me writing the worst paragraph of my life knowing that a sexier, more hydrated version of me will fix it later
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"people are allowed to dislike things" WRONG. no one is allowed to dislike gwyn berdara
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rosy-opal-commander · 16 hours
Rhysand: Nesta, don’t let anyone treat you like an option
Nesta: wow that’s actually really nice of you to say
Rhysand: you’re inevitable - a horror beyond comprehension, an omen, a threat
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rosy-opal-commander · 22 hours
art by @frostbite.studios
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If this isn’t the next expansion anet I don’t want it. Anise girl please let this be your plan all along lol
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I call this look "Then perish."
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I saw that people were painting this beautiful sword. And I decided too. This is what my commander's sword would look like
A bit of history. Before receiving punishment for her violation of the rules, she wore a Caladbolg like a regular commander. But after her trial. And getting her a distorted look. Many things can also take on a distorted appearance. Spoiled. When it started, she stopped using Caladbolg. After many years, he recovered back, But she should never touch him again.
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So sorry for disappearing on you guys! Here's my Guild Wars 2 OC Aedacan! :D He's a ranger firstborn with a strange attunement to a magic relic,, (Though I'm not too sure yet, since I'm not fully in tune with the lore yet so it probably doesn't make sense all that much jshdhsdkj)
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Also.... aren't they like people? How can we tell at this point? lol what a mess.
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mental image of a ranger commander trying to keep the kryptis secret with their new pet
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they're saving my ass tho
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Original template cr: @mhuyo from Twitter
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The art work and map design was sooooo fucking cool and then they just asked a bunch of questions that they just didn't answer.
The tone shift in how everyone talked to the Commander. From first launch to latest. From even Peitha "you don't like it when people don't bask in your brilliance?"
To "I thought you were a snack but you're a whole meal"
Like it seems they were leaning into how alone and kinda disliked the commander was then jumped into giving you a nickname and sweet demon hunting orb. Which is such a departure from the Galadevel ham fisted mental health plot device.
My thoughts on the new story patch, and I'm sorry, I'm gonna be a hater... or, a heitor, if you will.
That was it? All that buildup, all that tension? And we got that?
Like, taking this piece by piece, for the story.
We hear that Isgarren still doesn't want to devote his oh so precious time to preventing a kryptis genocide, nothing new there. We then get told "go do events until the bar is full", which is... not the story pacing I'm really looking for.
2. Peitha gets ambushed by some loyalist kryptis, que 5 minutes of taking down a swarm of enemies with no further plot development or meaning, just throw 100 guys at the commander who is doing their best lawnmower impersonation. After which, we get the oh so juicy detail that the kryptis siding with Eparch are actually fearful!
3. Then, finally, the assault! After another "throw 50 guys at the commander" event, you get a "throw 100 guys at the commander, but this time the commander has to stand still for a while in the middle of it", followed by "the commander fights 100 things while climbing up a tower", which was honestly kinda fun, I can't knock that.
4. the final bossfight. I wasn't even using my unkillable build, I opted instead for my condi weaver build, which is very fragile and punishing of mistakes. Eparch was a snooze. I felt in danger only once because I decided "hey, what happens if I stand right in the middle of his big attack", and I saw my 16k HP pool dwindle to 3k. I've said this before and I'll say it again, good final bosses are hard, good bosses punish you for your mistakes. Chak Gerent is a great boss because it can very easily down you if you aren't paying attention. Eparch was such a snooze that I was able to out-sustain his damage using... signet of restoration and written in stone. But hey, as far as story stuff that happens in that fight, Isgarren shows up once you have Eparch nearly dead just so he can land the final blow and say that he helped end the war.
5. The final instance. I'm a-ok with an instance where the credits roll, I am a-ok with an achievement for watching all the credits roll. If you want to put NPC's for me to talk to into the instance, cool! Don't make me sit around while each of the kryptis that you introduced 2 story instances ago (if even) slowly and laboriously says their piece, especially if I can't go and do other things while they do! I'd love to pay attention to the story, don't get me wrong. Fleshy emotion demons that I have no connection to are not what interests me.
Boring, dull. I really really wanted to like SotO, and I had high hopes after the initial launch, but Nayos was meh, and everything that happened in Nayos was meh. 3/10. The initial SotO release wasn't bad! We got 2 very unique maps and a new hub world, which is pretty neat! That released in august of last year. It has been 10 months and we've been given 1 map piecemeal. We got 3 short story installments of 3 instances each that let us get into a lil tiny bit more of the map. So, what can Anet do to improve for the next expansion? Just give us the whole damn expansion all at once! Don't rush it, give us memorable characters, maybe lower the stakes a little bit and gradually ramp up to world ending stakes again! Releasing a map piece by piece worked well for Icebrood Saga, Bjora Marches and Drizzlewood coast are some of the best maps in the game IMO. Bjora gives me utter chills every time I am in there, as though the ambient creepiness is chilling me to my very bone, fitting with the constant blizzard. Drizzlewood coast feels like a warzone, constantly taking and giving land, resources, and mounting attacks! I love that, and the fact that it very thematically fits into the story too! I love it! Instead, we got emotion eating demons from another dimension that it is now somehow our problem to fix? All because an all powerful wizard wouldn't get his 4 thumbs out of his ass? "Wowee, here's a character I'm sure you all remember and are happy to have back! She even has her original voice actor!" and then... not writing her as the same character? Nigh immediate character assassination? C'mon.
As for what SotO got right, a lot of the non-story stuff that they introduced is honestly really good! I love the wizard's vault, (while it has wronged me personally by inadvertently jacking up the prices of mystic coins by about 700%), I love that it is like a battlepass with none of the toxic marketing strategies as a regular battlepass. I love the relic system! It took a while to grow on me, and I feel like they need to do a lot with the system to not make it "This is the BiS relic for power builds, this is the BiS relic for condi builds, and this is the BiS relic for healers", it's a very good and very customizable system! Weaponmaster training and advanced weapon proficiencies are great! While I initially bitched and moaned about the inevitable results of weaponmaster training, (catalyst has caused every weapon it touches to get nerfed into the dirt, I didn't want them touching my precious weaver sword), it's again grown on me! The customization that it brings to the table is honestly really damn good! I like being able to be a hammer wielding tempest! I like being able to use other specialization's weapons on other professions. Necromancer has become so much more fun now that I can wield pistol and torch across the board.
The SotO expansion brought a lot of what I think gw2 needed to the game. The SotO story, on the other hand...
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I've had this little idea in my head for a while now, so I decided to sit down and plot it out.
Disclaimer: This isn't meant to be some sort of One-Worksheet-Fits-All situation. This is meant to be a visual representation of some type of story planning you could be doing in order to develop a plot!
Lay down groundwork! (Backstory integral to the beginning of your story.) Build hinges. (Events that hinge on other events and fall down like dominoes) Suspend structures. (Withhold just enough information to make the reader curious, and keep them guessing.)
And hey, is this helps... maybe sit down and write a story! :)
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this couldn’t be said any better
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