rostyq · 2 months
Not everyone understands that privilege is a very relative concept. Sometimes even the most basic things can be a privilege. Not getting bombed is a privilege. Not being genocided in a campaign to completely erase your entire nation/group is a privilege.
Having reliable allies or being a part of a defense block that would protect you if need arises is a privilege.
And I am so tired of getting online attacks from the people who have all these privileges on top of the missiles and drones trying to kill me.
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rostyq · 3 months
The more I reblog posts, the more I notice that many ppl reblog victims and damage of russian attacks without using the tag "russia". I hate using it as well because the word seeks with poison to me. But I still do, because if you look at the tag, you'll see photos of people enjoying russian things like they're not killing us at this very moment.
I need russian cruelty and russian bloody imperialism to be at the very top of the tag. They have been covering their own name with so much blood of the innocent people, everyone should see exactly what their culture nourishes. This is justice to the victims, this is the bitter truth of evil going unpunished. This is help towards the innocent, towards those hurting right now because of russia. This is how you spread the truth and focus on the truly important matter. So I encourage everyone to never avoid speaking the name of the criminal out loud.
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rostyq · 3 months
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rostyq · 3 months
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Кавуся Фокус пішов кудись гуляти на вулицю
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rostyq · 4 months
Talked to my friend, who lives in Kyiv, this morning. Right after the russian attack. Asked if she was okay because she lives in the part of the city where Shaheds are often downed. She told me that this attack was like no other before. The explosions were so powerful, the whole high-rise she's living in, felt wobbly and unstable. I asked her whether she and her boyfriend take shelter. Unfortunately, no, she said, the only thing they can do is to hide in the bathroom where there are at least no windows. There's no parking lot or an underground station nearby and the basements under their house are not suitable for hiding from the explosions. Because obviously they weren't built to withstand explosions, they were built in pre-war period. FYI there should be at least two entrances/exits in a shelter for it to be safe. In case the house collapses. I didn't want to know this information but now I know. I don't want my mother to understand the difference between balistic and guided missiles. But she does. I hate the fact that my grandma bought a map of Ukraine just so she could know where the missiles and drones currently are when they announce it in the news. I hate it not because I find it stupid but because no one should live in total fear and waiting of potential death like this. We don't deserve to live under constant threat, planning anxiously what to do in case we are far from our families when the next attack starts.
We lose everything - from people to pets to homes to material things to our health, both mental and physical while the whole world is watching. Well, we're in luck if at least a part of the world is watching. The rest got used to the terrorism that seems to be normalized as long as it doesn't cross the outer borders of Ukraine.
Personally I don't see the point of writing a lot of posts in English nowadays. You might have noticed that. Yes, we scream about it every day but it seems the longer we scream, the more of a common occurance it becomes to the rest of the world. Those who wanted to help us are already doing that and the rest just doesn't care. There are people who seem to despise us even. According to them we waste their money, live (mostly) not in holes (how dare we!), or fake the whole war thing at all. What they don't understand is that in the long run their demands to stop helping us can play a very bad joke on the whole world. If we lose, a lot of people will be surprised how everything in this world is interconnected. The unpunished evil always comes back wanting more. And pretending you don't see it doesn't make it disappear.
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rostyq · 6 months
I'm writing this post because I don't want people in other countries to imagine an ever-present warzone when they think of Ukraine.
Think of your ordinary life. You go to work, go out with friends, build plans for a summer holiday. You have neighbours, maybe you don't know all of them well but they live next to you and you say hello when you see them. You live in a good apartment, with all amenities, modern appliances and stylish furniture. You pay bills for heating, water and electricity. Maybe you're renting out or it's your own place. You are a part of a globalized world although you don't think about it on such a scale.
And then one day there are explosions in your city. At first it seems shocking and unusual. But you hope it'll end soon. But they don't stop. They become more frequent. You witness your hometown get demolished. The places where you spent your free time or ran errands - the windows get shattered and the walls begin to crumble. It looks weird in the middle of a modern city.
Soon the explosions happen so often that you have to go and live in the basement. You, a person, who has a modern home, must move to a basement, with other people like you, where you don't get enough light or fresh air, let alone enough tap water or a decent place to sleep.
And then you witness death. In fact, many deaths, not just one. You get the news of people you knew, maybe your neighbours or relatives, getting killed. They are just gone. At some point you become so desensitized, the news of a dead body lying outside doesn't shock you. Sometimes you have to go outside and help other people dig out the bodies from under debris or bury them. Sometimes you see other apartments being on fire and you can't do anything. Nobody can and there's no point.
The shops are closed and you become so desparate that you start hunting pigeons for food. You share tiny portions with other people because, even though the conditions are terrible, you remain a human.
You lose everything that you owned and cherished. And it all happens in three months. You basically lose any sense of belonging to a modern society in three fucking months. That's what happened in Mariupol. When you see the photos and videos of people in dirty ragged clothes, looking like they came straight from the middle ages, in front of a ruined street - it's easy to think of them only like this. But they never lived like that before. They lived just like you. They had everything you had - TVs, computers, cars, internet, medical care, shops with stylish clothes. And then just in three months russia made them turn into dejected shadows of themselves who forgot what normal life feels like. That's a real tragedy and that's what russians have done and are still doing to us. They are ruining our normal life which isn't much different from your normal life.
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rostyq · 7 months
I makes me sick to see "arguments" in defence of russia as "but their culture..." - did you know that a Wegeners granulomatosis was renamed because it was discovered(?) by the nazi doctor, Wegener? And they renamed it to granulomatosis with polyangiitis, and nothing bad happened. Did you know that a nazi Germany actually had a bunch of good doctors/artists/singers/etc who supported and even participated in the fucking genocide? We don't forgive nazis, then why should we forgive ruzzia?
Why do people still glorify russia? Why do people STILL draw Ukraine and Belarus as russia's sisters? Why do people use russian names for Ukrainian cities and history? Why do people completely ignore what russia does to Ukraine? Why do people ignore the total linguicide of Belarus? Why do people erase us and glorify our rapist?
Sometimes, I feel like most of us never studied WW2 at school. Everyone is just ready to glorify the new hitler. Seems like most people are able to understand what Eastern Europeans feel only when a russian rocket hits their house. Otherwise, they just don't understand why rusliet or drawing Belarus with prorussian flag or drawing MY COUNTRY AS RUSSIA'S SISTER is fucking disgusting and very offensive.
I wish every such content maker to find out how it feels to live under russian occupation. Seems like the experience of real people is not enough for them.
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rostyq · 7 months
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If you ever want to isolate sound in room, cover walls and door in the egg packagings, as they are great in absorbing sound.
They were built this way specifically so that we would not hear the eggs murmuring.
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rostyq · 8 months
I often see jokes about Britain stealing from other cultures in the past so why not talk about russia that hasn't stopped doing that to this day? I don't want to think what the world will lose if russian culture will be canceled. I just don't care.
You see, I've learnt the value of museum artifacts since the very young age. I used to spent a lot of time at the museums when I was a child. Today I saw the news about russians opening another exhibition of stolen Ukrianian art. It reminded me how much I don't care about the fate of the russian culture. To me it's not worth anything anyway. It's the amalgamation of stolen, appropriated and blatanly copied.
The culture of my country is being demolished and ravaged by those who were supposed to be brought up by the "magnificient works" of Dostoyevsky, Pushkin and Tolstoy. They are stealing my culture so later they can ask me with an audacious smirk "If you are a separate nation, where are your writers and artists?"
In my life I've had enough interactions with russian culture. Literature, music, films, fine art, you name it. Now I want justice. I want Ukrainian culture to be recognized as Ukrainian.
They destroy our heritage, monuments that were build hundreds of years ago. And then they steal things that they can carry. They are actively rewriting their history so everything that has been created by my ancestors, becomes a part of their "great culture". The one that a lot of foreigners seem to be so worried about.
"What about great russian culture? What does it have to do with politics?"
Tell me what in this world doesn't have to do with politics. Especially when it comes to culture.
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rostyq · 8 months
Я б змінив розподіл часу на це все. Тобто робив би не по годиннику, а по настрою 😁
неділя в жовтих тонах
Сьогодні жовте світло на кухні, жовто-помаранчеві яблука на тарілці, мій жовтий дощовик посеред сірого холодного дня. І жовті верхівки дерев. Не помітила, коли вони встигли пожовтіти... Ще сьогодні було трохи бежевого, але це все тому, що один із помаранчевих рушників, які мені подарували, вирішив полиняти на інші речі. Тепер у мене є кілька бежевих речей. Зовсім не мій колір.
Від зміни погоди хочеться впасти в сплячку. Тоді я б до весни пила каву з кокосовим сиропом і грала в простенькі інді-ігри. А потім весною дивувалась би, коли це дерева встигли пустити бруньки.
Нещодавно проходила кар'єрну консультацію і мене запитали, що б я хотіла робити, якби фінанси не були б проблемою. А в мене на це питання вже кілька років є відповідь. В такому випадку я б хотіла бути флористкою.
Тож, якби гроші не були вирішальним фактором вибору роботи, що б ви робили?
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rostyq · 8 months
Якби гроші не були вирішальним фактором, все одно писав би код: проєкти з відкритим кодом, вивчення нових мов програмування, якісь штуки просто з цікавості як воно вийде.
Також спробував би хоча б повчитись робити відео-ігри. Мені завжди була цікава ця індустрія ще з часів коли у мене було нуль навичок програмування.
Що поробиш, мені це все просто подобається.
неділя в жовтих тонах
Сьогодні жовте світло на кухні, жовто-помаранчеві яблука на тарілці, мій жовтий дощовик посеред сірого холодного дня. І жовті верхівки дерев. Не помітила, коли вони встигли пожовтіти... Ще сьогодні було трохи бежевого, але це все тому, що один із помаранчевих рушників, які мені подарували, вирішив полиняти на інші речі. Тепер у мене є кілька бежевих речей. Зовсім не мій колір.
Від зміни погоди хочеться впасти в сплячку. Тоді я б до весни пила каву з кокосовим сиропом і грала в простенькі інді-ігри. А потім весною дивувалась би, коли це дерева встигли пустити бруньки.
Нещодавно проходила кар'єрну консультацію і мене запитали, що б я хотіла робити, якби фінанси не були б проблемою. А в мене на це питання вже кілька років є відповідь. В такому випадку я б хотіла бути флористкою.
Тож, якби гроші не були вирішальним фактором вибору роботи, що б ви робили?
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rostyq · 8 months
Basically any song with sirens receives skip/ignore from me.
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rostyq · 8 months
Мінімалізм за умовчанням
Як вперше увімкнув телефон і побачив це гарне чорне пір'я то міняти нічого не захотілось взагалі.
Трошки ярликів, пару віджетів і готово. Всі інші застосунки мені зручно і просто шукати через пошук.
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Оновив свій фон на телефоні, тепер щось новеньке :)
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P.S Якщо цікаво, ви поділіться теж своїм фоном на телефоні, цікаво подивитися.
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rostyq · 9 months
Перечитав. Це перша книга, яку я прочитав з 24 лютого від початку і до кінця. Незважаючи на проблеми з концентрацію і менеджментом часу, у мене таки вийшло це зробити без великих на то зусиль.
Приємно було помітити в сюжеті згадування про внє-палітікі. В російській "Основаніє" я цього не помічав. Взагалі кумедно: у росіян "denounce the government" перекладено як "нєосторожно вьісказаться о правітєльствє".
У всякому разі мені сподобалося, буду далі перечитувати серію.
"Крізь морок варварства — до цивілізації"
Почав перечитувати "Фундацію" Айзека Азімова. До цього читав тільки в російському перекладі. Це, мабуть, перша франшиза яку хочу перечитати не тільки через переклад, а ще через те що мені дійсно цікава ця історія про занепад і розквіт Галактичної Імперії.
Це якраз приблизно підпало під вихід Starfield, тому якоюсь мірою я аж занурююсь в космічну тематику.
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rostyq · 9 months
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10 posts!
Keep on keeping on!
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rostyq · 9 months
Перші враження від Starfield
Мені, як гравцю, який грав в Skyrim, Fallout 3/4 і в Outer Wilds при заході в Starfield відразу відчулось наче я вдома. Наче гра тобі каже "you know the drill" і ти топаєш по квестам. Спочатку трохи по основній лінії, потім досліджуєш світ другорядних маленьких історій, або просто блукаєш локаціями і прокачуєш персонажа.
Прокачка персонажу тут простіше: є вміння які можна відкривати і вдосконалювати і початкові три характеристики, все.
Світ виглядає великим і наповненим. В кожній системі що я побував точно був який квест, іноді навіть прямо після стрибку пропонують комусь допомогти чи щось дослідити.
Саме важливе це те що мені подобається і є бажання повертатися в гру.
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rostyq · 9 months
Люблю тут гуляти. Кожен раз милуюсь цим собором.
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