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Yep ... I'm still cleaning. Send help!!! Why does my room feel like a TARDIS?!
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Rose knew. Jackie had told her before Clara arrived, making Rose feel even more guilty. “I’m sorry,” she said quietly, “Mum told me,” she explained. “I can’t even imagine how hard that must’ve been for you, ‘specially to go through it alone.” What was even worse, was that Clara’s mum died during the Auton attack that she and the Doctor were trying to stop.
“I promise I’ll be here more often,” she said, biting her lip. “I wish I could tell ya where I’ve been, you’d love it. Remember when we were kids and we’d sit on the roof lookin’ up at the stars? We made up where we’d go if we could? This is gonna sound crazy, but I’ve been there. To the stars, it’s so amazing Clara, so magical. Just like we dreamed it would be.”
continued from here
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“HOW many times do I have to tell you that I’m sorry?!” Rose asked, trying not to cry herself. She hated it when she and Clara got into an argument, but she couldn’t blame her friend, she would’ve done the same thing had she been in the same situation. 
Huffing in annoyance at her own emotions threatening to spill, Rose pushed past her into the living room, Jackie in her bedroom, and sitting down heavily in the arm chair. This was all the Doctor’s fault, leaving her to pick up the pieces. Would Clara believe her if she told her the truth? Probably not. “I’ve just been traveling.” It wasn’t necessarily a lie, just obscuring the truth. “With a friend. I kinda went around the world, and my phone … Died.”
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“I don’t care, Clara, we’re not keeping ‘im. Get rid or I’ll get a bloody mouse trap!”
“STOP PETTING THE ENEMY!” Rose screeched, glaring at the small mouse.
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            ❝      I’m  not usually a big fan of them either but——-  I think  THIS  one’s  friendly. Look a’ ‘im, he’s tiny!      ❞
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Somebody motivate me to clean my room. D:
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What the fuck are you talking about, Doctor? Wait, can I sense Jack Harkness? What the fuck is Jack Harkness doing here? Why is he pointing a gun to your head? Hang on ... I've almost got it!
Her fingers were practically touching the diamond, and whilst she could, she grabbed it. That’s when the alarms went off. What the bloody hell? Doctor, you idiot! You said they were done! Cursing loudly, Rose shoved the diamond into a protective case on her suit and pressed a button on her harness, which sent her zooming back up to the ceiling, just as the guards ran in.
Where are you now? We’ve got maybe five minutes to get out of here!
Rose Tyler wasn’t Rose any-more. She was known only as Thorn, and lived her long life on the TARDIS with the Doctor. They both loved to wreak havoc, especially on there favourite planet – Earth. Which was where they were now. They were planning a robbery at a large bank firm, attempting to get a rather pricey diamond which had top of the range diamond.
Thorn was the one that would go in and grab the diamond, whilst the Doctor was in charge of disrupting the security systems. In typical Mission Impossible fashion, Thorn was suspended from the ceiling, with safety ropes attached to her waist. The diamond was directly below her, protected in its case, and she couldn’t wait to get her hands on it. 
Where are you? She yelled at him through their bond. We don’t have long here!
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“I came in here to be alone,” she murmured irritably, staring up at the plain ceiling, arms spread out on either side of her. “D’you know the meaning of that word? Oh, and don’t patronize me, I’m not in the mood for any of your shit, nor your empty threats, so jog on mate.” Rose then turned on her side away from him, curling up into a ball. She must not cry.
Rose let out a frustrated growl, kicking the edge of the console brutally with her foot, that caused her to swear colourfully and hop on her foot. “Fucking shit balls!” She cursed, sending him a glare, and hobbling from the room. After calming down, Rose apologised to the TARDIS, before being led to her what looked like her own room. “Fucking brilliant.” She groaned, collapsing on the bed.
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Rose let out a frustrated growl, kicking the edge of the console brutally with her foot, that caused her to swear colourfully and hop on her foot. “Fucking shit balls!” She cursed, sending him a glare, and hobbling from the room. After calming down, Rose apologised to the TARDIS, before being led to her what looked like her own room. “Fucking brilliant.” She groaned, collapsing on the bed.
“You don’t know who you’re facing right now,” Rose pointed out with a shrug, trying to keep her nerves down. “I might look like your Rose, but I’m completely different.” Her mouth dropped as he threw the Canon across the room, watching in disbelief as it smashed into pieces. “You’re actually kidnapping me?” She scoffed, running a hand through her hair.
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Thorn rolled her eyes at his rambling, becoming frequently frustrated. We’re not all like you, though, she told him. Finally! Thorn watched as the alarms and laser lights vanished, and carefully, she pressed a button to lower the ropes on her harness. 
Keep an eye out, won’t you? I really like this outfit, and I’d hate to get blood on it. Her outfit was simply a black leather jacket, jeans and boots. By now she was at the diamond, which was a few inches below. Are you sure all the securities duped? She looked around, and using her black gloves, she prized the diamond off of it’s stand and quickly shoved it into a velvet sack attached to her outfit.
Then the alarms went off.
YOU IDIOT! Get me out of here, now!
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Hurry up, Doctor! Thorn hissed vehemently through their bond. They were on a robbery spree, and she was currently attached to a harness that secured her to the ceiling of the vault. A large diamond was protected in a case directly below her, he was in charge of destroying the security systems. It isn’t much fun hanging upside down, you know!
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Hurry up, Doctor! Thorn hissed vehemently through their bond. They were on a robbery spree, and she was currently attached to a harness that secured her to the ceiling of the vault. A large diamond was protected in a case directly below her, he was in charge of destroying the security systems. It isn’t much fun hanging upside down, you know!
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“What am I supposed to do?” Rose demanded. “Stay here and knit?! No, you dunno what he’s like Jack, he’s a mad man! He’s capable of doing anything to you ... I don’t want another one of your deaths to be on my shoulders. He ... Told me what I did to you, an’ I’m so so sorry.”
“Give you a way?” Rose questioned, eyes widened. “I’m the one going back there, he needs to be stopped and I need to get my family back. I’m not staying here whilst you swan off, that’s exactly what the Doctor did. You’re turning out to be just like him!”
“Being like the Doctor wouldn’t be the worst thing ever.” Jack said very calmly as he trained his eyes on her. There really was something different about Jack now. He had lost so much, and s many times. “I wouldn’t put you back in that position, Rose. You’ve suffered enough. I will get your family.” 
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“Give you a way?” Rose questioned, eyes widened. “I’m the one going back there, he needs to be stopped and I need to get my family back. I’m not staying here whilst you swan off, that’s exactly what the Doctor did. You’re turning out to be just like him!”
Rose just nodded, not knowing what to say. She now sat on the middle of the bed, legs huddled to her chest as she rested her chin on her knees. “Thank you.” She told him. “I think that’s it on the outside, but I dunno what else he’s done to me. He was very fond of testing drugs to see how I reacted.”
“I’ll keep an eye on you for a few days then.” Jack said with a small nod, running a hand over her head in that brotherly gesture. “I’m scanning that thing for UNIT. I’m going to see if Malcolm can give me a way to get me back to your world.” 
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Rose just nodded, not knowing what to say. She now sat on the middle of the bed, legs huddled to her chest as she rested her chin on her knees. “Thank you.” She told him. “I think that’s it on the outside, but I dunno what else he’s done to me. He was very fond of testing drugs to see how I reacted.”
She hissed as the disinfectant was rubbed on the wounds, and when he asked about the other ones, she looked away in embarrassment. Rose then swivelled around so that her back was facing him, and hesitantly lifted the shirt, to show him old and fresh bloody whip marks, zig-zagging across her back. “It hurts when I sit back on anything,” she said, trying to fill in the awkward silence.
Jack glared where she couldn’t see him, glancing at the dimension canon in the process of being scanned to his left. With a deep sigh he went back to the mechanical moment of disinfecting and bandaging. “Give it a few hours to heal up, okay? That spray should close it all pretty quickly.”
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She hissed as the disinfectant was rubbed on the wounds, and when he asked about the other ones, she looked away in embarrassment. Rose then swivelled around so that her back was facing him, and hesitantly lifted the shirt, to show him old and fresh bloody whip marks, zig-zagging across her back. “It hurts when I sit back on anything,” she said, trying to fill in the awkward silence.
Rose nodded in agreement, knowing there wasn’t much else to say. After a much needed shower, she was changed into a pair of Jack’s pyjamas, which hung loosely off her shoulders. At first glance, she could see that his Torchwood was so much different to hers, a lot more industrial like, which she liked. She soon joined Jack in the medical room, hopping onto one of the beds with a sigh. “Okay, I’m ready to be prodded and poked.”
Silently, almost mechanically Jack moved from the table he’d been setting up to her, looking over all the minor cuts and scrapes. He ran a light disinfectant over each one, putting plaster over each. “Show me whatever is worse than those.” He said slowly. “I promise I’ll be careful.” 
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Rose nodded in agreement, knowing there wasn't much else to say. After a much needed shower, she was changed into a pair of Jack’s pyjamas, which hung loosely off her shoulders. At first glance, she could see that his Torchwood was so much different to hers, a lot more industrial like, which she liked. She soon joined Jack in the medical room, hopping onto one of the beds with a sigh. “Okay, I’m ready to be prodded and poked.”
Rose wanted to burst into tears right there and then, she wanted to scream and shout, tell him no. But something always held her back. How he was able to get her to comply, she’d never know. “Could I at least get a shower first?” She asked quietly, avoiding eye contact. “This blood is kind of a reminder.”
“Of course. You can shower and if there’s anything that needs tending to we’ll deal with it alright?” He asked slowly, glancing over at her. “I’m sorry this happened, but I’m going to make it right…” 
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Rose wanted to burst into tears right there and then, she wanted to scream and shout, tell him no. But something always held her back. How he was able to get her to comply, she’d never know. “Could I at least get a shower first?” She asked quietly, avoiding eye contact. “This blood is kind of a reminder.”
She didn’t want him to see her scars, so almost instantly, she back away. “No I don’t,” she said stubbornly. “I’m perfectly fine.” Although Rose felt as though she were about to pass out. “I just need a shower and some new clothes, that’s all. Don’t give me that look, Jack, that’s how it started with him. He said it was only tests, but it wasn’t.”
“I’m not him, Rose.” Jack said firmly. “I’m not going to hurt you. O’d never hurt you.” Even at his most angry, when he felt like Rose had ruined his life, when he felt like she had damned him for eternity, he had never wanted to hurt her. Rose was very special to hi. She always had been. 
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She didn’t want him to see her scars, so almost instantly, she back away. “No I don’t,” she said stubbornly. “I’m perfectly fine.” Although Rose felt as though she were about to pass out. “I just need a shower and some new clothes, that’s all. Don’t give me that look, Jack, that’s how it started with him. He said it was only tests, but it wasn’t.”
Rose stared at him for several moments, debating, before finally nodding. “Fine.” She decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, as she was good friends with him. “I’m sorry that you’re the only one left … “ she told him. “It must be hard, ‘specially on your own.”
“Not anymore.” He said plainly, almost coldly before he shut the door. He slipped into the driver’s side and buckled in before the car pulled away, heading back toward the tower, now freshly re-built. “You need medical attention. Are there any more serious wounds I can’t see?” 
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Rose stared at him for several moments, debating, before finally nodding. “Fine.” She decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, as she was good friends with him. “I’m sorry that you’re the only one left ... “ she told him. “It must be hard, ‘specially on your own.”
“Torchwood?” Rose looked at him briefly in alarm. “You work for Torchwood?” She scoffed in surprise. “I can’t believe this. You work at the place that’s responsible for separating me and the Doctor in the first place? How could you?! The meta-crisis ended up taking over our Torchwood, and took great pride in torturing people in all kinds of ways, including me.”
“I don;t work for Torchwood.” Jack replied almost too harshly. “I am Torchwood. I’m the only one left now.” He sighed lightly. “It’s not the same Torchwood. IT’s not the same anything. I don’t trture people so-” Well, at least he didn’t anymore…
“Just- come back to headquarters with me.”
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