rqmanoff · 1 month
The way Spencer loves you is gentle, natural, almost instinctual. He’s so casually affectionate, so in love it’s impossible not to show it, all over his face and his sappy lil heart eyes
He gravitates towards you, it’s like a magentic pull. He looks for you first in every room, he just has to sit or stand next to you wherever you go. He does something impressively smart or tells a stupid joke, he looks over to see your reaction first. Your opinion is the most important one to him, after all.
He always makes sure you walk on the inside of the sidewalk, away from the traffic. He keeps you close, hands interwined and shoulder to shoulder. A cool breeze hits, he’s immediately pulling you closer to keep you warm.
Even when he’s asleep he needs you near him, holding you tight througout the night. When he wakes up in the middle of the night, the first thing he does is reach for you and pull you close again.
He likes sleeping on your side of the bed if you’re away for the night, comforted by the lingering smell, warmth, vibe?? of you :(
Everything makes him think of you! (Ik I’ve talked abt this before but it’s so cute and so Spencer lemme have this) It’s just a natural progression in his mind at this point: he sees something → he somehow connects it to you → he’s happy.
It’s like that old incorrect quote meme, someone calls him Spencer and he’s like “My S/O calls me that 😇” “…Because it’s your name?” LMAO
He saves you a seat at every table, getting up to pull it out for you! He practically RACES to the door so he can get there before you and open it for you. Is all “that’s >:( my job >:(“ if you beat him to it or someone else opens it for you.
masterlist | inbox ← requests open! ♡
taglist - @lover-of-books-and-tea @maskysluvr @aurorsworld @wisteriaspencer @radioactiveinvisible @mandarinmoons @spencereidapologist @lyd14k4y @luvkatryna (send an ask or message to be added/removed!)
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rqmanoff · 1 month
you know how to ball, i know aristotle
s.r x f!reader
summary: spencer's love feels so high school
warnings: none!
wc: 689 (she's short!)
a/n: inspired by so high school!! i have 50 different fics planned after listening to ttpd.......be prepared
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It felt childish in a way. The way Spencer feels his cheeks flush and a chill run down his body whenever she’s near him. The constant butterflies. The shyness he feels when she's around. The high he gets from being near her. It feels like he’s a teenager in love.
Right now, the feeling remains as he watches Y/N and the rest of the team that fills the bullpen play a makeshift game of basketball with a trash bin and crumpled up paper. Whenever she makes a basket, she snaps her head over to him to see if he was looking– of course he was– and his chest fills with pride. Once her turn was over though, his head went right back down to his current read, something about Greek philosophers.
“Pretty Boy!”
His head immediately went back up at the sound of Morgan calling out to him. “Hmm?”
“We need reinforcements. Your girl is kicking our asses over here.”
A red wave flooded his neck, making its way up to his face, and he moved his chair back the tiniest bit, giving a small nod as he tried to hide his shy smile. He felt the way one would if they were asked to play kiss, marry, kill with their crush’s name thrown in there. Honestly, he’d be content if she did all three to him.
From there on, the game went terribly. While Y/N was making shot after shot, Emily was barely making it around the rim, Derek made it every other time, and Spencer was so far off it was pointless in asking him to join (but he knew the ball wasn't weighted properly, and he’d die on that hill). It didn't take long for those who were losing to become uninterested in the game, so everything eventually went back to business.
That was until Spencer felt a pair of hands gently knead into his shoulders.
Normally, he would tense up immediately. He wouldn't want to be touched– he’d be questioning why someone was touching him. But he knew it was Y/N. He’s become accustomed to her delicate touch; the smell of her lotion; the light reflecting off of the promise ring he bought her for their last anniversary. She would massage his shoulders until he was completely relaxed against her, allowing her to lean forward more and wrap her arms around his neck, placing her chin on his shoulder.
“I had a lot of fun earlier. You did well.”
He let out a giddy laugh as he craned his neck in order to look at her. The same giddy feeling a teenager gets when playing spin the bottle and truth or dare spread through his body whenever he’s this close to her, it truly never fails.
“I’m glad. I absolutely embarrassed myself with my lack of skill, but I’m glad at least someone enjoyed it.”
“Hey,” she shifted slightly so that she was directly looking at him all while keeping her chin perched on him. “You didn't embarrass yourself. We all have things we’re good at. Like, look at this.” She lazily gestured to the books scattered across his desk, “I couldn't even begin to describe what you're reading. You’re brilliant, Spence.”
“It’s called The Philosophy of Aristotle. It’s a selection of Aristotle’s works and–” he stopped himself, watching the way Y/N was completely mesmerized by what he had to say.
“Keep going. I've done my reports and I’m sure you've finished yours. We have plenty of time.” She kissed his cheek as a way to get him to start speaking again, and he felt on top of the world.
It was childish, really. The constant buzz he felt when speaking to her. The crinkles he can feel by his eyes from smiling so hard. The childlike wonder at how someone could be so perfect for him. No one’s ever had him like her. He felt as though this is what he would've felt if he had a normal childhood, one where he had a high school sweetheart. And despite it feeling so high school, he loves it. He loves her.
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rqmanoff · 2 months
Can you talk about how happy spencer would be when he notices reader made him a space in her drawer without him asking? I just know he would be so excited about it and I'm 🥺
i don’t know whether you meant in the workplace or at home so i went with at home cause im a SUCKER for domesticity
he finds it on a lazy sunday, when the sun is bright but not sizzling and neither of you changes out of your pyjamas the whole day. his glasses are perched on his nose and he keeps yawning, hair ruffled to all hell and slippers that he mistakenly put on that are definitely yours cramping his feet. he’s in love. with the day and the world and you.
you appear from your bedroom a few minutes later, just as he’s poured coffee into your favourite cup and his new favourite cup - one you bought for him after shopping with penelope. he wanted to take it home but- on second thought, he could use the mug as an excuse to visit you and stay with you and that sounds much, much better.
you sit next to one another on the couch, drinking coffee and doing the newspaper puzzles together. it’s your favourite old person activity to do together - you curl up next to him, head perched on his shoulder as he scribbles and fills in the answers, playfully fighting with you over who gets the honour of putting in the very last letter of the crossword. 
he’s just writing cockatoo when the pen fizzles out, and before he even fully registers it you’re in the kitchen, opening a drawer he’s never seen you use before and coming back with a new pen.
which would be nothing, no big deal, if it wasn’t his favourite type of pen from his favourite company in his preferred colour. they’re not cheap, and to a lot of people not worth it.
“that’s a good pen choice,” he says, warming at the smile you give him when you wrap around him again.
“why thank you.”
and he thinks nothing of it, until later when he’s making you both tea and he can’t help himself - while the water is boiling he opens the drawer you got the pen from earlier and it’s like he’s looking at all the ingredients you’d need to summon your very own spencer reid.
sugar packets, pens, instant coffee, contact lense solution, even a microfibre cloth to clean his glasses. hell, there’s a ray bradbury book lying there, and a bookmark with a nikola tesla quote on it.
all his favourite things in one drawer.
he looks up, sees you on the couch mindlessly flipping through the finished newspaper. you’re blissfully unaware of what he’s discovered, unaware that his eyes are stinging and unaware that his heart feels like it’s about to burst out of his chest.
unaware that he’s just confirmed, irrevocably, that you are his person.
he skitters over in a hurry, plopping the cups on the coffee table and tackling you onto your back before you can even think about picking up your cup. you let out an oof but accept the love nonetheless, arms wrapping around his shoulders while he places chaste kisses on your neck. he hugs you so tightly, unable to put into words how happy he is, and you let out a confused laugh at it all.
“i have my own drawer?” he asks quietly.
“oh,” you realise, “you found that? it’s my little ‘spencer kit’.”
“’spencer kit’?”
“yeah. all the stuff you use the most.”
he pulls his head away from it’s hiding place; you brush his hair away from his eyes, happy lines surrounding them, and sigh happily when his forehead rests against yours.
“that’s really cool,” he sniffles.
“cool, huh?”
“yeah, cool. i say that now.” his nose brushes yours. “thank you.”
it’s a simple sunday, really, but it’s the first time spencer really feels he’s found where he belongs - hot drinks next to a newspaper with all the puzzles complete, the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with in his arms, and a whole lot of love in his chest. it’s a simple sunday, really, but he hopes it’s his forever.
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rqmanoff · 2 months
𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐭 - 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐱 𝐛𝐚𝐮!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 Spencer reacts to your new hair-do
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 fem!reader, just a lot of disgustingly sweet fluff, Spencer’s a blabbering mess, sweetheart!reader, sunshine!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 1.3k
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 i actually find this one so cute oml
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You walked the corridor, taking long strides as the sound of your heels clicked and echoed across the hall. You smiled sweetly at your fellow co-workers, as you struggled to hold the papers and books in your arms. 
People around the BAU usually loved bumping into you in the morning, mainly because of how infectious your good mood seemed to be. You always walked into work with that huge smile displayed on your features, immediately infecting those around you. No one understood how someone as bright and, in a sense, pure as you could work in such a mentally demanding environment. You’d sometimes take part of seeing the crime scenes and assisted in a few of those cases, but during most of them, you’d stay around and help Garcia with certain tasks and whatnot. 
You waved at one of your more familiar coworkers as you hurriedly made your way to the conference room, desperately trying to make it to the meeting where the rest of the team was waiting. A small wave of anxiety rushed through you, knowing that Gideon was bound to scold you one way or another for being late.
As you turned the corner, your body collided with someone else's, causing a few files to fly away along with two or three books, landing lightly on the ground. A small groan left your lips as you rubbed your arm, before you began to profusely apologize. "I’m sorry, I didn't—"
But to your suprise, when you motioned your gaze upward, you were welcomed with the familiar view of one of your favourite people in this whole office. "Spencer!"
You couldnt help how an increadibly wide smile splattered onto your face as you realized it had only been him whom you bumped into. You noticed however, how Spencer was just staring at you dumbly, moth slightly fallen agape, looking as if not a single thought was going through his head— which was a rare ocassion. 
"Your hair—" He said barely above a whisper as he took in your face. 
You furrowed your brows before dawning with realization. “Oh!”
You hand ran up to your now shoulder length hair and combed your fingertips through the ends of it with a small.
"Yeah, I felt like cutting it all off, seemed eaiser to maintain and I was aiming for it to be healthier, but I’m still getting used to it you know.." You said, leaning on your heels and looking at your friend who seemed too dozed off to be listening to anything you were saying.
And that he was. Spencer had been too busy rerunning his daily schedule in his head as he walked the halls, coincidentally, just as late as you are to the exact same meeting. He felt like an idiot for bumping into someone, cursing internally at himself, and felt even more horrified as he realized that it had been you. And to make matters worse, he had sent all your papers flying everywhere. The embarrassment he was feeling at that exact moment was uncomparable. 
But every running thought stopped when he looked at at you and god. He felt like wind had been knocked directly out of his chest and suddenly his mind went blank. He stared at your now short hair, admiring how incredibly breathtaking it made you look. 
The length framed your face perfectly, encentuating your cheekbones and jaw structure and from what he could see, you’d also gotten a small fringe done. Your cheeks glowed a natural pink hue while your eyes gleemed happily and Spencer couldve sworn in that instant second that you were the most beautiful thing he’d set his eyes on. 
"—Spence." You cut through his thoughts, reeling him back to reality. "You in there?"
He swallowed nervously before nearly jumping to his feet just to answer and prevent you from thinking he had some sort of mental problem for staring so much. "Uh— Yeah! R-right here.."
You dipped your chin slightly as he continued to look at you, your ever persistant smile still plastered onto your features. The sudden pattering of your heart didn’t deter you from observing Spencer with a curious gaze, wondering what was going on in that big head of his. "It's short…”
He mentally slapped himself. You laughed.
"Yeah, it is actually! Didn’t really plan on it being so short, I asked them to leave it longer but the hairstylist lady didnt really listen," You chuckled to yourself, running a hand nervously through your hair. "Do you like it?"
Spencers stomach was doing all sorts of flips and turns as you gazed up at him, looking so sweet. But he couldnt seem to emit any sort of words, anything he thought of responding seemed wrong and the words he wanted to say wouldn't move past the back of his throat. His eye quickly caught a glimpse of your scattered papers. 
"Shoot, uhm—“ He bent down and began collecting all of the pages together nervously. You offered him a humored smile before beinding down and helping him with all the fallen objects, shaking your head at his endearing antics.
It was always so humorous to see how collected and steady Spencer usually was, alwasy able to keep his thoughts into one straight line, aiming to get as much information out as possible, in the most cohesive way possible. He usually held himself so cautiously and carefully. His intelligence was something you loved about him. 
But to see how much of a blabbering mess he’d become around you, made you think very fondly of him. How his hands would begin to fidget nervously and how his words became all twisted. Spencer always had so much in his head, but the second you came into the picture, everything vanished— except the thought of you. 
Derek specifically always teased Spencer with his ‘oh so obvious’ crush, stating how he had 'no game' and if he didnt ask you out sooner he was going to do somethng about it. You were an absolute sweetheart and everyone knew you and Spencer would work perfectly. 
You finished collecting your last book and stood up, sighing in relief. You took one last look at Spencer, beofre looking up at him with a glint of mischeif in your eyes. "You should be careful next time Dr. Reid," 
Spencer could feel his pulse in his neck. He opened his mouth and closed it before clearing his throat. "Yeah, I wasnt really—“
"Spence," You called, pulling him out of his thoughts before he could become a stammering mess. "I’m just teasing."
Spencer swallowed and offered you his signature side smile, wihch cuased your own to grow. You looked behind you and gestured towards the other side of the hall. “We should proabably start walking if we want to—“
"It looks really good." Spencer spat out nervously, too quick for you to catch. You tilted your head, ever so slightly and raised your brows. You hummed, not quite sure you had heard the words that left his mouth. 
"Your, uh, hair—“ He prodded, pointed to your new haircut. "It looks really good— you look really good,"
Your smile grew and your eyes softened. You probably looked like a child on christmas morning. Heat rushed up to your cheeks as you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear timidly, suddenly scared by the way your pulse had quickened. 
"Thank Spence," Your voice was sweet as hunny and all he wanted to do was for you to continue looking at him the way you were right now. You stopped with a bit of hesitation, before welcoming him to come walk with you towards your conjoined meeting. "Walk with me?"
He nodded silently and walked by your side as you rambled about your weekend. Spencer loved talking about the things he knew, and sharing as many facts and statistics as he could, but when it came to you, all he ever wanted to do was just listen.
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i may or may not have a little series in the works🤭
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rqmanoff · 3 months
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121K notes · View notes
rqmanoff · 3 months
i'm a baby lasagna stan first and a human being second!!!!
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rqmanoff · 3 months
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📸 og post here
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rqmanoff · 3 months
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Baby Lasagna – Rim Tim Tagi Dim
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rqmanoff · 4 months
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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rqmanoff · 4 months
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rqmanoff · 5 months
finnick odair is tough. you know this. you have seen him endure more than you could ever imagine; have watched him take and give beatings like it was easy— seen him swallow fear and be brave where others couldn’t be. thus, you know finnick is tough, and then some. body of iron, mind of steel.
he is ever so soft with you, though.
you can’t help but smile as he presses his face into your neck, large body engulfing yours as if he has momentarily forgotten his size. he smells like the coast from where he has just returned from: like fresh air and salt and sand, the golden pearls almost as bronzed as his skin— as smooth as the hair he asks you to play with. it’s the only way for him to fall asleep, he says, your delicate fingers pulling through his curls, weeding out the waves; scratching against his scalp.
he’s beginning to doze. the corners of his lashes are kissing together, his breath is deep and slowing by the minute. though, he’s insisting that he’ll manage for just a little longer, mouth pressed against your skin in a half-kiss that isn’t meant to mean anything other than he loves you. it tickles— though you do your best not to laugh. finnick’s hardly ever this relaxed these days: you don’t want to disturb him when he’s so peaceful.
you don’t think he’d ever complain though, with how he behaves like you’re the one who hung the stars.
“love you baby,” he says suddenly, his voice permeating your thoughts like amber droplets of thick honey. he squeezes his arms around your middle, subsequently pressing you tighter against him. his heart beats against yours. this is his favourite way be, he tells you. “wanted to say it before i fell asleep. ‘m so tired.”
it’s a sweet and sincere sentiment. one that arrests your chest with an extremity of fondness you didn’t know you could feel.
“you took a longer swim than usual today,” you remind him, pressing your lips to the crown of his head. he hums in agreement. “no wonder you can hardly stay awake.”
“the water was warm.”
it was. the sun had shone over the water, the first twinkles of a long awaited summer. finnick loves the water more than anyone, and it was no surprise that he had spent half the day wading and swimming; diving; collecting seashells; playing games with the children who were fascinated with his ability to never tire.
if only they could see him now, you think to yourself, running a hand against the naked skin of his back.
“i know baby,” finnick melts into you at the pet name. he likes it when you’re sweet on him. “it’ll be warmer tomorrow. i’ll come with you; it’ll be nice to finish my book in the sun.”
finnick makes a noise that is probably meant to be affirmation. he kisses you again. it makes you warm all over.
“i love my studious girlfriend,” finnick whispers.
“she loves you too.”
and it’s truer, and more sacred, than any holy oath.
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rqmanoff · 10 months
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reblog if you love your boyfriend
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rqmanoff · 11 months
Max excusing himself from the drivers briefing after brad pitt asks why drivers go on hard tires and not easy ones
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rqmanoff · 1 year
i’m SO impressed by george russell’s ability to gaslight. he really had christian horner sticking out his arm to check if it was raining. mans had EVERYONE confused. he’s probably striking fear in the paddock when they see him walk in
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rqmanoff · 1 year
nah he had horner sticking his arm out looking for the rain i’m in tears
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rqmanoff · 1 year
george pitting last minute just to steal max's fastest lap
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rqmanoff · 1 year
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GEORGE RUSSELL after the 2023 Azerbaijan GP Sprint Race
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