung  💌 : i really want a hug :( 
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