sailormale · 20 days
Not to start giving the OCs here character songs as well, but Find You by Single Void, King Protea came up on my Spotify and it’s such a Seri/Darren song. Lyrics are kinda flipping on who’s singing but it’s more Darren towards Seri
And yes, sure, it could totally work with Kama/Lunoir and the OG plotline with the Nebel, but has stronger Seri/Darren vibes for me.
Like Seri/Endyre is still canon king in my heart but I do still think about Seri/Darren as they were the intended endgame Alex made. So even in canon “Bad End” there’s a lost love thing going on with those two
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sailormale · 2 months
Seleme in the Wasteland AU for real. Downfall of God (me) making an AU entirely for him.
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sailormale · 4 months
Rereading my old stuff on here (so much…noncon…) but Seri/Endyre still slaps! Baby’s first toxic protag/villain ship involving her own OCs!
I (and Alex) also ate with Lunoir/Kamsuke. Like main badguy’s son trying to do better but still struggling with urges (and probably daddy dearest not being a great role model doesn’t help). Also Kamsuke getting potentially put in a situation that mirrors Seri/Endyre and does Lunoir make that connection. Like he’s half badguy himself but he’s trying to be better and does he see the parallels?
Idk man, we ate with those two ships tho. Reason all the fics I wrote were about them
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sailormale · 4 years
My Prototype writeup about how the Next Gen Plotline works
Sailor Male Children AU Story
Endyre and Seri’s kids
Seleme (1st born, boy, 20) YY
Lunoir (2nd born, boy, twin of Lunaria, 18) XY
Lunaria (3rd born, girl, twin of Lunoir, 18) XX
Chibisei (4th born, girl, half-twin of Chidisei, 15) XX
Chidisei (Darren’s kid and Chibisei’s half twin, boy, 15) XY
Nakita (5th born, boy, 14) YY
 Ray and Minoru’s kids
Rain (1st born, girl, 17) XX
Rikuto (2nd born, boy, 16) XY
 Makaio and Aime’s kids
Kamsuke (Kama) (Only child, boy, 15) YY
 Dark Moon Kingdom
               In my AU version of things, it’s important to understand the setting and my version on the Dark Moon Kingdom to get certain parts of the plot.  The Dark Moon Kingdom, rather than being on the moon, is on Earth, it’s just sort of a parallel version of Earth.  It’s sort of on a separate plan of existence, but royalty and those with enough magic can pass through the barrier between the two earths. Normal Earth, where the main cast lives, is what’s left of the Moon Kingdom, but at this point has been wiped out and few descendants remain (Seri unknowingly being one of them). And as an added note, both Kingdoms have a crystal used by the royalty to protect their Kingdoms.  The Moon Kingdom has the Silver Crystal while the Dark Moon Kingdom has the Dark Crystal. Neither have the negative side effects they have in the show, they just can only be used by royalty and shouldn’t be used if severely injured of sick since they use a lot of energy.
               But that part isn’t really important, the important part is that the Dark Moon Kingdom sort of has three genders, male (XY), female (XX), and males that can naturally give birth (YY).  Thus the bold letters near the characters show what their true genders are. YY’s are for all intent and purposes male and are recognized as men (albeit somewhat feminine men), they just are capable of getting pregnant (although they can impregnate females like normal men).  Note Earth doesn’t follow these rules, thus making all the original Sailor Male Scouts XY men.  And no, I’m not trying to excuse the homosexual relationships by saying they’re not quite men, the YY thing just works out for the story (plus it needed to be used).
 Endyre and Seri
               In the universe this story takes place in, Seri ends up with Endyre instead of Darren.  Circumstances aren’t happy though.  When Endyre attacked Earth when the original cast were 14, his plan was to reunite the Moon Kingdom with the Dark Moon Kingdom (make two Earth’s one). This was due to the fact the two worlds were originally one, but due to the Great War thousands of years ago, the Moon Kingdom split to avoid being wiped out by the Dark Moon Kingdom.  The Moon Kingdom was so weakened at this point though and had no known living royalty, so the Kingdom ended up dying out. The Dark Moon Kingdom, while not destroyed, was significantly weakened by the split and suffered other hardships (which I won’t go into).  Basically though, Endyre wanted to reunite the two Kingdoms due to his world slowly dying without the aid of the Silver Crystal.
               But Seri has the Silver Crystal and is a long lost descendant of the royal family of the Moon Kingdom (and is therefore the only one who can use the Crystal), thus why Endyre initially pursues him.  The Silver Crystal can save the Dark Moon Kingdom, a world that lives off magic and needs the light of the Silver Crystal to sustain this magic while Earth has already lost its magic (thus being fine even if it lost the Silver Crystal).  
The battle between the Sailor Scouts and Endyre rages for two years with no side winning (note children from the future don’t exist or come to assist either side).  In fact, Endyre is slowly starting to overwhelm the scouts to the point where innocent people are being killed in the crossfire, the scouts not able to keep up with Endyre’s army.  But Endyre, not a complete douche at heart, doesn’t want to destroy the people of Earth, he only wants to help his people.  He decides to try and make a deal with Seri, if Seri will become his “wife” and use the Silver Crystal to help his world, he will leave Earth along with the other scouts alone.
               Seri ends up agreeing, having gained some maturity over these two years and realizing he and the other scouts won’t be able to beat Endyre.  He leaves his boyfriend, Darren, along with the other scouts behind and goes with Endyre back to the Dark Moon Kingdom.  The relationship isn’t happy between the two of them; Endyre basically forces himself on Seri (since Seri’s still stubborn and refuses to fully cooperate with being Endyre’s “wife”) and uses the power of the Dark Crystal to make Seri capable of bearing children.  Neither really care for the other, Seri despises Endyre for what he does to him while Endyre initially couldn’t care less about Seri, only wanting him as a way of saving his Kingdom and uniting the bloodlines (thus making their children capable of using both Crystals).
               The abusive relationship between the two of them continues for years, and it’s not until after Lunaria and Lunoir are born that things have improved slightly.  Seri still dislikes Endyre, but hates him less than he use to while Endyre has started to care for Seri.  But I won’t go into this too much since it’s super long and this section is already getting pretty long.  Important thing is things get better between them, Seri ends up sleeping with Darren at some point (as well as Endyre on the same day) and gets pregnant with Chibisei and Chidisei and Endyre works to raise all six of the kids as a weird, somewhat dysfunctional family.  And all the kids are super kickass, the Dark Kingdom valuing the ability to fight above most other things.
 Quick side note on why Aime and Minoru can get pregnant
               Basically in contact with Silver Crystal too much, and being Sailor Scouts left a sort of mark that made the Silver Crystal eventually let them get pregnant (Seri wished them happiness and to have a loving family with whoever they ended up falling in love with, he just didn’t know it would affect them like that).  Plus, Endyre does eventually let Seri visit everyone whenever he wants.
 Actual Plot of the Next Gen Story
               An alien race (we’ll call them the Nebel, German for mist), are a race of humanoid like people that travel to other planets in search of races they can successfully reproduce with.  Their species suffers from a severe lack of females (1 in 300 chance of child being a girl) and they have no nifty mpreg powers to make up for this.  Sadly, reproducing with other races doesn’t increase the chance of having a female, so it’s necessary for the Nebel to constantly do this.  But since they prefer not to interfere too much in other world’s affairs, they only take some people from the planets they visit and then go back home, finding a new planet and race of people when necessary.  
Basically, males of their race will travel with a small group of other males to acquire a wife from another planet when they reach adulthood (although only more elite males tend to do this, other males will remain childless and might take another male of their own race as a life partner.  This keeps the population from becoming unreasonably high since those with wives tend to have a lot of children, sometimes for adoption and such for childless couples). Earth just so happens to be the place one such small team of Nebel is visiting.
The Nebel find out that some men on Earth (actually Dark Moon Kingdom alternate Earth) are capable of giving birth, and seeing how this could possibly benefit their race if the same ability is passed to their male offspring, they try to steal away YY males. But Endyre’s crafty and due to the power of both crystals, the Nebel can’t enter the Dark Moon Kingdom. Basically this leads to a lot of conflict and the Nebel refuse to leave Earth without getting “wives.”  So lots of fighting ensues and the children of the original cast get involved, mostly cause Endyre is actively resisting the Nebel and his children get involved as a result (and are connected with the other three main characters in some significant way).
 The Nebel
They can turn into mist and use this to get to hard to reach areas, thus why they are called the Nebel.  Hiding from them is somewhat useless because this ability lets them sneak though small cracks and such.  They look exactly like normal humans except they have markings all along their body, similar to tribal markings (although less complex).  Their eyes also don’t really have pupils, they instead have a ring where the pupil would be (think of a pupil with only the edge outlined). Note they can mask these strange features to appear like normal humans.  Elite men of this race tend to be overly aggressive, although there are exceptions. Most Nebel are also much stronger and faster than normal humans, and often have a special power (although most powers are mist related).  And despite the whole forcing other races to be their mates, most Nebel are free to choose what they do with their lives (so they are only elitist in thinking their own race is the best).  Even the rare females aren’t openly forced to marry (although it’s highly encouraged) and even though some Nebel will take many wives and then breed children for adoption, other Nebel can take one wife and start a family if they so wish.
 Important Nebel, although there are still more (I haven’t developed them much yet, but about 20 came on the mission to Earth)
 Swen- The leader and oldest of the group (36ish). Has already had a wife from another planet, but due to her death, he came on this mission to find a new wife. A rather cold and calculating individual, he’s the strongest in the group as well as the smartest.  He’s also from a super elite family, so is somewhat like a high noble in his society.  He and Seleme have an interesting relationship.
 Dieter- The Nebel after Nikita (and the most successful of all the group).  Is one of the least aggressive of the group and actually seduces Nikita (at least as much as one can seduce a naïve 14 year old boy).  Believes in trying to win over a mate rather than just take one, although this doesn’t mean he’s above trickery when the situation doesn’t go his way. He tends to come off as a manipulating pedophile…a lot (although that’s technically what he is).
 Jurgen-  Sadist of the group and twin brother of Ma’ik.  Pursues Rain, since he finds her much more enticing than any of the males he meets on Earth.  Wants a mate purely for the sexual component of it while the other also at least have children on mind along with the sex.  Crazy is the easiest way to describe this one.
 Ma’ik- Twin brother of Jurgen and only slightly less crazy than his brother (but not really).  While his brother is very vocal about his depravity, Ma’ik tends to be fairly quiet and serious.  This doesn’t mean he can't get worked up though.  When it comes down to it, he’s probably more depraved and sadistic than his brother. Think of him like a creepy, quiet stalker that would follow you home in the middle of the night without you knowing and then proceed to rape and torture you as soon as he got you alone. Takes a special interest in Kamsuke (Lunoir is far from pleased about this).  Second strongest Nebel of the group.
 Uta-  Only female Nebel on board.  She’s the 15 year old daughter of Swen and he brought her to Earth to see if she could find a mate of her own (although he never really stresses the issue and mainly brought her to keep her safe from being married off on their home planet while he’s away.  He’s a bit of an overprotective dad when it comes to her).  A mostly sweet girl, but can get a bit Tsundere at times.  Seems mostly naïve to what the other Nebel are doing, but when she does understand, she mostly supports what’s going on (although like Dieter, believes mates should be seduced rather than forced). Has a weird sort of romance with Rikuto (the only straight couple that kind of works out in this crazy story).
 Characters Roles in Story (the briefer version)
               While he does help fight the Nebel, he’s sort of left his family at this point so he does his own thing rather than cooperate with the others. He specializes in seducing and sleeping with men (it’s his “fighting style”), and focuses on Swen, realizing he’s the leader.  Thinks Swen doesn’t realize he’s seducing him for information, but Swen realizes what he’s doing from the beginning.  Swen eventually decides to try and make him his mate since he finds the idea of taking Endyre’s first born and heir to the Dark Moon Kingdom highly amusing.  Seleme also ends up pregnant with his kid around this point.  Note Seleme’s more willful than he seems and doesn’t take this lying down (no pun intended). But despite all this, he does find himself attracted to Swen.
               Really really really hates the Nebel (on par with his father on this issue).  Can hold his own against the Nebel the best out of everyone and has to spend a lot of time helping Kamsuke and Rain (he and Lunaria do tend to stick together after all). Him and Ma’ik tend to have a lot of bitter battles, but Ma’ik is always too strong to ever be defeated.
               While some of the Nebel do take an interest in her, most ignore her in favor of either Rain or the other cute, femy boys.  Her and Lunoir do most of the fighting through this whole ordeal and spend a lot of time on normal Earth trying to help Rain and Kamsuke (since they refuse to go to the Dark Moon Kingdom for whatever reason).
               Stays back in the Dark Moon Kingdom a lot to help her parents, but will go to Earth with Lunaria and Lunoir occasionally.  She’s usually viewed as too young to be useful for bearing children, so the Nebel tend to ignore her (note this is based on her looks over her age much of the time).  Mainly works closely with her father to figure out how to solve the problem of the Nebel.  She’s also the first to notice what’s happening to Nikita and tries to get everyone to help, but by then it’s too late.
               Kinda useless when it comes down to it.  He can’t help Chibisei and his parents, but isn’t good at fighting like his older siblings.  Him, Kamsuke, and Nikita (who also wants to help but doesn’t know what he can do) decide to do their own research on the Nebel by confronting some of them (which doesn’t always end well and sometimes ends with Lunaria and Lunoir having to save the day).  Feels responsible about what eventually happens to his best friend and brother, even if it’s not his fault.
               Has it the worst right after Kamsuke.  He meets Deiter while he’s searching for information about the Nebel with Chidisei and Kamsuke.  Deiter is disguised as a normal person at the time, so they don’t recognize the danger. Much of what happens to Nikita is that whenever he’s alone, Deiter shows up and starts going all seductive pedophile on him.  Nikita is very naïve though, so he doesn’t initially realize the danger Deiter poses. Deiter eventually manipulates him into having sex with him multiple times (never quite rape, but not totally consensual either) and Nikita ends up pregnant, at which point Deiter kidnaps him. Eventually gets taken back to the Nebels’s home planet with Deiter (thus why Deiter is the most successful of all the Nebel, he gets his “wife,” even if at the expense of his “wife’s“ happiness).
               She and Lunaria are such the battle couple in this, it isn’t even funny (with Lunoir added as the somewhat condescending brother/brother-in-law). Jurgen takes an unhealthy interest in her, but surprisingly she avoids getting raped unlike every other character a specific Nebel takes an interest in.  She doesn’t want to flee to the Dark Moon Kingdom for protection since she fears her parents (specifically Minoru) will be targeted.  
               Him and Seleme would be good friends if they took the effort.  He also acts a bit independently in fighting the Nebel (he uses Chakram like weapons) and meets Uta by chance when she’s being super naïve at a convenience store.  Initially thinks she’s a normal girl and doesn’t realize she’s a Nebel until they’ve both developed feelings for each other.  He’s straight, unlike everyone else in this story, and his relationship with Uta is one of the key factors to solving the problem with the Nebel.
               Poor, poor Kamsuke.  He suffers a lot due to being the only YY male on normal Earth.  He’s a sickly boy in this universe and is wheelchair bound (although he can still fight with a bow made of his energy).  Ma’ik takes an unhealthy interest in him, wanting someone to both torture and have as a pet to bear his children (the crippled legs is a sort of turn on for him since it means Kama can never run away and would have to drag himself along the ground in an attempt to get away from him). Lunoir works hard to try and protect him, but like Rain, he refuses to go to the Dark Moon Kingdom for similar reasons.  Despite Lunoir’s best efforts and almost constant supervision, Ma’ik eventually manages to kidnap Kama and proceeds to torture and rape him.  The experience leaves him devastated, broken, and (you guessed it) pregnant.  Added to this, like Deiter, Ma’ik succeeds in getting Kamsuke back to his home planet. Lunoir and the others eventually manage to rescue him (after a few years of course), but Lunoir and Kama have a long road of recovery ahead of them.
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sailormale · 4 years
Fun fact of that drabble I just posted it Kamsuke would have had two children by Ma’ik by the time he’s rescued.  Although Ma’ik isn’t keeping any of the children he’s having, as he immediately sends them away to some family on his home planet who’s awaiting a child.
Basically, the nonsense reason I came up with for why these weird creeper aliens wanted to abduct some of the YY boys was because they come from a race of mostly males.  Who are cursed to contribute a Y chromosome when they have children 99.99% of the time.  So kidnapping these YY boys means they’re guaranteed to mostly produce children that can then go on to have more children themselves.
Ma’ik is a sociopath though and is mostly on the mission since it means he can find some cute boy to fuck constantly and use as a sex toy.  There was a plotline  about how Swen, the leader of the invading alien race (who’s Uta’s dad) ends up getting involved with Seleme, who decides he’s going to try and seduce him for info (and of course ends up pregnant with his child), but his sacrifice is what ultimately leads to the group being able to rescue Nikita and Kama.
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sailormale · 4 years
Main Verse
Characters: Lunoir, Kamsuke, Lunaria, kinda a lot of the mainer cast alluded to
Summary:  It’s been three years since Kamsuke was abducted by Ma’ik.  Three long years of searching for him. But when Lunoir finally finds him, he’s not prepared for the state he finds him in
Warnings: Noncon/sex slavery/mpreg, basically a bad time.  I’d say this is a Bad End, but this was honestly canon when I first developed these character.  But counts as Bad End now. Also it’s sadly in 1st person
Word Count: 3,045
           Three years.  Three fucking years of fighting, constant guilt, and searching for some elusive clue I might have missed only for it to have come to this.  The naked boy sprawled in front of me was not the boy I had lost three years ago, he just couldn’t be.  The Kama I knew would have greeted me with a gentle smile, perhaps even a light blush would have covered his cheeks as he lightly chastised me for taking so long to find him.  He would not have just stared at me with empty eyes without a trace of recognition in them. And he certainly would not have then proceeded to give me a coy smile before parting his thighs in what I assumed was suppose to be an inviting manner.
           The action had quite the opposite effect in fact, seeing what had become of that sweet boy from so long ago made me want to hurl and then break something, preferably the bastard who was the cause of all this.  The urge to leave this room and find that bastard was strong, a bit too strong in fact, but that wasn’t part of the plan.  Lunaria had already told me over and over again that I wasn’t to seek revenge, my job was to get in and bring Kama back.  But what if there was no Kama to bring back? Rationally, I knew the boy in front of me had to be Kama, his appearance may have changed slightly, but the white locks and emerald eyes were unmistakable.  This planet also wasn’t exactly known for having pregnant boys and the boy in front of me was quite obviously pregnant, probably early in his third trimester.
           But now wasn’t the time to be thinking about all this, for now I needed to concentrate on getting this boy out of here.  I just hoped he would be more cooperative than Nikita had been.  It’d certainly be much harder to sneak out of here undetected if his screaming alerted the entire building to our presence.
           Forcing myself to walk closer to the bed Kama was sprawled on, I tried my best to keep my voice calm as I spoke to him.  “Kama, I’ve come to take you back home,” I whispered, hoping if I acted like nothing was wrong he would start acting like himself again.  “Everything’s going to be okay now.  You’re safe with me.”
           “Don’t worry, I won’t let that bastard touch you. You’re safe with me Kama.”
           “But Lunoir, h-he said he’d find me no matter what I did.”
           “Hush love, as long as you stay by my side, he won’t have the chance to get to you.  Everything’s going to be okay, I promise.”
           “Aren’t you going to fuck me first, mister?” the boy who wore Kama’s face replied, looking up at me with that coy smile and the ever empty eyes.  “Master said it was okay as long as you’re not too rough.  We don’t want to harm the baby.”
           The urge to hit something grew, but seeing that all that was nearby was Kama, I quickly quelled the urge. “Kama, you don’t have to… do that kind of thing anymore.  I’m taking you home, back to Earth.”
           His smile faltered a bit, instead taking on a sort of confused look.  “You don’t want to fuck me,” he questioned. “Did Master say it’s best to wait until after the baby is born before fucking me?  Because that’s not true, I can take it just fine right now.”  He nodding then, seemly pleased with himself before going back to smiling at me coyly. “Go on, mister, I know that’s what you want, otherwise you wouldn’t have come here.”
           “Kama, I don’t think you understa…”
           “No, I understand just fine, mister.  Master’s played this game before so I already know what to expect.   I’ll give you credit for fitting the appearance so well, but I’ve already played this game plenty of times.  But if you want to play like that, I suppose we can.”  With that, he shifted closer to me, turning on his side so he was now facing me rather than staring upward.  
           His countenance seemed to change suddenly, shifting from coy smile to a desperate, tear-filled look.  “You finally came,” he sobbed, reaching for my shirt with shaky hands.  “I waited so long, but I knew you would come for me. He said you wouldn’t, that’d you’d found someone else, but I knew you would come.”  His grip on my shirt tightened, pulling me down closer to him before leaning upward to wrap his arms around my neck.
           Not entirely sure what was going on, I was both relieved and unnerved by this sudden switch in behavior.  This was more how I had expected him to react when I found him, but judging by what he had been saying earlier, it seemed like he thought this was some sort of role play.  Had that bastard done something like this before, created a situation where it seemed like rescue was a possibility only to have it turn out to be another sick form of torture.
           Wrapping my arms around his small frame in what I hoped came off as comforting rather than sexual, I gently started to rub small circles on his back, trying to sooth away his sobbing.  “Kama, it really is me this time.  This isn’t a trick devised by that…man.  I really am here to take you back home.”  Stupid, like he’d believe something like that.  Like empty words could prove anything at this point.
           “Lunoir, oh Lunoir,” he moaned, trying to pull me down on top of him, something which I marginally managed to avoid only by placing one of my hands beside his head, causing me to hover over him rather than be pressed directly against his body.  “Please take me.  Make me forget his touch and the feel of him inside my body.  Make love to me like you used to.”
           The soft leather of the car gave a slight squeaking sound every time we moved, adding an almost odd harmony to accompany the rocking of our bodies.
           “Please Noir, h-harder,” the small boy beneath me moaned, pushing his hips forward to try and meet my thrusts.
           “Of course, love,” I chuckled, using the hold I had on his hips to shift his body just slightly, lining up our bodies in a way I knew felt so very good for him every time I snapped my hips back into his awaiting ass.  The choked scream of pleasure I got proved I was hitting that perfect spot in him, the place that drove him crazy with need.
           Oh, how his parents would kill me if they knew what I did to their sweet little boy every time I took him out alone with me. Drove to a secluded spot no one would find us when I said I was taking him to the movies, to a restaurant, to meet the others for a good time amongst friends.  If they only knew the soft promises we would whisper to each other, the professions of love made before clothes were shed and I was fucking that willing body into the backseat of my car, wanting so badly to rip off the condom I was wearing so that when I came inside him, his parents would have no choice but to give him to me.  If our union would result in the creation of a child, his parents would have to let him go, knowing their son wouldn’t be willing to raise a child on his own.
           “Oh god, Noir, right there,” he moaned, words coming out slurred as his grip tightened on my shoulders, both of us close now.  It wasn’t too much longer before both of us were coming, him thrashing under me in a silent scream while I tried to bury myself as far as I could inside his body, wishing I could release my seed in him so he would forever be tainted with my essence, forever be marked as mine.
           “Kama, I’m not going to have sex with you.  I’m going to sneak you out of here, take you back to where the others are waiting, and then bring you home.  And if the only way to prove to you this isn’t a trick is to show you then so be it.”  It was hard not to react when Kama had such a wanton look on his face, tears mixed in with the desperation to create the perfect picture of submission.  And despite everything that had happened, I still wanted him so very badly.  Three years without sex probably didn’t help, but between constantly trying to find him as well as my lost brother, I didn’t have time for sex.  Besides, we had promised forever and denying myself the touch of another worked to quell my self-hate, acting as a sort of punishment for breaking my promise and failing to protect him.
           The current situation did the trick though.  It was hard to remain turned on with the knowledge of where we were.  The round belly pressing against my stomach also worked wonders to quell my libido, the fact that another man had achieved what I had so desperately wanted succeeded in replacing my desire with anger. And again, it was so very hard not to find that bastard, make him suffer as the blood slowly drained from his body.  Kill him for ruining everything Kama and I had had together.
           Kama hadn’t loosened his grip though, still trying to tug me down on top of him.  “After,” he moaned, starting to look more desperate than depressed.  “Fuck me first and then we can leave.”
           I had to push him away to get out of his grip, standing up straight to make sure he would have a harder time reaching me if he tried to pull me down again. He let out a sort of choked sob when I did that, trying to reach for me with his too thin arms.  I noted with revulsion how hard he was, despite being quite the contrary when I’d first entered the room and neither of us having touched that area since I entered.  My sweet Kama, who’d always taken well placed words and touches before he was even slightly excited, was begging like a wanton whore for someone he assumed was just another man here to use his body for pleasure.
           Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to put on a seductive smile, taking one of his grasping hands in mine.  Perhaps if I played along, I could get him out of here without any further delay. If I let him think this was just some role playing between strangers, maybe he would leave this building without any further protest.
           “We’ll make love once we’re out of here, dear.  I’d much rather take you once we’re back with the others than on the bed that man has taken you in,” I smiled, running my other hand gently across his face.  His reaction to my words was very enthusiastic, hands latching onto mine while he nodding in approval.
           “Yes, yes, just please hurry,” he cried, arching off the bed as if in pleasure.
           “You have to be quite while we escape though,” I whispered, “No one can know we’re leaving.  They’ll try to stop us if they do.”  He nodding, but didn’t say anything, seemingly having taken my words to heart.
           Stepping back from him slightly, I quickly removed my jacket, not wanting him to be completely naked when I brought him back to the others.  Ignoring his fidgeting, I quickly wrapped my jacket around him, noting in satisfaction it did a fairly adequate job covering him. Debating how to best carry him out, I opted on bridal style since it would put the less strain on his stomach.
           As I moved to pick him up I noticed the many long scars covering his body, but my eyes were especially drawn to the ones on his lower legs, being the main area my jacket didn’t cover.  Upon closer inspection, it turned out he had a number of long, thin scars surrounding his ankles, almost as if someone had deliberately taken a knife to his legs. I noted with growing nausea that the scars were especially prominent on the back on his ankle, right where his tendons would have been.
           Not wanting to think about what that meant, I hurriedly picked him up, only slightly relieved that Kama was being so obedient by not struggling or making any noise. Mentally going over the directions I had taken to find this room, I backtracked to where I knew the exit would be. There thankfully weren’t that many guards to avoid, Ma’ik probably not expecting any one to break into some secluded building in the middle of nowhere.  Kama was silent the whole journey, face set in a blank, unseeing expression.
It took a little over fifteen minutes to get back to the exit, but once I did, I sprinted towards the forest I knew the portal back home would be waiting for us in. It wasn’t that long before Lunaria came into view, dark crystal clenched in her hand to maintain the softly glowing portal beside her.
Looking down at Kama, I noted the slowly growing confusion spreading across his face.  “This really is real, Kama,” I whispered.  “I really am Lunoir.”
 Not taking time to let him reply, I quickly sped past Lunaria, exchanging a quick glace with her before steeping into the portal.
“How bad is he,” her expression had asked, and it was with closed eyes and a grimace I relayed his condition to her.  I’m not sure what exactly I had been expecting when I went to rescue Kama, but from what I could tell so far, his condition was leaning towards the worse side of the scenarios I had imagined.
Lunaria followed silently behind us, closing the portal once we were all inside and creating a new one to take us back to Earth, back to where everyone was waiting for us.  It was with a heavy heart that I stepped into the throne room of my home, cringing at the way Aime rushed towards us, tears starting to fall down his face as he took in his son’s appearance.
Kama had started struggling by this point, looking around wildly while he tried to push himself out of my hold.  “Please,” he whimpered, “Please stop lying.”  His mumbling increased in volume until he was screaming, body thrashing in my arms as I struggled not to accidently drop him.
At some point my father had rushed over to us, moving the others out of the way before saying something to me I couldn’t seem to hear.  He was pulling Kama away from me though and I let him, dulling watching at he hurriedly carried Kama over to a cot, Chibisei by his side as they both quickly set to work trying to restrain him from thrashing around and further injuring himself
Some of the others moved closer to the cot, but I just stood there, watching as Chibisei cast some spell on Kama that finally stopped his screaming.  Lunaria had moved beside me at this point, gently taking my hand in hers.
“It’s going to be okay,” her gentle squeeze tried to convey, but the message was half-hearted, I don’t think even she believed what she was saying.
“It’s not going to be okay,” I whispered, turning to her in time to see tears start to spill from her eyes.  “It’s not going to be okay.”
“When you’re older, what do you say to becoming my bride?” I whispered, gently running my hands through the mop of hair that rested on my bare chest.
The boy resting beside me gave a startled gasp, snapping his head up to look at me. “But I’m a boy Lunoir,” he protested, “Boy’s can’t be brides. And even if I could, the future king needs better than a sickly boy who can barely walk as his bride.  You need someone who can help you rule.”
“I think you would be perfect in helping me rule, but if you’re really that worried about that, how about just the two of us start a life together.  I’m sure one of my siblings could take the throne in my stead.”
“But that still doesn’t change the fact you deserve better.”
Sighing, I pushed his head back down on my chest, resuming running my fingers through his hair.  “If I thought you weren’t good enough, I wouldn’t have asked, Kama.  Do you not want to be my bride?”
           “It’s not that, I’m just so…”
           “If this is about walking I already told you I’d help you with that.  We’ll practice a little bit every day and before you know it, you’ll be taking walks all the way across town.  And even if you couldn’t, I would never think any less of you.  I love my Kama just the way he is, dependant and all.
           “Dork,” Kama mumbled, nuzzling his head against my chest.  “I’m not using my wheelchair at the wedding though, you’d better be sure of that.”
           “Oh, so you accept my offer.  I can officially go brag about having a bride I’m awaiting to exit jail-bait status before marrying.
           The blush that covered Kama’s cheeks made him look even more beautiful if that was possible.  “Yes, I’m accepting your offer, just don’t tell my parents yet.  I don’t think they’ll understand.”
           “Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to win Mommy’s and Daddy’s approval before setting the date.
           “You’d better.”
           A brief brush of lips and then we were both back to resting against each other, sleep starting to intrude on the both of us.
           “Love ya, Noir,” the angel beside me mumbled, eyes drooping shut as sleep stared to overtake his version.
           “Love you too, Kama,” one last kiss on the forehead and then I too let sleep start to overtake me, content in the knowledge that when I woke the next day, this beautiful angel would still be by my side, and would continue to be, for years and years to come.
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sailormale · 4 years
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Found these old gems while going through old docs.  Pokemon Au with the main crew.  Fairy didn’t exist when I made these so I had to get loose with Seri and Minoru’s elements.  In order it goes Seri, Aime, Ray, Makaio, Minoru, and Darren
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sailormale · 4 years
Lunoir’s 13 Year Old Scandal - Lunaria’s POV
Main Verse
Characters: Lunaria, Lunoir
Summary:  The feel when you find out your 16 year old twin brother banged a 13 year old. Basically Lunaria is mad at Lunoir 
Warnings: A followup to the previous fic.  Written in 1st person, which even I now hate. Also just some casual mention of noncon, even if that ain’t what happened
Word Count: 413
“What the hell were you thinking?”  I shrieked at my twin, who was looking far too smug leaning against the wall opposite me. “The boy’s only 13, do you have any idea what you’ve done?”
“Oh, stop acting like it’s such a big deal, Lunaria, all we did was have sex.”
“But he’s 13, you idiot.  He shouldn’t be having sex with anyone at that age.”
“I wasn’t much older when I first had sex,” Lunoir replied, seemingly unconcerned with how serious the situation was.  “I really don’t see why you’re making such a big deal about this.”
Sighing in exasperation, I wondered if whacking him on the head is what it would take to knock some sense into him.  Lunoir, my idiot twin brother, had finally told me what his “big night” from two weeks ago entailed.  I wasn’t expecting it to be anything virtuous, sex was actually exactly what I was expecting it was, but I would have never guessed that the person he had had sex with would have been Kamsuke.
I didn’t know the boy that well, Nikita and Chidisei being the ones who spent the most time with him, but I had spent enough time around him to know that having sex with my brother was not going to lead to anything positive.  The boy was extremely innocent, blushing at the slightest allusion to sex and far too sweet to be engaging in something like that with Lunoir.  Added to that, he was sickly, having to be carted about in a wheelchair most of the time due to his frail limbs.
Which lead to another issue, how could a tiny, frail boy who was prone to passing out from exhaustion even properly have sex with Lunoir?  And why would someone so innocent even agree to something like that, especially in the cramped backseat of a car.   And then a horrible thought struck me, one I didn’t want to believe, but still couldn’t shack off.
“You didn’t…force him, did you?”
Lunoir actually looked rather put off by that, the smirk that he had been wearing changing to a scowl.  “Of course not,” he growled.  ‘Do you really think so little of me, sis?”
Blushing a bit, I knew it was wrong to think that way about my brother, but even I could see that between all of us, Lunoir was the most like father.  And it wasn’t exactly a secret that father hadn’t started his relationship with mom consensually.
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sailormale · 4 years
Kama Emo as Hell Stream of Thought Thing
Main Verse
Characters: Kamsuke, Lunoir
Summary:  Kama reflects on his relationship with Lunoir.  
Warnings: This one is legit really bad and I cringe reading it.  It’s also rather inaccurate to what Alex and I went on to decide for these two.  For actual warnings tho, underage sex and nsfw
Word Count: 1,310
          Sometimes, I wondered why I continued to do this, making up fake excuses about why I couldn’t hang out with friends, lying to my parents about where I was going.  There were many times when I came close to just telling them the truth, but then I would remember his touch, his smile whenever he would pick me up for one of our dates, and I knew why I continued this, why I continued this web of lies I had entangled myself in.
           I knew that what we did together was wrong, was immoral.  Even if he said that it was simply a way of expressing our love for each other, much of what we did was out of sheer carnal pleasure.  Sex was something done between two people who were married, or at least two people much older than us.  We were both still too young to be engaging in this kind of activity, but whenever we were alone, it always ended with me on my back and him rocking inside of me.
           I was 13 when we first had sex while he had recently turned 16.  He had driven me a ways out of town to a spot well off the road that wasn’t visible unless one knew where to look.  I think I knew what he was planning, but I could never deny him anything and in a way, I wanted to know what it felt like.  I had heard older boys discussing sex at school and they always described it as the most amazing sensation in the world.
           Things had started out fairly innocent, a gentle kiss and arms wrapping around my small torso.  But then he started to move his hands along my body, touching places that caused me to release sounds I wasn’t aware I could make.  Our kisses grew more heated and he ended up moving us to the back seat, lying me down flat so he could hover over me.
           I never protested throughout any of it, not when he started to remove my clothes, not even when he coated his fingers with some weird liquid and pushed them inside of me.  I didn’t even protest when he pushed a much more intimate part of his body inside me, even though the pain was initially near unbearable.  In fact, I don’t think I said much of anything throughout the whole ordeal except perhaps his name, spending most my time writhing and moaning underneath him.
           But despite what I might be making it sound like, he was very gentle with me, even I could tell that.  He spent much of our first time whispering words of reassurance to me, knowing all the right places to touch to ease any pain I felt into pleasure.  I could tell he must have some kind of past experience with sex, he knew too much about what to do to make this good for the both of us for this to have been his first time, but I never bothered to ask, not caring about the others who had come before me.
           We didn’t have sex all that often at first, but as time passed, our encounters became more frequent.  I started lying to my friends about what I did after school, lying to my parents about who I stayed with when I would spend the night with him.  Carnal pleasure turned to love, even though I had loved him for quite some time, but for him that seemed to be what happened. We no longer just had sex, we now made love during our time together.
           And that only served to strengthen my resolve to keep up this web of lies. When my friends would tease me about my lack of a girlfriend, about being a virgin, I would always play along. I would refuse to tell them about the man from another world who made love to me on an almost weekly bases, about how I had lost my virginity in the backseat of his car before most of them even had a girlfriend.
           And I certainly refused to tell my parents the true extent of my relationship with Lunoir, knowing they would do everything in their power to keep us apart if they knew the truth.  I think they hated him, or at least had a very strong dislike for him.  They seemed to think that he was exactly like his father, and while I had never met the man, mom and dad told me stories, stories about a man who killed others in his quest for power, who abducted their best friend and forced said best friend to become his wife, to satisfy his carnal desires, and bear his children.            But I knew Lunoir wasn’t like that, and even if he was, sometimes I thought I’d be okay with that.  If he took me back to his world, we could continue this immoral relationship without the concern of others.  Surely, in a world where men could kidnap and force people to become their wives, our relationship would be almost saintly.  I would willingly let him use my body to satisfy his carnal pleasures, and while I would try to convince him to wait until we were at least a little bit older, I would even willingly bear his children for him.
           And that led to a whole other issue, the fact I could bear children, despite being quite obviously male.  I hadn’t initially understood what exactly it meant when my parents explained why I was so sickly, explained how I had a rare genetic mutation that made my body weak. It wasn’t until Lunoir explained how his world worked to me, explained the significance in what he referred to as ‘YY males’ and how these males were born weak and sickly when the world’s magic was low, that I understood my situation.  My body wasn’t meant for Earth, a world that had lost most of its magic long ago.
           He used that fact on the few occurrences he tried to convince me to go to his world with him, said that the magic there would help my sickly body, make it easier for me to walk without assistance.  But I couldn’t leave, wouldn’t leave my parents behind to elope with a man when I was still only 15.  Perhaps when I was older, I’d go to live with him in his world, but for now I still wanted to give my world a try, wanted to properly repay my parents for all they had done for me.
           Lunoir luckily wouldn’t push the issue, would kiss me after I would attempt to explain my reasoning to him and then proceed to make love to me, showing me he could live with the current state of our relationship and would wait until I was ready before taking me back to his world.
           It was during those times after we made love, as we lay content in each other’s arms that my resolve to continue this web of lies was the strongest.  No matter how selfish, how amoral this relationship was, I knew that I loved him dearly, would be willing to deal with whatever consequences our actions may have had if it meant I could be with him. And maybe it was the love that kept me strong, made this relationship or ours seem a little less wrong.  Maybe this really was a way to express our love to each other, maybe all the words and promises we exchanged meant something important, meant this could last if we worked together.  And even if it couldn’t, at least for now, we had each other. I would use every ounce of strength in this sickly body to protect this man and work to keep this love alive, work to make this a love that could be eternal.
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sailormale · 4 years
Kamsuke Heat
Main Verse
Characters: Kamsuke, some nameless boys
Summary:  What is clearly omegaverse content I wrote back in 2012, even if it’s not labeled as such or even what I was going for at the time.  Basically Kamsuke goes into heat at school and gets knocked up by his school bullies
Warnings: AU.  Kamsuke gets gangbanged but he’s into it. Also NSFW and trashy
Word Count: 709
               It was with a loud grunt that the third boy climaxed, spilling his hot seed inside Kamsuke.  Stroking the hips of the quivering boy under him, he pulled out and moved away, only to be replaced by another who was eagerly watching from the sidelines
               Kamsuke gasped as the fourth boy pushed inside, his body easily accepting the hard cock.  As the boy pounded into him in earnest, Kamsuke couldn’t help but reflect how good it felt.  How good it felt to be opened up like this, insides coated with the seed of these boys he barely knew.  The harsh slap of skin on skin, the burn of being taken over and over again, all of it felt amazing, like there was no other place he should be but spread out underneath someone, a hard cock pounding into his ass.
               The day had started so mundane, although he had felt a little feverish when he’d awoken.  He’d gotten up, went to school, and had been approached by four boys during lunch. Things had been fairly straightforward, the boys had threatened him, probably wanting his lunch money again, and Kamsuke had resisted like always.  But somewhere along the line, they had moved to one of the old warehouses on the outskirts of school and everything had just been so hot.  The fever had gotten worse and the only thing that had made it better had been rubbing up against the boys.  A mat had been pulled away from the wall and used to make a sort-of-bed and clothes had been shed at some point.  Had he consented?  Kamsuke wasn’t sure.  He thought he had, he remembered being the first to pull off his shirt and he had lain on the mat eagerly.  But everything was so jumbled and he wasn’t even sure how they had gotten to the warehouse in the first place.
               All of that hadn’t been important though after the first boy had slid inside him.  Kamsuke had been on his back, hips raised when the first boy approached, cock easily slipping between his checks.  In retrospect, Kamsuke would wonder at the ease of entry, at the way he’d gotten wet before the boy had breached him.  At the time though, all he’d wanted was the boy’s cock inside him, thrusting until his insides were filled with the boy’s cum.  After the first boy had climaxed, he’s been replaced with one of the other boys, who fucked Kamsuke until he too had filled the boy with his seed.  The process had continued, each boy having a turn with him as Kamsuke mewled and moaned on the ground, eagerly taking everything they gave him.
               As the fourth boy climaxed, adding his hot cum to the mess inside, Kamsuke came with a scream, body shuddering as he clenched down on the boy still inside.  The boy rode out his orgasm, pumping what he could inside Kamsuke before pulling out.
               “Well that was fun!” one of the boys laughed, giving Kamsuke a toothy grin. “You up for another round, sweetheart?” All four boys laughed as Kamsuke eagerly nodded, and the whole thing started up again.  It must have been over an hour before they’d finally had their fill and left Kamsuke lying on the mat in the warehouse, one even slipping him his number in case he ever wanted a repeat.
               Kamsuke just laid there, oddly blissful and content at the feeling of being so full with the boys’ seed.  It wouldn’t be until months later that he understood the significance of that day, that it was much more than just a momentary lapse in judgment.  The nausea was the first clue, but once he stomach started to swell, it became obvious something was wrong.
                It might have almost been better if he had been dying like he originally though, because being pregnant had been so much harder to deal with.  How do you explain to your parents that you let four guys you barely knew gangbang you one afternoon while skipping class.  How do you explain to those four guys that one of them might be a father (two potentially, since it turned out he was having twins and for all he knew, they didn’t even have the same father).
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sailormale · 4 years
Okay as a note, I’m going through all my old fics, and while some of them are legit awful, I’m gonna post them all anyways since I strongly believe in archiving all content
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sailormale · 4 years
SeriEn Noncon Drabble
Main Verse
Characters: Endyre, Seri
Summary:  An old WIP meant to show how their relationship changes.  But I only wrote the first scene
Warnings: Definitely NSFW and definitely noncon
Word Count: 209
           “Please… stop!”
           Silence, save for the harsh slapping of skin against skin and labored breathing.
           “Please, i-it hurts. Please stop!”
           Harsh laughter and the dark haired man was leaning down over his captive, running his tongue along the long trail of tears running down each cheek. “What happened to all that spunk from earlier, Seri?  Weren’t you just telling me how you refused to beg for me.”
           An especially harsh thrust and the blond haired boy was screaming, again pulling at his restraints to try and do something, anything to get away from the man using his body in such a disgusting way.  
           And all the man would do was laugh, drive harder into the body beneath him, taking pleasure from the pain he was inflicting on the boy.  And oh, how he wanted so badly to wrap his hands around that slender neck, relish in the feeling as the life slowly drained from the boy’s body.
           But he needed the boy for other, more pressing matters and his hatred could be expressed in other, far more satisfying ways.  And as he came inside the boy with a final grunt, he thought that this was perhaps worse than any method of death or torture he could come up with.
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sailormale · 4 years
All 5 Have Issues: Ray
Main Verse
Characters: Ray, Minoru
Summary:  Was going through old files and fold this old draft detailing the troubles of the Main 5.  I only finished Ray’s
Word Count: 340
           It wasn’t until he was older that he finally understood the pitying looks his grandfather would sometimes give him, the whispers he would hear when he passed his neighbors on his way to elementary school.
           “Did you hear about that boy’s mother? It’s a pity really, I feel sorry for Mr. Aro.”
           “I know, getting knocked up by some man, only to abandon her son with her father.”
           But Ray didn’t care about any of that. Sometimes, it would make him sad to see the other children embracing their mothers as they came to pick them up from school.  Sometimes, it would bother him that he didn’t have a father to brag about with the other boys.  But he had his grandfather, (his perverted grandfather who would rather spend his time chasing anything in a skirt) who would teach him about being a temple priest, teach him the ancient spells and seals that would prove surprisingly useful one day.
           He never begrudged the man though.  His grandfather still loved him, (he hadn’t left him in some foster home after all), and it wasn’t as bad as his friends seemed to think.
           He remembered that one day, after Minoru had finally started to spend time with the four of them, that they had all come over to his house.  His grandfather had pulled his usual antics, flirted with his friends (save for Makaio of course), and while Minoru had seemed overly uncomfortable (he had hid behind Ray the entire time, shivering slightly with gasping breaths), overall it had seemed okay.
           But afterwards, Minoru had urgently pulled him to the side, worriedly asking questions concerning his grandfather.
           “Are…are you okay living with him? He…he doesn’t hurt you…right?”
           Ray had laughed at that (an insensitive response in retrospect), not understanding Minoru’s concern and reassured him it was alright (grandfather just likes to harass people, that’s all).
           And Minoru seemed to believe him (or perhaps just didn’t want to talk about it) and dropped the subject, giving him a shaky smile before heading home. 
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sailormale · 6 years
General Note About This Verse
(And also totally a note to Alex), but basically everything Gen 3 and onwards is super off the rails and just fun side stuff I did in my spare time. I like designing random characters, so grandkids of the main cast was a thing I got pretty in depth with (only a hint was ever written down/drawn though).  I posted some of it here for archival reasons, but really, only content labeled Gen 1 and 2 matter, since it's the original cast and their kids that actually have content (and since we’re thinking of reviving the series, the only characters we would focus on). 
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sailormale · 6 years
Notes of Character Differences
Major points of departure from the Main Verse include…
End game couples change.  They become Seri/Darren, Aime/Ray, and Minoru/Makaio.
The kids change as a result.  Chidisei and Seleme are the only two kids from the Main Verse who also exist in this timeline (however there is now only a 2 year age difference between them as opposed to 5).
The new kids are Haruto (Aime/Ray’s son), Lillian (Minoru/Makaio’s daughter) and Kou (Seri/Darren second son).
Hotaka still exists, but is being raised by Pharus. 
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sailormale · 6 years
The Wasteland AU
         How much difference could one choice make?  Would one choice be enough to change the world?  To save it or destroy it?
         When Seri refuses to take Endyre’s hand, and chooses to keep fighting instead of giving in, he sets the world on a path of no return.  With Endyre’s death, the barrier between the two worlds crumble, and youma are able to invade Earth, destroying most of civilization.  What remains in the aftermath is a wasteland of survivors, forced to fight the youma and even each other if they wish to survive.
        (Basically, an alternate timeline of the Sailer Male series.  When Endyre offers Seri a way out, a deal to stop fighting if only Seri will return to his world with him as his queen, Seri’s choice drastically changes the course the world takes.  The Wasteland AU is the outcome of Seri refusing the offer. When Endyre then kidnaps Seri and forces him back to his world with him, Seri kills Endyre and escapes.  Without their combined powers to strengthen the barrier, it slowly decays, and eventually the world is invaded by monsters.)
       (As a side note, most of the Wasteland AU takes place 20 years after these events, but I’ll probably cover things from before and after that).
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sailormale · 8 years
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Chidisei, the oldest son of Seri and Darren.  He starts off as a sweet boy, but develops a harsher personality as he ages.
In the Main Verse, he’s aware from a very early age he’s not Endyre’s biological son, despite the fact Endyre does try to treat him the same as his other children (the royal couple pass his hair color off as recessive genes from Seri’s side of the family, to avoid scandal).  Chidi is very close to his twin sister Chibi, and when the two were younger they rarely would spend time apart.  Once he’s older, Lunoir does start to have a negative influence on him, and he becomes a bit of a flirt.  Going to random parties to pick up cute strangers would likely become a brotherly bonding activity for them! 
After the events with the Nebel, Chidi becomes more pessimistic in his outlook of the world.  From a young age he always looked up to his parents as unshakable heroes who could protect anybody, so seeing them fail really shook up his perception of them, as well as how he started to view others.  If his own parents could fail him so badly, why wouldn’t the same be true for everyone else he meets.
In the Wasteland AU, Chidisei is older when the main events start to go down, being only two years younger than Seleme as opposed to the five he is in the Main Verse.  He fights with a bow for the most part but is proficient in hand-to-hand combat when he needs to resort to that.  Initially, when the group comes across other groups of survivors, Chidi is always the first to advocate cooperation and trying to interact with the other group.  Once his brother, Kou, is kidnapped, he becomes much more distrusting and quick to attack anyone who seems like a threat.  This becomes worse once they eventually rescue Kou, and he sees what kind of shape he’s in.  He becomes extremely ruthless in his killing of both youma and humans, and is very quick to anger, where before he had a more cheerful, upbeat demeanor.   This causes a lot of friction with the others, but most of them are too busy grieving from their own problems to really know how to help Chidisei.
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