rosewiltd ยท 10 days
kinda sorta maybe thinking of reworking corinne's character. i am once again feeling like she's stuck in this flat space with no development. she has lots in her aus! but i'd really like to focus on her main lore more and i think i might have to tweak her canon a bit to make that happen.
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rosewiltd ยท 13 days
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๐™ฒ๐™พ๐š๐™ธ๐™ฝ๐™ฝ๐™ด'๐š‚ ๐š†๐™ฐ๐š๐™ณ๐š๐™พ๐™ฑ๐™ด :ย  ย ๐™Ž๐™‹๐™„๐˜พ๐™” ๐™€๐˜ฟ๐™„๐™๐™„๐™Š๐™‰.
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rosewiltd ยท 19 days
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โ€ ICON & DIVIDER SET. tortured poet. โ€ PRICE. $4.00 USD โ€ TERMS OF USE. credit faegfx somewhere on your blog or pinned post.
anyone else losing their minds over ttpd? anyway, it's been a hot minute since i've made anything so it'll take me a bit to get back into the swing of things, but here's a little treat in the meantime! editable text layers are included in both the border and divider and the font used is times new roman.
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rosewiltd ยท 25 days
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This is an oc x canon safe zone.
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rosewiltd ยท 26 days
what does your name mean?
( interview the writer / accepting !! )
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15. what does your name mean?
already answered!
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rosewiltd ยท 26 days
12, 19, 27!!
( interview the writer / accepting !! )
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12. favorite book?
howl's moving castle by diana wynne jones. which is very different from the film. her prose is exactly the kind of writing i aspire to create. the tone, the tongue-in-cheek, the vivid characters and fantastical settings are all things that i really, really enjoyed about the book. and while hayao miyazaki could not create a bad film if he tried, i wish he had kept howl more true to the book because he's absolutely horrific and that was the entire point.
19. describe love.
*AOL dial-up noise*
27. describe yourself in two words.
A mess.
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rosewiltd ยท 26 days
Multiples of 5 for this meme! :3
( interview the writer / accepting !! )
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5. would you hug your muse?
not only would i hug her, but i'd bake her cookies and tuck her in bed and kiss her forehead and apologise profusely for all of the shit i put her through and will continue to put her through LKASJDFKLJSDG
10. talk about your writing.
i.... i don't know what to say. this is too broad. i think im a good writer, i guess, but i've very much been in a slump lately that's had me considering if i even enjoy writing anymore. which. kind of sucks, honestly. im chalking it up to the mental illness though lmao. but to compliment myself โ€” because patting ourselves on the back once in a while is so important โ€” i think im good with explication and descriptions. also hook lines. i love writing a good opening line!
15. what does your name mean?
my real name is a bastardised spelling of an already fairly uncommon name, but the original spelling means 'wide meadow' apparently.
20. favorite cryptid(s)?
THE KRAKEN. does the kraken count? im counting it.
25. are you religious?
yes, but i also have a very complicated relationship with it that i don't feel would be appropriate to go into on a roleplay account lmao.
30. most used emoji?
๐Ÿ˜‚, it would be the skull emoji but the person i text most is my mom and she doesn't get it. LMAO
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rosewiltd ยท 26 days
* interview the writer
send a number. a mix of seriousย and fun.
what color do you associate with your muse?
is there a song that reminds you of your muse?
how do you get yourself out of a writing funk?
do you have any advice for other writers?
would you hug your muse?
how are you and your muse alike?
how are you and your muse different?
do you follow canon, or dump it in the trash?
best scene featuring your muse? (chapter, film, episode)
talk about your writing
fluff or angst?
favorite book?
how are you?
ghosts or monsters?
what does your name mean?
ice cream, candy, pie or cookies?
what motivates you?
are you a jedi master?ย 
describe love
favorite cryptid(s)?
do you believe in extraterrestrial life?
mcdonaldโ€™s or burger king?
anything spooky happen this week?
share a funny storyย 
are you religious?
what are you doing right now?
describe yourself in two words
metal, folk, pop or ambient?
list your top two movies
most used emoji?
favorite comic book character?
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rosewiltd ยท 29 days
At the airport. Theyโ€™re playing Backstreet Boys at the gate. ๐Ÿ˜‚
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rosewiltd ยท 30 days
I fly home tomorrow, which means I will finally have access to a computer again and hopefully I can be more active over here!
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rosewiltd ยท 1 month
PROMPTS FOR FAKE DATING & GOING UNDERCOVER * ย assorted dialogue for muses going undercover as a couple and having to maintain the illusion that they're dating, and all the chaos, feelings, and whatnot that come with it, suggested by dollhidden, adjust as necessary, send "reverse" for the reversal of action prompts
come on. at least pretend that you like me.
if we hold hands, that'll sell the illusion even more.
what petnames do you think we'd use if we were actually dating?
please don't make this too difficult on me.
stop letting go of my hand.
you're going to pay for this later.
that was way too close of a call.
[petname]? that's what we're going with?
could you at least look like you like me for an hour? is that so hard?
admit it. i'm not half bad.
didn't think i would enjoy this as much as i am.
did you take acting classes growing up?
excuse me! i'm just trying to sell the illusion!
do you think they bought it?
you don't look like you love me. you look like you're constipated.
way to lay it on thick. i think you might have done too good of a job.
pretend to laugh at one of my jokes.
i guess i didn't expect you to dress up for this. i'm impressed.
you know, if you treated me like that on the regular, i might actually start falling in love with you.
they have to believe we're together. how hard can it be?
quick, pretend like you're about to kiss me.
you clearly care more about the tiny appetizers than you do me.
i'm just here for the free champagne.
you clean up nice.
that honestly wasn't as bad as i thought it would be.
they're looking over here. quick, say something funny.
that... was surprisingly smooth of you.
you don't date much, do you?
we should pretend to date more often.
hey! my eyes are up here!
shit, they're coming. kiss me.
ACTION PROMPTS all of these are written as if both parties are fake dating and going undercover at some specified event, but feel free to add your own scenarios if you'd like!
[ hand ] sender quickly takes receiver's hand in public to avoid getting caught
[ waist ] sender quickly slides an arm around receiver's waist in public to avoid getting caught
[ propose ] sender stages a dramatic fake proposal to further sell their relationship to the crowd, catching receiver completely off guard
[ fake fight ] sender and receiver stage a coordinated fake fight/messy breakup in front of the crowd
[ kiss ] realizing they need to sell their relationship to an important person/people, sender and receiver kiss for the first time
[ coat ] noticing receiver is cold, sender gives them their coat
[ entrance ] sender and receiver approach the entrance of the secret event and discuss their plans for selling their fake relationship to the crowd
[ slip away ] sender slips away from receiver in order to take a break from pretending, and receiver goes to find them
[ off limits ] sender and receiver are exploring an off limit portion of the event space, get caught, and are forced to try to explain how they got lost
[ the big kiss ] to conceal the fact that they're exploring an off limit portion of the event space, sender kisses receiver dramatically once they're caught
[ introduce ] sender introduces receiver as their lover/date/partner to a very important (and potentially dangerous) person at this event
[ family ] sender introduces receiver as their lover/date/partner to their family, who just so happens to also be at the event
[ lost ] sender loses receiver in the crowd and rushes to relocate them before their cover is blown
[ flirt ] when someone else shows interest in receiver, sender steps in and makes it clear they're "taken"
[ exit ] sender and receiver have successfully accomplished their goal, and now must sneak out of the event as covertly as possible
[ spill ] sender accidentally spills their drink on receiver and rushes them to the restroom to clean them up
[ private ] in a brief moment of privacy between the two fake daters, sender admits to receiver that they don't think receiver is as bad as they thought
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rosewiltd ยท 1 month
Soโ€ฆ. apparently tumblr has a daily upload limit now? WEAK
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rosewiltd ยท 1 month
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#SIVRIT : an independent, private, selective multi-muse for fandomless original characters with original lore and stories, as lovingly written by niran ( he/him ). follows from @intone. blog graphics by @isaworks.
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rosewiltd ยท 1 month
what if we had affiliated ocs ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ
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rosewiltd ยท 1 month
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โ Well, should you have a change of heart, I shall be in the front row of every performance at every theatre across Europe. โž
๐ˆ๐“ ๐…๐„๐„๐‹๐’ ๐€ ๐‹๐ˆ๐“๐“๐‹๐„ ๐’๐ˆ๐‹๐‹๐˜; a little childish, perhaps, to entertain such notions ( she knows her place, and it is here โ€” isn't it? ). She doesn't fancy herself much of a revolutionary. Corinne has seldom entertained the idea of true mischief โ€” the kind that comes with genuine, lasting consequence โ€” let alone crime. Yet, here in her sitting room, listening to the way Henry speaks โ€” with colour, with life lived โ€” she can't help but wonder what lies beyond the horizon line. Is it as beautiful and fantastical as all of Henry's stories make it out to be?
For all the finery and wealth she possesses, it doesn't change the fact her life is very much a gilded cage. She hadn't initially seen it that way. But as her friendship with Henry grew, so did her desire for more out of life. She thought she was happy most days; content to play the role of dutiful wife and upstanding member of society. But sometimes, sometimes, she wanted to stand calf-deep in seawater and scream until her lungs burned, until someone listened.
โ Brigands and black hearts, you say? Goodness. To think I've been entertaining a scoundrel this whole time. โž She makes a show of clutching the pearls at her neck, lips parted in open-mouthed, exaggerated surprise. Her own subtle mockery of the elite women of society. Then it passes and she's smiling over the rim of her tea cup. Harmless mischief, as it turns out, has its place.
ย  Strange, the way a laugh could seem so out of place in a home. That thought crossed his mind, though. As Corinne loosed such a pretty chime of giggles that managed, despite their grace, to seem almost as out of place as he did among all the carefully arranged end tables and pastel upholstery. She was the only thing alive in there. The only thing bright, and the rest was painted and pinned, finished and fine, but still and lifeless. Butterflies under glass. Engulfed in empty space.
ย  Maybe that was why the well to do ladies had their luncheons and tea socials. To put voices and laughter in all that empty space for a little while, at least.
ย  โ€œThe stage?โ€ An affront! As if he'd not managed an impressive array of put-on airs and even more fabricated voices over the course of their talking. โ€œI should think not! Useless drifters, stage folk, always traveling from one place to another with no sensible place in society, and no promise of income 'less they take to robbery. Who could live such a way?!โ€ He grinned his way through the last of it, a laugh breaking through the charade the closer and closer he drew to describing the truth of himself. He reclined against a rigidly stuffed pillow. โ€œNo,โ€ he answered in earnest, now, โ€œno stages or traveling troupes for me, but there are only so many ways to entertain oneself on a ship. I promise you cannot overvalue the fine art of of mockery among brigands and black hearts.โ€
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rosewiltd ยท 1 month
ok ok diving into drafts now. if you see me replying to something from six months ago don't worry about it.
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rosewiltd ยท 1 month
logged on just in time for a hannah rant!!!!!!!!!!
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