ruined-city-of-arah · 4 years
yall dont have the word i need in english!! anyway. 
saudade of wildstar housing system x the absolute lack of brain to even think about installing nexus forever to try and emulate a semi-functional wildstar
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ruined-city-of-arah · 4 years
i’ve been playing skyrim (for the first time) and i cant stop thinking about how i intended to play star my khajiit like i would play star my tabaxi in dnd and now she’s champion of so many daedric lords and is part of the dark brotherhood and thieves guild (the latter not so out of character tho at least!) and in her dnd sheet it says chaotic good
couple more stories for posterity under the cut because they got a lot longer than i expected lmao
1 - before i had house, i would give all my books to faendal my pal. back at around hour 20 of game i think, we were sneaking into a bandit camp in a cave, and i told him to wait because i wanted to sneak ahead and take out at least some of the bandits so they wouldn’t all come over at us and kill us. faendal stood up and called the attention of a lot of folk, thing i only noticed once i jumped down the ledge. i hear fighting above and sneak through the back and take a few bandits that were running to faendal. i hear faendal struggling and eventually he stops with the voice lines that indicate ‘please im fucked’. they had killed my boy!!! alright i finish the job and look for the body because they might have killed my boy but god damn my books and items i’m taking with me. body’s gone. i could not find faendal’s body. he died with all my books and shit. i thought ‘oh he died he’ll probably respawn in his house right?’ so i finish the quest and go to his house and nothing. that’s when i searched and found out that some followers are not essencial and can, in fact, die. i also saw that sometimes when npc friends die they leave inheritances to the dragonborn. i thought ‘huh maybe ill get my books back!’. fast forward to a couple days later real life time. i’m in morthal doing stuff and a dragon swoops in. the dragon kills benor. instantly i receive the inheritance. i then realized that my books were gone for good and the inheritance only gives you money. rip faendal you died like you lived: carrying my books.
2 - i never actually used star for dnd (i love dnd would love to play it someday and stuff) but on her sheet it is written: “tabaxi has coin if you have wares”. this is from around the time i originally came up with star, long before i actually played the rim for myself. she was my first choice for character for skyrim for this reason. surprisingly, playing skyrim i’ve been adding some depth to her character! (being part of murder gang is not canon, petty thievery with fendrel (aka not-faendal) to survive is)
3 - ‘ill just fast travel to falkreath so next time i play i am where i need to be & go to sleep haha :)’ i say at 6 am a couple days ago. an elder dragon spawns with me. i think nah fuck this and run into a shop. i think better and go outside to kill the dragon. battle music starts playing under the dragon battle music. the dragon lands on the road to falkreath. i go attack the dragon. barbas the dog sees me and comes running to talk to me. i stand there while barbas talks to me and the dragon stands right in front of us. i say fuck off for a second to barbas and kill the dragon. dragon dies, i go talk to barbas. barbas starts running. i quicksave and follow for a bit. vampires show up at the other end of falkreath. i quit and go to sleep.
ETA: 4 - belethor fell from the sky and died
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ruined-city-of-arah · 4 years
the fact that the first person in my life that was like ‘huh! this moron might be autistic’ about me was myself at age 17 is wild lmao 
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ruined-city-of-arah · 4 years
if i want to be 100% caught up with critical role before they come back next week, i have to watch 27 episodes of campaign 1. that’s four-ish episodes per day. seems reasonable
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ruined-city-of-arah · 4 years
real “missing wildstar” hours
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ruined-city-of-arah · 4 years
not gonna lie i instantly and profusely dislike people that go to previous critical role episodes’ comment sections and post spoilers from episodes that happen after said episode
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ruined-city-of-arah · 4 years
hi i decided to check on my animal crossing wild world town since thats all i have in terms of animal crossing and, 12 months since my last visit like 1 year since my last visit, and wolfgang is leaving and is not accepting to stay and im real upset about it. i made a nice path between our houses wolfgang!!!!! you can’t just ditch me like this you are my second favourite villager & my favourite isn’t even on ww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was horrified to go back for this exact reason wolfgang!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ruined-city-of-arah · 4 years
hi i decided to check on my animal crossing wild world town since thats all i have in terms of animal crossing and, 12 months since my last visit like 1 year since my last visit, and wolfgang is leaving and is not accepting to stay and im real upset about it. i made a nice path between our houses wolfgang!!!!! you can’t just ditch me like this you are my second favourite villager & my favourite isn’t even on ww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was horrified to go back for this exact reason wolfgang!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ruined-city-of-arah · 4 years
good ol’ 4:30am desperate longing for a white/off-white/black frilly and/or lacey victorian/edwardian (inspired) shirt/blouse
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ruined-city-of-arah · 4 years
ok so i was using my 2 brain cells last night before falling asleep and i was thinking about the alleged cantha expansion.
i would really love a break from the elder dragon stuff tbh but. bubbles huh. i would not be surprised if we get some deep sea dragon content with a cantha expansion. 
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ruined-city-of-arah · 4 years
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(from the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX website)
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ruined-city-of-arah · 4 years
not gonna lie i got whiplash when i opened up the “Soar Magically with the Sacred Pegasus Griffon Skin” news article and saw a horse
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ruined-city-of-arah · 4 years
my chemical romance is going to kill me at this rate but its ok because it seems like they possibly might be up for some necromantic shenanigans
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ruined-city-of-arah · 5 years
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felt emo might delete
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ruined-city-of-arah · 5 years
my chemical romance come to brazil
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ruined-city-of-arah · 5 years
happy halloween i have been thinking exclusively about mcr all day
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ruined-city-of-arah · 5 years
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